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Adman July 14, 2008 11:58 AM

Tape vs Digital Camcorders
Hello....I'm looking at upgrading my Video Cam for some youtube stuff BUT...I noticed a "Digital" Camcorder at Office Depot.

This unit doesn't use a I'm thinking it will be easier to make DVD's and upload to the web.

Any folks out here using a "Digital" Camcorder?

Don Alm

Pete Egeler July 14, 2008 01:36 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders

I think you'll find that before too long, you won't be able to find such a thing as a "tape" version of a camcorder.

Suggest you go Digital. Both of my kids have 'em, record for hours at a time, and it's simply a matter of plugging them into the computer and dubbing the contents onto a disc, or into a folder. (At least that's what my teenaged grand daughter tells me. :)


Adman July 14, 2008 02:41 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders
Thanks Pete...I just found a Digital Camcorder at Office Depot for $349.

Salesclerk says it's REAL SIMPLE to shoot video and upload to youtube.

A great way to promote your products...and the video is hosted on YouTube.

Don Alm

Unregistered July 14, 2008 08:58 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders
Which camera did you buy?


Originally Posted by Adman (Post 21782)
Thanks Pete...I just found a Digital Camcorder at Office Depot for $349.

Salesclerk says it's REAL SIMPLE to shoot video and upload to youtube.

A great way to promote your products...and the video is hosted on YouTube.

Don Alm

Unregistered July 14, 2008 09:25 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders

Here's a 10-minute clip - How to Film a Video - from

Also, if you're just shooting short clips at your desk and that sort of quality, you might want to consider something like the RCA Small Wonder EZ205 that I just picked up last week at Circuit City for $89 that records up to 2 hours, or 30 minutes for the higher DVD quality setting. You can also find last years EZ105 (60 minutes) around for $50-$60, or even the EZ101 (30 minutes) for around $30.

It's pretty amazing what you can get for the price and the way that Youtube breaks your files way down in size, the quality is gonna suffer no matter what type of camera you use.

I also register free accounts at to upload and store the files directly from my camera to their server. Then download the clips back into Windows Movie Maker as I need them.

Good luck,


Robert J. July 14, 2008 09:57 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders
That's one heck of a tutorial!
Thanks for sharing.
Robert J.

Adman July 14, 2008 10:33 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders
Hey Rod....AWESOME!

Thanks for the input.

Now...I'll "give something back".

I've been a "Go" guy for over 30 yrs. I get an idea to start a biz....I research as much as I can about it and....I STEP OUT AND DO IT! Knowing that I have a 50-50 chance of making it or not making it.

Well...fortunately, Ive had more make it than didn't.

My very first "Biz-Op" had to do with offering a "PRE-View Video" for my Biz-Op, for which I charged a "Refundable, $20 Deposit".

This was a TAPE Video where I found a company that would make 100 (60 min) Tapes for $200. This was way back in 1985 when Video was just coming alive.

My "FREE Preview Video" (for which those interested had to send me $20) showed little ol' ME holding and demonstrating the product I was selling.

Now...the BIG DIFFERENCE in using Video to show prospects your product or program is; They can SEE IT and NOT COPY IT!


There's NO QUESTION the product exists. This is compared to showing your product in an email or ebook or fax or Printed sheets or even on a website...WHERE YOUR PRODUCT CAN BE EASILY COPIED!

So...I started getting requests for my "FREE Preview Video" for which they had to pay a "Refundable Deposit of $20".

They watched the Video and either bought my "Back-End" program or they didn't. About 20% BOUGHT my Back-Ender that I was showing on the FREE Preview Video. Only about 1 out of 100 asked for a refund of my "FREE Preview Video" for which they had paid a Refundable Deposit of $20. forward to 2008. We have YouTube and 5 or 6 other sites we can place our "PREVIEW VIDEOS"...where people can watch the video and see us giving a sales pitch for our "Back-End" product or program AND...IT'S ALL FREE! don't even have to take up space on your hard drive or server, let the FREE VIDEO sites host your Videos. No making up Physical Videos. No Mailing fees. No Nothing. Just upload and pick a good Title GRABBER and you'll get viewers. Awesome.

Only ONE problemo;
When people sent me $20 for my FREE Preview Videos...they were VERY QUALIFIED as to being INTERESTED in MY PROGRAM or PRODUCT!

Placing a Video on You Tube doesn't qulify people....the 3 good things about it is:
1) It's FAST to get a Video on YouTube
2) It's FREE
3) It could attract THOUSANDS of prospects

So...ya put yer money down and ya take yer chances. And...Video is the way to go.

So...that's where I'm headed. Thanks for the input.

Don Alm

Scott S. July 15, 2008 01:36 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders
You can convert vhs tape to digital with an analog to digital converter. I think think they cost around $80 to $100. Also you might check for an external mic jack.

Scott S.

Adman July 15, 2008 01:56 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders
Scott...with a "Digital" there's no need to "convert". You can go directly to YouTube or a DVD Burner. there a major advantage to having a "Tape" init? Like, Image Quality? etc...

Don Alm

Rod Carr July 15, 2008 02:23 PM

Re: Tape vs Digital Camcorders
Don, thank you for your excellent idea and points!

And let me add one more potentially BIG plus for online video ...

The VIRAL factor!

More specifically, the opportunity to establish and film the BIG PROMISE of your product to attract a large, pass-along viewing audience.

For example, on a corporate scale I think it was Timex that PROMISED the indestructible nature of one of its sport watches by filming the results of straping one to the front of a speed boat.

But what's really cool about web video is the little guy can potentially accomplish the same results.

For example, if you offer a product that you claim is so easy even a child can use it. Why not create a cute video actually showing a child using it? Which is one very simple idea with the potential to catch on. Or, if you sell a Biz-Opp that offers a great way for stay-at-home mom's to make an extra $1000 a month part-time, with no previous business experience. Then put together an interview with a successful stay-at-home mom which supports this claim.

Point being to IDENTIFY the BIG PROMISE of your product or service, film it, and promote it BOTH offline and online with some PR and media support. Which can start by simply showing it to your local community newspaper.

Also, one point of my previous comment was that serving and streaming high-quality online video is a different breed of cat then Youtube and the others who heavily encode or reduce the size of your files, so the cheaper digital camcorders can work fine for webcam quality shots. And for some pretty amazing prices. Kmart ran a recent clearance sale on the 07' EZ105 for $48. Walgreen still carries the same item and it would be interesting to see what you might get it for if you refer to Kmarts sale. Though if you check eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist, there's a lot of them available.

If you do pick one up at Circuit City, be sure to check their online prices, because it cost more in the store.

And, here's a link to everything you would need to know about Windows Movie Maker:



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