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GordonJ May 6, 2020 03:53 PM

How a 15 dollar investment becomes a $1,000.00 a month recurring income...
Fifteen bux for a product (Amazon prices) which becomes a thousand dollar a month (at least) recurring income.

Anyone interested?


Glenn May 6, 2020 04:33 PM

Gordon - One of My New Moolah Making Hobbies
Thanks Gordon,

Based on my Subscriptions to Investment Group Info.

The Corona-Virus seems to be Changing.

Tough to hit a moving Target with a "Cure."


It might be a year or more before People will FEEL SAFE.

Social Distancing and Masks
might be here for quite a while.

With that in Mind.

I am Changing the Ideas and Articles I write to Reflect that.


P.S. - Still Testing, Gordon. But this "Medium" Website Pays people to Write Content. Based on the length of Readers they spend reading your Stuff.

A few of the folks ALREADY Reading
My stuff are getting 30K to 50K VISITS to some of their articles.

I am Writing Constantly Anyway.

So Have started building out a spot on Medium. (Have not Turned on the "STRIPE" payment system yet.)

MikePT May 6, 2020 05:00 PM

Re: How a 15 dollar investment becomes a $1,000.00 a month recurring income...
I am interested Gordon.

ernie May 6, 2020 07:30 PM

Re: How a 15 dollar investment becomes a $1,000.00 a month recurring income...
you know im always interested

GordonJ May 6, 2020 07:49 PM

Thanks Glenn, I joined, will incorporate this into...
my latest thing. Thanks for the share, already down that rabbit hole.



Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 40739)
Thanks Gordon,

Based on my Subscriptions to Investment Group Info.

The Corona-Virus seems to be Changing.

Tough to hit a moving Target with a "Cure."


It might be a year or more before People will FEEL SAFE.

Social Distancing and Masks
might be here for quite a while.

With that in Mind.

I am Changing the Ideas and Articles I write to Reflect that.


P.S. - Still Testing, Gordon. But this "Medium" Website Pays people to Write Content. Based on the length of Readers they spend reading your Stuff.

A few of the folks ALREADY Reading
My stuff are getting 30K to 50K VISITS to some of their articles.

I am Writing Constantly Anyway.

So Have started building out a spot on Medium. (Have not Turned on the "STRIPE" payment system yet.)

GordonJ May 6, 2020 08:37 PM

Here it is, my latest.

Originally Posted by ernie (Post 40741)
you know im always interested

What do you see? Cost me under 15 at Amazon.


GordonJ May 6, 2020 09:10 PM

Re: Here it is, my latest.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 40743)

What do you see? Cost me under 15 at Amazon.


My NEWEST project/product, is...

YOU. Yes Y O U


I am already working with people who have STORED value INSIDE their heads. And this isn't new to SowPubbers, it has been my refrain for nearly 20 years now.

But NOW. It is time. Universities are closing colleges, cutting their athletics and many students are getting less education than they paid for. And those liberal arts majors, who have the sinking feeling they've chosen the wrong studies for their future...

are enrolling in TRADE, technical, and PRACTICAL schools both online and off.

It is time to start YOUR OWN UNIVERSITY, like my GJA University of Real Life Practical Studies, and its COLLEGE OF MAKING MONEY.

Well, still fleshing out My University's name, suffice to say, it will be all about my actual life experiences and based in reality. What I and the people I've worked with have DONE.

WHAT have YOU done? Your answer contains information, experience, skills and knowledge other people are ready and willing to pay for.

I always loved Jim Straw's BUSINESS LYCEUM, School of Practical Arts and Sciences of Making Money.

Online learning is huge. But with the current crisis, many people are wondering if their studies are going to pan out, will they find good jobs?

And PROBABLY NOT is today's answer, which is why droves are looking to online ways to make money, to start a business, to seek shelter from the storm.

I know MANY of you SowPubbers, and some I've yelled and cajoled for years, to SHARE WHAT YOU KNOW.

See, there is value in your experience.

And with a plethora of TOOLS like LOOM, you can make a lesson on your cell phone and send it to your students. Let alone posting it at scores of places.

The picture is a WALL turned into a WHITE BOARD. Start writing on it, get started with your classes.

You got an idea? Heck, I'll buy your classroom for you. Takes about 5 minutes to hang (I cut mine in two, have a 42 by 34 inch Whiteboard, or as I prefer, an educational center.

Got a camera? On your phone, computer, tablet, or free standing...then you are ready to go, that is, if you have something to share.

IF you have value, knowledge which can help other people, and IF,

IF you have it organized
laid out
and formatted...then the sky is the limit.

Think of a University, their classes, are like short term MEMBERSHIP programs, they have their students pay by the advance of course, and then serve up the classes.

A 'typical' online monthly membership is 99 bux, and some guys have them pay for a YEAR in advance.

Imagine having only 100 students paying you that 99 a month? That is the recurring income. And with today's tech, there is no limit to the number you can have in


Y O U R U N I V E R S I T Y YOU Your Own University.

Not a breakthrough? Nothing new here? FAIR ENOUGH, carry on and continue to do what you are doing.

But this Covid-19 crisis has shaken the world. After just a few months, it has caused a ripple of negative waves which could last for years to come.

What worked yesterday, like traditional colleges and higher education, are changing.

Sure, you doctors, lawyers, and those needing advanced specialized knowledge, PLEASE, continue your studies.

But for 80% of the rest of us, we need the ways and means to support ourselves and loved ones, and the traditional way may be gone forever.

It isn't rocket surgery...TEACH other people what you KNOW.

That is my latest and greatest program. You don't even need me, and if you have a white board, you don't even need to spend the 15 bux.

So go forth and good luck.

If you are uncertain if you have something to offer, I am available to confer with you and maybe even consult with you on YOU, YOUR OWN UNIVERSITY

Gordon Jay Alexander

Millard Grubb May 7, 2020 08:01 AM

Re: How a 15 dollar investment becomes a $1,000.00 a month recurring income...

I like your comment about classes being "Mini Membership" programs.

Teaching what you know and have experienced makes a whole lotta sense.

Seems to me it's like info-marketing, but with the personal interaction that so many courses lack added in to make it REAL.

I am looking into this TODAY !



GordonJ May 7, 2020 10:06 AM

I don't care for TALKING HEADS, so...

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 40745)

I like your comment about classes being "Mini Membership" programs.

Teaching what you know and have experienced makes a whole lotta sense.

Seems to me it's like info-marketing, but with the personal interaction that so many courses lack added in to make it REAL.

I am looking into this TODAY !



none of that for me. I had a long post, but accidentally deleted it, wasn't that important.


MikePT May 7, 2020 06:41 PM

Re: How a 15 dollar investment becomes a $1,000.00 a month recurring income...
Gordon, do you have any half dozen info topics that you think are "bread and butter"?


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