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Dien Rice December 21, 2011 02:48 PM

Man Makes $55,000 a year... selling candy on the subway!
This is another fascinating story I came across not too long ago...

This man spends all day on the subway in New York City - selling candy.

And makes around $55,000 a year doing it!

I think it shows, there are still good opportunities "out there"...

Best wishes,


sandalwood December 21, 2011 04:15 PM

Re: Man Makes $55,000 a year... selling candy on the subway!
Anybody wanna bet that we will be reading the story headlined:

Subway Candy Seller Gets Mugged on the D Train Platform

in 2012...:)

-TW December 22, 2011 05:25 AM

Re: Man Makes $55,000 a year... selling candy on the subway!
Sounds good -- but $55k won't get you very far in NYC.

Dien Rice December 22, 2011 09:05 AM

Re: Man Makes $55,000 a year... selling candy on the subway!

Originally Posted by -TW (Post 29742)
Sounds good -- but $55k won't get you very far in NYC.

I don't know if he lives in Manhattan. He may live in one of the outer boroughs, or in New Jersey, where I understand living costs are usually much lower, and commute to Manhattan.

The point (at least from my point of view) was that, it seemed surprising that a guy it seems could make a decent income, doing what he was doing - selling candy on the subway.

(It ain't no get rich quick scheme - but I think it showed some good "out of the box" thinking!)

Best wishes,


SteveSki December 22, 2011 10:59 AM

Re: This Homeless Guy Is Richer Than You
Found this video on youtube:
This Homeless Guy Is Richer Than You


sandalwood December 22, 2011 12:28 PM

Re: Man Makes $55,000 a year... selling candy on the subway!
Loved the video. The bloke in it was in England but you can bet the same sort of scheme happens here. In fact, back in the early '80's when I was a member of the National Speakers Association in San Francisco we almost always had guest speakers at our meetings.

The one I remember the most had the "Butterfly Man" as our speaker. This gentleman performed juggling tricks for the tourists at Fisherman's Wharf and the surrounding toursit traps. He was called the Butterfly Man because he had a tattoo of a butterfly on the front of his head and going slightly down onto his forehead.

He told us he used to be a dentist but got tired of all the guvmint regs, employees, taxes, etc and became a street person. He had been performing for several years before speaking to us. When asked how much he made, all he would say was "six figures" and then added tax free.

He gave us a performance of his juggling. It included bowling balls, eggs, tennis balls and flaming swords. I could see why he made a good goobly load of money. The guy was great.

BTW, our local paper did a story on one of our local homeless guys. He stands on street corners, usually freeway on ramp situated, with a card board sign. He parks his Cadillac in one of the casino's parking garages for free and walks to the corner. He wouldn't tell the reporter how much he makes as you might guess.

What a great country...

Dien Rice December 22, 2011 06:20 PM

Re: This Homeless Guy Is Richer Than You

Originally Posted by SteveSki (Post 29746)
Found this video on youtube:
This Homeless Guy Is Richer Than You

Thanks Steve - that was a good "satire"! :)

(By the way, I recognized two of the people on that video as "Hamish and Andy" - an Australian radio and TV comedic duo... "Real Stories" was a satirical current affairs show they once created.)

Best wishes!


Dien Rice December 22, 2011 07:38 PM

How Much Money Can You Make Busking?

Originally Posted by sandalwood (Post 29747)
Loved the video. The bloke in it was in England but you can bet the same sort of scheme happens here. In fact, back in the early '80's when I was a member of the National Speakers Association in San Francisco we almost always had guest speakers at our meetings.

The one I remember the most had the "Butterfly Man" as our speaker. This gentleman performed juggling tricks for the tourists at Fisherman's Wharf and the surrounding toursit traps. He was called the Butterfly Man because he had a tattoo of a butterfly on the front of his head and going slightly down onto his forehead.

He told us he used to be a dentist but got tired of all the guvmint regs, employees, taxes, etc and became a street person. He had been performing for several years before speaking to us. When asked how much he made, all he would say was "six figures" and then added tax free.

He gave us a performance of his juggling. It included bowling balls, eggs, tennis balls and flaming swords. I could see why he made a good goobly load of money. The guy was great.


That story about the "Butterfly Man" / former dentist is pretty interesting!

Some buskers can make good money - if they're good at what they do, and are good "showmen" or "showwomen" (though there seem to be many more men than women when it comes to busking - maybe because of the dangers of working on the street from criminals and others)...

By the way, I read that women musicians/singers can make three times as much as men do, when busking (from here)...

I found a great video about this topic, by an experienced busker named "Skeet"... Called "How Much $ Can You Make Busking." It's in 3 parts...

How much money can you make busking - Part 1
How much money can you make busking - Part 2
How much money can you make busking - Part 3

(His website is here - )

Here's what he says...

How much you can make depends on a lot of factors...
  • How good are you?
  • What you do? (e.g. guitarist, magician, juggler, human statue, etc.)
  • Where are you busking?

How good are you?

Obviously, it goes without saying, the better you are at what you do, the more money you'll make.

What do you do?

Skeet says people who do "circle shows" can make quite a bit of money, if they're good. "Circle shows" are those people who actually put on a show (which may last half an hour or so)... People like jugglers, magicians, and so on. Usually there's a lot of comedy thrown in, too!

He calls them "circle shows" because they may spend up to 20 minutes first gathering a crowd... These people gather in a "circular" crowd around the busker, watch the show, then all put money in the hat when the show is finished.

Those who don't put on a "show" but just do their thing - like musicians, human statues, etc., while people walk past putting money in a hat - generally are not able to make as much money as the "circle show" people.

Where are you busking?

Some places in the world are much better than others for busking. Especially places with lots of tourists.

Skeet is a guitarist, and he mentioned that at places like Venice beach, California, or Key West, Florida, he could make $150 to $200 in 2, 3, or 4 hours of busking.

However, in his home town (he doesn't say where it is), for 3 or 4 hours, he can make $65 on a good day.

However, he's said at these good locations (like Venice Beach), he says he's seen "circle show" buskers take in hundreds of dollars for one 35-minute show. And they might do 4 or 5 shows like that a day. (I think $1,000 dollar days may be possible for these people, at least on some days.)

He says tourists will "outspend" locals 5 to 1, so you'll make a lot more money busking at places where you'll find lots of tourists.

Anyway, it's clear you can make very good money at busking - if you're very good at it, if you have the right kind of act, and if you're busking in the right location (during tourist season)!

However, it is a skilled line of work - so you have to have the skills, or be willing to develop the skills, to do it well!

One last thing is Skeet also mentions are the dangers. He mentioned specifically places like New York City and Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. While there are dangers from criminals, he said in some places there can also be dangers from the other buskers if you're in the wrong place, and they don't want you there! (Because you're taking their crowd...)

Anyway... I found this topic interesting... I've always thought being a busker could be fun - but unfortunately, I'm too untalented...

However, I wonder if the "off-key singing busker" show would work? :)

Best wishes,


Phil December 23, 2011 12:30 AM

[Twisting] the Subway Candyman into Millions ... "Let us Show you our Nuts" :)
Once again... {Quick} Blast from the Past, Current... And into the Passive ongoing Future! .... :)

[Twisting] the Subway Candyman's business model into the Multi-Million's $$$$$$, Simply by Starting (CIRCA) 2012...

For a few other Smart Entreprenerial Minds out there!

Links over the years seem to [Go Dead], shortly after misc. Publicity related postings...

Simply story! ... Smartly and Creatively, Re-Defined into a Fresh New Idea... ;)

Still a wide-open ''Un-Tapped'' Opportunity for Soo... Many Newly inventive Ideas & Possibilities...

All the best...


Phil March 9, 2012 02:37 AM

"Let us Show you Our/Your Nuts" :) Too.. Joint Ventures, Re-Sellers, Unseen Marketing
Good to See Entrepreneurs getting Creative, with their Specialty products, Story telling, Social media, PR, Public relations, News and Media exposure etc. etc... :cool:

Also! ... Still {Lotsa} ways to Develop Similar ideas... On Different business related Levels! Specialty products into Many more and Other Unlimited opportunities & possibilities! ...

"Let us Show you Our/Your Nuts" :) Too... Joint Ventures, Re-Sellers, Wholesalers, Dealerships, Small town, All Size Food Market related MarketPlaces, Events, Celebrations, Food shows, Flea Markets, Bars, Pubs, Restaurants etc. etc... by the Flavours, Ounces, Grams, Pounds, Cans, Cases or Whatever! ... ;)

First Flavor Memorable Marketing: Taste Test Tryvertising...

Still a wide-open ''Un-Tapped'' Opportunity for Soo... Many Newly inventive Ideas & Possibilities...

Gourmet Peanut business is Booming! ...

‎His business, Holy Cow LLC, created Lord Nut Levington, a fictional English chap on a ... The unique brand and marketing strategy seems to be working...

All the best...


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