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MichaelFu October 19, 2008 03:36 AM

Good or Bad? I want to ask for a critique on this site.
Hi there,

I just finished my first opt-in page today.

Here is my website => URL REMOVED BY MOD

I would like to ask for a critique of this site such as:

- How do you like the design of the page?
- Does it look okay in other browser?
- How does copywriting on this page? (I.E. pre-headline, main headline, bullet, call to action)
- What would make you want to join this list?
- Is there anything on this page that would keep you from joining my list?
- etc...

Thank you for your kind advice :-)

- Michael Fu

MichaelRoss October 19, 2008 05:35 AM

YOu want a critque or just asking as an excuse to get a link in?
Dear oh bloody dear... another bloom'n Internet marketing product Creation Expert asking for help on his First Ever Opt In page.

Ok. As you asked... and because you've got a good first name...

My advice is...

Go forth and follow the advice in your special report and create your own hot in demand info products and watch your inbox flooded with orders.

I am curious... is one of your 6 common mistakes... basic English Grammar and Tense? Is another failing to use the small joining words that a native Speaker uses but which non natives who couldn't be bothered to learn the language fluently, don't use?

Other advice is... Spamming other boards with the same post asking for advice about your first opt in page for your super secret info product creation stuff, just paints you as a Spammer and will get your ass booted off of boards lickety quick smart. And will also get your post edited to remove the links you leave - as it is deemed you only posted to leave a link.

Hope this helps...

Michael Ross

Sandi Bowman October 19, 2008 05:49 AM

Re: Good or Bad? I want to ask for a critique on this site.
Actually it's not bad at all. A few minor grammatical errors but I understand English is not your first language.

The one that made me wonder was the part about dominating your market and 'even if your competitors are in the same market'. It stands to reason that a competitor would be in the same market. Not sure exactly what you intended to say but it needs re-working, IMHO.

That's a nice picture of you but I'm wondering what that white ribbon (or whatever it is) is all about. You might explain it to prevent any mis-interpretation by those of us not familiar with it's significance. Just a brief line or two would do.

Hope this is helpful.

Sandi Bowman

MichaelFu October 19, 2008 08:16 AM

Re: Good or Bad? I want to ask for a critique on this site.
Michael, I'm sorry for that. Yes, you're right...I actually need link back to my site for lead generation. But, can you tell me how I can get traffic without posting URL on the board?

Perhaps my ass will be booted off of boards quickly by being spammer - which I don't like to be :(

Anyway, here's my learning experience. So thank you for your advice.

My another purpose is asking for advice on my headline, my copywriting, my bullet points, my design and any other kind of opt-in page design. So I can improve my site as much effective as I possibly do.

I know that I my English is not as good as most of you who as English native speaker. That's my weak point (very big weak point actually) in Internet business if I target not only Thai market but other countries so I have to use English as a universal language.

Now I'm NOT confident if I can succeed in Internet business because of my weak English.

Look forward to hearing from you.

- Michael Fu

P.S. - Sorry if my English makes you confused in reading.

remipub October 19, 2008 03:04 PM

Re: YOu want a critque or just asking as an excuse to get a link in?
Brutal Michael ... true, but brutal!

And Mr. Fu - Poor English is almost a guaranteed death sentance IMHO. If I read something where the English is poor, and I know it's directed at an English speaking market I will immediately judge it as unprofessional (if not a scam) and not worth my investment of time to read the website, much less seek out additional information.

If you truly have a valuable service, then pay a copywriter to write the verbiage.

Phil October 19, 2008 08:39 PM

Re: Good or Bad? I want to ask for a critique on this site.

Along with Michael R's comments...

Some quick advice here... Get out of me too marketing and Niches that you just haven't been Successful with or done yourself... :)

Newbies & Consumers are getting a lot Smarter these days... Hype alone just doesn't do it anymore!

No More "Me Too" Marketing
Before you can beat your competitors, customers have to be able to tell you apart. Here are 3 steps to becoming the leader of the pack.

Avoiding "Me Too" Marketing with a Competitive Advantage

My recommendation is to search out and follow people that Successfully do what you would like to Achieve yourself... Then just duplicate their knowledge... ;)

Of course there are 1,000's of true Experts out there... But in this particular situation...

Mark Widawer shares a Ton of Quality content & info on Traffic and Conversions...

Six Tips for Online Businesses to Survive and Thrive in Hard Times


MichaelRoss October 20, 2008 03:18 PM

Links are rewards for participation

Yes, you're right...I actually need link back to my site for lead generation. But, can you tell me how I can get traffic without posting URL on the board?

Isn't this covered in your book? If not, it's not a very good book and your customers will be left not knowing how to get traffic to the product they create. And if this isn't covered in your book, maybe you shouldn't be making claims about how Dominant in the market the person will be by following the book.

A link to your site from a discussion board is a Privilege and Not a right. It's a Reward for Participating on the board. Granted by the board's owner.

When someone comes along and posts... please review my site... and they have never posted on the board before, a judgment call is made.

In your case, you are trying to pass yourself off as some kind of internet marketing expert. An expert who is asking for help in a topic you are claiming to be an expert in. That, alone, reveals what is needed to nuke your link. Plus, when you've never even posted anything helpful to anyone on this board, never answered a question nor participated in anything in a meaningful manner - two sentence replied to posts, "I agree" posts, and copying and pasting of articles is not deemed participation. Then, your link is nuked.

You want a link to your site from a board... then participate in the board.

Michael Ross

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