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Glenn August 1, 2022 03:09 PM

This Classified Ad Got 100's of Phone Calls
Thanks Dien/Gordon,

"FREE LUNCH - Investor Wants to Buy Your Business
& Pay For It Out Of New Extra Profits. Call Ph #"

A Friend of mine, Randal Aungst, came up with this ad.

So Successful he could use it ANYWHERE. He NEVER had to buy lunch, either. He showed a list of moolah making ideas - Bullets - to each biz owner. And THEY gladly paid for lunch. So they could Find Out More.

AND hired him to boot.

Craigs List

Bank Entryway Bulletin Boards.

Networking Meetings

Emails to business owners he found on Facebook

Under Contractor Windshield Wipers outside "Home Depot" stories at 7:30 am

3 by 5 Cards under Windshields at hi end Restaurants

Randal used the ad for Barter too.

Which is how we met.

I needed a Place to give a 1/2 day presentation to the combined Group
of Jay Abraham Protege Grads from Virginia, MD, PA.

And Randal made a deal for catering and use of a
Big Banquet Room with sound rigged up - at a PA Resort.

I share it here For 3 Reasons -

#1 - Can You GUESS the 1st thing the Business owners ASK over the phone when they call?

#2 - Your Readers might be able to adapt the idea.

#3 - I make moolah with the ad from Home. Email it to biz owners and
50% or more Email me Back and WANT TO TALK Right Away.


P.S. - Oh yeah.

Before you share the ad - Make a List of Moolah Making ideas
for the biz person you send the ad to.

(EDITORS NOTE - Very easy to google ideas. 99% of biz owners in any Industry
only do ONE THING to make moolah. Which makes it easy to list other proven ideas.)

And be ready for some HEAT.

These guys are really up-set that they are leaving HUGE Chunks of money on the table that YOU might be able to Snatch up under their noses.

Dien Rice August 2, 2022 12:02 AM

Why do so few small biz owners know these things?
Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the great ad tip...!

I like your friend Randal's approach! :)

And what you said...

"99% of biz owners in any Industry only do ONE THING to make moolah. Which makes it easy to list other proven ideas."

My experience bears that out...

I think anyone who comes to this forum regularly probably knows more marketing ideas than the average small business owner...

I often need to remind myself of this (because I tend to forget)...

Whenever I interact with small business owners... that's when I remember (because I tell them things which I know work, which they've never heard of, or never thought to do)...

Why don't they know these things?

I'd say it's because so many small business owners are so busy keeping the "ball rolling" in their business - that they don't have time to be up-to-date on all the marketing stuff...

For example, I once helped a restaurant owner get a lot more customers. He was so busy keeping the restaurant going, that he didn't have time to find out for himself many of the marketing techniques I used...

(And some of them used skills I had honed for many years - such as skills to write media releases, and also copywriting skills...)

Best wishes,



Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 43163)
Thanks Dien/Gordon,

"FREE LUNCH - Investor Wants to Buy Your Business
& Pay For It Out Of New Extra Profits. Call Ph #"

A Friend of mine, Randal Aungst, came up with this ad.

So Successful he could use it ANYWHERE. He NEVER had to buy lunch, either. He showed a list of moolah making ideas - Bullets - to each biz owner. And THEY gladly paid for lunch. So they could Find Out More.

AND hired him to boot.

Craigs List

Bank Entryway Bulletin Boards.

Networking Meetings

Emails to business owners he found on Facebook

Under Contractor Windshield Wipers outside "Home Depot" stories at 7:30 am

3 by 5 Cards under Windshields at hi end Restaurants

Randal used the ad for Barter too.

Which is how we met.

I needed a Place to give a 1/2 day presentation to the combined Group
of Jay Abraham Protege Grads from Virginia, MD, PA.

And Randal made a deal for catering and use of a
Big Banquet Room with sound rigged up - at a PA Resort.

I share it here For 3 Reasons -

#1 - Can You GUESS the 1st thing the Business owners ASK over the phone when they call?

#2 - Your Readers might be able to adapt the idea.

#3 - I make moolah with the ad from Home. Email it to biz owners and
50% or more Email me Back and WANT TO TALK Right Away.


P.S. - Oh yeah.

Before you share the ad - Make a List of Moolah Making ideas
for the biz person you send the ad to.

(EDITORS NOTE - Very easy to google ideas. 99% of biz owners in any Industry
only do ONE THING to make moolah. Which makes it easy to list other proven ideas.)

And be ready for some HEAT.

These guys are really up-set that they are leaving HUGE Chunks of money on the table that YOU might be able to Snatch up under their noses.

Glenn August 4, 2022 05:29 PM

The Book That Made Mark Twain Famous was Sold Dr to Dr
"His adventures produced The Innocents Abroad, a book so funny and provocative it made him an international star for the rest of his life."

Thanks Dien,

The above quote is from
And seems to be true. Since I have found similar info elsewhere.

His 1st book (And maybe most famous) was "Tom Sawyer"

But what made him Famous was a series of Articles he wrote while traveling. Which he combined into a book. (Which I have not read yet.)


I recently visited The GoodWill Store here in Maryland.

6 bucks for everything Mark Twain ever wrote.

Discovered the articles he wrote About His Travels on a SteamShip to Europe and The Holy Lands - that he turned into the Book.

that made him FAMOUS - "Innocents Abroad"

was sold Door to Door!

I Didn't Know that.

Shows you the power of Salesmanship. Plus the Value of having Multiple Sales Strategies.


Dien Rice August 7, 2022 02:42 AM

This is another way Mark Twain became famous...
Hi Glenn,

I've always enjoyed Mark Twain (I loved reading "Huckleberry Finn" when I was a youth), but your post has made me look into him more...

He apparently was a great self-promoter!
"...while watching a documentary about Mark Twain on PBS the other night, I was interested to learn how early in his writing life he shamelessly promoted himself, and how aggressively. And how well.

"After an early series of travel articles that he wrote was picked up by several newspapers, he decided to leverage this into a publicity event and turn it into a lecture.

"He rented the Academy of Music, on Pine Street in San Francisco, for 50 (borrowed) dollars. Then he did about $150 worth of printing and advertising to promote the event.

"This was in 1866. The $200 he spent would work out to more than $2,600 in today’s dollars. Twain would’ve been 30 or 31 years old, and he’d only started writing for money a year or so before that.

"A young writer today borrowing and spending $2,600 to promote himself seems kind of brazen."

Wow! I'm going to have to look more into Mark Twain's self-promotion techniques!

Best wishes,



Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 43169)
"His adventures produced The Innocents Abroad, a book so funny and provocative it made him an international star for the rest of his life."

Thanks Dien,

The above quote is from
And seems to be true. Since I have found similar info elsewhere.

His 1st book (And maybe most famous) was "Tom Sawyer"

But what made him Famous was a series of Articles he wrote while traveling. Which he combined into a book. (Which I have not read yet.)


I recently visited The GoodWill Store here in Maryland.

6 bucks for everything Mark Twain ever wrote.

Discovered the articles he wrote About His Travels on a SteamShip to Europe and The Holy Lands - that he turned into the Book.

that made him FAMOUS - "Innocents Abroad"

was sold Door to Door!

I Didn't Know that.

Shows you the power of Salesmanship. Plus the Value of having Multiple Sales Strategies.


unpinkpanther August 7, 2022 03:09 PM

Thanks for sharing, Glenn
Thanks for sharing, Glenn

Please could you explain more on how the barter transaction worked out?


Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 43163)
Thanks Dien/Gordon,

"FREE LUNCH - Investor Wants to Buy Your Business
& Pay For It Out Of New Extra Profits. Call Ph #"

A Friend of mine, Randal Aungst, came up with this ad.

So Successful he could use it ANYWHERE. He NEVER had to buy lunch, either. He showed a list of moolah making ideas - Bullets - to each biz owner. And THEY gladly paid for lunch. So they could Find Out More.

AND hired him to boot.

Craigs List

Bank Entryway Bulletin Boards.

Networking Meetings

Emails to business owners he found on Facebook

Under Contractor Windshield Wipers outside "Home Depot" stories at 7:30 am

3 by 5 Cards under Windshields at hi end Restaurants

Randal used the ad for Barter too.

Which is how we met.

I needed a Place to give a 1/2 day presentation to the combined Group
of Jay Abraham Protege Grads from Virginia, MD, PA.

And Randal made a deal for catering and use of a
Big Banquet Room with sound rigged up - at a PA Resort.

I share it here For 3 Reasons -

#1 - Can You GUESS the 1st thing the Business owners ASK over the phone when they call?

#2 - Your Readers might be able to adapt the idea.

#3 - I make moolah with the ad from Home. Email it to biz owners and
50% or more Email me Back and WANT TO TALK Right Away.


P.S. - Oh yeah.

Before you share the ad - Make a List of Moolah Making ideas
for the biz person you send the ad to.

(EDITORS NOTE - Very easy to google ideas. 99% of biz owners in any Industry
only do ONE THING to make moolah. Which makes it easy to list other proven ideas.)

And be ready for some HEAT.

These guys are really up-set that they are leaving HUGE Chunks of money on the table that YOU might be able to Snatch up under their noses.

Glenn August 10, 2022 04:33 PM

How to Get Strangers to Email You Back POP QUIZ - Glenn
Thanks Dien,

Everybody eats.

Food is Doubling in Price.

So I have Successfully Tested The following email to get folks to Email me back.
ONCE they "Talk" to me. Then I have enough Rapport to ***ASK Permission***
to send them Ideas for their business.

Your Marketing QUIZ is this:

Which one of these Headlines was chosen 9 out of 10 times by my Ezine List?

(And, of course, You are Welcome to PICK a Report Title for Yourself. Might be the same title OR a Different Title.)


Dear ________,

I read that “Readers Digest” Gives Away Articles in Tiny Newspaper Ads. Then Publishes the Most Popular Titles.

You Can Help Me do Something Similar.

Please Help Me Pick The Best Titles To Sell in My New “Munny-Fan” Book…

***Your Thank You Reward?***

You Get a Free Copy of The Report You Choose.

This *$-Fan* At Sit-down & Fast Food Restaurants is getting WEIRD RESULTS.


A - How The *$-Fan* Got a Client a Free Pizza At Lunch

B - Waiter Gives Us $21 of Free Food - Free Soup, Drink & Dessert

C - Waitress Reports Blackmailing a 10K TV Out of her Ex

D - Coed Bartender Wants 10 Kids & Eyeballs my Guest

Thanks for Picking Your Favorite Title,

P.S. - To Receive Your Free Rpt - Please Email Your PICK to me at [email protected]

Glenn August 10, 2022 04:48 PM

How Randal did BARTER with his *Free Lunch* Ad
Thanks UNpinkPanther,

Question about your Monicker. Not throwing stones. One of my customers calls himself - "WetTennisShoes"

Does the "UN" part of your Handle - mean You are Not PINK in color? Or You are UNpanther-like? Fall down a lot instead of GLIDE-Like-A-Panther when You Walk?

I ask strangers about the REASON behind their Tattoos too.

When Randal found something he LIKED he would use BARTER to get it.

For Example:

His "Free Lunch ad" attracted the owners of a Hotel, Banquet Facility and Entertainment Complex in Philadelphia.

Two brothers with families who Retired from A Circus. Built a place to Raise and Support their Families.

They wanted to Sell Part of it.

Randal Shared a bunch of marketing ideas.

Then said, "10K Cash (To help You USE the ideas) or 10K of Usage for Your Hotel, Catering, Banquet Facility."

AND that is how Randal
was able to GIFT me the
USE of a Massive Banquet Room for Free.


unpinkpanther August 11, 2022 01:38 AM

Brilliant, Glenn! Where is the LIKE button here?
Thanks for explaining, Glenn. Find that helpful.

Before I go ahead, about the moniker, don't remember exactly how that came about. I think I used it first on another platform when I discovered that "pinkpanther" had been taken - and I've used it ever since for "undercover" posts like these

Besides I just LOVE Pink Panther. This may sound like heresy to Disney fans but I prefer Pink Panther to Mickey Mouse.

Back to your barter story, one thing I love about it is how straightforward the transaction is.

No need for "barter exchanges" or "scrip" or some other "technical" barter "secrets"

Thanks again for sharing, Glenn

Glenn August 14, 2022 02:34 PM

Peter Sellers Was INSANE according to Pink Panther Producer
Thanks UNPINK,

My view is that on an UN-PinkPanther....

UN - Conscious level.

All of us Viewers KNOW that Peter Sellers is NUTS. And he could do Anything. At any Time. To anybody.

(Have you watched the Sellers Movie, "The Party"
I think it's called that. Where he basically DESTROYS the House and
the Entire Event Just by Walking Thru? NOBODY but Sellers Could do that.)

The producer said Sellers put them Thru HELL in the Pink Panther movies. (Yet nobody could Replace him.)

(Several Genius Actors and Comedians have TRIED. Did not pull it off - in my opinion.)

How CRAY CRAY - NUTS was Sellers?

In a Different Movie SELLERS Refused to Continue with a pivotal Scene
Because he Claimed, "The GREEN TRAIN IS BAD LUCK."

They had to Paint The Train Blue.

Then Repaint it Green.


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