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cash4notes April 23, 2012 03:39 PM

Services To Offer To MLM's
I am just brainstorming on what services could be offered
to various MLM members.

I can only @ the moment come up with:

1) Leads
2) Training

Both of those fields are heavily loaded simply because
the need is great. Just not ready to go up against the
giants in those fields ... at least not @ the moment.

So your ideas would be appreciated.


Jason Hatchett April 23, 2012 08:20 PM

Re: Services To Offer To MLM's
I've been with a company called Zeek Rewards for about 5 months & (making 3 figures a day now consistently & only takes 3 minutes a day. AND yes I am receiving checks) & they need people to sign up for free bids. It's penny auctions & they give anyone who wants to try it a few hundred bids for free. If you could come up with a way to get people to receive the free bids you could make some great money. I farm it out to someone who specializes in this and pay them to do it for me. It's much cheeper for me & they make great money.

Jason Hatchett

cash4notes April 27, 2012 02:56 AM

Re: Services To Offer To MLM's

Originally Posted by Jason Hatchett (Post 30683)
I've been with a company called Zeek Rewards for about 5 months & (making 3 figures a day now consistently & only takes 3 minutes a day. AND yes I am receiving checks) & they need people to sign up for free bids. It's penny auctions & they give anyone who wants to try it a few hundred bids for free. If you could come up with a way to get people to receive the free bids you could make some great money. I farm it out to someone who specializes in this and pay them to do it for me. It's much cheeper for me & they make great money.

Jason Hatchett

Thanks for the reply Jason.
Not looking companies to join.

Looking for SERVICES besides the ones i have listed
in my earlier post that MLMers will pay CASH for.

Dien Rice April 27, 2012 03:19 AM

Re: Services To Offer To MLM's

Originally Posted by cash4notes (Post 30727)
Thanks for the reply Jason.
Not looking companies to join.

Looking for SERVICES besides the ones i have listed
in my earlier post that MLMers will pay CASH for.

Hi "Cash4Notes"

I think Jason is answering your question... He said...

"If you could come up with a way to get people to receive the free bids you could make some great money. I farm it out to someone who specializes in this and pay them to do it for me."

That is, he (as someone who is in an MLM) pays people to "get people to receive free bids"... So that sounds like something different, possibly (without really knowing about this specific MLM)...

MLMers may be interested in all the advertising-related services... such as...

- media (where they can spend their advertising dollars)
- copywriting services
- printing services
- photography services
- graphics services
- newsletter writing services

You said you weren't interested in "leads" or "training", and if you interpret this broadly, everything I said could be related to "leads" - so it may not be of interest to you.

What does an MLMer do? As far as I understand, it is...

- getting leads (for both product sales and for people to be in your downline)
- converting those leads into sales or into people in your downline
- training those in your downline on how to get leads and convert leads

MLMers don't produce products, or have any of the challenges associated with that, which cuts a lot of what normal businesses have to do out of the picture.

It seems to be basically a different form of being a commissioned salesperson, as well as building up your own "sales force" (your downline).

So maybe there is nothing else except for leads (and converting leads), and training.

By the way, regarding MLM - the problem I've always had with MLM (after doing it for a few months in the 1990s) was that, you are competing against many others selling the exact same thing you are, with no "protection" whatsoever. In a normal business, you have something you can control - such as a unique product, unique brand name, unique territory, etc. Even if you are a commissioned salesperson, there is usually a limited number of other commissioned salespeople selling that product (and competing against you) - but with MLM, there is no limit to the competition.

The only way I can see that you can be unique is in the specific, special advice you can give to your customers and/or your downline.

I was with Herbalife for about 3 months, many years ago. The guy I was "under" had these advantages - because he was a qualified naturopath. He had something relatively unique, that few others in Herbalife could offer, to either their downline or their customers. I think he was quite successful - but of course, he couldn't "transmit" any of these special things he had to his downline (unless everyone under him also became qualified naturopaths). Another person I knew who was quite successful had many years of experience in sales - so he had the sales skills to convert a lot of his leads.

One important thing to recognize is that it is really "commissioned sales" kind of work, but under a different name. If that's right, then the kinds of things you could sell to them are the same kinds of things you could sell to professional salespeople, which is probably basically "leads" and "training"... (However, there are a lot of "sub-categories" under leads and converting leads, as I mentioned earlier, and also a lot of sub-categories under "training" too...)

Best wishes,


cash4notes April 28, 2012 12:26 AM

Re: Services To Offer To MLM's

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 30728)
Hi "Cash4Notes"

By the way, regarding MLM - the problem I've always had with MLM (after doing it for a few months in the 1990s) was that, you are competing against many others selling the exact same thing you are, with no "protection" whatsoever. In a normal business, you have something you can control - such as a unique product, unique brand name, unique territory, etc. Even if you are a commissioned salesperson, there is usually a limited number of other commissioned salespeople selling that product (and competing against you) - but with MLM, there is no limit to the competition.

Thanks for you input.
MLM is apparently alive and well as i get @ least 2 or more
offers for new companies weekly.

I was involved in a couple of them with having the most
success in Xango. Still a get a couple of hundred $$$ from
them every month.

There is one that i was close to joining as it was started by
a couple of lawyers and they sue the banks for the home owner.
This was not run by Bella Homes. But i could not find out anymore
about those guys.

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