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GordonJ March 7, 2011 07:40 PM

The coming DEPRESSION PART THREE The Russians.
What is coming isn't a DEPRESSION where having gold is a great idea...the value of gold is tied to false markets.

Wall Street has become the "money changers" at the gates of the Temple.

Planting a garden is not only going to feed your family, it is going to provide you with real currency to use to obtain some very hard to come by products.

I want you to understand. I haven't flipped out, not yet anyhow.

I see BIG time troubles ahead.

YES, we are absolutely dependent on foreign oil. No big deal as long as our supply remains stable...plenty of oil in the ground for at least THIS generation.

Hopefully, an act of terrorism isn't going to throw us into the depression overnight...

BUT, there are so many things happening, most of you, most of America and most of the world doesn't have a clue. Let me illuminate the darkness.

Russia. There are now Generals and men in the Russian Military who served in Afghanistan. The Charlie Wilson War is coming home to roost.

See, there isn't any Afghanistan and try as we might to buy "HEARTS AND MINDS" by spending billions of dollars (just this week alone) to do so is a total disaster.

The Russians know this now. Pakistan/India is a much more important issue...and racism, everywhere in the world is a root cause you can't buy away.

Americans think of "Muslims"...but within that group are the major sects of Sunni and Shia and several other smaller, albeit, fiercely protective of their religion groups.

We have a tendency to lump people together. Note the Chinese gov't announced there will be NO demonstrations in Beijing...and they have the history to prove it.

Back to Russia. We now think of them as having embraced democracy and capitalism...and sure, there have been a rise of both the rich and the middle class...make no mistake, there are plenty of poor people ready, willing and able to take up the cause if provoked.

Workers of the world Unite isn't some early 20th century catch phrase which began the slaughter of millions upon millions of people in the name of "good for all".

There are men in Russia today, right now, whom wouldn't hesitate to drop nuclear bombs on USA if they could.

There is a hatred, a deep hatred among a handful of, now, powerful Russians who want to see Kruschev's dream of destroying us to come about.

And they are training troops, para military type troops throughout the world. South America is about to see revolutions which will make Che proud and cheering in his grave.

We are moving troops. We don't have enough of them, so slowly, quietly troops are being repositioned around the globe...have a loved one serving? They see things. They are often first indicators of potential flash points.

The Suez Canal is one of those. The Panama Canal is another.

The Mid East and of course our friend Israel. Ask your Israeli friends what is going on over there. They won't tell you, but they are preparing for war. Why?

Because it is coming to them.

What many people have realized is that the USA isn't that vulnerable to big attacks...spectacles of destruction...they have observed as have many Americans, we have set up the table for a slight bump to throw us totally off course.

It is my belief that bump will be our dependency on foreign oil. There is talk, today, of using our vast oil reserves...we've done it before and we'll just wait it out...wait for the supply to stabilize...

it is a wait which may never come or come very slowly if certain haters of USA have their way.

IF we tap our reserves, you'll see rationing and long lines along with high prices.

IF there is any disruption in the coming months, you'll see an instantaneous effect. Air travel goes through the roof. Trucking becomes subsidized just to keep supply chains open.

Tens of thousands of Americans will lose their job overnight...Mickey Mouse will be seen on a corner of Orlando with a cardboard sign: "Will Sing for Cheese".

Travel, vacation and tourist destinations will be the first to fall...and will overburden an already taxed "unemployment" system and state gov'ts will really be out of money. Hyper inflation is coming.

You must make as much CASH as fast as you can (and yes, checking accounts and debit cards are good {for now} places to keep a little of your cash.

You must get together with other people and make your money go further.

It would be prudent to have your own source of food, and the health benefits of gardening far outweigh the "time cost". If a few of the Wall Street Bankers had been as interested in actually producing something, like food, as opposed to speculating and getting richer off of "nothing"...we wouldn't be in this mess.

But like Willie Nelson sings, "There is nothing we can do about it now."

Except be aware, hope for the best, prepare for the worst and help each other out while we can.

I see the WORLD picture. I see what is happening in far away countries, in the back water villages, in the huge people stuffed skyscrapers and what I see isn't pretty.

There are MANY things moving and what is about to hit us is a storm of destruction, a storm which we've created by ignoring World Events.

More to come.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. Cash. Food. Co-operation. My big 3 mantra.

Steve MacLellan March 8, 2011 07:27 AM

Re: The coming DEPRESSION PART THREE The Russians.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 27973)
But like Willie Nelson sings, "There is nothing we can do about it now."

Gordon Jay Alexander

There is always a choice. Like those who choose to profit from it. See:

They will sell you a yearly subscription so you can learn how to protect yourself for just $49.50 per year.

Best Regards,
Steve MacLellan

The link is an example -- I'm not affiliated with the website or company

c.t.coburn March 8, 2011 11:56 AM

Re: The coming DEPRESSION PART THREE The Russians.
thank you gordon

I used your chatteling course not to make money (yet) but to acquire things I want and need through barter or secondhand, etc.

A lot of what you've written also relates to people sitting in front of a computer trying to follow this or that "guru" while there is money ($$$ hello I may be talking to you) to be made everyday around them.

I got off my "AZZ" and work a second j-o-b at a grocery store to pay for elder care for a parent the last few years. It's also something I could transition to in retirement or in the case of a layoff from my main j-o-b.

It replaced ebay, which to me is now a joke (as a seller, there ARE bargains there).

My little tip, follow the red clearance tags around the store, so what if you have to change up your menu a little? you can save 50% or more on great items that maybe they are just changing the package or size. Also take time and find a manager, ask if they will sell you ALL the clearance item for a special price.

I'm paid to go to the grocery store, I get a 5 - 10% discount and I buy only sale or clearance items.

I've started selling on amazon and writing/or rewriting plr for the kindle as a fun sideline.

thank you gordon

p.s. My little plug for Gov. Roemer, even if you don't know or support him he's got a great message about special interest money. I think he's on after Cain & Gingrich. I mention it because he's got a little part about energy policy and went after ethanol in Iowa!

cristina5448 March 23, 2011 05:05 PM

Re: The coming DEPRESSION PART THREE The Russians.
Thanks..It was really nice read..

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