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GordonJ November 22, 2011 09:13 AM

Be Sure To Drink Your Ovaltine...secret handshakes and decoder rings.
Poor little Ralphie from A Christmas Story waited anxiously for his Little Orphan Annie decoder ring...and when he decoded the secret message...

Be sure to drink your Ovaltine he responds with: A crummy commercial. Son of a bit8ch.

And there you go.

BUT, I agree with Tim when it comes to communication overall, I'm with Glenn on this one...because, as one cryptic sob to another...

communications, be they of the ReNtAmeNto r variety or of the SQ1 PictoGrigm of Persuasion kind...

they (these kinds of communiques)...serve a purpose for US.

It isn't about getting YOU to just ELIMINATES you as a target/prospect and/or potential customer.

Glenn may have a different take...can't or won't speak for him...

but there are certain people I DON'T want as a customer...couldn't pay me enough to have them...


in MY use of messages, when I'm in a forum, which is like being in a bar for deaf people...

you may be "talking" to the whole bar...OR you may just be talking to the two guys in the corner...

EVERY post isn't meant to be a message from A to B...there is NO specific B. Communicating effectively

is more about the WHO you are trying to communicate those general principles that TW talks about simply don't apply.

AND, since this is a business (for the most part) discussion forum...we allow different styels from the Don ALM style


to my own use of one sentence paragraphs to all the other different styles.

If I'm looking for customers, the ones I want...then I'll use whatever the prospect is most comfortable with or what the lingo, slang or insider words they use to each other...

I don't think, although I don't know, if there are ANY rules that apply...


back to Little Orprah Annie, I think Daddy WarBux is about to reveal the secret of getting rich from supplying the military with tanks that explode all by sure to TUNE in...

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. Some of us even develop our own lingo, like PictoGrigm, PoP, DiaGram of Life, etc.


Originally Posted by -TW (Post 29608)
Person A conveys message to Person B.

Where I come from, it is at least as important for Person A to use language that Person B will understand, as it is for Person B to have a wide enough range of languages he/she understands.

If the sendER wants to communicate effectively he/she must take on the responsibility (as communicatOR), of doing all that is necessary to make sure the desired message is delivered PROPERLY, in a way that the sendEE will understand.

By definition, the sendEE is standing in his/her own "country." The sendER is the "foreigner," who must be sure to learn the language the sendEE speaks + understands. That's how I look at it any way.

If you send a letter, it is the responsibility of the sendER to put the right postage on the envelope, so it reaches the addressEE. It is NOT the responsibility of the addressEE to put the postage on the envelope after it is received.

Cheers. (or should I say, "cHeErzz!")

-- TW

PS: Remember, on Steve Martin's classic "Let's Get Small" album about the "Plumber's Convention" joke. Has to do with this conversation, in a way!

UPDATE: Glenn -- I found this transcript, just in case you don't know the joke I'm talking about...

“Ok, I don’t like to gear my material to the audience but I’d like to make an exception because I was told that there is a convention of plumbers in San Francisco this week – I understand about 30 of them came down to the show tonight – so before I came out I worked-up a joke especially for the plumbers. Those of you who aren’t plumbers probably won’t get this and won’t think it’s funny, but I think those of you who are plumbers will really enjoy this…

This lawn supervisor was out on a sprinkler maintenance job, and he started working on a Finley sprinkler head with a Langstrom 7-inch gangley wrench. His apprentice laughed and said, “You can’t work on a Finley socket with a Langstrom 7-inch wrench!” Well, this infuriated the supervisor, so he went and got Volume 14 of the Kinsley Manual. He opened it to page 214 and read, “A 7-inch Langstrom wrench is compatible with a Finley sprocket”. Just then the little apprentice leaned over and said, “It says sprocket, not socket!”


Were those plumbers supposed to be here this evening?

Glenn November 22, 2011 03:58 PM

Especially for TW - How I Communicate with my VIP Ezine Subscribers
Thanks TW,

You've never joined my f-r-e-e New Idea Testing Ezine.

But since you seem INTERESTED in how I communicate with my VIP
Ezine readers.

Here is how I GET RAPPORT with VIPs.

(EDITOR'S NOTE - I have this in my head. But it's also in Boiler-Plate)


"Thanks for Joining my Ezine.
In order to Get You Up to SPEED about what we do
You'll get 5 or 6 of my e-books - FREE. (Also for sale for 100.00's at my archive.)

"AND So I Can REWARD YOU for passing my Test at - Please Answer 2 or 3 Questions so I can customize dozens of proven
million dollar ideas for you from my archives.


"Said differently - Your Answers will help me Personalize ideas especially for
you - from my Interviews with scores of self made millionaires Entrepreneurs...

(These are Questions Especially for You - TW)

"QUESTION #1 - What do YOU ENJOY Most about the idea of interviewing
people and getting a signed release?

Q #2 - What's Most IMPORTANT to you about turning interviews into
Extra Cash?

Q #3 - Just Suppose You Had a MAGIC WAND - what do you want to get
MOST from your personal Interviews?

Thanks TW,

And there you have it.

Subscribers who answer my questions often get ideas they use to 2X or
3X their incomes.

Those who are too SHY to answer we never talk 1 on 1. WHICH SHOULD

Hope this helps explain
why we haven't been "IN SYNC".

We've been Outside of each others respective communication bubble.

Glenn Osborn
Rentamentor VIP Network

P.S. - IF you want to Learn WHY we do this. And HOW it works Munny
Magic so quickly...

The HOT BUTTON Secret is here:

-TW November 24, 2011 03:44 AM

Re: Need some INFO (not legal advice) on this interesting question...
Hey Glenn...

I'm a very creative thinker. That's how I make my living. It also allows me to be pretty lazy, cuz when I AM being productive, I can figure out clever ways to amplify + leverage the productivity.

But somehow, when it comes to your style of communicating, my creativity is insufficient to allow me to decipher what da &^$&%^%#($ you are saying! Yet, apparently your followers are merrily doing it without any effort at all. This further befuddles me.

Anyhow, under the heading "I'll play your little game," here are my answers...

"QUESTION #1 - What do YOU ENJOY Most about the idea of interviewing
people and getting a signed release? <<< Enjoy? I'm not sure it'll be enjoyable. It might be fun to play around as a "man on the street" type reporter. The reason for the interviews would be to get people's reaction to a product I will be selling online for Valentine's Day.

Q #2 - What's Most IMPORTANT to you about turning interviews into
Extra Cash? <<<<<< The interviews will show the reaction women will have when men buy this for their sweethearts on V-tine's Day. These interviews will turn into cash because they will give men some insight about how their own women will react if/when THEY (the men) buy this gift.

Q #3 - Just Suppose You Had a MAGIC WAND - what do you want to get
MOST from your personal Interviews? <<<<<< Amazing, candid, sincere, powerful RAVES about how SHOCKINGLY wonderful this gift is. Especially that it is MUCH BETTER than the traditional version of this item category.

Hope that is what you wanted to know.

-- TW

P:S Don't get me wrong about my comments re: your style. If it works for you, more power to ya!!!

-TW November 24, 2011 03:54 AM

To Gordon...
I see what you're saying.

I wasn't saying the forum shouldn't let people have their own style.
I was saying, if anyone has a unique + not easily deciphered style of "communicating," then he/she...

1) shouldn't be surprised if some/many people cannot or will not make the effort to decipher the message.

2) should not place the burden of responsibility on the RECIPIENT of the message, to do the necessary deciphering.

So, sure the forum should allow all kinds of freedom of expression, with infinite degrees of communication styles -- yes!

-- TW

Glenn November 24, 2011 11:59 AM

I Like Your Valentines Day Testing Strategy
Thank You TW,

Now that You've told me Your Goals for the interviews
perhaps we can Communicate Better.

Years ago my mentor Walter Hailey showed me the words you use
face to face are IMPORTANT.

What do you say now to women to Get Their Honest Opinions?

Here's one of Walter's ideas I've tested...

"Hi." Pointing at her coat or jewelry or tattoo.

"I really like your sense of Style/color. May I ask your OPINION on what to
buy my Girl-friend for _____________?"


I know You're doing video interviews.

But perhaps getting a sense of what women LIKE BEST off camera
will help position your on-camera interviews.

For Example - I'm always WRONG when I test. So I like to get lots of Opinions to get a clear TREND before I record anything.

ARE WE on the same Page Here?

Glenn Osborn

Glenn November 28, 2011 04:28 PM

Thank You Julia - A Question
On Nov 28, 2011, at 2:40 AM, SOWPub Small Business Forums wrote:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion.
From the tons of comments on your articles, I guess I am not the only one
having all the enjoyment here! keep up the good work.

Thank You Julia,

I value my female Ezine Subscribers because they often have A Totally Different VIEW of an idea.

Because I use The MASTERMIND Effect 360 degrees (Combining ideas from 2 or more brains)

Your Perspective is IMPORTANT.

What is it you're Searching for? Perhaps something at
my archive can help.

Glenn Osborn

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