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Dien Rice August 21, 2019 04:48 PM

A personal letter from Dan Kennedy...
I just saw this...

If true, it sounds like Dan Kennedy is extremely unwell...

- Dien

Rick August 22, 2019 08:45 PM

Re: A personal letter from Dan Kennedy...
Dien -

It's true. I found out about it earlier today from a source I trust. Apparently, Dan passed some time late yesterday afternoon.

Dan was (and is) one of the good guys. I once met Dan years ago. I'll miss him.


unpinkpanther August 25, 2019 12:16 PM

Dan Kennedy will NEVER die...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 40100)
I just saw this...

Of course we'll all leave this plane one way or another

Dan Kennedy will always live on in the hearts and minds of those of us he inspired with his work

For instance, I still have my dog-eared How to Make Millions with Your Ideas

That trusty resource book introduced me to people like Cossman, Gary Halbert, Sugarman, etc

You could even say that through that book, Dan Kennedy helped set me on a LONG adventure that led me to this very forum

How can a soul like that ever die?

GordonJ August 25, 2019 12:28 PM

The one piece of advice Dan Kennedy gave me, which I regrettably ignored is...

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther (Post 40106)
Of course we'll all leave this plane one way or another

Dan Kennedy will always live on in the hearts and minds of those of us he inspired with his work

For instance, I still have my dog-eared How to Make Millions with Your Ideas

That trusty resource book introduced me to people like Cossman, Gary Halbert, Sugarman, etc

You could even say that through that book, Dan Kennedy helped set me on a LONG adventure that led me to this very forum

How can a soul like that ever die?


Dan said: "Take their money, if you don't, they'll give it to someone else."

I resisted that for a long, long time. The other sales tip, was it was the salesman's OBLIGATION to make them buy, if it was for their own good.

I look back and see where he was right. I'm almost 5 years older than Dan, and when it comes to health, some things are out of our hands. My cigar smoking, whiskey a day drinking Granddad live to 94. My healthy friend, who never smoked, drank or even cursed as I recall, died at 37, Jim Fixx, the runner and fitness guru died of a heart attack.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, fit or fat, rich or poor. Live TODAY to the best of your abilities is probably the thing to do.


Dien Rice August 25, 2019 02:33 PM

I just wanted to share...

According to Lee Milteer, Dan Kennedy is still alive and is benefiting from the messages...

This is her message... (from a couple of hours ago...)

"DAN KENNEDY GOOD NEWS; SO PRAYERS are working, The letters you are sending in are WORKING. The massive numbers of people who have written letters to Dan on his tribute link ---have been printed out and faxed to Dan's house and then taken to Hospice location where family is taking turns reading these letters to him, How He Changed their life and business with his teaching.
These letters have emotionally and visually PERKED DAN UP. He told me he was SHOCKED how people felt. He had never gotten appreciation like this in his life. He is touched.
He mentioned that People really should send the Damn Flowers while people are alive so they can appreciate them!!
( Dan is not looking for flowers-- its the point of showing your love now while people are on earth)
YOUR LOVE for Dan is being felt and I encourage each and every one of you that loves Dan Kennedy IF you have not written him-- Please submit your tribute to Dan at : If you wanted to TELL DAN anything -- Now is your last chance to show your gratitude and appreciation for what you have learned because of him. All of you have written on social media NOW is the time to take those things and send them so while Dan is still with us hear your thoughts. Don't let this be one of those things you regret you did not do. GO TO: . "

(Dien's note: There's been a lot of confusion... A couple of people I'm aware of - like John Carlton and Ken McCarthy, who both know Dan personally - posted that Dan had passed, then withdrew their initial note as they got new information...)

Best wishes,


Glenn August 26, 2019 04:45 PM

A Dan Kennedy Salesmanship Story
Thanks Gordon/Dien,

A client and I split the cost to go to a Dan Kennedy event in Illinois.

Gun Club and Health Club owner, Al Fritzinger, doubled S*ales every year.

A Thank You Xmas Letter - Referral System.

The Gun club Xmas Letter Contained 7 Gift Certificates for 6 Months
of F-r-e-e Gun Club Membership. For Deer Hunter friends.

Including F-r-e-e
Machine Gun Practice!

Like Disneyland - Al had no more room in his Gun Club.

So he built a Health club next door.
We met at a Jay Abraham event and I helped market both Businesses.

AL Drove from PA to Naperville, IL - Speeding the whole way.

80 and 90 mile an hour.

AN Eye-Opening ADVENTURE to travel with a Retired Cop!

No tickets even after being pulled over 5 times.


At Dans Event he announced:

"500.00 to Anyone Who Wants to Ask Me
a Question While we Break for Lunch."

Al was worth TENS of M*illions.

So he pulled out a wad of C*ash.

Dragged me thru a door to meet Dan.

Dan was sitting on the front of a desk inside a small room.

We all Shook hands.

Dan asks, "What do you do for a living Al?

Al Explains about his Gun Club and Health Club.

Then Tries to Hand Dan The 500 Bucks.

Dan waved the munny off and said, "Keep Your Munny. The 500.00 was just to Scare off The DeadBeats and Time Wasters."


I now Ask people to Pass my LOTTO Ticket Test
before I talk to them.

(DANS POINT is a good one. If You Cannot Afford 500 Bucks You Can't Afford me. And MY Version is - If You Can't Give Away a 1.00 LOTTO ticket. Then Tell me What Happened - You Cannot Implement Any Idea I give you.)

The very same Golden Rule Testimonials and Case Studies
that my new Flirt Battle book is full of.

THANKS For Demonstrating the Concept - Face to Face - DAN.

Dien Rice August 28, 2019 01:17 PM

Further Update...
A further update from Lee Milteer (from about an hour ago)...

See the full post at

"Dan Kennedy is still alive and ENJOYING all the many letters he has been sent and I personally BELIEVE those letters are giving us a turn around with him. His mood has been brightened immensely from all the LOVE that is being sent to him and either he is now reading or is being read to him. People are ASKING me can he survive this illness. I sincerely believe in Prayers, I believe in Miracles and I believe there is always a chance when the person ill feels good their immune system works better. I certainly have read stories where people do come out of Hospice and My personal VISUALIZATION is that Dan show up at Growth Summit in Oct in Denver and speaks and is on the mend. ..."

Best wishes,


Dien Rice August 28, 2019 01:47 PM

Loved the story of Dan Kennedy's "fake" $500 fee!

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 40113)
At Dans Event he announced:

"500.00 to Anyone Who Wants to Ask Me
a Question While we Break for Lunch."

Al was worth TENS of M*illions.

So he pulled out a wad of C*ash.

Dragged me thru a door to meet Dan.

Dan was sitting on the front of a desk inside a small room.

We all Shook hands.

Dan asks, "What do you do for a living Al?

Al Explains about his Gun Club and Health Club.

Then Tries to Hand Dan The 500 Bucks.

Dan waved the munny off and said, "Keep Your Munny. The 500.00 was just to Scare off The DeadBeats and Time Wasters."

Thanks Glenn - I loved the two stories in your post!

The first one, partly on how your client gives away multiple gift certificates for his customers to give to their friends (I love that idea)!

The other about Dan Kennedy's "fake" $500 fee for anyone who wanted to ask him a question over lunch at his event... To "filter" out the "time wasters"...

And how you adapted this idea too!

I think it's definitely true, you need to do something like this, especially if you're going to do consulting (since consulting costs your time).

I've promoted a consulting service in the past. To get people interested, I offered a half hour of consulting for free.

I did end up with "real" paying clients (so it worked)... But of course, I got a few "tire kickers" too who had no intention in in paying me for consulting, but were just curious as to what would happen during the free half hour!

Thanks again, Glenn... Loved it! :)

Best wishes,


Rick September 5, 2019 12:20 AM

Re: Update...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 40108)
I just wanted to share...

According to Lee Milteer, Dan Kennedy is still alive and is benefiting from the messages...

This is her message... (from a couple of hours ago...)

"DAN KENNEDY GOOD NEWS; SO PRAYERS are working, The letters you are sending in are WORKING. The massive numbers of people who have written letters to Dan on his tribute link ---have been printed out and faxed to Dan's house and then taken to Hospice location where family is taking turns reading these letters to him, How He Changed their life and business with his teaching.
These letters have emotionally and visually PERKED DAN UP. He told me he was SHOCKED how people felt. He had never gotten appreciation like this in his life. He is touched.
He mentioned that People really should send the Damn Flowers while people are alive so they can appreciate them!!
( Dan is not looking for flowers-- its the point of showing your love now while people are on earth)
YOUR LOVE for Dan is being felt and I encourage each and every one of you that loves Dan Kennedy IF you have not written him-- Please submit your tribute to Dan at : If you wanted to TELL DAN anything -- Now is your last chance to show your gratitude and appreciation for what you have learned because of him. All of you have written on social media NOW is the time to take those things and send them so while Dan is still with us hear your thoughts. Don't let this be one of those things you regret you did not do. GO TO: . "

(Dien's note: There's been a lot of confusion... A couple of people I'm aware of - like John Carlton and Ken McCarthy, who both know Dan personally - posted that Dan had passed, then withdrew their initial note as they got new information...)

Best wishes,


Dien -

You're correct. The initial reports were confusing. However, I got an email just today from Nick Loise (president of No B.S. Inner Circle) saying Dan was still in hospice care.


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