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GordonJ November 16, 2011 10:11 PM

YIKES, the cops visit the HEADLIGHT guy...
Absolutely true...and a lesson too.

Guy pulls up, asks how much, Boz gives him the test...tells him 15 bux a lens...30 for the car...and the guy says,' I'll give you 20...

and Boz responds, tongue in cheek, I can't do it for less than 40...

the guy looks Gobsmacked... you just said 30...

yea sez boz, but you turned down that offer, now it's 40...

the guy, about 350 pounds...stumbles back to his car...

and half an hour later the cop pulls in...says they rec'd a complaint...

Boz explained what happened...the cop laughs and on his way back to his patrol car, I say officer, if he calls in again, tell him I'll do it for 50 bux...

the cop just grins and drives away...

Have fun with people, but do consider that some people have NO sense of humor or just don't get it...

So you wannabe headlight's a SERIOUS business man, like for real. HA!

Gordon Alexander

Dien Rice November 17, 2011 06:15 AM

The guy yelled at me... "You can't sell here!"
Hi Gordon,

Thanks for sharing that story!

It reminds me of something which happened to me...

First, I'll explain. There's a magazine in some parts of the world called "The Big Issue." It started in the UK, and can be found now in various countries (including Australia, where I live).

It's a magazine which helps the homeless... The magazine is professionally produced. However, only homeless people can sell it. By selling the magazine, they can make some money for themselves.

Okay... Several years ago, I took a job selling discounted tickets for a local comedy club. I had only just started this job... And was doing my best to sell the tickets in a popular pedestrian mall.

I figured I had a good spot to try to interest passers-by in these comedy tickets. However, about 15 feet away was another seller... A homeless man, selling "The Big Issue."

I figured it was okay. Nobody "owned" any particular spot. Plus, we were selling quite different things. He was selling a magazine, and I was selling comedy tickets.

However, he had a different idea.

He said, "You can't sell here. Go somewhere else."

Now, I thought... I don't have to move. He doesn't "own" any spot in the pedestrian mall. So I ignored him, and kept doing my best to sell...

So, he got angry. He opened up his lungs, and yelled louder,

"You can't sell here! Go move somewhere else!"

My thoughts were... He can't tell me where to sell!

However... on the other hand, I felt a bit sorry for him. Even if I sold no tickets, I still had a roof over my head to go home to, and food on the table to eat. He may not have those things.

Despite my reservations... in the end, I moved. (Even though I was sure I didn't have to!)

I didn't sell too many tickets anyway (either at that spot, or anywhere else)!

It was overall, a good experience, though...

(I did end up really improving my selling skills over time. Many years ago, Gordon recommended to me that I get some experience in selling, as it would help me in business. So I did, and it did!)

Best wishes,


Bozo November 17, 2011 09:20 AM

Cheap Customers
I've cleaned many headlights for free, but the choice has always been mine.

One lady was a superb con artist who almost had me believing that I had already polished her lights and now they looked bad again. It was so much fun listening to her BS, that I went along with it and cleaned her lights for free. She was the type who would have done well selling the magic cleaning fluid, like in the Kenny Brooks video. As it happens, most people don't want to be the first to try out an unknown, so while I was working on her lights, two more cars pulled up and waited for the service. I had fun, and got two jobs that likely wouldn't have come by if I hadn't already been working.

Then there are people who are just cheap. Everything they buy has to be a deal, or at least they have to try to get a deal. I offer my service at a fair price for the results, so there is no room for a discount unless I just want to give one for whatever reason. For me, it depends on how the person asks for a discount that determines whether or not I'll give one.

In the story Gordon told about the cop coming, the guy was a bit surly and I felt offended that he didn't see the value I offered him. That's why I took the hard line and raised my offer to him. A guy like that would find something wrong no matter how the job came out and would then demand his money back. No thanks dude, I'd rather take a nap than deal with the likes of you.

Since that incident there have been several people that wanted a discount. I've tried several different responses to see how people react. At first I'd just say no and walk away. That left me feeling bad about the encounter, so I came up a response that defuses the situation and leaves me on top even if they decide not to get the service.

I now say, "Oh, you want the twenty dollar service?". Every response has been, "No, I want the whole thing." They either come up with the money or they drive off saying they'll be back.

GordonJ November 17, 2011 09:24 AM

Spiders, Snakes and Mice...OH my.
What's been fun for me is we have a LABORATORY in a Suburban parked at a car wash...although yesterday, we went to the other side of town (a 7 minute trip) and set up in a vacant lot...something we don't recommend you do...since we got TWO in the first 10 minutes, Boz is contacting the owner to get permission...

we'll be testing different locations...any....whoooo...

We treat it as a game, Boz Can't Lose Game...while I like to record and take notes about REACTIONS...and the


to our STIMULI, what we say, how we say it...

I'm noting Tone, Inflection, testing Mirroring, NLP, Old Fashioned Salesmanship...which brings us back to

Spiders, Snakes and Mice...

Today I'm going to Re Record and make a guerrilla animated video of my experience which set me on a path of salesmanship and understanding of human behavior.

When I was 10 (or 9, not sure) a neighbor asked me to pick flowers from a field gone to seed, a field which was a few years earlier a thriving nursery...

Another neighbor, Mr. White taught me some MAGIC WORDS and at the end of an hour, I had one of the most useful LESSONS of my life and I went home a dollar richer BIG MONEY for a 9 year old in 1959...

along with two books by the Elmers...



And since I just experienced both of these "truths" it set me down the path of discovery...

So today, the adventure continues being able to Test our sentences, checking reactions, observing human behavior while in a sales process.

I've noted we get business when we're doing a job...

Cialdini's Social Proof I think best describes this sales phenomen...

So, today I'll record SPIDERS, SNAKES AND MICE, OH MY along with my NEW video...

The Alexander MODIFIED Maslow Pyramid and then we'll get into the SQ1...

My FREE course on persuasion will then be:

Two part video Spiders, Snakes and Mice, OH MY

PictoGrigm of Persuasion YOU

PictoGrigm of Persuasion TARGET/PROSPECT (PoP Transaction)

Two Part Alexander MODIFIED Maslow Pyramid

and one final VIDEO called...

So, now KNOWING what you know...what do you want and what are you going to do.

Hopefully be done by weekend.

Gordon (from the human laboratory along the streets of Carlsbad, NM) Alexander

PS. The headlight cleaning biz is more of a find a need and fill it...and doesn't take any real selling...just let them see you...and VIOLA, some pretty easy money.

PPS. I think this would be a great business for a teenager...I'm sure they would make far more than what a McDonald's experience would give them.

Phil November 18, 2011 11:50 AM

Cops visit the HEADLIGHT guy... Marketing/Selling to the Local municipalities & More!
Never discount the possibilities of Marketing/Selling to the Local municipalities, Governments, etc... Especially servicing their [Endless] Fleets of vehicles, Police Departments etc. etc. including...

Time to Consider... Dealerships, Franchising... Misc. Developing of [Smart] Student networking, Group Planning and Crew Management {Growth} and Expansion into Other particular Specialized related business models... :)

How to Be a Good Crew Leader...

See the opportunities in selling to the government

Don't See much Discussions regarding misc. Affiliate Program(s) and other Headlighting related Marketing possibilities, Opportunities... ???... ;)

Licensing with other [Similar] type businesses and industries... Looking and Very interested regarding Add-ons with other Specialized business models, Service kiosks, Parking lots, inside, outside, underground and Wherever...

Brainstorming/Networking... Bright, intelligent Headlight related [Domaining] (type) Educational Tips, Tricks, ideas and Much, much more! ...

I've heard through the Grapevine on the {Simplicity} of the Overall idea... BUT with a few Fresh ''Twists'' and ideas (Hear?) There and Everywhere could Make Things even a {Lot} More Viral! ... ih=692

Headlight restoration firm donating to wildlife fund... Thinking into Google and Companies with Tons of Other possibilities! ...

All the best...


sandalwood November 18, 2011 02:43 PM

Re: YIKES, the cops visit the HEADLIGHT guy...
Phil's suggestions certainly make sense but I think if a person is approaching a municipality timing is everything. I had a great product about a year and a half ago or so for the locals and it was about to receive consideration when the budget crunch hit. All the city and county departments were instructed to implement immediate staff reductions and trim their budgets.

As you might have already guessed, my great product never even got a looksee. I'm still waiting for the local bureau-rats to settle the budget morass so I can get back in the hunt.

I know some areas of the country aren't as hard hit as Nevada but if you are I hope there is a back door you can use. I didn't find one here and I know a few of the politicians who thought my product was super.

Phil November 18, 2011 08:09 PM

YIKES, the cops visit the HEADLIGHT guy,Get your Name(s)Out-There & Brand Yourselves!
A few Quick back door ideas, possibilities for some Dual Consumerism [type] Opportunities...

When politicians, Key Players, particular Communications and Connections are low or short on Funds, Develop a Unique innovative Sampling/Sponsorship program with a Well Thought-out Fundraising segment attached to a Smart & Creative PR Public Relations campaign(s)... :)

Police, Fire Departments, Emergency Medical services etc. regularly do Community Presentations, Trade shows throughout shopping malls, Communities centres and Endless other Public Relations connections with the Public...

Seriously [Think] about Joint Venturing and Developing/Networking with a variety of Educational associations including Many other Health related connections like Heart, Stroke, Cancer, Childrens Organizations etc. etc. who are Always Open to innovative ideas and Suggestions on ways to Work together for Common Goals, Especially through Education and Public relations Campaigns and Numerous other ideas! ...

Brainstorm and I {Bet} Most will Find a Quick back door Full of ideas and Dozens of other Unknown/Unseen Opportunities to Squeeze that Ever-Effective Presentation through the Many Door(s) of Opportunities... ;)

Get your Name(s) Out-There and Brand Yourselves! ...

Once again...

The Brand Called You
By: Tom PetersAugust 31, 1997...
1 2 3 Next →

All the best...


sandalwood November 18, 2011 09:31 PM

Re: YIKES, the cops visit the HEADLIGHT guy...

I appreciate this line:

"Seriously [Think] about Joint Venturing and Developing/Networking with a variety of Educational associations including Many other Health related connections like Heart, Stroke, Cancer, Childrens Organizations etc. etc. who are Always Open to innovative ideas and Suggestions on ways to Work together for Common Goals, Especially through Education and Public relations Campaigns and Numerous other ideas! ..."

Of course JVing is a super way to get your name out. In fact, I had forgotten about it till you mentioned it in your post. Speaking from personal experience, the heart, cancer, etc people are easy to contact and meet (at least they are here). Had a couple of programs with them.

This getting old(er) is really rattling my brain.

Thanks for the great post.

Tom :)

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