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Dien Rice March 4, 2002 06:09 PM

Sometimes success keeps you more "behind the scenes"!
Sales of Writer's Friend are going well, plus The Art of Leverage, and we're getting the first Seedzine ready to go. We're working on a few more things "behind the scenes" too, which you'll know about in a few weeks....

So, please forgive my quietness here lately. It's because I've been quite busy behind the scenes.

However, if you have a question, fire away! We have a lot of visitors "in the background" according to the stats, and I'll chip in if I can help too....

- Dien

Dien Rice March 4, 2002 06:17 PM

Which brings me to another point.... February was our most active month ever!
We had the most visitors to Sowpub in February 2002 of any month on record.... We smashed the record in January!

So thank you all for making February a blockbuster month!

What are YOU doing for your business? Don't just sit there and fantasize - DO something. Even if you're employed, you can do something in your spare time, even if it's just to promote a product as an affiliate. It's valuable experience - hey, that's how I started out.

So, don't just sit there twiddling your thumbs, get out and DO something!

There are two essential components to a business.... ONE, a product or service. TWO, customers. Put the two together, and VOILA, you have a business.

You don't have to have your own product - you can promote a product as an affiliate. And you don't even need your own customers - you can advertise in an ezine, or on Google. Use their customers.

By the way, did you know Google now has pay-per-click advertising? It's their "Adwords Select" program.

- Dien Rice

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