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Skip Rosell September 18, 2007 11:44 AM

Need Some Help With Title for New Report
Hi my friends,

I am in the process of testing a way to make money on for a new report for my Quick Cash Concepts membership site. I have most of the reseach and testing done but I am stuck for a Great title and by line.

Below is what I have so far but I know it could be a lot better. The copy below will give you an idea of what the report is about and I am asking you for help to make the title An eye poping, eye stopper. :)

Any help will be appreciated and I thank you in advance for your help.

Craigslist Cash
Without Breaking Their TOU
(Terms Of Use)

NO Black-Hat, Gray-Hat or even Off-White Hat
Tricks or Backdoor Ways
To Make Money With

If you have not heard about or seen a report on making money with Craigslist then you just got online yesterday. There are many books out on the market that will show you ways to place free ads on Craigslist and make money with those ads. BUT

Almost every one of them are teaching you some way to BEAT Craigslist Terms Of Service policy. These ways can get your ads deleted (or flagged) at the least and get you and your IP address Banned forever at Craigslist in some cases.

Best of success,
Skip Rosell

BrentWhinfield September 18, 2007 03:50 PM

Re: Need Some Help With Title for New Report
Hey Skip,
How're you doing?

It's been a few weeks since we chatted on the 'phone.
Good to know you're coming out with another dynamite

Take a gander at some of these suggestions. Hope they
help in some small way.

1. Walk Through the Craigslist Front Door and Begin Earning Cash Tomorrow!
"Leave those back door tactics to low lifes who get their ads deleted."

2. At Last! The Truth About Craigslist Cash.
"The Step by Step Income Generating Report That Creates Cash...Without Resorting to Shady Schemes That'll Get your Ads Deleted and you Banned."

3. ATTENTION: You are in Danger of Being Arrested by The Craigslist Police!
"If you use the bad advice to make money being taught by some scammers to break the CraigList Terms of Service, then this fallet fattening report will be like a breath of fresh air."

4. The Truth...The Whole Truth...and Nothing but The Truth in Making Money With Craigslist!
"Don't listen to shady types who encourage you to break Craigslist Terms of Service policy. This is the tried-true-blue method of swelling your bank account using Craigslist."

5. The Craigslist Manifesto: I'm Fed Up to Here With Shady Night Crawlers Who Encourage You to Make Money by Breaking Craigslist Policy!
"Craigslist Confessor at last shines the bright light of truth on the ONLY real way to earn serious money with Craigslist."

6. Beware: The Black Hat Bad Guys are Trying to get You Banned From Craigslist!
"Revealed: The Truth About Making Gobs of Money Using Only White Hat CraigsList Techniques."

7. Will Your Craigslist Marketing Activities Get Your Ads Deleted...or Worse?
"This is the honest truth from someone who's been there, done that, and gotten the Craigslist money shirt."

God loves you.
Brent Whinfield.
This EyeCandy Video Draws Subscribers
Like a Bright Lamp Draws Bugs on a Dark Night.

Glenn September 18, 2007 05:11 PM

Albert Einstein Quote- "IF at 1st the idea is not ABSURD...No Hope for It"
Dear Skip,


A Customer just sent me this Albert Einstein Quote:

"IF at 1st the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it."

Here's a Proven Headline...

I admit
to adding
one word to it - PogoStick.

**Emergency PogoStick Ideas For Getting Money Fast**

But the original Headline is from a book - I spotted Last Nite - that is s elling for 200.00 on Amazon and 300.00+ on

**Emergency Handbook for Getting Money Fast**

The author Seems to Understand Einstein's Quote intuitively.

Carole Dore - on her website - says her book let's you make money using Your HEART instead of your head.

I couldn't find a clue to how that might work.

But she seems to be doing great.

And her headline certainly GRABBED My attention.

Test it out. (I've already made a bunch from variations on it.)

Glenn Osborn

P.S. - In my Ebay Hobby where I test ABSURD Headlines. Einstein seems to be onto something.

The WEIRDER the Headline - the more and higher the bids.

"Munny LOVES Speed-How Kim Created 600 Millionaires with 1 Question"

"The Money Boomerang - How to Send Out Words and Get Back $"

"Casper-The-Ghost-Guide on How to Make Women & Men PLAY TURKEY"


Rod Carr September 19, 2007 06:46 PM

Re: Need Some Help With Title for New Report

Craigslist Cash: How to Create Profitable Free Ads on Craigslist That Will NOT Get Flagged or Deleted - One Easy Step at a Time!


7 Guaranteed Eye-Poping Techniques That Have NOTHING to do with the Black-Hat, Gray-Hat, or Off-White Hat Tricks and Backdoor Tactics You'll Find Eslewhere



Skip Rosell September 20, 2007 02:53 PM

Re: Need Some Help With Title for New Report
HI Brent,

Thanks for the time and effort you put in coming up with some great stuff. I will probably use some form or shape of your ideas.

Thanks again,

Skip Rosell

Skip Rosell September 20, 2007 03:00 PM

Re: Albert Einstein Quote- "IF at 1st the idea is not ABSURD...No Hope for It"
Hi Glenn,

Thank you for your suggestions. I have seen some of your Ebay ads. You do quite well with them as far as getting top dollar. You lose me sometimes with your copy BUT I always read ALL the way through to the end. :)

I have seen reports like you put out advertised on Ebay that only get 1/100 of the total bid you get. You are doing something right that I want to copy.

I have to get more WEIRDER with my headlines and see where it goes. Thanks again and

Best of success,


Skip Rosell September 20, 2007 03:04 PM

Re: Need Some Help With Title for New Report
Hi Rod,

Thanks for your input. Says what I wanted to say a lot better. :)

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

Garth September 20, 2007 06:11 PM

Homage To The Absurd World Of A Glenn Osborn Headline
Don't know if Glenn would approve but this is Glenn inspired if you want a
funky themed headline for an Ebay auction:

"Monkey Si' Craigslist Monkey do MAKES mOnEY"..

The Chumps Don't But Chimps Do Theory of Making Money With Craigslist

Monkey's and Humans Both Learn by Imitation If You Follow My Paint by Numbers System You'll Automatically get Hardwired to Make Money like a African monkey Instinctively Knows Eating Banannas Makes Him HappY

blah, blah, blah.....

Skip Rosell September 20, 2007 10:23 PM

Re: Homage To The Absurd World Of A Glenn Osborn Headline
Hi Garth,

Thank you for the off the wall copy. I mean that in a good sense. NOW we are getting funky! :)

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

Glenn September 21, 2007 03:24 PM

Re: Albert Einstein Quote- "IF at 1st the idea is not ABSURD...No Hope for It"
Dear skip,


I got your email with the new Test Headline.

Very compelling.

I might order a copy myself.

I've not tested ads on craigslist - yet.


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