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GordonJ August 25, 2022 06:01 PM

Starting a rant today, until Sept. 1, 2022.
Over the next week, I am going to rant. Maybe rave. Possibly bloviate, prattle and babble.

Not that I am personally irked, I'm as blissful as can be.

More in response to the Internet/Life/the world in general.

And starting with MONEY, or more specifically, how to make it.

My 30 year+ mantras on the subject are: A) You don't get paid for doing nothing B) Money is an exchange of value C) Where the head goes, the body follows.

Not a formula, maybe bullet points...but, in my opinion, all you need to know about it.

The thing is: most folk are not taught to ask the right questions. So, they linger, or procrastinate, or just spin their wheels not knowing where to start.

So, if you accept the premise that you aren't paid for doing nothing, it presents one the question...WHAT can I do, or should do, or what is the best or fastest, etc. etc.

And the go to answers everywhere are do what you love, follow your passion OR, sell what people are buying. Maybe a lot of nuances in between, depending on how you split those hairs.

For the next week, I'll give my Gordonisms, take em or leave em...and do what makes you happy.

I think all money making or business pursuits (two different things, start a biz or just make some dang money) should begin with an

ASSESSMENT. Today, the popular assessments are almost all affiliate programs, so do your due diligence when searching for one, I found almost all review sites are affiliate, and most often, will put high paying affiliate offers, like the Wealth Dynamics test up on top...although, almost all their suggestions have a pay off for them.

I suggest one start with Google and FREE Entrepreneur assessments and get sites like:
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Of course, if you have some coins to spend, you can give Wealth Dynamics, and Myers-Briggs, and any other one.

Now, you can just take a piece of paper, look in the mirror and ask yourself what you like to do, what you are good at, and maybe watch a free video on Youtube and "borrow" the terms from some of the tests, like WD: the Mechanic, Creator, Supporter, etc., etc.

Or what your MB letters are: ISTJ OR ENTP. Some of these are pretty cheap.

Again, and I need to emphasize this, maybe asking friends and family what they think your strengths and weaknesses are, maybe just as benefical as shelling out bux for a test. Your library, I'm sure, has a copy of What Color is Your Parachute, full of all kinds of ways to help you to get a good


Look, if you are shy, awkard around people, stutter or are slow speaking, maybe selling vacuums door to door is not going to work for you, eh?

But here is one catch, I've had, and it has tripped me up more than once in my life.

Just because I am good at something, doesn't mean I should pursue it as a money/biz venture.

I think most of us are good at several things, so one caution is, just because you score high on a test, and you can be good at it, doesn't mean in any way it will satisfy you or even be profitable. So, that is my caution about following your passion and the money will follow.

Maybe it will. Maybe it won't.

Whether you pay to have an assessment done, use a do it yourself format, or just makes lists on paper or your computer/ helps to begin from a point of KNOWING what you can do, what you don't really want to do and go from there.

Add in TIME, how much time will you spend on your $$ ventures? A part time gig or side hustle? A job replacement eventually? Building a big business?

Whatever your $$$ goals are, they are going to take X
amount of time.

My experience has been, most people OVERESTIMATE how much time they actually have to work on these things. And it creates hurdles hard to get over right out of the gate.

Be conservative with time estimates. Things (all things) tend to take a bit longer than we plan for, I don't know why that is true, but it is. With few exceptions.

I don't think making money is that hard, and this brings up; Where Your Head Goes, Your Body Follows. Everyday at forums, Facebook Groups, YouTube and social medias I see people wanting to get started with Internet Marketing or hankerin to start a business and there is no shortage of BAD advice out there. I try not to contribute too much to that pile of bile.

If making money is an exchange of value, then wouldn't a better first question be (as opposed to What can I do, what niche should I do, pick a way for me, etc.)...

instead of seeing all these scores and tens of thousands of people wanting to make money, I ask, what do you have to EXCHANGE?

And this is flabberghasting to many. What do you mean? I want to know how to make money, how to get started with affiliate, how do I sell on eBay, or how do I set up a store on Amazon or shopify.

It is always, I want, I need. I want to get, GET, GET. and for the last two decades and before, I have asked:

What do you have to give? To share? What knowledge, skill, experience do you bring to the money making buffet? And it is truly a dumbfounding question to so many, it in facts, dumbfounds me why they WANT first?

From Square One, Assessment; what do you want and why? And with that assessment of your skills, experience, knowledge, you pull out a list of the things you have to

eXcHaNgE. Or trade for, give to the market to get the dough. Get it?

Now, back at looking in the mirror, however you assess yourself...right after that, or right before, is the WANT. How much money? We'll cover other areas later, like sex, or romance, or adventure (could be all in one too!).

But it is easiest to start with is money. How much? I've spent thousands of hours on the phone with people, and this first question, how much money do you want to make? Is most often followed with an answer, like, I want to make a million dollars.

OK. Is that gross, net, after taxes? What will you be using it for? A series of questions, which often annoys those who paid me for my advice, gets us to the heart of their want, and as often as not, it is FREEDOM with some "certainty" of ongoing income.

And at that point, the sweet spot for most has been 10 k a month, after expenses and taxes. Which means they need between 15 and 22k a month in income or sales, or exchanges. But for many today, they will gladly accept a 10k a month in income and pay the expenses from that as they go along.

The 120k a year, will maybe put 75k in their pocket at the end of the year.

All numbers are based upon want. Maybe, twice that or ten times that amount. Whatever the figure, we must then do some math.

And here is where many falter. Because, they lack basic math skills. You wouldn't believe how many people I've worked with who took calculus, algebra, trig in college and can't balance their checkbooks.

And almost no one today online wanting to start IM, has any business math in their backgrounds. Which is why I suggest a book like 7 Steps to Freedom II by Ben Suarez or a marketing book, like from Bob Stone. One that covers the basics of profit, loss. Of cost of customer acquisition, life time value, overhead, legal, even banking fees.

Most do not come prepared for what they are facing, and good golly molly, last thing you want in this world is to have some success and have the IRS or worse still, the FDA, FTC show up at your house and take your things. Ask some of the popular gurus of today how it felt.

You want to make X amount of money, per year, and avg that per mo.

What do you offer, at what PRICE point, to reach those numbers. Sell a 10k back end coaching program, and you only need to extract one from your funnel (which we'll get into later). If your high ticket is only 100 bux, you need to move 100 of them.

It is my opinion, after 50 years. Most, don't spend enough time with assessment, math and planning in the early stages and by not taking the time to go this route, end up wasting years of time with a hit or miss activity.

Today, there are so many human TEMPLATES or if your prefer, role models, who have carved out their niche in the world and have left plenty of bread crumbs along their path to follow.

GordonJ August 25, 2022 07:50 PM

Part two.
The problem up front, is choosing the right one to follow. And here is where Gurus and copywriting, influence and persuasion come into play. I have many time written about first love.

A good example, college student really likes her professor, who is an English Literature guy, specializing in Shakespeare...The second favorite is an American Literature, who dresses up like Mark Twain.

Chances are at grad time, her degree will be in English lit. On the Internet, we see it as first Guru love. Take Copywriting. If Gary Halbert is your first experience and you resonate with his style, and his sons group appeals to you...even if Dan Kennedy or Jay Abraham might be a better fit, you will stay with your first love and become a Gary guy.

If the first Gary is V. Vaynerchuk, or Grant Cardone, and one of those resonate with you...or if you are a woman, and encounter Joanna Penn first before you run into Marcia Yudkin, or Becky Matter. The tendency is to follow, and spend your money with your first love. See?

Not the best examples, I grant you, but they work for my purpose today.

Professor Cialdini tells us this is commitment and consistency. Once we commit to follow someone, we tend to stay the course unless an outside force knocks us off path...which I often try to do. Only because, too many people are really not fitted for their first loves. And the love is blind idea is true when we follow people just as much as it is in "real" love, whatever that might be.

But if you take the time to assess yourself, then take some time to sample the buffet, tasting here and there, before piling your fav on your plate, you may find something, or someone which is a better fit for you for your journey.

We want to look at amounts of money and number of transactions. A very popular relatively new Facebook group is NOTHING HELD BACK, and the guy there, wrote an outstanding book; AUTOMATIC CLIENTS and Nothing Held back is one of the fastest growing facebook groups.

Alen teaches BIG BACKENDS. Ba Donk a donk. Uh, er, a big ticket item, maybe 10k or more and that is how one builds a profitable business fast.

So it is easier to understand, the higher the price, the fewer sales you need to get more money...or the more sales you make, the more moolah you get.

Take small yachts. These sell from 1 to 5 million dollars. Just big boats really, not a real yacht when compared to Tiger's or an NFL owner.

But if you are selling small yachts at least 1 million, with a 5% profit, and your goal is 150k a year, you only need move 3 of them in the year...a lot of time for sailing around the world finding more of them to sell.

Your income potential is then, sort of set up by what you want to sell and how many you need to exchange to hit your goals. Selling jets, yachts or even Islands in the Caribe...has bigger TRANSACTION amounts than selling little reports for 7 bux.

Going back to SQ1, what you want and why...if your goal/dream is millions of dollars, you are going to have a hard time getting there selling little reports, even if you have a nice back end offer.

Now, this is mostly about starting a business and where it differs in just making some dang money, is the follow up, back ends, lifetime value, although there is a lot to be said for one off sales too.

One off of a Yacht, might be enough for the year. Sell one island or house for 35 million, and that might give you a nice payday too.

One off sales, or exchanges are handy in GETTING WORKING CAPITAL. Flipping 3 cars, legal in most states without a dealers license, with 1k profit each would give you 3k working capital. Selling 20 dollar Tee Shirts is going to take you quite some time to get there.

The one off route is a good choice for those who just want to make some dang money, and whether you sell a camping cot, chair as I just did for a few bux, or sell a car/RV/boat for 1k profit, you can recirculate that money into bigger and bigger profits.

We had a guy in town who flipped heavy equipment, cats and graders and the occassional fire engine for tens of thousands of dollars. A lot of people chatteling corporate property for some juicy cash in the pocket.

We have assessments. Personal, to see what we might like to do...then more business/money making assessments too.

Bigger ticket (price) = fewer sales needed. Lower price, more sales.

One off requires a constant stream of replacement, whereas a business usually can source or create.

Acquisition and Creation.

I know. For some of you, all of this old rehashed Gordonesque stuff. I know, but if it has no value for you, by all means, go get caught up on House of the Dragon or something.

You can create, or you can acquire the stuff you want to bring to the market.

We (Dien and I) have often advocated a combo, do a bit of both...create, which we both have done, and acquire which we have also done.

I'm not sure there is a perfect % combination, but having both as revenue streams has helped us both over the long haul.

If you are creative by nature, you'll tend to want to lean this way, but I advise you to consider adding some acquisitions to your game too.

My friend Phyllis made lovely wire jewelry and had displays in beauty shops, she was able to add rings, necklaces and bracelets made by others to her displays all on consignment. She added profit without any additional expenses.

What I want to do during this week long rant, is to go over a lot of the ideas we've shared, implemented and tested here for the last 22 years, hoping some of you may find it useful.

Just the simple idea, of CONSIGNMENT, as Phyllis got when she had a beauty shop display her work, and as it also worked for her offering other people's stuff, the shop got, say 15%, and She got 15% of the other stuff.

This IDEA, THE consignment concept is alive and well in 2022. I can walk out my front door and within 5 minutes, find beautiful art work placed on consignment. In fact, in downtown Cuyahoga Falls, there are at least a half dozen shops with consignment stuff.

Yet, in the realm of Internet Marketing, you hardly hear any of these offline methods discussed. Of course, we love IM, we embrace it, Dien and I both have several web sites, almost all for the purpose of having additional revenue streams at work.

If she were alive today, Phyllis would be a superstar on etsy, she passed just as that platform was being set up.

If you are an artist, DO YOUR ART, and if you want to rely on it for income too, then there has never been a better time in history to share your art with the world.

But, if like me, not one artistic bone in your body, then I would have to ACQUIRE art to offer to customers, unless then want my crayon on construction paper artwork that even mommy refused to hang on the fridge...then I got a big box of Crayolas.

More to come.

Millard Grubb August 26, 2022 07:20 AM

Re: Starting a rant today, until Sept. 1, 2022.

I got to hand it to you, you have said more in these two posts than most modern bloggers do in a year of mutterings.

You clearly explain what one must do to get things moving for personal business success. It is almost as if you are doing personal business consulting for all of us !

I can't say that I have seen such a simple, yet profound explanation to gain a foothold in today's business climate.

Thank you !

GordonJ August 26, 2022 10:39 AM

Thanks Millard, helps me with complacency.
Thanks Millard, recently I've been hit with smug complacency.

In other words, I'm not working very much, for me, that means not thinking as much as I should.

I eat too much.
I sleep too much.
I watch TV too much.

But, I don't think enough...and I feel it. Just as my body knows when I don't exercise, my mind knows when it hasn't been challenged...and recently, it has been on vacation.

So, I am doing this as much, and probably more, for myself than for anyone who might actually read it.

But you touched on one of my goals...strip it down, get to BASIC, and let the reader pick and choose, if anything, what useful info might be found.

Today, I'm going to go after some models of both foundations and frameworks.

Stay tuned.



Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 43221)

I got to hand it to you, you have said more in these two posts than most modern bloggers do in a year of mutterings.

You clearly explain what one must do to get things moving for personal business success. It is almost as if you are doing personal business consulting for all of us !

I can't say that I have seen such a simple, yet profound explanation to gain a foothold in today's business climate.

Thank you !

GordonJ August 26, 2022 10:46 AM

Part 3 foundations and frameworks.
Foundations are what you build your framework upon.

Since 1985, I've watched ONLINE morph into the greatest thing ever invented, the INTERNET (subject to much debate, of course).

And I've seen thousands of marketers WIN, and make it big, make it small and many who have decades like Dien and I do. And of course, a lot of losers too.

Back in the last century, near the end, the DOT COM implosion happened, and for sure, that was to be the end of this novel idea. Not exactly, eh?

For this post, I'll try to stay in the present, TODAY, now, and take a look at the models of foundations and frameworks.

In a recent post, I stated there are Parade of Life foundations which we can use to build a framework around.

In that example, I showed that the boom in novelty products sold to the baby boomers in those HappY Days of the 1950's was a form of appeasement of the children.

Dien has a toddler in the house, his wonderful journey is near the beginning, whereas my mid 30's kids are "appeased" in a much different way.

But as to the money making/business discussion...and FOUNDATIONS....

Take Gerber's Baby Food, they own over 60% of the baby food market, it has a Parade of Life (pol) FOUNDATION: Babies.

Johnson and Johnson might take over with Toddlers, with shampoo, baby oil, powder...or actually they share the baby, but J&J stays with the kid a bit longer.

Crayola has a POL Foundation on crayons, and now, all things coloring.

These Parade of LIFE (POL) foundations can be seen throughout the lifelines of many generations. Or, they can be seen as EVERGREEN markets, and within those are niches.

Take Magic (Millard). Still today, a rite of passage for 8-12 year olds is a magic kit, it has been a staple TOY item for over a century.

Or little Princess costumes are as Evergreen as they get and the likes of DISNEY, and 1001 toy companies, exploit the FOUNDATION of childhood want/need...and the ADULT desire to APPEASE those wants and needs.

See? Making any sense yet?

My older brother started driving at 10, literally a little Fiat in our back yard. I was never interested in driving, or cars, or mechanics. In fact, I was 24 and out of the Navy before I drove a standard stick shift, although, that is what my father and brother drove and what all the cars we had were.

I drove an automatic, just not interested in all that work of shifting.

However, AUTOS and all things automotive are one of the largest market places in the world. TODAY, the demand for mechanics is high, and as more and more of a recession appears, we'll see people holding on a bit longer to their used cars...although right now, not much recession in New Auto sales.

As I understand it, the DEMAND IS THERE, however, supply side, and chip shortages, etc., are apparently going to show lower sales figures than during the Pandemic.

But TRANSPORATION IS a huge market. Autos are a huge market. Both huge foundations to build upon.

So a high school kid today, who wants to be an auto mechanic is probably going to be better off in the future than his class mate who goes to college and becomes a high school English teacher.

They are building their futures on different FOUNDATIONS.

Many of the biggest foundations are seen in Maslow's Pyramid of Needs. Food. Clothing. Shelter...MONEY, all the way up to self actualization, whatever that means.

Dien and I chose the foundation of Money/Business to build Seeds Of Wisdom upon. It was a topic we both had some passion and interest in. I've been involved in the Business Opportunities Market for over half a century. Starting a business, making money, investments are a POL foundation...

Selling Information Products is one of the FRAMEWORKS we use.

Using the Wikipedia definition: Framing, in construction, is the fitting together of pieces to give a structure support and shape. Framing materials are usually wood, engineered wood, or structural steel.

In marketing or making money or in business it is the fitting together of PIECES TO GIVE A STRUCTURE SUPPORT AND SHAPE.

My go to Framework for money has been


The old, tried, tested to the tune of a few BILLION dollars, NPGS formula as postulated by Ben Suarez.

I've yet to uncover a better framework for making money. If you have one, please share.

Over the many decades, no matter what FOUNDATION (MARKET) I may have been working in, those four components came into play and were useful in building any business or money making ventures around.

Sometimes, we start with product, because that is in Chatteling, or buying and selling, starting with our own junk in the basement, attic, garage and storage bins.

Other times, we start with the PROSPECT. I can argue a case for either side, it really doesn't matter, although I think, most of the time PROSPECT first is an easier route to travel, or faster one.

22 years ago, on a veranda overlooking the crooked river, I told Dr. Rice I wanted him to do all the work, and I'll just make the money...and he agreed.

Well, I just wanted to CREATE or write some reports (MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, take that George W.) .

And 22 years and over 100 scribblings later, here we be.

From different perspectives it could be argued that my foundation was WRITING. And my framework was either HOTSHEETS or Specialty Reports. I wouldn't have a problem with that perspective.

Another foundation beneath my money grubbing was CHATTELING, or buying and selling personal and corporate property. The framework was the step by step SPRINT TO FREEDOM found in recirculating the cash into higher priced items and building networks.

Another foundation I've built on was SELLING, as documented in Spiders, Snakes and Mice, OH MY. Through the many sales jobs I've held

Combine the foundations of selling and writing, I guess we might come up with salesmanship in print, and although I've never ran ads or promoted myself as a "copywriter", those two skills combined made me an in demand commodity, albeit, a pretty expensive one at that.

I'll pause at this point of my RANT for the week, to see if there any questions or other comments on all this so far.

If you want some specifics, I might be able to come up with a few cool stories, and I've known some pretty interesting characters too.


Save here.

GordonJ August 27, 2022 11:44 AM

Part 4. Summary of $$$$ rant. On to other things.
Shorthand summary.

You don't get paid for doing nothing. More money comes from: more exchanges of value, larger exchanges (price increases/higher ticket items).

Create or acquire a product/service.
Begin with either product or PROSPECT (avatar/profile), it may be faster or easier to find a buyer first.

Scale up: Other People; affiliate, employees, Joint Ventures, Dealerships, licenses, etc.

Money is math. If you can't add and subtract and put the $$$$ in the right columns of your spread sheet, how can you know how much you make?

Passion can be both whimsical and lifelong. It may or may not be a good way for you to make money.

VALUE your time. Set financial goals, then plan and backward chain the MATH involved to take you there. Motion over meditation, except during assessment.

I think that pert near covers it, if not, ask away, I'll give my very best well thought and meditated upon answer...maybe.

So, money is not a worry. You have it under control, your business is working, and you are spending the exact right amount of time on it/in it and drawing satisfaction as well as $$$ from it.


I have to tread lightly here, my drift might get political, and Dr. Rice does not care for his forum to take on political, I'll do my best to avoid being too overt with my righteous indignation toward politicos of all persuasions.

But, young men...the INCELS. I think they are one of the most dangerous groups of people or CULTS, we have living loudly among us.

A dictionary definition has incels as: young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile toward women and men who are sexually active.

Well, that is OK as it is, but my lifetime experience, says that "men who are HOSTILE toward women", come in all ages, sizes and shapes.

But the self proclaimed ENTITLED Incels are dangerous because of their loud and public stance and Internet groups.

These are guys who can't get laid, but feel they DESERVE to have sex and it is the woman who is to blame.

BLAME is a topic I can rant on for the rest of the week, it is at the root of many of societies ills, including political, International and personal problems.

If any of you are also students of Persuasion and Influence and are familiar with Blair Warren (I'm big on his FORBIDDEN PERSUADERS work) might recognize his one sentence idea:

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

It is an oversimplification of a much deeper understanding of human behavior but it is the ROCKS at the enemy part I alluded to.

BLAME is the opposite side of Responsibility, which might be a bigger PANDEMIC than any "germ" warfare we must deal with. We live in the age of ENTITLEMENT, and that is across the board, around the world and is NOT limited to any political or any other appears to be generational.

Although, I know a boat load full of Old people who are the most entitled group there is, especially old white people with money...however, race, creed nor ethnicity doesn't really matter...almost all OLD people with money have a sense of entitlement...and maybe they actually earned it.

Anyhow, we can now see this sense of Entitlement, as INCELS believe, through the eyes of Young professional athletes. Hard to go a day without someone from the NFL, NBA, MLB being charged or sued over a sex act.

Are there millions of young men who feel that they should be entitled to sex?

Odd thing in today's culture, isn't sex just a swipe away? A lot to be said for legalizing sex workers in places other than Nevada...I mean, after all, the show and movie was a hit (TEXAS HAS A WHORE HOUSE IN IT)...

Save here.

Dien Rice August 28, 2022 05:27 AM

"Do what you love, and the money will _______"

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 43218)
But here is one catch, I've had, and it has tripped me up more than once in my life.

Just because I am good at something, doesn't mean I should pursue it as a money/biz venture.

I think most of us are good at several things, so one caution is, just because you score high on a test, and you can be good at it, doesn't mean in any way it will satisfy you or even be profitable. So, that is my caution about following your passion and the money will follow.

Maybe it will. Maybe it won't.

Hi Gordon,

Your posts are a fantastic overview of "making it" in business!

The above part is a "biggie"... since a lot of people do believe in the saying...
"Do what you love, and the money will follow..."
Sounds reasonable?

The thing is, that "thing" you love may not be commercially viable...

I would love to watch movies all day. But it is hard to make money doing it...

(A few become professional movie critics... But it is extremely competitive. Plus, they're not watching movies all day, since they also have to write!)

Fortunately, most of us "love" multiple different things...

I think enjoying what you do is important - because then you're more likely to stick with it enough to see it through to profitability (as long as it is commercially viable)!

Sometimes you enjoy one part, but not another necessary part... when both are needed for the business to succeed...

In that case, you have to figure out how to get done the part(s) that you don't enjoy...

You can partner with someone, who does the parts you don't enjoy... Or outsource it somehow... Or figure out how to manage to enjoy it (sometimes that's doable)!

Great wisdom, Gordon!

Best wishes,


GordonJ August 28, 2022 12:37 PM

Practical Wisdom.

I defer and default to dictionary definitions to avoid dispute (the alliteration is (not) Always attempted or attained)...

Wisdom: the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment;

I seek not the wise monk atop the mountain, but the one in the streets with the scars and hard earned wisdom of survival, or surThrival.

Anyone can, crack wise. What is the practical, useful applications of their shared experience?

This might be one advantage I hold at the table...simply due to longevitity and the diversity of work...or as a tribute to my ADHD. Whichever, I try to present practical and useful methods and techniques to use to help others over their personal humps, down times and frustrations.

The SowPub icon your friend drew from what I asked for, shows the farmer planting seeds and the harvest comes after him...just as it is in real life...

And that PictoPhor picture + metaphor, may contain all the Wisdom one needs to go on their way, with a certain knowledge of their actions of today, will produce something over time...what that something is, depends on the seeds sown, eh?

Practical. Useful. Applicable.

Otherwise, Wisdom only serves those who dispense it.



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 43227)
Hi Gordon,

Your posts are a fantastic overview of "making it" in business!

The above part is a "biggie"... since a lot of people do believe in the saying...
"Do what you love, and the money will follow..."
Sounds reasonable?

The thing is, that "thing" you love may not be commercially viable...

I would love to watch movies all day. But it is hard to make money doing it...

(A few become professional movie critics... But it is extremely competitive. Plus, they're not watching movies all day, since they also have to write!)

Fortunately, most of us "love" multiple different things...

I think enjoying what you do is important - because then you're more likely to stick with it enough to see it through to profitability (as long as it is commercially viable)!

Sometimes you enjoy one part, but not another necessary part... when both are needed for the business to succeed...

In that case, you have to figure out how to get done the part(s) that you don't enjoy...

You can partner with someone, who does the parts you don't enjoy... Or outsource it somehow... Or figure out how to manage to enjoy it (sometimes that's doable)!

Great wisdom, Gordon!

Best wishes,


GordonJ August 30, 2022 12:32 PM

Part 5 Relationships continued.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 43225)


I have to tread lightly here, my drift might get political, and Dr. Rice does not care for his forum to take on political, I'll do my best to avoid being too overt with my righteous indignation toward politicos of all persuasions.

But, young men...the INCELS. I think they are one of the most dangerous groups of people or CULTS, we have living loudly among us.

A dictionary definition has incels as: young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile toward women and men who are sexually active.

Well, that is OK as it is, but my lifetime experience, says that "men who are HOSTILE toward women", come in all ages, sizes and shapes.

But the self proclaimed ENTITLED Incels are dangerous because of their loud and public stance and Internet groups.

These are guys who can't get laid, but feel they DESERVE to have sex and it is the woman who is to blame.

BLAME is a topic I can rant on for the rest of the week, it is at the root of many of societies ills, including political, International and personal problems.

If any of you are also students of Persuasion and Influence and are familiar with Blair Warren (I'm big on his FORBIDDEN PERSUADERS work) might recognize his one sentence idea:

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

It is an oversimplification of a much deeper understanding of human behavior but it is the ROCKS at the enemy part I alluded to.

BLAME is the opposite side of Responsibility, which might be a bigger PANDEMIC than any "germ" warfare we must deal with. We live in the age of ENTITLEMENT, and that is across the board, around the world and is NOT limited to any political or any other appears to be generational.

Although, I know a boat load full of Old people who are the most entitled group there is, especially old white people with money...however, race, creed nor ethnicity doesn't really matter...almost all OLD people with money have a sense of entitlement...and maybe they actually earned it.

Anyhow, we can now see this sense of Entitlement, as INCELS believe, through the eyes of Young professional athletes. Hard to go a day without someone from the NFL, NBA, MLB being charged or sued over a sex act.

Are there millions of young men who feel that they should be entitled to sex?

Odd thing in today's culture, isn't sex just a swipe away? A lot to be said for legalizing sex workers in places other than Nevada...I mean, after all, the show and movie was a hit (TEXAS HAS A WHORE HOUSE IN IT)...

ANYWHOO...Who I don't like isn't helpful or relative, and although I call it a rant, I will rein myself in. WHOA there Gordon, Whoa.

As for romatic/love/even brief sexual does NOT require hidden persuaders, NLP secret techniques, hypnosis or any other is very simple actually...


Oh gosh, just saved someone a few thousand dollars, now you don't have to attend that seminar with all the other losers to learn how to manipulate your self into some unsuspecting girl's underwear. YIKES, probably going to get blasted from the PUA crowd.

What do you offer? If looking for love, a life partner, romantic long term relationship, what do you OFFER to them? See?

A few years back an up and coming Marketer/Copywriter announced he was going to manifest his perfect wife, at the top of HIS list, she had to have big boobs. A bosom of substance, a gigantic rack...and I felt sad/sick at the time for his future wife, whom he has since found...and he and his twin copywriting "brother" have had some success. And all that with time...just do something continuously for a period of time until a whole new part of the parade passes by, and VOILA, YOU BECOME the expert/god/guru or cult leader.

At least he knew what he was looking for.

The thing is, that all Pick Up "Artists (HA!)" including the Incels of today, is that they fail to realize that RELATIONSHIPS are two sided.

Gone are the days of Game of Thrones, when fathers could marry off their 12 year old daughters to gain a political advantage. The Incels and PUA folk, think only of their entitlements, their wants, their own selfish needs.

And as far as it goes, it works the same in business relationships, or Joint Ventures or partnerships...BOTH sides bring something to the table.

So, to sum up my rant on the RELATIONSHIP part of it all...

when you begin to make your relastionships mutually beneficial, then you will find all of them take a turn for the better.

Continue to Want/NEED for your own self...and, well, you get what you sow.


Save here.

GordonJ August 31, 2022 01:43 PM

Re: Rant end, part six, all your questions answered.
End of rant. Sept. is my busy month.


If I have a one sentence piece of advice, this would be it.

Over the several decades, I have found that most people don't know how to ask the right kind of questions, and if they learned how, it would make their lives so much better by saving time and money while working on their business goals, or money making goals.

All the answers you need are found in the questions you ask.

In the past 30 years, I think I have been asked over 25,000 questions, probably more. And truthfully, it is more like 100 questions asked 2500 times over and over...and of those 100, few are the right questions to ask.

I am adept at Socratic questions, enhanced with studies of Barry Neil Kaufman's work: POWER DIALOGUES, which I have written about here. It is one of the most useful books I own, and has a special place on my desk.

Asking the right questions, and asking the right people at the right time, is the greatest shortcut, fast track, and rabbit quick way to reach your goals.

Yet so few do it. Or know how to.

See, a question starts a series of questions, like a ball in a Pachinko machine. One thing I do when working with people is asking a lot of questions, to the point of being annoying...annoying because they want simple answers and to be told what exactly to do...and I can't get there until I have a firm grasp of what and or where they want to go.

I call myself a mapmaker, able to give you a pretty good map to show you how to get to your goal, however, I need to know what that is. So, my first two questions, What do you want? and Why? are often the first stumbling blocks those folk have.

My favorite metaphors are Harvey Brody's view from the rooftop, his flight plan and pre flight checklist, my PYRAMID OF ACTIVITY, aka Plan of Action, and the whole of the Square One Workshops.

My most used VISUAL metaphors are a path around a bend and a bridge across the river, with YOUR goals being either around that bend or on the other side of the river.

What I like about Dien Rice's HIDDEN BUSINESS IDEAS ( ) is how he includes the MARKETING plan, which is left off of so many of these business idea anthologies. One complaint I had over the years was that these didn't tell anyone how to go about marketing.

The foundation of ENTREPRENEUR MAGAZINE and its founder, Chase Revel, sold little reports which included some semblance of a marketing idea, and that is what made his little INSIDER REPORTS so popular, but he then only offered a genetic, general marketing plan which was the same for all of his business plans.

The DETAILS of how to get customers, IS the thing most often left out of these business presentations...and when they are included, they are glossed over and made to sound so simple and easy, oft found in the words of some dork who sez;, "If I can do it, so can you." Ever hear that one?

So, when I do, or better yet, when I did CONFER or consult with someone, it was one of my up front questions, what is your marketing plan? Right after what do you want and why?

Ideas are literally a penny a dozen. Ideas without action are just wasted mental activity, akin to fantasizing or wishing or day dreaming. Just wool gathering.

A PLAN OF ACTION has to accompany a goal, and here is where the asking of questions, the right ones, will help you determine your potential success.

In case you don't know, my preferred method is to BACKWARD CHAIN the events from the delivery of whatever goods or services you are is the money/value exchanged? How do they find your offer? WHO are they that want/need what you offer? Where are they now? What are they buying? From whom? For how much?

Baselines. Foundations. A well thought out plan of action in incremental steps, with markers along the route. All because you asked the right questions first.

Save yourself time, money, and frustration with your biz ventures, simply by learning how to ask the right questions.

So now, are then any questions about asking questions? If not, I'll get to work, got a lot to do in Sept.

Or if you do have any or comments make them here.


Dien Rice September 1, 2022 09:08 AM

Re: Practical Wisdom.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 43228)
I seek not the wise monk atop the mountain, but the one in the streets with the scars and hard earned wisdom of survival, or surThrival.

That's awesome... (I may need to steal it! ;) )


This might be one advantage I hold at the table...simply due to longevitity and the diversity of work...or as a tribute to my ADHD. Whichever, I try to present practical and useful methods and techniques to use to help others over their personal humps, down times and frustrations.
One good thing about ADHD is... ADHDers often tend to have a wide array of experiences!

A lot of great stuff in your posts... :)

- Dien

Glenn September 1, 2022 04:50 PM

"What do you have to give? To share?" (A Napoleon Hill Idea Adapted)
Thanks Gordon,

This week I bopped over to

Answered Questions for 3 Sm Biz Owners.

I - Guy makes Custom Furniture - wants more clients

II - Award Winning Book Author & Book-Video Trailer Award Winner At Amazon
asks, "How do I get the people I do Book Trailers FOR to USE them? Share them with their lists?

III - Gal doing Nails from Home - wants more Clients.

6 and 7 figure Ideas
with all 3.

But only the Book Author Emailed - then Chatted by phone.


Your Reminder of --

"What do you have to give? To share?"

Reminded me WHAY NOT DO IT F-O-R Them?


Look at their Website - FIX the biggest mistake. (The nails lady lists Prices Up top on the front page - OUCH.)

Skim Their Copywriting. REWRITE and TEST it.

Create a Bribe Report - And Test it FOR them.


Most Importantly.

ONLY Work on Areas They Are ALREADY Comfy with. ONLY Make Changes That are THE SAME/Similar to what they already do.

***Vital - Since 98% of the People on the planet HATE Change.

Glenn Osborn
Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association

P.S. - You ask What TESTS are we doing which Should have People SCREAMING at me?


Had a waiter say, "WHAT THE F?"

I seem to be the ONLY Patron Bringing food into Restaurants.

I'm Lotto Ticket BRIBING Waiters and Waitresses to NOT THROW ME OUT
of the Restaurant when I bring my Solar Oven to the Table.

I Create a GREED-MOOLAH-FAN on the Table. And Tip the waitress BEFORE and During the meal - off the pile.

I got this cheap at one of their 1/2 Price S*ales.

Dien Rice September 2, 2022 06:25 PM

I can see Glenn sitting at a restaurant... cooking with his solar cooker...
Hi Glenn,

I love your stories...

I can see it in my mind's eye...

You sitting at a restaurant... some of your own food with your solar cooker...

And the waitress not batting an eyelid...

...after your "flirt-tipping" actions...!

It would be great one day to go on a restaurant visit with you...

And I would pay good money to see a movie about your life!

With all these actions on the big screen...

You have some valuable, valuable stuff... I know you have a very appreciative audience...!

And... the "done for you" movement is a powerful beast...

I need to leap on it myself!

Best wishes,



Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 43245)
Thanks Gordon,

This week I bopped over to

Answered Questions for 3 Sm Biz Owners.

I - Guy makes Custom Furniture - wants more clients

II - Award Winning Book Author & Book-Video Trailer Award Winner At Amazon
asks, "How do I get the people I do Book Trailers FOR to USE them? Share them with their lists?

III - Gal doing Nails from Home - wants more Clients.

6 and 7 figure Ideas
with all 3.

But only the Book Author Emailed - then Chatted by phone.


Your Reminder of --

"What do you have to give? To share?"

Reminded me WHAY NOT DO IT F-O-R Them?


Look at their Website - FIX the biggest mistake. (The nails lady lists Prices Up top on the front page - OUCH.)

Skim Their Copywriting. REWRITE and TEST it.

Create a Bribe Report - And Test it FOR them.


Most Importantly.

ONLY Work on Areas They Are ALREADY Comfy with. ONLY Make Changes That are THE SAME/Similar to what they already do.

***Vital - Since 98% of the People on the planet HATE Change.

Glenn Osborn
Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association

P.S. - You ask What TESTS are we doing which Should have People SCREAMING at me?


Had a waiter say, "WHAT THE F?"

I seem to be the ONLY Patron Bringing food into Restaurants.

I'm Lotto Ticket BRIBING Waiters and Waitresses to NOT THROW ME OUT
of the Restaurant when I bring my Solar Oven to the Table.

I Create a GREED-MOOLAH-FAN on the Table. And Tip the waitress BEFORE and During the meal - off the pile.

I got this cheap at one of their 1/2 Price S*ales.

GordonJ September 3, 2022 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 43239)
That's awesome... (I may need to steal it! ;) )
One good thing about ADHD is... ADHDers often tend to have a wide array of experiences!
A lot of great stuff in your posts... :)
- Dien

Just in time. The Seeds of Wisdom BOOK of Wise

Excerpts from the last 22 years. Pre Order today, and once I have all the money in hand, I'll hire a fiverr to go through and write it, sound good?


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