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MMacGillivray April 10, 2015 11:04 AM

Here's a different take on things!
Hi, folks - sometime in the next few months or so, Sandy and I hope to retire out of our shop. However, we still need to make some income. We already sell online on - and wonder how to go about recruiting those folks who promote amazon products to dedicate some time just to promoting ours??


Robert J. April 10, 2015 05:11 PM

Re: Here's a different take on things!
Margaret, so excited that you guys will be settling into a more relaxed mode soon!

I am certainly not an expert in this area (Amazon), but my impression is that there isn't much you can do to encourage amazon affiliates to become smitten with your products. They are going to sell to their niche, and you are going to either be "in" it, or not.

My son is selling product on amazon, but I am not sure (don't think) that he is seeing any sales from affiliates. He is using some kind of amazon marketing (forgive me if I mis-state it, but is sounds almost like a google-like ad format ...). Maybe this (as vague as my description is) is something you might want to take a look at.

Otherwise, I would suggest putting google to good use, and find marketers who are in your niche. Contact them and suggest/hint that they may want to begin marketing your amazon-available products (especially if they are already working the amazon affiliate program).

Just my two cents worth, which is probably two cents more than it is worth!!

Good luck to you as you move into this next phase!!

MMacGillivray April 10, 2015 07:24 PM

Re: Here's a different take on things!
Thanks, Robert - there's no way that I can track if sales of products come from affiliates - unfortunately all the stats belong to amazon. I know we've got quality products and offer reliable service - so from the affiliates point of view, we'd be a good "shop" to promote.

Anyway, I'll see if I can find affiliates in my niche - that would probably be the best way.

Hope your son has a good year!


Dien Rice April 10, 2015 08:41 PM

Re: Here's a different take on things!

Originally Posted by MMacGillivray (Post 34892)
Thanks, Robert - there's no way that I can track if sales of products come from affiliates - unfortunately all the stats belong to amazon. I know we've got quality products and offer reliable service - so from the affiliates point of view, we'd be a good "shop" to promote.

Anyway, I'll see if I can find affiliates in my niche - that would probably be the best way.

Hi Margaret,

I agree, I think the way to go is to find people in your niche, and encourage them to sell your Amazon products...

Is there another way?

The only other way I know how to do things is to set up your own affiliate program (rather than go through Amazon), with your own online store. I've set up info-product affiliate programs via Clickbank. You can also set up your own affiliate program using PayPal and so on... Personally, I've always preferred to outsource the "paying the affiliates" part of it, though others have paid their affiliates directly. You have to make sure you're disciplined, though (or you could have lots of angry affiliates if you don't pay on time!).

If I think of anything else, I'll let you know... :)

Best wishes,


Rob Yaggie April 10, 2015 09:42 PM

Re: Here's a different take on things!
Congrats on reaching the point that you will get to step back and enjoy life.

As far as finding affiliates to promote your store, I think you will have to work on relationships with others that are an easy fit. You need to find people who promote your store because it makes sense and will see the commission as a small bonus. The reason I say that is because from a quick glance, it looks like you have lower priced items and amazon pays a low commission. As a former affiliate marketer, I always considered the amount of work it would take to promote a product vs the commission potential to decide who I would promote (ex. Lower priced ebook paying 75% was fine, high priced set of tires paying 5% is fine, but low priced ebook paying 5% was a no go).

MMacGillivray April 11, 2015 04:21 AM

Re: Here's a different take on things!
Thanks, folks - we're probably going to end up listing a whole lot of jewellery items - that hurts our bottom line 'cos amazon's commission is 25% - but that means that the affiliates' potential is a better chunk of change.

We've always had an issue with finding the right kind of high-end product that would sell reasonably quickly for a decent amount of money, with a "Scottish" tag. Maybe time to lose the Scottish bit and find something popular, affordable and profitable!

I do enjoy selling on amazon - but it's a brutal marketplace unless you happen to be the only person selling an item or have the best reputation; it's designed to send the price down, 1¢ or more at a time.


Joe April 19, 2015 10:19 AM

Re: Here's a different take on things!
You might look into affiliate programs at places like CJ Affiliate by Conversant. They do physical products.

I sell physical products through Amazon's Fullment By Amazon (FBA) program by sending product to the Amazon warehouse, and letting them do most of the marketing. I also still have affiliate sales through CJ & Amazon.

Lately some IM products have hit the market that teach using Amazon as a dropshipper, and selling on Ebay. Bought one of them to look it over. Basically it teaches you to list a product on Ebay (at an inflated price over the Amazon price), and then when it sells you by it from Amazon, and use your customers address as the ship to. So you might look at Ebay as a source for niche related affiliates too.

MMacGillivray April 19, 2015 05:59 PM

Re: Here's a different take on things!
Hi, Joe - thanks for that; wow, didn't realise folks were making change on the difference between amazon and ebay prices :O ...

We're currently using FBA for some of the products; it's worked quite well but you really need to keep an eye on the margins - as someone here said, you make profit by buying at the best possible price!


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