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GordonJ April 30, 2007 09:05 AM

Snakes, spiders and mice. OH My. The power of words and the states of mind...
Flower Power Selling…Reprise OR How Snakes, Spiders and Mice Can Help You Profit.

This is the story of how I got started in selling. Tallmadge Ohio, circa 1959. I was playing with a couple of frogs and a rooster named Henry in my backyard when Mrs. Ilg called me over. She asked me to pick some flowers from the field.

About a quarter of mile west of Tallmadge circle was the remnants of a 50’s nursery that had been abandoned. Yet every spring the field would be magically transformed into a sea of yellow, red and purple waves as the perennials stood sentinel over the sacred ground of their ancestors.

I picked a lot of flowers and she gave me a nickel and suggested that other ladies in the neighborhood might be willing to give me a nickel too.
So I trotted across the street to Mrs. Whitten’s house and knocked on her door.

Her response to my "Want to buy some flowers for a nickel?" was…
"Why should I pay you when I can walk out my door and pick my own for free?"

Now there was a neighbor washing his cars and he overheard her comments and shouted out: "Yea Margaret go into the field with the snakes and spiders."

As I was about to leave she called me back, took my flowers and gave me a nickel and glared at the man washing his car. The man called me over.

He said, "Jay, here’s what you do; offer the ladies any one flower bouquet for a nickel or let them have their choice for a dime and when they ask you why they should pay you for something they get for free, simply tell them they can just be careful of the snakes, spiders and mice in the field."

I thought he was nuts.

What 9 year old boy would think that his toys would be so powerful.

Frogs, spiders, snakes and mice were ½ of our day of FUN. My little red radio flyer wagon almost always had at least one of those playthings in it.

So in the next 20 minutes I sold almost a dozen bouquets of flowers. It was surreal. I hit the mother lode. Silver dimes sparkled in my dirty little hands.

It was a very valuable lesson. Snakes, spiders and mice… OH MY.

The 3 secret words to get women to part with hard cash.

Then I got lesson two. The guy said he’d give me a quarter to help him wash and wax his cars. A QUARTER. Man was I in kid heaven, my head spinning at the thought of all the penny candy I could get down at the Bumpas drug store.

It took over an hour washing and waxing to earn that quarter. And during this time this man kept giving me lessons on selling and sent me home with a book, Tested Sentences That Sell by Elmer Wheeler where I learned that WORDS do make a difference. He was a young insurance salesman and I was his sounding board, although I didn’t realize that at the time.

OH, I also figured out that working for someone else at an agreed upon wage was far less profitable than working for myself.

I made 5X the money in 1/3 of the time selling flowers than I did doing the hard manual labor for a quarter.

Even as I was finishing "wax on, wax off", I was thinking of picking some more flowers and also, "this sucks".

My subconscious mind soaked it in (that and Maynard G. Krebs the resident beatnik on the Dobie Gillis show…played by Bob Denver{Gilligan}…who would wince at the very word; WORK WERK!??)…and the die was cast. HA!

Anyhow that is how I got started studying the old Masters of selling, the Elmers being two of my favorites Elmer Wheeler and Elmer Leterman.

PART TWO. In 1966 I went to the dentist at the corner of Fourth Street and Portage Trail where the wonderful Fran Renner, a founding member of the Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis, introduced me to hypnosis. She saw me pacing in the hall, sweating bullets, and she offered her help and it was my first experience with hypnosis. It worked.

She loaned me her wonderful collection of works, including some great Erikson stuff and Cuyahoga Falls High School became my personal laboratory…and in particular a couple of young ladies, Linda and Janet. he…he.

OK then. In Remote Influence I gave you the following formula:
E of AI = H SOM + PI

The effectiveness of any Attempt to Influence is equal to the Harmony between the State of the Target’s Mind and the Pre-Occupational Interrupter used to access it.

I’ve got about a 3 day window of opportunity to elaborate if anyone is interested.

Gordon Jay Alexander

Dien Rice April 30, 2007 10:37 AM

What a great story (and lesson too!) :)
Hi Gordon!


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 15183)
He said, "Jay, here’s what you do; offer the ladies any one flower bouquet for a nickel or let them have their choice for a dime and when they ask you why they should pay you for something they get for free, simply tell them they can just be careful of the snakes, spiders and mice in the field."

I thought he was nuts.

What 9 year old boy would think that his toys would be so powerful.

Frogs, spiders, snakes and mice were ½ of our day of FUN. My little red radio flyer wagon almost always had at least one of those playthings in it.

So in the next 20 minutes I sold almost a dozen bouquets of flowers. It was surreal. I hit the mother lode. Silver dimes sparkled in my dirty little hands.

It was a very valuable lesson. Snakes, spiders and mice… OH MY.

The 3 secret words to get women to part with hard cash.

What a great story (and lesson!)

For one thing, "snakes, spiders and mice" overcame their objections - which of course is very important! (The objection of the lady was, "Why can't I just go pick the flowers myself for free?")

In print or on the web, of course, you have to anticipate people's objections - because you're not there (when they're reading your sales letter) to tell you want their objections are! So you gotta anticipate and answer all those objections too...

Thanks Gordon! :)


PART TWO. In 1966 I went to the dentist at the corner of Fourth Street and Portage Trail where the wonderful Fran Renner, a founding member of the Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis, introduced me to hypnosis. She saw me pacing in the hall, sweating bullets, and she offered her help and it was my first experience with hypnosis. It worked.

She loaned me her wonderful collection of works, including some great Erikson stuff and Cuyahoga Falls High School became my personal laboratory…and in particular a couple of young ladies, Linda and Janet. he…he.

You got my attention! What happened with Linda and Janet? :)

(Waiting with anticipation!)

GordonJ April 30, 2007 11:48 AM

Ah yes, Linda and this very day...some 38 years later they still DO any...
more about L and J later. First...

Like most forums only about one in ten people actually register or post...most are lurkers and lookers...

Dien (or Phil?) or anyone else...someone has a great set of "cartoon" characters that visit forums...I have it bookmarked somewhere...just a warning...if someone posts a'll not only lol but you'll spend some time there too...

Anyhow...Lurker #4/emailer wrote this:

"What are the spiders, snakes and mice of the Internet? How do I use that salesmanship in print?"

good question L4email guy...but before I answer that question...let me fill in a few blanks.

In person you can "read" a person...somewhat. You can pace, mirror use all the technique you can muster...and MAYBE, you'll get the response you want. Only a gun to the head gets 100% compliance...and maybe even then someone will say NO...

In PRINT (web) your rapport comes from knowing your reader.

If I'm writing copy the first thing I need to know is who is going to read it? And Why?

HOW do they get the message (or ad)? When? Where?

If it is a product or service, I have to understand this person and know everything about them I can find out.

In newspaper ads where it is more or less a shotgun approach, you want to catch the attention of a certain reader...and curiosity can do that...and when coupled with benefit...then it is sort of a prescreen process.

I use "charged coupling" if I can. Two words or concepts that have opposing meanings and some emotional element.

Amazing Dry Water Discovery is THE Fountain of Youth sort of thing...if appropriate. It of course depends if I'm writing for me or a client. PRINT you have to get their attention. In fact, here is a formula I learned that is used by THREE major marketing companies to teach their junior copywriters. Get this and your copy skills improve dramatically.

STOP and grab a pen and a blank piece of paper, your life is about to change:

Write this out in your own handwriting and tape it to your monitor. READ it at least 3 times before you ever begin to write anything that you want to influence others:

"Regardless of the glory of your writing, in marketing it is all meaningless to people who have paid NO attention to it. Always remember: PEOPLE DO NOT READ PRINT ADS or Brochures unless it holds some INTEREST to them.

You've got to do EVERTHING in your power to INTEREST them, not just with your headline or attention grabber, but your copy must keep them interested all the way until they purchase.

What are people interested in?
2- How your offering benefits them.
3- The importance of the benefits.
4- Not being ripped off.
5- Why they should buy RIGHT NOW.

Your job is to simply address these 5 areas."

That is about a 100 million dollar course in copywriting right there. And I'll even make it more valuable with this;

Financial freedom comes from tapping into an existing market. Making any money at all for that matter.

So a few simplistic ways to look at it is this:
A. Find a market (niche)
B. Conceive an offer
C. Put your offer in FRONT of the market.


Find a group with a high passion index on a subject.
Create or acquire a product to offer it.
Get some traffic to see your offer (buy it)
Balance your checkbook.

OR: (as in Ben Suarez's Net Profit Generation System NPGS formula)


Back to the post...

Sell is a FOUR LETTER word to most people...the majority would rather be bitten by rabid skunks than have to SELL something to somebody.

In person the sales process is 100 times easier for the trained, practiced and focused salesperson because you can confront the other person's objections, hesitations and often control their STATE of Mind too.

HARDER to do in print. So you have to know how to get their attention, keep it, arouse a desire and know the exact action you want them to take.

ALL the King's horses and all the King's men make their money doing that.

So to answer the question about what are the Snakes, Spiders and Mice of the Internet...they are what the PROSPECT (TARGET) has in her mind that keeps her from going into the field to pick her own flowers.

It is a simple, effective and affordable solution to a problem she never really thought much about until someone brought it to her attention. OR a problem or situation she understands fully and needs guidance in getting a satisfying resolution...

and Dien, that brings me back to Linda and Janet...and the key to it all is a SATISFYING resolution ;)

to a PROBLEM they didn't even know existed until I gazed deep into their eyes and they saw the moon (or was that just a reflection of my Timex pocket watch I picked up at the junk store cause I thought every hypnotist should have one...HA!)

Gordon Jay Alexander

Dien Rice April 30, 2007 12:36 PM

"Crazy" characters you'll find on the 'net...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 15186)
more about L and J later. First...

Like most forums only about one in ten people actually register or post...most are lurkers and lookers...

Dien (or Phil?) or anyone else...someone has a great set of "cartoon" characters that visit forums...I have it bookmarked somewhere...just a warning...if someone posts a'll not only lol but you'll spend some time there too...

Hi Gordon,

Do you mean this? :)

"A Netizen's Guide to Flame Warriors"

(and also at )

Everyone can scroll through and see if they "recognize" anyone there! ;)

- Dien

Dien Rice April 30, 2007 09:08 PM

Thanks - that's copywriting gold! :) Also, regarding Linda and Janet...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 15186) PRINT you have to get their attention. In fact, here is a formula I learned that is used by THREE major marketing companies to teach their junior copywriters. Get this and your copy skills improve dramatically.

STOP and grab a pen and a blank piece of paper, your life is about to change:

Write this out in your own handwriting and tape it to your monitor. READ it at least 3 times before you ever begin to write anything that you want to influence others:

"Regardless of the glory of your writing, in marketing it is all meaningless to people who have paid NO attention to it. Always remember: PEOPLE DO NOT READ PRINT ADS or Brochures unless it holds some INTEREST to them.

You've got to do EVERTHING in your power to INTEREST them, not just with your headline or attention grabber, but your copy must keep them interested all the way until they purchase.

What are people interested in?
2- How your offering benefits them.
3- The importance of the benefits.
4- Not being ripped off.
5- Why they should buy RIGHT NOW.

Your job is to simply address these 5 areas."

That is about a 100 million dollar course in copywriting right there. And I'll even make it more valuable with this;

Wow Gordon, that's Copywriting gold... Thanks!


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 15186)
Financial freedom comes from tapping into an existing market. Making any money at all for that matter.

That's very valuable too - as anyone who knows something about marketing will realize if they ever attend an "inventors' society" meeting!

You'll see and hear about lots of inventions... That nobody would ever want to buy. Too many "inventors" are preoccupied with what seems "cool" (to them) rather than with tapping into an existing market....


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 15186)
and Dien, that brings me back to Linda and Janet...and the key to it all is a SATISFYING resolution ;)

to a PROBLEM they didn't even know existed until I gazed deep into their eyes and they saw the moon (or was that just a reflection of my Timex pocket watch I picked up at the junk store cause I thought every hypnotist should have one...HA!)

Thanks Gordon... But you still haven't satisfied my curiosity... What happened? :)


GordonJ May 2, 2007 09:58 AM

Linda and Janet. The discovery...
OK Dien. OK.

I had an epiphany in the Spring of 68. Here it is:

After studying Salesmanship for about 9 years, and hypnosis for about 2 (along with all kinds of "peripheral" subjects, Metaphysical stuff)...

it took a Navy recruiter to bring it all together for me. You may remember I tried to drop out of school when I turned 18 to join the Marines or Army...but they were out to lunch...and a Navy recruiter got his hooks into me and painted a very gruesome picture of what a drop out could expect in any of the services.

He HYPNOTIZED me to stay in school and get my diploma.

It was during this time that I TRULY came to see the "states of mind" and giant fog that most people live in.

Linda and Janet were the two MAIN objects of my hypnotic prowess... but I wasn't having much success until...ONE day...

on the way to school I walked by the music store and saw the KAZOOs in the window for a nickel each and bought 20 of them.

Next day, I passed them out to a small group of people who showed up early to school (we were allowed to assemble in the gym)...and I started the "International Falls High Silver Kazoo Submarine and Humazoo Band"...based upon a Little Rascals episode.

At first there were just a few of us...but we had so much FUN...that we attracted some attention...and within a week, MY band had like 40 -50 members.

Until that time the only "leadership" skills I had was to command the pepperoni and the mushrooms that I tossed on those Papa Felice pizza's (I worked 40+ hours a week all three years of my high school in a pizza shop).

WELL. Something happened. A lot of those kids, the ones in MY band, whom I had never really had much interaction with...didn't know most of them except to see them...they started to address me in the hallways...

something for MOST of us periphery peoples hadn't experienced...


And suddenly, people who I had gone to school with for 5 years and still didn't know my name (we had 3000 kids in 3 grades in my school)...were suddenly acting like they KNEW me.

The only thing that had changed was my buying a few KAZOO's and passing them out and having some FUN in the morning when it was usually boring and we were just waiting for class to start.

There was soon a BAN on Kazoos being played in the hallways between classes...and that only ADDED to the numbers that played in the gym...and shortly after the BAN, I led a march at lunchtime around the building...OFF school property...of about 100 "Kazoo" protesters.

It was during this time of about 3 weeks that I had my enlightenment...about how much ILLUSION we live much ASSUMPTION... how much of it is just not true...but BELIEVED...

that I had my breakthough.

After a couple of years of trying to "impress", hypnotize and sell myself to LInda and Janet (without much success)...

Within a couple of days of my "LEADING" the great Kazoo Protest...that both Linda and Janet approached ME and asked me out.

What the _________ ?

I'll let you think about this and get back to you a little later with the rest of the story.

GJ "Mr. Kazoo" Alexander

bobmcalister May 2, 2007 11:51 AM

Re: Linda and Janet. The discovery...
there ya go again gordon ...

building up suspense and curiosity by posting that 'fill in the blank' and email me privately ...heh heh

DennisStokes May 2, 2007 12:40 PM

Thanks Gordon J for the great story.
What a cool story with some great insight for me. What a selling
benefit. The thought of coming across snakes and spiders I
think would cause anyone to want to just buy the flowers. Well
It just reminds me that for any marketing effort there is a benefit
or benefits that will cause a person to take action. The Great thing
about these stories is many lessons can be learned from them. Thanks

GordonJ May 3, 2007 09:27 AM

The discovery...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 15209)
OK Dien. OK.
the rest of the story.

So it took about 2 to 3 weeks for me to transform from the Invisisble Man to a "popular" guy.

In 12 years of schooling I was never fact, mostly the opposite...a lone wolf type. I didn't join in.

Now all of a sudden, just because of a 5 cent piece of plastic, I'd hear my name called out all over school.

And here are some VALUABLE lessons from that experience:

Being "popular", having people like you or want to be around you was WAY over rated...and people began invading my space...and my powers of observation could have become very skewed if I wasn't aware of what was happening.

I call it the FOG of life (the poem is buried somewhere in the archives)...

it is the place where we PROJECT ourselves onto others and the place we PERCEIVE what other's are projecting.

The PERCEPTION is the critical part because we make decisions based upon this.

Who here hasn't been on the "outside" of a group or clique of people?

High school makes it easy to see...the birds of a feather members with band members..."artists and actors" with each other...jocks, brainiacs, hoods...all little sub cultures...all little groups of people where one would FEEL comfortable.

I had always been a group of ONE. I felt OK about myself, and didn't seek anyone's approval. I'm of the Rodney Dangerfield (or Groucho Marx or W.C. Fields) opinion: "I don't want to join any club who would have someone like me as a member." HA!

So I was able to understand this sudden shift from a guy who could walk through a school of 3,000 people and be pert near invisible to a person who couldn't take a leak in the boy's room without someone whipping out a kazoo and humming a few bars while I was tinkling...

I've never been that comfortable carrying on urinal conversations to begin with...let alone having to be all smiley and friendly while relieving myself.

I asked myself.. "What happened?" I think it is Ankesh who writes that things get better when questioned?

We don't ask ourselves enough questions. Start now and change that. Accept one fact...that for 95% of us...we're exactly where we put ourselves...the illness and accident factor covers the other 5%...

And I'd be willing to bet that about 3.5% of that is from habits...smoking and drinking account for a large percentage of health problems in senior citizens...and eating too. Anyway...

I was suddenly projecting an image as a FUN guy to hang around with...laughing, kazooing, schmoozing with all sorts of people...creating new "groups" of people...that were all encompassing...the kazoo is just one of those fun little things.

Note I had not changed. And during this time my PERCEPTION of the image others had was extremely quickened...and I was able to see these kids NOT as their "reputations" or by what they did or didn't do...but as PEOPLE. Most had their own insecurities, their own fears, their own inadequate self images too.

And it was the first time that I figured it out that we are all doing the BEST we can with what we have been given and with our CURRENT limited knowledge of how things work.

I made more friends, had more dates, more FUN in the last three months of high school than I had had in the previous 11 3/4 years. All because a Navy recruiter painted a picture of me cleaning up after thousands of drunken sailors, marines or grunts coming back from liberty...cause that was the job high school drop outs did.

He not only got me to finish and graduate...but that time where I would have been in boot camp...was the time where I had the most growth, learned the most about people...and left school not only with a diploma but a REAL LIFE education of how things worked.

Linda and Janet shifted from the pursued to the "pack". I was a hot commodity...had more choices...had others INTERESTED in me...and without the latter knowledge I'd gain about human behavior, I innately understood that because OTHERS had an interest, maybe they should take another look at this guy who had been trying for a couple of years to get on their radar....

Suddenly, I was target ONE. YIKES!!

What would a dog do if he ever caught the car he was chasing? Sort of how I felt...NOW what do I do?

There is an individual reality that is in our head...and a great deal of it for MOST people is based upon UNreality. Here is a working premise that came out of that time in my life...along with the beginning of the Square One Workshops:


people are preoccupied with their own perceptions, problems and projections

And that most of those will fit into one of five catagories...but usually only one or two are top of consciousness ideas and the others are below the surface bubbling like an underground spring that could well up and burst at any time...


most people are still in the FOG that often enveloped them in early childhood and lack a clear view of the harsh cliffs and spectacular beaches of reality...

they feel their way through life the best they can, hoping not to fall off the cliff while looking for the path to the sunny and warm beaches.

What I can do is...

(to be continued)

BUT, what the astute person will find in this post is the foundation, the basis of effective communication, influence and even copywriting.

Thanks for reading. I'll have one final post on this subject before I get back to work.


GordonJ May 4, 2007 08:45 AM

The essence.
A Navy recruiter showed me Square One is knowing what you WANT and Why.

The SQ1 tools that help:

Binary Matrix. A numeric comparison of a list of possibilities (choices). 1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, 1 vs 4; 2 vs 3 etc.

Pictogrigms (also Diagrigms) of Life: Visual metaphors. The Master Pictogrigm (above before my user name) shows a life. From left to right, from birth to death we travel.

A life begins and ends. We travel a 5 lane highway through the 3 realms until we reach our destination, and death is the destination of every one of us.

The Pyramid of Accomplishment: this is a visual representation of your Plan of Action to reach any goal or WANT you've placed in front of you on your lifeline.

The Master Pictogrigm can answer all your questions.

The color codes are: Gold/Brown is Materialism. Green is the Earth. Red are Relationships. Blue are Thoughts. White is Spirit.

The Realms are: Thoughts. Things. Relationships.

The SQ1 is explained in detail in the early archives.


Who and Why? It isn't about YOU. (Covered in Prospect as Product).

Or what YOU want. It is assisting other people to get what they want even if they don't yet know what that might be.

LIFE. Most of life for most people is spent in a FOG of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. For MOST people, they are exactly where they put themselves through their behaviors over the years.

YOUR LIFE. You own it. Accept it or change it.

RELATIONSHIPS: The Golden Rule has withstood the test of time.

MONEY. To get GIVE. You have to WANT it to get it. You have to DO.

I've come full circle at SOWpub. Fini.


PS. There's gold in the archives, feel free to dig for it. From the great Harry Chapin:

"All my life's a circle;
But I can't tell you why;
Season's spinning round again;
The years keep rollin' by.

It seems like I've been here before;
I can't remember when;
But I have this funny feeling;
That we'll all be together again.

No straight lines make up my life;
And all my roads have bends;
There's no clear-cut beginnings;
And so far no dead-ends."

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