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GordonJ April 28, 2016 10:48 AM

Creating copywriter worker bees...the disappointing state of creativity.
23 people later.

I'm hoarse, tired of explaining and overall disappointed.

On April 21, I posted at the Cult of Copy Job Board. Since then, and subsequent posting here, I've spoken with 23 such people. Both sexes. All ages, from total newb to experienced pro.

And my conclusion? Again. Since I've already had one...

Pareto Rules. 80% want to become worker bees.

Oh, they think they want to be "Freelancers", copywriters living the beach/internet life style, sitting with rum filled coconut in lap, leisurely hammering out their masterpiece sales letter which is going to sell untold millions of dollars for some guru or the other.

Until a freelancer has a control, or writes a breakthrough, or has a bucket of results, they, for the most part are just working for their living, and it isn't glam nor prosperous.

Gary Halbert, in the very beginning of his career, often conferred with a local businessman I worked for (where I met Gary)...and he was instructed to

"create your own product".

Back then, we all loved the little report, book or "Print". Cassettes were NEW, and just in the early stages of being bundled into information products.

So, every copywriter I encountered then, was like today's fledgling actor with a Sit-Com script in his man bag...the copy guys were

CREATING their own products.

Bud Weckesser built Green Tree Press from the start up product 101 Ways to Prepare Hamburger. Somewhat ironically, he shared a local printer for one of Gary Halbert's first works on social security. Printing and mail were cheap, and INFORMATION was easily sold in supermarket tabloids and newspapers via eensy-teenie little ads.

OK. OK, and get on with it old man....

I spoke with 23 people who call themselves copywriters. 3, maybe, have taken it seriously and will look into creating their own products.

20 want work.

20 people want someone to hire them. 20 of 23 simply want an assignment.

Look at the A-list copywriters and every single one of them, EVERY ONE, has an information product, course, or whatever, sure about their craft.

But these guys all could create their own product lines outside of writing copy if they wanted to or if it was lucrative enough too.

What it takes to create a commemorative product is...



Good golly Molly (am I the last to use this?) is so easy to look into the future, see the anniversary of a significant event, and begin to brainstorm ideas on potential products.

And here is my rant (OH, no Mr. Bill, there's more?)...

I just don't get why a person with the ability to write copy wouldn't want to OWN a product and have the ongoing royalties which could come in over an extended period of time...

rather than taking a "job" for a given chunk of change, and then going out and finding another job, and another job. When

IF, they had some control, they could produce work in the same amount of time which could pay them for years.

I think these "Copywriting schools" are turning out worker bees (good for those who need the COMMODITY of copy)...and it is so refreshing to talk to an actual CREATIVE, someone who can think, and brainstorm, and see the bigger picture of ownership...

and all the perks and advantages that come with that TOLL position...

rather than the very myopic, microscopic view of a paycheck.

Where has Entrepreneurship gone?
Where is the desire to create and build something?

Oh, it is still out there, probably found in tech and the arts.

But creativity in copywriters? It is no wonder most of the people I spoke with will be replaced in the next couple of years by a computer, and I will be glad to see it happen.

Gordon Jay Alexander, Creative Marketing Professional

ron lafuddy April 28, 2016 01:14 PM

Long ago and far away
Reminds me of my musician days, many lifetimes ago.

Most musicians in those days were happy to be in a "cover band" or "copy band".
Satisfied to just be paid a little money, for something they loved to do.

Hard to impossible, to get them to think beyond that "steady gig" mentality.

Many had talent in spades, but lacked the motivation, the drive and determination, to take control of their lives and their talent. The rampant, chronic drug use didn't help.

Was a good training ground for me, as I learned not to rely on or blame anyone other than myself, for whatever happened.



Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 36566)
23 people later.

I'm hoarse, tired of explaining and overall disappointed.

On April 21, I posted at the Cult of Copy Job Board. Since then, and subsequent posting here, I've spoken with 23 such people. Both sexes. All ages, from total newb to experienced pro.

And my conclusion? Again. Since I've already had one...

Pareto Rules. 80% want to become worker bees.

Oh, they think they want to be "Freelancers", copywriters living the beach/internet life style, sitting with rum filled coconut in lap, leisurely hammering out their masterpiece sales letter which is going to sell untold millions of dollars for some guru or the other.

Until a freelancer has a control, or writes a breakthrough, or has a bucket of results, they, for the most part are just working for their living, and it isn't glam nor prosperous.

Gary Halbert, in the very beginning of his career, often conferred with a local businessman I worked for (where I met Gary)...and he was instructed to

"create your own product".

Back then, we all loved the little report, book or "Print". Cassettes were NEW, and just in the early stages of being bundled into information products.

So, every copywriter I encountered then, was like today's fledgling actor with a Sit-Com script in his man bag...the copy guys were

CREATING their own products.

Bud Weckesser built Green Tree Press from the start up product 101 Ways to Prepare Hamburger. Somewhat ironically, he shared a local printer for one of Gary Halbert's first works on social security. Printing and mail were cheap, and INFORMATION was easily sold in supermarket tabloids and newspapers via eensy-teenie little ads.

OK. OK, and get on with it old man....

I spoke with 23 people who call themselves copywriters. 3, maybe, have taken it seriously and will look into creating their own products.

20 want work.

20 people want someone to hire them. 20 of 23 simply want an assignment.

Look at the A-list copywriters and every single one of them, EVERY ONE, has an information product, course, or whatever, sure about their craft.

But these guys all could create their own product lines outside of writing copy if they wanted to or if it was lucrative enough too.

What it takes to create a commemorative product is...



Good golly Molly (am I the last to use this?) is so easy to look into the future, see the anniversary of a significant event, and begin to brainstorm ideas on potential products.

And here is my rant (OH, no Mr. Bill, there's more?)...

I just don't get why a person with the ability to write copy wouldn't want to OWN a product and have the ongoing royalties which could come in over an extended period of time...

rather than taking a "job" for a given chunk of change, and then going out and finding another job, and another job. When

IF, they had some control, they could produce work in the same amount of time which could pay them for years.

I think these "Copywriting schools" are turning out worker bees (good for those who need the COMMODITY of copy)...and it is so refreshing to talk to an actual CREATIVE, someone who can think, and brainstorm, and see the bigger picture of ownership...

and all the perks and advantages that come with that TOLL position...

rather than the very myopic, microscopic view of a paycheck.

Where has Entrepreneurship gone?
Where is the desire to create and build something?

Oh, it is still out there, probably found in tech and the arts.

But creativity in copywriters? It is no wonder most of the people I spoke with will be replaced in the next couple of years by a computer, and I will be glad to see it happen.

Gordon Jay Alexander, Creative Marketing Professional

sandalwood April 28, 2016 03:15 PM

Re: Creating copywriter worker bees...the disappointing state of creativity.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 36566)
23 people later.

I'm hoarse, tired of explaining and overall disappointed.

On April 21, I posted at the Cult of Copy Job Board. Since then, and subsequent posting here, I've spoken with 23 such people. Both sexes. All ages, from total newb to experienced pro.

And my conclusion? Again. Since I've already had one...

Pareto Rules. 80% want to become worker bees.

Oh, they think they want to be "Freelancers", copywriters living the beach/internet life style, sitting with rum filled coconut in lap, leisurely hammering out their masterpiece sales letter which is going to sell untold millions of dollars for some guru or the other.

Until a freelancer has a control, or writes a breakthrough, or has a bucket of results, they, for the most part are just working for their living, and it isn't glam nor prosperous.

Gary Halbert, in the very beginning of his career, often conferred with a local businessman I worked for (where I met Gary)...and he was instructed to

"create your own product".

Back then, we all loved the little report, book or "Print". Cassettes were NEW, and just in the early stages of being bundled into information products.

So, every copywriter I encountered then, was like today's fledgling actor with a Sit-Com script in his man bag...the copy guys were

CREATING their own products.

Bud Weckesser built Green Tree Press from the start up product 101 Ways to Prepare Hamburger. Somewhat ironically, he shared a local printer for one of Gary Halbert's first works on social security. Printing and mail were cheap, and INFORMATION was easily sold in supermarket tabloids and newspapers via eensy-teenie little ads.

OK. OK, and get on with it old man....

I spoke with 23 people who call themselves copywriters. 3, maybe, have taken it seriously and will look into creating their own products.

20 want work.

20 people want someone to hire them. 20 of 23 simply want an assignment.

Look at the A-list copywriters and every single one of them, EVERY ONE, has an information product, course, or whatever, sure about their craft.

But these guys all could create their own product lines outside of writing copy if they wanted to or if it was lucrative enough too.

What it takes to create a commemorative product is...



Good golly Molly (am I the last to use this?) is so easy to look into the future, see the anniversary of a significant event, and begin to brainstorm ideas on potential products.

And here is my rant (OH, no Mr. Bill, there's more?)...

I just don't get why a person with the ability to write copy wouldn't want to OWN a product and have the ongoing royalties which could come in over an extended period of time...

rather than taking a "job" for a given chunk of change, and then going out and finding another job, and another job. When

IF, they had some control, they could produce work in the same amount of time which could pay them for years.

I think these "Copywriting schools" are turning out worker bees (good for those who need the COMMODITY of copy)...and it is so refreshing to talk to an actual CREATIVE, someone who can think, and brainstorm, and see the bigger picture of ownership...

and all the perks and advantages that come with that TOLL position...

rather than the very myopic, microscopic view of a paycheck.

Where has Entrepreneurship gone?
Where is the desire to create and build something?

Oh, it is still out there, probably found in tech and the arts.

But creativity in copywriters? It is no wonder most of the people I spoke with will be replaced in the next couple of years by a computer, and I will be glad to see it happen.

Gordon Jay Alexander, Creative Marketing Professional


You sound surprised people want a job and do not want to own their "thing". If they owned their "thing" it might fail. You are very capable of extending that thought so I'll spare the verbiage.

Here is another reason people are looking for a job: That's what they've been taught. Think about it given the realities of today's environment.

Here's the preamble to another explanation. I have an evergreen idea that will stay in our collective faces for years. The opportunities are endless with this idea. It is not a physical product, foodstuff, animal or mineral. Yet, the creators of this idea are making millions. If I mentioned the name of the man who has capitalized on this bloviation you'd know the product.

Why aren't I running down the street with it? I don't like building websites and I have an income that keeps me demotivated. What does this have to do with your post? It might explain, to a point, why others seem non motivated or could care less about creativity.

You are right though. You can capitalize on everyday happenings if you are so inclined. Personally I've stopped caring why anyone else is or is not doing something. If I get off my dead ass, I might act on my idea.

Oh, how about this for a kicker? I can use the name of a celebrity in the name of the website and not get sued. Unless of course I do and that would be a good thing cuz the burden of proof is on the plaintiff and the ensuing publicity would mushroom the value of the website.

Anyway, good luck with your search.

Dien Rice April 28, 2016 09:32 PM

The problem of writing copy for money... and the solution!

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 36566)
I think these "Copywriting schools" are turning out worker bees (good for those who need the COMMODITY of copy)...and it is so refreshing to talk to an actual CREATIVE, someone who can think, and brainstorm, and see the bigger picture of ownership...

and all the perks and advantages that come with that TOLL position...

rather than the very myopic, microscopic view of a paycheck.

Where has Entrepreneurship gone?
Where is the desire to create and build something?

Hi Gordon,

Thanks for sharing this!

It's true, you can make great money with good copywriting skills...

However, I remember reading somewhere, that the average income of all copywriters is not that high...

(Of course, what people call "copywriting" sometimes leaves a lot to be desired!)

You can make big money doing big jobs for clients... Especially if you are one of the rare talents who can write controls for companies like Rodale and Agora...

That's a very competitive field... You're up against some pretty tough competition!

But you also gave the solution to this problem!

Which is... Writing copy to sell your own products, if you can actually write copy that sells...

Some of the greatest copywriters, as you point out, created/developed/acquired their own products. In some cases, they exclusively wrote copy for their own products.

Joseph Sugarman is routinely spoken about as being one of the world's top copywriters. He exclusively wrote copy and created infomercials for his own products (JS&A, BluBlocker)...

To my knowledge, another amazing copywriter was Bud Weckesser (as you mentioned). I could be wrong about this, but to my knowledge, he also only wrote copy for his own products too (published by Green Tree Press)...

Harvey Brody is an amazing copywriter - he has a style like no other, but it works. He's written copy exclusively for his own products, as far as I know...

If you're a copywriter - presumably you can write! So, there should be nothing stopping you from putting together an infoproduct...

So, the problem (of low copywriter income) has a solution - and you hit the nail on the head! :)

Best wishes,


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