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GordonJ June 18, 2008 10:50 AM

Stay HOME, save gas, make MONEY in your shorts, it's EASY.
I saw my third Moped today while walking to the store for a morning cup of coffee. ALSO, a couple of OLD guys (like me) riding bicycles.

I also passed 7 EMPTY houses. VACANT! In a neighborhood that hasn't changed much in 50 years except for the house upgrades. This is on ONE street. Just 2 years ago you would have been hard pressed to find 7 empty houses in the city. Ones that sat vacant for months that is.

And I noted that two MORE businesses went kaput.

I don't personally listen to the news or wonder what the media says about our current recession/depression. I have my own yardsticks to measure by. Like the number of yard/garage sales springing up, the amount of chattel and the kinds listed on craigslist.

So, a couple of days ago I stopped at a garage sale, it was on my way to the store and I was walking. I was the first person there. I spotted the GOLF clubs. And she had some gems in the junk. I spent about 20 dollars all told, had to go back with the car to pick some of it up.

But the clubs I carried home. I ran an ad on craigslist yesterday morning, and before I was able to post another ad, the phone rings, and a guy wants to buy the clubs...but only ONE of them. I told him to stop by.

He ends up buying TWO clubs for 40 bux. I paid 5 for both of them. My time invested total was less than 15 minutes, including the shopping time at the garage sale. I put a "total gym" type thing in the yard and got 50 bucks for it...I paid 10. This was done while I was surfing the Internet looking for bargains. And there is NO SHORTAGE of bargains right now.

On a 15 dollar investment, with very little time, I got 90 dollars to put back into circulation for the next "round" of chatteling.

BUT, chatteling is only ONE of the hot, HOT, HOT ways of cashing in on this current economic crunch time, that so many people are feeling. And they are feeling it much worse than the media reports and/or the scare mongers are talking about.

NOW is a good time to sit around in your underwear, stay at home and NOT use your gasoline...

and figure things out for yourself (as what you CAN do to profit).

There are about 101 different ways to profit and prosper from the "hard" times we are in. It is, however, a choice and a choice that includes taking action.

What are YOU seeing in your neck of the woods regarding this "recession" that we aren't really in? And, what do you offer in the way of help to those in need?

Gordon Jay Alexander

MichaelRoss June 18, 2008 03:41 PM

I see a Boom and have a rant...

Thanks for Asking about the Phantom Recession/Depression.


What are YOU seeing in your neck of the woods regarding this "recession" that we aren't really in?

I am seeing a BOOM. Currently, in my city, we have... the Gateway Bridge project (where another bridge is being built to help traffic bypass the city) the North South Bypass Tunnel (a 4.8km tunnel is being built under the city to allow traffic to get from one side to the other without needing to go through the tail end of the CBD), the Airport Tunnel (the road to the airport is congested and this will allow airport traffic to get to the airport without congesting the normal traffic. I'm currently working on a Dam Upgrade Project. There is also another Dam being built an hour out of the city, as well as two massive holding ponds - as part of the city's water infrastructure upgrade. There are two Major Motorway upgrades going on right now. One will allow people to bypass one motorway and hook up with it again a few clicks after it splits off into two motorways. Plus others - power stations, mine infrastructure, general building construction, etc.

There are others, but these alone can Each suck 600 to 900 guys out of the workforce. Which is why we have guys coming in from other states to fill the void. And the versatile Franna Crane cannot be had. Starting at only $400k there is a 2 year wait from the manufacturer.

So while this goes on... the reserve bank says... we need to raise interest rates to curb inflation. The effect is... the rate hikes are passed on in the form of increased prices (which the reserve bank says it is fighting). It's a big Con Game foistered onto the public. The media remains silent. Politicians speak gibberish.)

And while this goes on and any person who wants a job will get one in a few days, there are those who complain about no work around and who stay on the Welfare Money.


what do you offer in the way of help to those in need?

"Those In Need" is my Favorite term I love to despise. Because it is so generic it defies clear definition. Heck, I bet you could find The Donald is In Need. Everyone on this board is In Need of one thing or another.

I once asked my very spoiled cousin if she was Spoiled. She said, "No, because I don't have Superstar Barbie". She had everything a kid could want but, in her opinion, she still had a Need. A Need for a Superstar Barbie.

The old guy on the street. Clothes look well worn. Unwashed. Asks me for a dollar. I tell him "Don't solicit me in the street" and he walks off... smoking his cigarette, drinking his can of soda, while a nicely wrapped sandwich sticks out of his pocket. What does he have a Need for... money for Smokes and Soda? He can't even be bothered to wash his face in any public washroom, why should *I* help him when he won't help himself.

Looky here... Child Hoodie Jackets being recalled. Why... they have a Drawstring and some kid might Choke. None have. But the recall exists. Think they might have a Need?

Sign in the shopping mall reads... help children in need... and shows some kid of African Genetics. Is this the same Need that existed three decades ago? Dang, whatever is being done ain't working - unless the goal is for the so-called Charity and those in it, to have a Money For Nothing JOB.

Girl sits in the lunch room soliciting Sign Ups for weekly pay deduction for the Spastic Center or some such. I ask her One question... are you on commission? Answer... YES! Every signup and weekly deduction sees a portion go into Her Pocket. I guess she isn't that Charitable after all top Donate her time.

Those In Need, indeed.

Off soapbox now.

Michael Ross

DBeavers June 20, 2008 11:56 PM

Re: Stay HOME, save gas, make MONEY in your shorts, it's EASY.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 21465)

I don't personally listen to the news or wonder what the media says about our current recession/depression. I have my own yardsticks to measure by.

Me too. I look at the number of new homes being built or existing homes being expanded or upgraded, along with a plethora of "Help Wanted" and "Now Hiring" signs. Both of these obvious signs are visible across Houston where I call on customers once a month as well as back home in Louisiana. I live in the "Rita" zone, where many of the damaged homes have been repaired/rebuilt, and many of the damaged ones have been replaced.

One of my customers commented to me today that one branch of her credit union was closed a couple days this week due to personnel shortages. The Lowe's and Home Depot stores locally have been shutting down their Garden Centers on days when they are too shorthanded to man the extra registers out there. And on my last visit to Houston, I was checked out at the grocery store by a manager, because they were also short of workers. In a city with 6.5 million people in the metro area, many jobs go unfilled, while able-bodies workers complain there's no jobs available.

The new home construction South of NASA around League City is booming a big as ever. Four new subdivisions with signs for new homes in the high $100s to the million+ range are quite common. And dozens of new homes are being completed every day in the area. New businesses are also opening at a fast pace across the area.

So it doesn't appear that the "media-proclaimed" recession has reached either the South Houston market or SW Louisiana.


NOW is a good time to sit around in your underwear, stay at home and NOT use your gasoline...

Not - Now is a better time for me and others to be out calling on businesses who need more promotional advertising. Lots of companies needing employee incentives, customer thank-yous, business gifts, and general handouts for grand openings, new business or product introductions, employee "Casual Friday" shirts, and much more.

While some can and are getting most of this type business online, I built and protect my business by primarily calling on clients face-to-face.


What are YOU seeing in your neck of the woods regarding this "recession" that we aren't really in?

As noted above, many signs of an expanding economy.

And, what do you offer in the way of help to those in need?

I'm constantly introducing new people/entrepreneurs to the wonderful world of promotional advertising. A business that can be worked full or part-time at home or from home. Most of the inquiries come from people outside Louisiana, from people who are looking for a sideline income or something to supplement their retirement. But almost all are looking for being independent, looking to build a business they can call their own.

Having plenty of business from Texas and Louisiana, while assisting others in starting and growing their own safety net - Works for me!

Dennis Bevers

Adman June 21, 2008 04:25 PM

Re: Stay HOME, save gas, make MONEY in your shorts, it's EASY.
One old phrase about the "Advertising" business is;

"Advertise Your Business or Advertise it FOR SALE!"

I'm finding my "advertising" projects are still going good. I'm doing a lot more "Phoning" rather than dropping in Cold.

And...I'm finding more "Medical, Dental & Professional" people WANT "More Patients and Clients"....AND....they can AFFORD to pay for a way to get them!

Don Alm
Make A Bundle Selling Websites with "Websites On Spec"

layalka September 20, 2008 07:29 AM

Re: Stay HOME, save gas, make MONEY in your shorts, it's EASY.
Well, how can I start making money on the Internet, without having to pay anything? I have found a number of affiliate opportunities, but most of them have hidden costs, such as monthly fees and so forth. I am willing to invest my time, but I don't have any money. What do you know about programs out there that will help me to start making money that would be really free?

DBeavers September 21, 2008 01:58 AM

Re: Stay HOME, save gas, make MONEY in your shorts, it's EASY.

You clearly stated that you are looking for:

1. Online based income

2. Something that you can start with no investment or monthly fees

What you didn't tell us about yourself could fill an encyclopedia:

1. What skills do you already have?

2. What education have that could be marketable?

3. What work experience you have, and in what fields or industries?

4. What country and state or region you live in, which might help us narrow down opportunities that might suit your needs, as well as which are not available to you.

The more we learn about your skills, the better the odds we can point you in the right direction.


bille October 14, 2008 08:25 PM

Re: Stay HOME, save gas, make MONEY in your shorts, it's EASY.
Interesting that this thread is from 2006, but it's probably more relevant now than it was then. Lots of friends getting laid off, bonuses stopped, etc. Great time to give up the "wage slave" game and work for yourself.

-TW October 14, 2008 08:32 PM

I'd much rather...
I'd much rather make *money* in my shorts, than make what I usually make in my shorts.

-- TW

DBeavers October 15, 2008 01:55 AM

Re: Stay HOME, save gas, make MONEY in your shorts, it's EASY.

Originally Posted by bille (Post 22653)
Interesting that this thread is from 2006, but it's probably more relevant now than it was then. Lots of friends getting laid off, bonuses stopped, etc. Great time to give up the "wage slave" game and work for yourself.

Actually it was initiated in June of this year. You read the "join" date when Gordon registered on this site.

So, it was quite relevant back in June, when gas prices were much higher than they are after a month of steady decline.


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