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GordonJ August 13, 2019 09:00 AM

What the talking heads and mouth breathers don't get. POLITICS.
Well, we don't allow political ARGUMENTS, although commentary may squeak through.

Every talking head on TV, Right, Left, or whatever. R or D. Or Independent.

Everyone of them. All. Have means. They are not struggling financially.

From Millionaires Bill Maher and Rachel Madow on the left to Lou Dobbs and Bill O'Reilly on the right. ALL, people of means.

Senators. Congressmen. Governors. They go on TV shows and talk about what AMERICANS want.

How do they know? They DON'T. There is one issue. ONE problem.

People of means can't speak for those without.



Seriously, no one wants to pluck chickens in a Louisiana hothouse, and especially at the low pay.

JOBS. It is the one thing which will determine the 2020 Presidential Elections.

And so far, NO one, because every candidate is a person of means...NO one has put forth a plan (albeit Warren has a lot of them) on how to create


And jobs which people can do, and get paid a decent wage.

So, to all the mouth breathers spouting off on TV, what and how are you or your candidate going to do to create jobs? How can we retrain the American workforce for the modern era jobs?

We need more ENTREPRENEURS, JOB CREATORS. People with ideas, and the path to a quicker market.

Call it the economy stupid, if you want, but what economy means to most REAL Americans is JOBS. And preferably a rewarding job with a living wage attached, and decent affordable health care.


Millard Grubb August 14, 2019 08:29 AM

Re: What the talking heads and mouth breathers don't get. POLITICS.
You hit the nail on the head when you said we need more JOB CREATORS.

The vast majority of Americans are WORKERS. Most folks don't want to risk their hard-earned cash to try out an idea or two. I'd rather try out something, and if it doesn't work, try out something else... over and over, with a winner here and there.... than be in the same job, day after day.

However, sometimes, in-between winners, I have had to work jobs I hated... just to keep cash flow going. As a creator, this memory of working at things I have hated helps me to focus on creating more or finding people I can consult to help them build a bigger business.

These talking heads need to be in a grocery store bagging groceries or serving food at a diner for at least a week to get a real feel for the public.

GordonJ August 14, 2019 08:54 AM

My helping someone is...
often UNappreciated.

Which is fine, I lose no sleep over it. I do tend to live in reality, however.

There is a made up world. Called TV. And it is mostly made up, even the so-called reality (unscripted) shows, which are heavily edited, or the Nightly News.

I start off my day, after writing quietly for a set period of time, with a coffee and Google News. After tweaking it to feed me what I want, I find it takes a very few minutes to get the news.

Today, it is hard for so many people to know what news is.

News today is about NUCLEAR accident in Artic Circle. That SHOULD garner our attention.

"News" about what the Conway's said (the updated and modern version of the James Carville/Mary Matalin contrived D vs R in the bedroom) is NOT news.

Any TV show which has Kelly Conway on it is NOT news. News is flooding in city. News is not the Mayor wading through the water.

As for my advice to those who sometimes solicit it:

I have a few questions:

Does the talking head make more money than you? If so, HOW? Are they being paid for their combat position, for their LOUDNESS of idea, for their slinging stones at common enemies?

A good time to insert BLAIR WARREN'S one sentence persuasion formula, a must know, must understand tool of persuasion.

People will do anything

for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and

help them throw rocks at their enemies.

Those of you that have the GJABIZ Direct Persuasion PocketPro will find this on Page 8.

So, what I ask those who ask for my help, guidance or assistance is about their NEWS habits, who and what they watch.

The other thing is how do you MONITOR your reactions?

Example. I'm driving down the road, apparently too slow (being 5mph over the speed limit{never had a ticket in 50 years of driving} ) and a guy blows by and flips me the finger.

How do I respond. I slow down slightly and give him plenty of leeway. And that is that.

Today, people are LOOKING for a fight. They want confrontation. They want to yell and scream at someone, anyone, even the little old lady crossing the street with a walker.

I was taught some key ideas about Stimulus/Response and some of you even watched my video on the subject.

All too often, we succumb to the Knee Jerk reaction. Someone gives us the finger, we give it right back. Or the thought comes into our minds.

I have tried to place a palace guard, something like a Knight, maybe a bad azz like 11 from Stranger Things, who can just extend her hand and banish the intruder.

This filter, which takes time to learn how to install it, gives me a couple of seconds to LOOK at the incoming thought, before I respond to it.

Call it a pause, a thoughtful expression, a moment of reflection...I buy myself some time before I allow myself to respond.

Today, at the very highest levels of so-called Leadership, we see unfiltered and totally Knee JERK reactions to everything.

And, what I teach, is that is often BY DESIGN.

Taking sides with Jim Carveille or Mary Matalin (at least they were smart enough to use different names) or with Mr. Conway or Mrs. Conway is a contrived DISTRACTION to take away from reality. It is the original unscripted but highly rehearsed reality show.

Much as the Clinton's were highly rehearsed, and between them, there was never a public statement made which hadn't been run through a focus group or opinion poll, and that led to the incredible dislike for Hilary and permitted the current POTUS to be as unfiltered as he wants.

The world at large is trying to manipulate you.

There are people who do nothing but design ways to get inside your head. As a student of persuasion these last 50 years, I have seen a lot of it, both in the business/making money world or in the world of trying to get you to do something else.

Conspiracy? The problem I have with MOST conspiracy theory is, it gives far too much credit to the people, I doubt they are smart enough (with exception) to have it all figured out. I think they are mostly followers, who do not monitor the thoughts which they allow through.

Because, like Blair Warren has shown us, there is SOMETHING IN it for them.

If you want to make money, OR exercise influence over someone or groups of someones, it begins from a REALISTIC understanding of what is going on.

Even today, as I retune into the CL Browns (after a 20 year break from them) the news is Baker Mayfield twisting his ankle, NOT what the talking heads think about him as a QB.

Man, we gets lots of crap tossed at us daily, make sure your have your Knight, be it El or The Hound, on duty and prepared for action.


GordonJ August 14, 2019 09:25 AM

OH Millard, have you sent me on a RANT?

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 40081)
You hit the nail on the head when you said we need more JOB CREATORS.

The vast majority of Americans are WORKERS. Most folks don't want to risk their hard-earned cash to try out an idea or two. I'd rather try out something, and if it doesn't work, try out something else... over and over, with a winner here and there.... than be in the same job, day after day.

However, sometimes, in-between winners, I have had to work jobs I hated... just to keep cash flow going. As a creator, this memory of working at things I have hated helps me to focus on creating more or finding people I can consult to help them build a bigger business.

These talking heads need to be in a grocery store bagging groceries or serving food at a diner for at least a week to get a real feel for the public.

The Greatest Untapped American Resource is...

The giving spirit of its people. Easy to see after Dayton, El Paso, Walmart...when lines form to give blood to victims and an outpouring of sympathy, money, help.

But tapping into this wonderfully American attribute goes against devisive Politics. Divide and conquer.

What do I have to offer? Well, I have to bring back a decades old, which can be found in the Archives.

It is simple, costs almost nothing, and is what America needs, but won't get.

Give people something to do, a worthy cause.

Tap into that giving spirit, not only in times of tragedy, disasters and idiocy and give America a chore.

John Kennedy gave us the Moon. And America gave him the resources to get there.

First. Which means destroying a lot of little Social Worker/Welfare FIEFDOMS, is uniting and combing what resources and assets we have in force already.

Second. Schools. My model suggests schools like we had in the Navy. I went to an 8 week cooking school. The same thing in the civilian world could turn out help, workers, even professionals for the Restaurant/Hospitality industries.

Third. INCUBATORS. Give the Entrepreneurs a place to take their ideas, test and find those that work, without forcing them to take a job in between. The ARTS have apprentice and intern and PATRON type programs, where there could be a live in artist on site for a year.

Why not give the JOB creators the same thing? A chance.

Fourth. Use existing resources. I've been talking for 20 years here about putting the Navy's "mothball fleet" to good use. Take the JFK (CV67) to Baltimore, plug it in....INSTANT LOCATION which can feed 5k people four times a day.

Below decks where the planes once were housed, is a three story building which could house the homeless. There could be classrooms, and work ops, it could be the central location in Baltimore to go for assistance. Combine all the existing foodbanks, social services, etc. into a ONE STOP place where people can be trained, housed, fed, and turned into PRODUCTIVE assets.

One problem with welfare mothers, who have to go through some training and get child care. It is almost impossible. But, give that mother a small house (mobile) for 6 months, while she learns a new skill, let her be near her children where she can visit several times a day, know they will be cared for, FED, and have medical attention.

Baltimore is rich in hospitals and medical schools. Get doctors, nurses, students, hospitals and organizations to give a little. Can a doctor give ONE day a year to come on board and look at the medical needs of people?

Can a student nurse get credit for her time, like teachers get credit for doing their student teaching in the classroom?

But, a plan likes this, calls for cooperation. Joint Efforts. Bringing people together. Not good for politics is it?

The reality is: white people of means are running this country, but they lack the interest of Americans at heart. They pay lip service to the People, but they are more concerned with maintaining power than anything else.

Feel free to argue with me, I'm up for it.

I did AmeriCorps (as did one of my kids). AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, good ideas, are out there.

Do gooders abound. WE want to help our neighbors, we want to have a purpose and we are NOT as selfish as the TV talking heads make us out to be.

We do care. But, before any of the things on my list, comes an examination of your thinking, and why it is the way it is and whether or not you need to make an intervention.


Millard Grubb August 14, 2019 05:57 PM

Re: What the talking heads and mouth breathers don't get. POLITICS.

You have said more clearly than I ever could what it takes to move ahead. Your idea of using a ship to provide help, training, food, and the rest is brilliant !

Too bad our people in Washington don't bother to listen to "common" folk.

GordonJ August 14, 2019 08:30 PM

There are lots of good ideas out here in the wilderness.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 40085)

You have said more clearly than I ever could what it takes to move ahead. Your idea of using a ship to provide help, training, food, and the rest is brilliant !

Too bad our people in Washington don't bother to listen to "common" folk.

Shout as we might, yell, kick and scream. We can't be heard. TODAY, right now, one of my favorite sayings comes from a popular book of the 50's; NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON.

The saying it comes from is, "treason doth not prosper, for if it prospers, none dare call it treason". Everyone should read Denny Hatch's current blog post, and see the brilliant letter with the headline:


Irony? Funny thing? Today, it is the Christian Right who has found a huge brotherhood in the alleged 70% of Russians they claim are Christians (and white ones at that!).

No, treason does not prosper, but politicians across the aisle do.

Using old ships both Navy, Merchant Marine, even Great Lakes ore haulers, for things like housing the homeless or feeding large numbers of people.

And that boneyard of planes, with some pretty good steel on them, or believe it or don't, a lot of TRAIN CARS sitting in their own junk yards.

Creating sustainable farms, in mostly underground green houses with giant rotating beds (think big pizza/bakery ovens)...mostly below permafrost, with shiny mirrors of light, and growing, and using windmills for the power.

Not like there isn't thousands of acres in the Dakotas, Wyoming, heck the old mines are there, put an inflatable roof over them and grow baby grow.

I know a guy who works on the machinery of a AMAZON warehouse, where the smallest ones are a paltry 700,000 square feet, and yes, a lot of robots hard at work, but even robbie needs repairs now and then (like the Tin man needed oil).

We don't lack for ideas. We lack leadership.

And it goes back to every single face you see on so called News, or Opinion shows are GETTING THEIRS, and speaking for an American I don't know.

When I was a kid, hating to visit one of my uncle's farms, if there was a WHINER in the bunch, it was me, the low man on the totem, picking those damn tomatoes and corn by hand. Never mind the baling of the hay (it wasn't the bailing, it was slinging them onto the bed),

So, what small voice platform I do have, and SowPub is about as small a bread box as one can find, I'm not going to whine.

I give my ideas of what could be done. Channel a little Bobby K. "see things as they could be", and turn off the idiots on TV (only bigger one is ME having the darn thing on and not watching Glow, Stranger Things or GOT).

Give people meaningful activity, a reason to DO and A reason to be a good citizen and fewer reasons to reach for the AK/AR bump stock 'hunntin' rifles.


PS. Another idea. Reward fitness and health. SMOKERS COST this country billions. Give up the tobacco, get a free nat pass and a pair of nikes.

Give up the doritos, cheetos, fritos and candy bars...get a sugar free pan fried cookie. Now this last part is really treasonous, isn't it?

Millard Grubb August 15, 2019 06:23 AM

Re: What the talking heads and mouth breathers don't get. POLITICS.
Whew !

Talk about igniting a flame !

All these ideas are BRILLIANT in their simplicity.

In this vast country, there has got to be enough people, enough independent thinkers to make ideas like you propose work.

The key is finding the folks. That's the rub.

My land, Gordon, this post with the ideas should be saved and touted as a pure example of possibilities that are all around.

Hmmm... Gets me to thinking about how valuable a "Brain Trust" would be to get the ball rolling on projects like these around the land.

Wowza !!!

GordonJ August 15, 2019 08:53 AM

It is going to take a food crisis, which will work like this.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 40087)
Whew !

Talk about igniting a flame !

All these ideas are BRILLIANT in their simplicity.

In this vast country, there has got to be enough people, enough independent thinkers to make ideas like you propose work.

The key is finding the folks. That's the rub.

My land, Gordon, this post with the ideas should be saved and touted as a pure example of possibilities that are all around.

Hmmm... Gets me to thinking about how valuable a "Brain Trust" would be to get the ball rolling on projects like these around the land.

Wowza !!!

You and I are it. For now. A brain trust that is.

OK, changing hats I put on my Wiz of Nostradamus hat on, here is what is in the water.

First, farmers are told to quit selling overseas, they need to put America first. They are told they have no worries, they will be fed, housed on their own property and given some Gov't cheese and food from the Local Food bank, after being told to "quit whining" and farm for America.

We have to take care of US, our own first, says the Power, so don't worry about exporting your goods anywhere, we're the only market you need. Then they are told, the Market, like life, is for WINNERS, and let the strongest survive. Although farms could be nationalized, sort of like Amtrak. Can you imagine AmFarm. YIKES.

Food surpluses drop dramatically, we have to access it in a crisis, maybe a drought. And current crops aren't doing well.

Fred's, Kellogg and PepsiCo file for Chapter 11, they being lead dominoes.

Restaurants can't get food. Thousands become unemployed overnight, hoarders (the rich) stock their bunkers and basements. Gun sales soar, but there is a bullet shortage.

Look to current Venezuela for the future of America.

Well, that is the dire take. The crisis in the making which will cause action, probably martial in nature.

WE are consumers, and there is a great divide today, because a smaller and smaller % of the total are consuming the most. There is a tipping point.

What that is, is anyone's guess.

There are plans in place for the race riots. We now have militarized many police forces, and after Philly standoff, watch for Drones to swoop and hover above the said "drug" house in the near future. Even an automatic weapon can't shoot a drone out of the sky, not at the elevation they work at.

We have martial law plans for disasters, another Hurricane, Earthquake, etc.

Now to be fair, there are many people working on projects of peace, projects of preventing the above, working in the fields, boots on the ground trying to shift our direction, to get us to change course.

And God, I wish them well and nothing but success. But as great a story as David v Goliath is, the more oft truth is, Goliath wins. Big Gov't, those with the guns, beat the guy with the slingshot, in the real world. Although, with all our might, we have Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan on the board don't we, so maybe David can hit the right spot with the stone???????

What I'm advocating is a National Co-operative, which, unlike NASA and the moon shot, is all inclusive. The African-American community called it the White Man's goal, in fact, the popular song, early rap like was WHITEY GOT THE MOON.

Feeding, housing, clothing, training the people should have all the importance of a getting a man to the moon, and today, those silly MARS missions, are more millions being spent for what reason????

The farmers of America, want to farm, they don't whine about adversity, they have grown up with it. They just want a fair shake. I can't name a single farmer who owns a private island in the Caribe, can you?

Now, we already spend millions on training, education and food stamps, etc. But that is really, like the buying of more tanks and useless planes by the military, just a way to keep thousands employed, the so-called social worker who mans your local Jobs and Family Services fiasco.

We have the land and technology to grow and raise food.
We have a lot of land. We have a lot of junk, as noted, planes, trains and transport boxes to create new cities, albeit somewhat different.

We have great ideas, good ideas, even so-so ideas which could suffice.

But we also have the Holy War headed our way. And I'll take that on very soon.

Feel free to join the brain trust here, even opposing views presented in a civil manner would be welcome (no CHEST THUMPERS need apply), or Millard and I (or if he has other things to do, I can continue to post on the blog).

Which I've said before. The forum is for you to participate if you want, however, in the case of non participation, then I'll use it as my blog.

Food. Who really needs it? Come on man, we got supplements.


Millard Grubb August 16, 2019 12:54 PM

Re: What the talking heads and mouth breathers don't get. POLITICS.
I had a friend ask me yesterday how much electricity was needed to make water.

The Israelis are already doing it in the desert.

Why do I say this?

Just to show that there is plenty of technology for ANYONE to check out and adapt to get things rolling here outside our doors. If someone wants to take the time and effort to just look, they'll find anything they need to get a job done.

The biggest problem for idea people like me is FOCUS... Just like you say Gordon, that is the first key. Ha ! My mind whirls around at breakneck speed all the time, so I have to set aside time for each project I am doing on a calendar to make sure I am not drifting !

In any case, just taking what we have and using it wisely will help a lot of folks. Sadly, we have been trained to throw away and consume, consume, consume.

Just a rant today.

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