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GordonJ February 19, 2020 10:18 AM

SowPub UPDATES and 20 years later.
Wow, what a fast two decades it has been. Seems like only yesterday.

But here we are. 2020. OUR twentieth year, so I thought it would be a good time to UPDATE everyone. We're holding steady at around 1500 people a day looking over our 20 years of stored wisdom. Still a steady trickle of new people, although most don't register.

Since Dien announced in the Coronavirus thread his wife was expecting, then congrats are in order for him, I think he'll take to Daddy HOOD quickly. Wish him and his wife well on that journey. I keep warning him about not sleeping, but I don't think he needs much to begin with.

He's just getting started, and in a way, so am I with one of my kids, our PILOT is done, we'll start shopping it around very soon (her agent is on maternity leave, so that may delay a little bit of what we do). I have several scripts in progress, and will start shopping those too. Hollywood has been interesting, and it is all about who knows who or getting to know someone.

My daughter having a literary agent with a respected firm helps, she worked very hard for that to happen. So, now the REAL work begins, the SELLING.

I keep telling her, "the sale begins when the customer says NO" the more NOs we get through the closer to the show becoming manifest will be.

Because Dien and I have been so busy in our respective journey's, we've not given SOWPUB the attention it deserves, and with fresh blood and new perspectives being added (it appears our newest folks are a generation or two younger than some of you guys who have been here from the start).

But we hope to take a more active role, do some indexing, dust off the old stuff, see if it is relevant and can be updated...all that jazz.

Also, since I have now a 50 year history of advertising writing and did pretty well when I was active in copywriting, I am thinking about coaching or taking a couple of copy WRITERS under my wing to help them reach their goals.

I don't think writing Copy as a BIZ-OP is a very good idea. So I don't want to spend time on people who want to make an extra income. I still have close ties with copy writers who earn at least 250k a year, without doing much solicitation, because they are known.

I think that is the second critical part of being a high paid copywriter. First is being able to sell stuff by remote means (talking of Direct Response Copy writing, not that many 250k creative agency types)...

So, if you can get results with your copy, then you must be given the opportunity to prove it.

And this is where the BOG DOWN happens. I still belong to all the Facebook Groups on Copy, and there are now tens of thousands hopefuls, and 98% of them won't make it. They may create a job for themselves, hope they do if that is what they want.

But even if a newer person has "the chops", they seldom get THE CHANCE. I think that is where someone likes me comes in. I can't guarantee to anyone they will get a great gig from an established marketer, but I can guarantee I'll do my part and make the introductions, and get the CHANCE. Alas, I am not selling any how to courses, or how to write copy...too many of those out there already.
And I won't be my normal cheap commodity, since I can't sell 1,000 copies for 25 bux, I have to flip those numbers around.

Well, NOT 25k, although that would be a bargain just to get your work in front of a guy with a 100 million a year marketing company who pays top commissions....a BARGAIN. But I will determine the actual cost based on what you bring to the table. Kind of a pay what you think you are worth. Do you think you can write copy that sells something? BECAUSE if you can, I've got friends in high places ready to give you a chance. Contact me for details and be prepared for sticker shock.

I don't know how much of SowPub will get updated, fixed, links removed, etc. we know we have some housekeeping to do...and Dien will be busy changing diapers and writing copy, and physics, all his stuff...

And I'll be in LA LA LAND, standing on street corners with my cardboard sign in hand...SCRIPTS FOR FOOD.

Oh, sure, I'm hoping for the FOUR SEASONS in Paris, but depending on how thin I get, maybe Scripts for a Big Mac. HA!

I have the rest of Feb. OFF (so to speak) which is why I've got some time to post and try to get all caught up.

So, what YOU got going on in 2020?


Glenn February 19, 2020 11:46 AM

P*AY-IT-Forward Copywriting To Meet Affluent Neighbors
Thanks Gordon,

Over the years of Interviewing self made M*illionaires and a few B*illionaires
I have observed ALL of them have Hobbies.

But with a Twist.

M*illionaires Have A Hobby That Is Profitable.

Self Made B*illionaires have Multiple ***Hi-Profit*** Hobbies.

One of my HOBBIES Has Introduced me to 3 "Neighbors" in 1999 and 2020.

I - A sister and brother who own 2 Restaurants, a Parking Garage
and Flip Houses.

II - An Apartment Complex Owner - who owns 52 Antique Cars.


III - A Man who Owns 22 Houses in Oregon, California, Ohio and Maryland.

JUST This Week
I got an Email from
a Lady who has Bought
a 500,000.00 House and Land - 5 miles away from me.

Pam is spending Moolah like a Drunken Sailor.

While I was There Looking at a Huge Maple Tree She had-Had cut down. TWO
CONTRACTORS WERE THERE too. She is Putting in new Fuel Oil Tanks.

SHE P*AID to have the stump ground up! (Even in her back yard. Us Country
Folks would NEVER do that.)

AS We All Know.

People who just BOUGHT A House - Are Ideal Prospects for all kinds of Businesses!


WHY DID PAM Email me (A Total Stranger) out of the Blue?

She Saw These Words on the - Neighborhood Bulletin Board or Forum.


“Looking for help cutting up a fallen tree. Will pay $100”


“Thanks Dan, I am only 2 miles from Sparks. If you need someone to do ax work. Or split up the tree log for firewood. That I can help you with. No charge. Neighbor to neighbor. Glenn //email me if You need a *farmboy* - with experience- who cuts and splits wood to heat my house. ([email protected] )


(EDITORS NOTE - I am Planning on Posting These 4 Pages at my F-r-e-e Ezine Archive. AS A PROVEN Resource. FOR Guys and Gals who want Extra C*ash. AND FOR Affluent Subscribers who want to Meet R*ICH NEIGHBORS.) THUS there is a Headline. And a Salutation. And Body Copy. What you SEE BELOW - will not read like a casual EMAIL.)

“How To Get P*AID By Affluent Neighbors
While You Practice Your NLP Rapport Skills.”

“A Mouse-Click-Easy Home-Based-Method to Get P*AID For Helping Your Affluent Neighbors.”

Dear Friend,

Thanks for Joining me For a NEW NLP Test.

And a Proven Way to Make Extra Moolah - Mouse-Clicking-From-Home.

The 3 Ways I Have Made Extra Moolah SO FAR:

WAY I - I have Hooked Up a Plumber, HVAC & Landscaper with Home Owners Looking for Bids. Got P*aid a Referral Fee.

WAY II - I have found Elderly (Or Busy) Neighbors Who Would Rather P*ay Someone Else to do Yard Work. And Given The Gig to a Do-it-Yourselfer.”

WAY III - I Have Emailed Neighbors within 10 miles of me an offer to DO Their Project For F*ree. AND Every Time - Gotten P*AID to do some more Little Home & Lawn Projects.

EFFECT of WAY III - Is Total Strangers on The Neighborhood Forum Are Emailing me!


When I did a 100.00 Job for F-r-e-e.

I got an Email from a Lady GIVING me 1000.00 worth of wood. All I have to do is Split it and Haul it away. (Which I already do at my House.)

I Cut and Pasted The Emails that Went Back And Forth BELOW.

So You Can Practice The Golden Rule too.

AND Collect More GOLD.


Folks who P*A*Y YOU!

All Starting with The Piddly Little Jobs I do F*ree.

GOLDEN RULE OF RECIPROCITY - F*R*E*E - Allows Me to Meet AFFLUENT Neighbors who have Much Bigger and More Expensive Wants and Needs - PILED UP.

Just waiting for Someone They TRUST.


“Looking for help cutting up a fallen tree. Will pay $100”


“Thanks Dan, I am only 2 miles from Sparks. If you need someone to do ax work. Or split up the tree log for firewood. That I can help you with. No charge. Neighbor to neighbor. Glenn //email me if You need a *farmboy* - with experience- who cuts and splits wood to heat my house. ([email protected] )


“Hi are you interested in cutting fallen tree in my yard my # 410-790-0000

I am in sparks …cynthia


#1 - I Googled Her Exact Address Location

#2 - I called Cynthia - As I Promised to do before Coming over. Left Her a Voice Mail Message.

#3 - Cut, Trimmed, Hauled Limbs for 3 Hours.

#4 - Then Emailed Her When I got Back Home.

“Thanks Cynthia,
50 Degrees today.* Yippee.
I called you.* Left a message.* Then drove over.* I asked a neighbor to find you.
No # on your house.
There are 3 pine trees down.
I trimmed and cut up the one closest to your down hill neighbor..
Did not quite finish.
Not sure you wanted it all in the corner brush pile.* AND IT WON'T FIT, EITHER.

BEFORE & AFTER Ax - Pine Tree Photo -

SURPRISE RESULTS - (From Pam, a Total Stranger)

THE NEXT DAY I get this Email from Pam who Spotted My Message on The Neighborhood Forum…

“I just had a large tree taken down and cut into sections. If you want to come turn it into firewood you can have almost all of it...just leave a small pile of firewood for me? Is that worth your efforts? (If it isn’t then I apologize for not knowing better)”

MY ANSWER - (Subject Line - —Tree firewood— glenn)

“Thanks Pam,

“Where do you live?

“What kind of tree?

“How do you know I split lots of wood to heat my house?


Pam REPLY #1 -

“I saw you on the neighbor chat. Maple. *Butler and falls.

PAM REPLY #2 - (She sent a Pic)

“My tree is already like this. Brush all gone. Stump ground. All you need to do is turn into firewood.

MY ANSWER - (Subject Line - —Tree firewood— glenn)

“Thanks PAM,

“Thanks for Emailing me.

“Good timing.

“I just trimmed and cut up (3/4 done) a big pine tree (That I cannot Burn)
for Cynthia in Sparks.* She lives right near intersection of Belfast Rd and 83.

“Where are You Located?

“I will drive over in my Truck and Take a Look.

“I just P*aid 240.00 for a 100 gallons of Fuel oil.

“Maple Wood is cheaper.

“Am driving over to visit you Now.


F-r-e-e Maple Wood Photo -


I googled:

And Discovered:

NEXTDOOR.COM is set up in the USA.

But a few other countries too.

United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and Canada are using


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