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GordonJ September 20, 2022 01:45 PM

The one step which is most often NOT taken is...
Taking the step from knowing,
to DOING...

is the step most do not take. Yes?

Making money vs a better Earth for all. Between these two things, by far, the making of money is far easier thing to do. It isn't that hard.

Make offers. Have stuff for sale, sell said stuff at the right INTERSECTION, the where of it all makes all the difference, because the WHO is self determined by the choice of the product to offer.

I want to share a 30 year history of what I've seen with online and Internet Marketers, going back to 1993, the first year of the Internet, and a year before that online with bbs etc.

Lots of guys made money, like Corey Rudl, and bought fast cars, Lambos, Porsches, etc., etc. McMansions. Many went the nouveau riche route; cars, houses, drugs, partying. Some of the revered of today, had legal problems, with FTC, FDA, and some had all their "stuff" confiscated...and we hope they learned their lessons. They must have, they are some of the biggest names in IM.

Anyhow, we have well over 50 years of wealth/money making templates to choose from, when we first decide that is what we want. And yet, some 30 years later, many have only taken a stutter step in the direction of their goals.

Now, we started as a general business forum, where we talked about ways to make money, have a business, and we still focus on that primarily.
It just isn't that hard...EXCHANGE VALUE: sell something...make offers...learn the human behavior...all parts of the puzzle.

I feel that anyone dedicating themselves to be a millionaire today, can do so in 5-6 years and maybe much faster, depending on who they follow and what they bring to the table, including DESIRE.

I find DESIRE today, to be like a Cleveland Browns defensive back's pursuit of a pass receiver who beat them...TEPID at best and closer to pathetic.


One of my many little catch phrases, which don't or shouldn't need a lot of explanation. Although, maybe it does?

But making money, is only one of the five paths of life, one of the five rings in the circus, one of the five lanes on the highway as described in the Square One Workshops...and in my mind, the easiest one to take and master.

Much easier than relationships, now there's a real life challenge.
Or the care of the EARTH, and with typhoons, hurricanes, Tsunamis, heat waves, volcanos, earthquakes...well, we haven't done much of a job taking care of this place...again,

We've been Cleveland Browns defensive backs, all confused and not knowing which play has been called.

For Earth, a yellow flag is being thrown by Mother Nature herself.

And what of food? Plenty of it to feed the world, but why are there a Billion people in a starvation situation?

And HATRED? Cults of the far right, cults of religions, cults of marketing...

Doesn't look like we're doing a very good job there either, are we?

The reason for this post:

Someone contacted me, and asked why I wasn't a well known guru? And a bunch of other spurious questions, as referring to some advice I dropped on my daily Internet forum, group, place...journey.

I responded, take it as it is, if my advice doesn't stand on its own, IGNORE IT.

Pretty simple I think. But apparently, in today's world, if it doesn't tumble out of the mouth of some well known guru, or worse yet, some rich Internet MARKETER...then even the most sage of advice, even Einstein would be ignored today..and I ain't no Einstein....E= MC 3

Anyhow, I like to spend most of my days, these days, working on real problems...not personal ones.

Not going into a rant against the rich, or materialism, you make the dough, do what you want, fair enough?

But trying to work on problems like ENERGY, my opinion, the REAL problem behind many of our earthly woes.

And not nuclear, nor fossil fuel, and very little solar...what else is there?

What aren't we doing today, which we could be, should solving the most pressing, maybe even existential issue of our times...

Energy without ravaging resources.

A lost cause?

But more worthy of MY time, than trying to build credentials which satisfy a stranger's query into my expertise...unless I charge you dollarooos, moolah, pounds, francs or crypto...

Take whatever advice I offer...or don't.

Now, back to converting magnetically created heat into steam, to run the car, plane, and train of the future.

Your humble Guru/Master/Maestro...know it all...


Dien Rice September 23, 2022 03:38 AM

My number one fear...
Hi Gordon,

I think you're right... "Doing" does seem to be important... ;)

In examining myself... I realize that sometimes, I am "frozen" because of fear...

And that fear is often the fear of being "judged" by other people!

When you fear that... sometimes it's easier to do nothing. If you do nothing, you're not being judged by others!

...But you also generally don't get anywhere!

I just thought I'd throw that out there...

It recently dawned on me that my activities often fall into those two categories...

Activities where I have no fear of being judged (like doing the laundry, for example!), and other activities where I have a fear of being judged (like writing, public speaking, etc.).

Those activities where I fear being judged... I often find it harder to get started!

I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm probably not the only one like this...

Jerry Seinfeld has a joke...
"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."
I have a feeling that he's absolutely right!

But I'd broaden it... and say the fear is in reality, the fear of being judged by others... (and that public speaking is just one example of that...)

(Just my pet "theory du jour"... ;) )

(Theory of the day...)

Best wishes,


P.S. Been "out" with the flu the past couple of weeks (tested negative for Covid, though)... but I'm basically "back", now... :)


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 43285)
Taking the step from knowing,
to DOING...

is the step most do not take. Yes?

Making money vs a better Earth for all. Between these two things, by far, the making of money is far easier thing to do. It isn't that hard.

Make offers. Have stuff for sale, sell said stuff at the right INTERSECTION, the where of it all makes all the difference, because the WHO is self determined by the choice of the product to offer.

I want to share a 30 year history of what I've seen with online and Internet Marketers, going back to 1993, the first year of the Internet, and a year before that online with bbs etc.

Lots of guys made money, like Corey Rudl, and bought fast cars, Lambos, Porsches, etc., etc. McMansions. Many went the nouveau riche route; cars, houses, drugs, partying. Some of the revered of today, had legal problems, with FTC, FDA, and some had all their "stuff" confiscated...and we hope they learned their lessons. They must have, they are some of the biggest names in IM.

Anyhow, we have well over 50 years of wealth/money making templates to choose from, when we first decide that is what we want. And yet, some 30 years later, many have only taken a stutter step in the direction of their goals.

Now, we started as a general business forum, where we talked about ways to make money, have a business, and we still focus on that primarily.
It just isn't that hard...EXCHANGE VALUE: sell something...make offers...learn the human behavior...all parts of the puzzle.

I feel that anyone dedicating themselves to be a millionaire today, can do so in 5-6 years and maybe much faster, depending on who they follow and what they bring to the table, including DESIRE.

I find DESIRE today, to be like a Cleveland Browns defensive back's pursuit of a pass receiver who beat them...TEPID at best and closer to pathetic.


One of my many little catch phrases, which don't or shouldn't need a lot of explanation. Although, maybe it does?

But making money, is only one of the five paths of life, one of the five rings in the circus, one of the five lanes on the highway as described in the Square One Workshops...and in my mind, the easiest one to take and master.

Much easier than relationships, now there's a real life challenge.
Or the care of the EARTH, and with typhoons, hurricanes, Tsunamis, heat waves, volcanos, earthquakes...well, we haven't done much of a job taking care of this place...again,

We've been Cleveland Browns defensive backs, all confused and not knowing which play has been called.

For Earth, a yellow flag is being thrown by Mother Nature herself.

And what of food? Plenty of it to feed the world, but why are there a Billion people in a starvation situation?

And HATRED? Cults of the far right, cults of religions, cults of marketing...

Doesn't look like we're doing a very good job there either, are we?

The reason for this post:

Someone contacted me, and asked why I wasn't a well known guru? And a bunch of other spurious questions, as referring to some advice I dropped on my daily Internet forum, group, place...journey.

I responded, take it as it is, if my advice doesn't stand on its own, IGNORE IT.

Pretty simple I think. But apparently, in today's world, if it doesn't tumble out of the mouth of some well known guru, or worse yet, some rich Internet MARKETER...then even the most sage of advice, even Einstein would be ignored today..and I ain't no Einstein....E= MC 3

Anyhow, I like to spend most of my days, these days, working on real problems...not personal ones.

Not going into a rant against the rich, or materialism, you make the dough, do what you want, fair enough?

But trying to work on problems like ENERGY, my opinion, the REAL problem behind many of our earthly woes.

And not nuclear, nor fossil fuel, and very little solar...what else is there?

What aren't we doing today, which we could be, should solving the most pressing, maybe even existential issue of our times...

Energy without ravaging resources.

A lost cause?

But more worthy of MY time, than trying to build credentials which satisfy a stranger's query into my expertise...unless I charge you dollarooos, moolah, pounds, francs or crypto...

Take whatever advice I offer...or don't.

Now, back to converting magnetically created heat into steam, to run the car, plane, and train of the future.

Your humble Guru/Master/Maestro...know it all...


GordonJ September 23, 2022 03:35 PM

The psycho path within doesn't know what this is...but...
Maybe because of whatever, I lack that, and for the most part bury my head in the sand:
your opinion of me is none of my business.

And coupled with "who the heck are you to judge anyone?"

But what you write is an acknowledged fear held by many, many, probably the vast majority of people.

I've written often about the two sided sword of judgement, praise and criticism. Acknowledge both, accept neither, and let the water roll off your back like a duck in a summer rain or a winter tempest. Quack-Quack.

Easier said than done for most of you who are not narcissistic psychopaths, not saying I am one, but ain't denying either.

So, in business, maybe Sammy Clemens had the fear, but not Mark Twain, eh? Seen in Hollywood via the many name changes over the years, maybe Marion Morrison was worried about it, but not FEARLESS John Wayne.

That is one work around. In marketing, it might be more about playing to your strengths and your markets, so as not to deal with it so much.

I tell you this sincerely, no smoke being blown, your reports on Hidden Businesses crush the work of George Haylings and Chase Revel...they would be ashamed to compare their work with what you've done.

Now, here is a secret...go mentally to an unassailable core, for example, with you Physics. No one can knock you off of what you know. With me, golf. Although I don't play or even like it anymore, I know that I know more about it than 99.99% of everyone else.

So, maybe begin your first steps there. And this is for everyone, find your unassailable thing, begin from there, and go into the lesser certainties.

Go to your nearest cemetary, and ask those there, how many were afraid of criticism during life, and and how many are now?

See, after the fact, we see it doesn't matter what others thought, only what we did, or DIDN'T DO.


P.S. Your one (among maybe many), UNassailable thing, is you. What you know, experience, skills, knowledge. Start from that foundation, and build upwards.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 43288)
Hi Gordon,

I think you're right... "Doing" does seem to be important... ;)

In examining myself... I realize that sometimes, I am "frozen" because of fear...

And that fear is often the fear of being "judged" by other people!

When you fear that... sometimes it's easier to do nothing. If you do nothing, you're not being judged by others!

...But you also generally don't get anywhere!

I just thought I'd throw that out there...

It recently dawned on me that my activities often fall into those two categories...

Activities where I have no fear of being judged (like doing the laundry, for example!), and other activities where I have a fear of being judged (like writing, public speaking, etc.).

Those activities where I fear being judged... I often find it harder to get started!

I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm probably not the only one like this...

Jerry Seinfeld has a joke...
"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."
I have a feeling that he's absolutely right!

But I'd broaden it... and say the fear is in reality, the fear of being judged by others... (and that public speaking is just one example of that...)

(Just my pet "theory du jour"... ;) )

(Theory of the day...)

Best wishes,


P.S. Been "out" with the flu the past couple of weeks (tested negative for Covid, though)... but I'm basically "back", now... :)

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