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LindaC April 9, 2013 04:16 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program
Hi Sowpubers,
LindaC. here.

Would greatly appreciate your thoughts/comments concerning this model that Don has chosen as a retirement vehicle.

My Best 2 U,

RickC April 9, 2013 06:32 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program
Hi Dien and Don!

This is a great model to offer local businesses. One other thing to keep in mind: you can direct all the leads possible to a business, just make SURE when they get the lead, that the person answering the phone, the FIRST contact, is trained well to convert or qualify even further. That is pivotal or else our effort is for nothing.


c.t.coburn April 9, 2013 08:14 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Originally Posted by cash4notes (Post 32617)
Here' s has been my experience with Video Marketing:

Clients either just don't get or they want the listing for next to nothing.
I never come anywhere near the 1k a month fee per client and i have
listings in the top 50 Cities in the U.S. by population.

Well .. gosh .. still sounds like a great program if you ONLY earned $100 a month

thanks for posting Don

LindaC April 9, 2013 08:49 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program
Hi Rick,
LindaC. here.

Thanks for your suggestion/advice. Will keep it in mind.

My Best. 2 U,

cash4notes April 10, 2013 01:51 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Originally Posted by LindaC (Post 32618)
Hi Cash4notes,
LindaC here.

Could you please add a little more to your post concerning taking a piece of the action?
¡What are we talking in terms of dollars and cents?

My Best 2 U,

Hello, Linda
You would just want to get a piece of the actual deal instead of just selling a lead for $25, if you makes a sale @ $2,000 you get a piece @ 10% so that
instead of making $25 you made $200.

LindaC April 10, 2013 02:33 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program
Hi cash4more,
LindaC here.

Thanks for your post. The reason I'm interested in this
method is last year I had medical bills that totaled over
$200 thousand dollars.

So, this method (if it works) could be the financial medicine
I need.

My Best 2 U,

cash4notes April 10, 2013 03:05 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Originally Posted by LindaC (Post 32618)
Hi Cash4notes,
LindaC here.

Could you please add a little more to your post concerning taking a piece of the action?
¡What are we talking in terms of dollars and cents?

My Best 2 U,

Hello, Linda
You would just want to get a piece of the actual deal instead of just selling a lead for $25, if you makes a sale @ $2,000 you get a piece @ 10% so that
instead of making $25 you made $200.

midasman April 10, 2013 08:17 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program
Hey Linda...sorry to hear about your "medical" situation....NO! I REALLY AM!

In fact it was one of my buddies who, recently discovered, he has a "Medical Condition" which has already cost a bundle and more to come.

His wonderful wife contacted me and relayed the info. So....THIS prompted me to look into :


Well...I've been my own "boss" my whole life and I have been successful in;
1) Finding what people WANT
and then...
2) Finding a way to ...SELL them....what they WANT! we are in April of the year 2013. Take a look around. WHAT does your Dentist WANT! What does your Insurance Agent WANT! What does ANYONE in a business or profession WANT?

Yup Linda! YOU are a pretty Moxey Gal!'re right! They want MORE business! can little ol' YOU....sell them what they WANT?

So...taking a look at what's happening in our country TODAY....April 10. 2013!

EXample: This morn my neighbor goes out to start his car and....NOTHING!! No Spark...NO sense of LIFE in the engine! So...he brings out a little plastic box from his shirt pocket....clicks around and finds a listing of local Auto Repair shops. I am getting into MY vehicle...I hear his VAIN attempts at trying to get his engine to turn over and....I yell over, "Hey Randy! Dial up Mobile Tune! They'll be over in a few minutes and can help you!"

So...he does! I stand there, waiting to enter MY vehicle....waiting to see if he needs any assistance from a few seconds, he looks over at me, gives a BIG Smile and a "Thumbs UP!"

Now....what you just witnessed was the "Modern-day"! A few yrs ago... Randy would have gone back inside his home....asked his wifee WHERE is the "Lousy" YELLOW PAGES? (Sorry, I got carried away. Randy is NOT that kinda guy)....then....flipped thru the pages under "Auto Repair" and found a whole bunch of full page, 1/2 page, 1/4 page ADS AND....lots of other Text Listings....chose one....gave them a call....etc!

Thus....we are NOW in the "Modern-Day" MOST business people realize that "Phone Books" have become a thing of the past.

So....why not provide a Service to businesses and Medicos that make THEM, STAND OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB! So THEY....are able to be FOUND....more easily a result, get MORE calls?

MY "solution" is to provide an "instantly recognizable" BENEFIT to MY prospects!...causing them to instantly REALIZE; HEY! HOLY CAMOLY! I HAVE GOT TO GRAB THIS....NOW! I DON'T CARE WHAT THE COST!

So....Linda....I don't know what town you're in but, your "homework" for tonight is to...."Google"...."Dentist (town name)" or ...."Plumber (town name)" etc....

What you wil see, on the 1st page (forget about ANY listings after the 1st page, they are DEAD!" some "Paid" listings on top, then 3 listings (usually Directory things) then 7 more Biz listings HOWEVER....just take a minute to rear your head back and look at this page!

ALL you see is a bunch of TEXT! Nothing....that GRABS your eyeballs and give them a reason to FOCUS IN on a particular listing! NOTHING! an example; go up to the Google box and type in "Tampa Windows" and when the screen comes up.....THINK about what you are looking at! (Pretend you are someone in Tampa FL interested in "windows" for their home)

Do YOU think....if YOU were living in Tampa....that YOU and MOST people interested in "Windows" would click on the box with the Full Color?

You betcha!

So....the people who are NOW providing these "Full Color Thumbnails" for certain KeyWords....are "naming their own numbers"!

YOU....dear Linda....NOW have a way to make some BIG Money...providing businesses, professionals and medicos with what they WANT!....MORE BUSINESS!'s gonna take some digging and research and figuring (Hey! WE ALL had to go thru our own..."Due Diligence")'s NOW your turn!

Do your DUE DILIGENCE! (That's what is STILL Great about our Country) And....(my suggestion) NOT WAIT until YOU feel you have ALL the info to get going! Screw It! Just "fumble forward"! GET STARTED! DO SOMETHING! Make contact with people who can write you a check!

Sure the beginning will give you a "Raft of Crap"! DON'T let that phase you! Just count it off as part of your "Education"!

And....I guarantee....after making contact with potential "Check-Writers" ther WILL come a time when you will realize..."HEY! I GOT IT!"

So....Dear Linda....I do not have a "magic wand" I can wave over your head and say, "Here it is! Linda! On a Silver Platter!"

Nope! THIS is probaly the BEST marketing things I've seen in my many years and....I had to do MY "due deligence" before I realized I GOT IT! BEST to you and ....providing businesses, professionals and medicos with MORE BUSINESS....using THIS technique is worth EVERY MINUTE yoo spend on "Learning It"!

Don Alm.....STILL Learning

LindaC April 10, 2013 11:11 PM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program
Hello Don,
LindaC here.

Thank you, so very much for you taking your time to
Post such a wonderful and encouring post.

I plan on going forward with your model and seeing
it through to the bank.

Thank you once again for your words of encouragement.

My Best 2 U.

midasman April 11, 2013 10:39 AM

Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program
What got me started on this last year was a program by "Aaron Kay" called "Simple Video Domination".

Go to the "Warriors Forum" and put his name into the "Search Box".

I think it was around $10 for the report. He also provides Templates for making the Videos for 10 niche markets. Get those too. (I'm not affiliated)

He suggests you pick a KeyWord (Tampa Roofer or Roofer Tampa)....make the video using Windows Movie Maker (I like PhotoStory3 because of the "Zoom" feature) ....just a simple 5 or 6 pages and you provide the background music (You can use YouTube's music selection)

Upload to your YouTube Channel then follow Aaron's instructions as to what to put into the Description (make sure KeyWord is entered 4 times) and Tags (Just use, "Tampa Roofer Roofer Tampa") and....get "Views" and "BackLinks". Also go to ""...."" and "".

Now...depending on your area, your Video should be on the 1st page of G within a few minutes or at most a few hrs.

Oh....try and choose a Thumbnail with a "Person" in it.

Then...when you Video is on Page the businesses in THAT niche. Tell them to Google "Tampa Roofer" and take a look at your Video. Tell them THEY could be there collecting all those Leads.

Aaron suggests staring with $100/mo which is OK. As you get better and have more clients you can charge more, especially with High-Ticket biz. You could also charge an initial "Video Fee" like $297. don't have to give ONE Roofer the entire area. Make a Video for each Town with it's own KeyWords (Suburb1 Roofer, Suburb2 Roofer, etc) with a different Thumbnail for each. That way you could have 5 or 6 Roofers paying you each month...or ONE paying you for each Town. could offer discounts for 6 mos in advance (knock off 1 pmt) or 12 mos and pay for 10 (knock off 2 mos)

Anyway....the idea is to get competing businesses to SEE your Video sitting there on Page One and let their "Greed Glands" go to work.

My best to you,
Don Alm

Ohhh a Warrior who also has a Great Course on this and Videos that have Voice Overs is "David Cisneros"....and "Nick Mann" (or he might go by "Nick Mancuso")

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