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-TW June 27, 2011 03:35 AM

Chalk another one up for intrusive ads...
I was listening to Leo Laporte's radio show (The Tech Guy) today -- and he said something really interesting. He said a DVR company (subscription service like TiVO) is now basically out of business. They are out of business because they have been sued out of existence by "Hollywood."

You can read about the lawsuit(s) here...

Now here's the point -- pretty much everyone in America has a DVR -- So... HOW COME *THIS* DVR company (ReplayTV) is sued into oblivion?

Because this company DARED to add a little extra feature to its machine -- the ability to SKIP PAST commercials by clicking ONE BUTTON on the remote.



As I keep saying, in a capitalist society, the intended audience CANNOT BE *PERMITTED* to ignore the ads. (read the wiki article)

Maybe you might be "allowed" to fast forward THROUGH them -- maybe. But SKIP OVER THEM (completely) -- NO, no no!! Not permitted (even though accomplishing that, technologically-speaking, is quite EASY to accomplish).

When you watch tv, you are entering a pact. Yes, you can watch the shows "for free." But, if you do not *ALSO* buy the products on the commercials, the show goes away -- because that's where the $$ to pay for the shows comes from -- the VIEWERS -- i.e. YOU! (via the advertiser/sponsors)

There's nowhere else for the $$ to come from.

Hence the necessity for intrusive ads.

If the audience CAN ignore the ads, it WILL ignore the ads -- so that must be FORBIDDEN from happening -- no matter what "technology" may or may not make possible.

You VIL votch zee ads, unt you vil LUFF votching zee ads!


-- TW

LindaC June 27, 2011 10:07 AM

Re: Chalk another one up for intrusive ads...
Hi TW,

Now, if I can figure out a way to make all the people who click on one of my websites buy the product...I could go from working Monday - Thursday to only working Tuesdays and half days on Wednesdays.

Oh well...back to the grind.

My Best 2 U,


-TW June 27, 2011 01:18 PM

Re: Websites vs. intrusive ads...
Hi Linda -- "how many people does your website reach?"

That's actually a trick question, to illustrate the point.

Your (or any) website doesn't "reach" anyone. It sits there, waiting for people to reach it!

That's why the need for intrusive ads.


-- TW

LindaC June 27, 2011 05:09 PM

Re: Chalk another one up for intrusive ads...
Thanks TW,

Oh well.

It's almost 5 pm.est. here...and time to pour out the watter and p-ss on the fire for another day.

Tomorrow...another bump and grind day at the keyboard...working my fingers to the bone in hopes more people will react to my advertising efforts and click and buy.

Waiting for people to reach one of my websites, click and buy, so I can stop working a Monday - Thursday week and move to a Tuesday and 1/2 day Wednesday work week.

Why me TW...What can I do to get hold of one of those intrusive ads and make lots of money like the Guru's do?

My Best 2 U,


-TW June 27, 2011 05:16 PM

Re: Chalk another one up for intrusive ads...
Hi Linda...

Fastest way to leverage things + get your message out intrusively...

9 most powerful words in marketing...

"Who already has the audience you want to reach?"

(author = me)

The MOST powerful word of those 9 is... *HAS*

The "has" in the phrase means there is info (already) FLOWING from the marketER ***TO*** the marketEE.

If you can latch onto that info FLOW (ie: JVing), then you can get your message across to your intended audience, in an intrusive way -- pretty much instantly.


-- TW

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