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GordonJ April 18, 2019 02:00 PM

SQ1 give-get. The TRANSACTION MODEL, an exchange of value.
Earned income. Not from gifts, trust funds or finding bags full of cash.

But the easiest way to MAKE MONEY is to exchange value. This is a TRANSACTION.

Interesting newsletter from Ankesh Kothari this week, the richest man of Timbuktu. Mansa Musa. We studied him in the 8th grade, back when they taught world history too. He was 10x richer than ANYONE today.

Anyhow, he gave away tons of gold on his way to Mecca, and this ruined economies for decades.

Another example of why receiving money for doing nothing, is often a bane to one's existence.

If YOU want some gold in your pockets, you need to EXCHANGE value with people, even the stock market players have to have some coin in the game to be able to make a transaction.

On the SQ1 PICTOGRIGM OF Finances:

We see in the upper right corner the GIVE-GET concept.

At the WF I recently posted this:

Bring VALUE, instead of WANT, and success gets excited about meeting you.

The WF is infamous for attracting people who want something for nothing. They want, want, and want. But seldom do they say, I bring this (value) to the table.

My issue with more than a few SowPubbers is, and has been for a decade, that you have STORED VALUE, and if you want to convert it to gold, then get it out of storage (your mind) and into the marketplace.

Since, I am hot today on Chalk Boards, it is easy to see the VALUE a restaurant receives. FREE, easy to use, lightweight, fits anywhere, can be hung, mounted, put on a stand, and with bright chalk, can have great results.

Featuring items on a menu board is a proven way for restaurants to sell higher profit items. So many will welcome this freebie, even allowing the ads.

One thing, many of the restaurants have found the advertisers start being more frequent customers, often showing off their ads. Very interesting what seeing your name in "lights" does for the ego. I guess, in addition to getting more business or at least name recognition, there is delight seeing your name on a bus, or bench, or menu board.

The VALUE to the restaurant is daily. The value to the advertiser is, comparing against all other forms of brand advertising, one simply can't get that many eyeballs over that long of a period of time for anything close to that price.

On the Pictogrigm above, this would probably fall under the Joint Venture or Partnership model (just one of many types of JV/Partnerships).

And it gives great leverage. Using other people's traffic, to generate business.

But back on point:

When YOU are looking for money making and business opportunities, start with the TRANSACTION MODEL, how is the value exchanged. You'll quickly see the potential slop and mess, and so then, avoid it.

As for GIVING. I guarantee YOU have some stored value which could be converted to gold,


The decision to WANT (the desire) often brings the HOW along with it.

As a corollary to the Bring Value, not want with you...

find the track the success train is running on, and jump in front of it.

And if you take the time to DO the SQ1, you will have a clearer vision of where you should be.


Dien Rice April 19, 2019 11:58 AM

Re: SQ1 give-get. The TRANSACTION MODEL, an exchange of value.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39780)
If YOU want some gold in your pockets, you need to EXCHANGE value with people, even the stock market players have to have some coin in the game to be able to make a transaction.

On the SQ1 PICTOGRIGM OF Finances:

We see in the upper right corner the GIVE-GET concept.

At the WF I recently posted this:

Bring VALUE, instead of WANT, and success gets excited about meeting you.

Hi Gordon,

This is certainly a kind of "golden rule" about business...

And for some it may require a mindset-change...

It's definitely about giving value - and making sure that there is a fee attached to that value too.

(I mention that because many people are very generous - in fact, overly generous. Which means they provide a lot of value, and don't charge for it, or undercharge for it... Which is also a recipe for failure...)

You have to get comfortable with charging for what you give... :)

I was reading about a person who was asked to be part of an event, to provide their services (some kind of therapeutic service, I think). But - the organizer wanted them to provide it for free. "Great for exposure!" they said...

Sometimes that might be worth doing (if you can sell something as well). But, often it's a trap!

As a band manager, the band has sometimes been asked to do gigs for little or nothing... "Great for exposure!" We've always turned these "offers" down. I feel it's disrespectful to the talent in the band. Even musicians need to eat! The guys don't play unless they get paid... That's the deal!

Best wishes,


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