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Don Alm March 9, 2015 09:06 PM

$1,491 A WEEK! of my "students" has found a way to bring in $1,491 A WEEK!

$1,500 A WEEK....from her computer!

How? By taking one of my projects and .....going forward!

I showed "Megan" how to make videos using PhotoStory 3 going to a Real Estate For sale Site.....grabbing Photos of a property....adding the Realtors Contact Info and...adding Music.... uploading to YouTube" for the ADDRESS of the Property..... then....contacting the Realtor.....telling him/her to "Google" the Address of the Property they are trying to sell and......when they SEE...with their own eyes that.....the Property they've been commissioned to on the FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE (for the Address of the Property).....the RE Agent goes "GaGa" and asks "To Whom do I send Payment To?" wondering IF anything WILL be's ALREADY DONE!.....all the RE Agent has to do is....PAY! KEEP the Video UP!

You Kiddni' ME! THIS is the most POWERFUL Money-Maker I've found! forward to Megan's recent discovery: Go to ZILLOW.COM and click into "FSBOs" (For Sale By Owners) Then.....find FSBOS who have Photos of properties that property owners want to sell.

Right Click and place these Photos into a file on your PC.....then....(we use a free program called PhotoStory3) and make a video and upload to your YT channel and Rank for the STREET ADDRESS ......then, contact the FSBO and tell them YOU have a way for them to "Sell their Property Fast!"

When the FSBO SEES the Video you've made.....their first question is "HOW MUCH"!

We charge $797 per video BUT......IF THEY ORDER (via PayPal invoice we send them)....within the next 24's only $497!

So....."Megan" has been selling THREE (3) of these FSBOs a week for $497ea x 3 = $1,491....for the last 8 weeks!

Thus.....take a look see at Zillow dot com and PhotoStory 3 and see what YOU can do with this!

Don Alm

Note: She tries to stay with houses asking $200,000 or more. She found with lesser priced houses she had to drop to $297 per video

Don Alm March 10, 2015 04:43 PM

Holy Camoly!
I'm sorry BUT.....I've posted NUMEROUS.....MONEY-MAKING Projects HERE for the past YEAR (March of 2014).....trying to help rejuvinate this Forum that helped ME when it first seems there's VERY LITTLE or NO INTEREST in "My Kinda Stuff"!

I began with Projects that involved "Selling Ad Programs" to local biznesses; "Pizza Flyers, Hotel Lobby Boards, TV Channel Guides for Hotel Rooms...etc Little or no Interest here!

Then I offered up "Digital Stuff"......"Mobile Directories" ( .......NO interest..... and like my latest of making moolah by Helping FSBOs (For Sale By Owners) by Making Videos for the Homes they're trying to sell...themselves.


Now...granted.....Dien is trying to get this going again BUT....I have MANY "Students" seeking my Time and....although I am NOT posting Here to Seek "Money" seems NOW that.....the LACK of interest (for MY stuff) is just a waste of MY time!

Thus.....I will probably NOT be posting much the future!


Well......after 12 of luck to you folks.

Don Alm.....over and Out

Don Alm March 10, 2015 05:20 PM

Excuse me gal Megan JUST A FEW MINUTES ago.....told me she just got a "FSBO" (ForSale By Owner) that she found on the website named....""......looking to sell their home THEMSELVES.....for $749.000 and.....when Megan sent them an email to "Take a Look At the Video she created and UpLoaded to .....www.123MainStAnytownUS.....and the property owners saw the Video she made for them USING THE PHOTOS THEY posted.....the property owners said....."Let's Do It for the $797!" on over to "" and.....see how many homes are listed in YOUR area....knowing that IF.....YOU.....make a Promo Video using THEIR Photos (with PhotoStory3 or any other Video maker) and....upload it and get it RANKED for the STREET ADDRESS in their Town.... YOU will have a GREAT chance to collect $497 to $797 for your efforts!

Don Alm......

RickC March 10, 2015 05:50 PM

Re: $1,491 A WEEK!
I've heard the majority of Guru's talking about doing this for Realtors, but never for FSBO's. That's a great little niche nobody is talking about.

I'm not much into video right now, but I very well may give this a shot. Nice weather is fast approaching and the season to sell homes will heat up.

Thanks Don

Don Alm March 10, 2015 06:06 PM

WOW! I just went up to Craig's List (myTown)
....went to "Housing"....then to "Real Estate By Owner" and.....WHAMMO....up came a WHOLE BUNCH of FSBOs....WITH Photos they uploaded.

Right-Click and put the photos into a File on your PC.....make a Video with PS3.....upload to YT (using the ADDRESS as Title).....should Rank on Page 1 within a few or phone the FSBO.....telling them YOU made a Video of their Property and.....Google the ADDRESS of the Home they're wanting to sell and........if they'd like to keep it will cost $X or.... you can....Take it Down!'s up to them!

Excuse me.....I haven't been THIS excited about a Money-Making Program for many moons!

Don Alm.....long-time "Idea-Guy" and STILL getting excited about projects.

RickC March 10, 2015 06:32 PM

Re: $1,491 A WEEK!
Don, does this person do any extra SEO on the video or just upload for address and done?

Dien Rice March 10, 2015 07:35 PM

Here's why this business is brilliant...!

Originally Posted by Don Alm (Post 34574) of my "students" has found a way to bring in $1,491 A WEEK!

$1,500 A WEEK....from her computer!

How? By taking one of my projects and .....going forward!

I showed "Megan" how to make videos using PhotoStory 3 going to a Real Estate For sale Site.....grabbing Photos of a property....adding the Realtors Contact Info and...adding Music.... uploading to YouTube" for the ADDRESS of the Property..... then....contacting the Realtor.....telling him/her to "Google" the Address of the Property they are trying to sell and......when they SEE...with their own eyes that.....the Property they've been commissioned to on the FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE (for the Address of the Property).....the RE Agent goes "GaGa" and asks "To Whom do I send Payment To?" wondering IF anything WILL be's ALREADY DONE!.....all the RE Agent has to do is....PAY! KEEP the Video UP!

You Kiddni' ME! THIS is the most POWERFUL Money-Maker I've found! forward to Megan's recent discovery: Go to ZILLOW.COM and click into "FSBOs" (For Sale By Owners) Then.....find FSBOS who have Photos of properties that property owners want to sell.

Right Click and place these Photos into a file on your PC.....then....(we use a free program called PhotoStory3) and make a video and upload to your YT channel and Rank for the STREET ADDRESS ......then, contact the FSBO and tell them YOU have a way for them to "Sell their Property Fast!"

When the FSBO SEES the Video you've made.....their first question is "HOW MUCH"!

We charge $797 per video BUT......IF THEY ORDER (via PayPal invoice we send them)....within the next 24's only $497!

Hi Don,

Thanks for sharing this... This really does sound like a fantastic business!

Why? I'll lay it out...

Let's first compare it to a franchise, as an alternative business.

Many people who want to be in business buy franchises every day.

They fork out on average from $50,000 to $200,000 to "buy in" to the franchise.

On top of that, they have to spend tens to hundreds of thousands on property fit-outs, and so on, plus rental on top of that...

What's the risk of it? How much could they lose?

The franchisee, if things don't go well, could easily lose hundreds of thousands of bucks!

Now... Let's take Don Alm's idea above...

What's the risk?

Virtually zero!

Why? He's using FREE software (Photostory 3)... a free resource to host videos (YouTube)...

So, if it doesn't work, what could you lose?

Maybe you have to spend $10 maximum on phone calls...

The financial cost is virtually nothing!

Yet... his student was able to get around $1,500 a week... about $75k a year!

So, let's compare the two... I googled what franchisees make, and I found that...

"According to a report on food franchising by Franchise Business Review, 51.5 percent of food franchises earn profits of less than $50,000 a year"

So, you have virtually NO financial risk, and you can make more money than a franchisee makes... Someone who paid $50,000 to $200,000 for the opportunity to make that money!

If the franchise biz doesn't work out, they could lose $50,00 to $200,000 or more...

If Don's idea doesn't work out, you could lose... maybe $10 spent on phone calls.

So which is the better business?

The reality is... Don's sharing real gold here!

Best wishes,


GordonJ March 11, 2015 01:49 PM

OK, have to chime in on franchises and biz ops here.

The average Subway franchisee is a Semi-Absentee manager. He will earn in the neighborhood of 80k net profit per store while spending a few hours a week in the store.

I know many franchise owners, almost all are hands off, they basically manage the manager. Very few, a small % actually, go under and lose everything. Less than 2%.

Yet 9 of 10, or 99 of 100 (including Internet and MLM start-ups) fail, and the investment in MLM inventory could be into the thousands. Ask the people with a garage full of candles, vitamins and soap about their "safe" low cost investment.

A franchise provides a tested and proven marketing and ACCOUNTING system. Keep in mind a person bringing in 1500 bux a week in cash could have a 40% TAX obligation. So they need good bookkeeping either bought or time spent.

TIME. How much time is spent to get the income? A franchisee may be buying a job, but often at a significant $ per hour, that comes in with regularity, even if the franchisee is sick or injured (in most absentee cases).

The guy selling real estate videos doesn't get paid until someone buys the video, it is a constant need for productivity.

So, I'm not arguing against any way someone has to make a buck, but, a comparison to established biz model, franchises, isn't a fair comparison especially when dealing with online wannabee marketers.

We don't have enough information, too much goes unspoken and there are pros and cons on both sides of HOW a person makes money.

Just saying.



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 34582)
Hi Don,

Thanks for sharing this... This really does sound like a fantastic business!

Why? I'll lay it out...

Let's first compare it to a franchise, as an alternative business.

Many people who want to be in business buy franchises every day.

They fork out on average from $50,000 to $200,000 to "buy in" to the franchise.

On top of that, they have to spend tens to hundreds of thousands on property fit-outs, and so on, plus rental on top of that...

What's the risk of it? How much could they lose?

The franchisee, if things don't go well, could easily lose hundreds of thousands of bucks!

Now... Let's take Don Alm's idea above...

What's the risk?

Virtually zero!

Why? He's using FREE software (Photostory 3)... a free resource to host videos (YouTube)...

So, if it doesn't work, what could you lose?

Maybe you have to spend $10 maximum on phone calls...

The financial cost is virtually nothing!

Yet... his student was able to get around $1,500 a week... about $75k a year!

So, let's compare the two... I googled what franchisees make, and I found that...

"According to a report on food franchising by Franchise Business Review, 51.5 percent of food franchises earn profits of less than $50,000 a year"
So, you have virtually NO financial risk, and you can make more money than a franchisee makes... Someone who paid $50,000 to $200,000 for the opportunity to make that money!

If the franchise biz doesn't work out, they could lose $50,00 to $200,000 or more...

If Don's idea doesn't work out, you could lose... maybe $10 spent on phone calls.

So which is the better business?

The reality is... Don's sharing real gold here!

Best wishes,


RickC March 11, 2015 03:46 PM

Re: $1,491 A WEEK!
Agreed, Gordon. And again I'll ask (anybody), how does one generate enough SEO on FSBO video to justify a fee of $497.00 or more?

I ask because if I was selling a home myself, I would question the cost of a video, using MY pictures, to sell MY home. If the only way to SEE my video was to key in MY address, then what good is that unless someone KNOWS my address.

A valid question. Still, I am going to plow ahead and try this. I will check back in with results.

GordonJ March 11, 2015 03:57 PM

Please keep us posted.
Type in an address for a house for sale. You will see it always comes up on first page of all search engines, why would'nt it? Most FSBO will be at zillow.

So, you ask a good question, what is the advantage of having a video which shows the same thing as the listing? I don't know, hopefully, you will find out and let us know.

I do know zillow and others give me a lot of information on area, most include a map
plus tax info, schools etc.

So, please, let us know how you do, and will you keep track of the amount of time it takes too?

As a former Realtor, I'd be interested in learning more, especially why a video like this kind would work, OK?



Originally Posted by RickC (Post 34587)
Agreed, Gordon. And again I'll ask (anybody), how does one generate enough SEO on FSBO video to justify a fee of $497.00 or more?

I ask because if I was selling a home myself, I would question the cost of a video, using MY pictures, to sell MY home. If the only way to SEE my video was to key in MY address, then what good is that unless someone KNOWS my address.

A valid question. Still, I am going to plow ahead and try this. I will check back in with results.

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