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GordonJ January 25, 2011 10:08 AM

Abrupt changes.
Tonight we hear the President give us the "State of the Union". Will we hear a rosy forecast? The recession is over? More JOBS on the horizon?

Well, we'll see.

Since the first of the year, I've spoken to 5 people who went to work, a couple like they've done for over a decade...and by the evening, they were out of work.

That is an ABRUPT change.

You can't do much about accidents and sudden illness (except to lock yourself in a sterile house and never go out, even then)...

And when you suddenly lose your job, PANIC could set in.

First thing is to take a deep breath and keep breathing. Then waste NO time with prepping for your future. Sure, it's hard, unfair even...but it serves up an opportunity too. NO, I'm not a rose colored glasses Pollyanna, but, I've seen enough wallowing in my lifetime to know that doesn't help.

So, if you have had an abrupt change lately...ask the man in the mirror what he's going to do next. MAKE him tell you what his next move is going to be.

Gordon Alexander

Adman January 25, 2011 07:48 PM

Re: Abrupt changes.
IMHO...what you will hear tonight is a bunch of "Horse-Hockey" from someone who wants "Capitalism To Fail!"

Why waste your time! He's only vying for position to be re-elected and the people hes speaking to are "DE-pendent Souls"...DE-pendent upon "Da Gummit" to take care of them.

I'm sorry. Just as in the "Clinton"'s all LIES and Innuendo. This guy and his Czars are doing their best to "Take This Country DOWN!' it's knees!

If "Da'Working Class" doesn't wise up soon.....they'll be paying us entroopeneers to deliver food to them.

Don Alm....spending time this eve in an "Obama-Free" home!
(Even the mention of the guy's name brings guttoral spasms. I gotta go geta Tums)

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