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Unregistered August 17, 2007 03:39 PM

Question: How to earn $7,500 / month (Full details inside)
I am looking for a way to earn $7500 / month. Everyone here on these forums seems like they "claim" to know ways... but Ive yet to see any real answers... Except "buy my ebook" it will tell you everything!

I need to earn $7500/mo. I have a van, can easily have 1-2 people work for me if I need to (if it will help).

I have less than $1000 to invest.

I have Painted curbs, Washed windows, fixed computers, sold on ebay, Ive combined these things. And never have I really made enough money for it to be more than a job working for someone else.

Currently I am selling cars (commission only) and I am looking for something I can do to build a firm business that is equally stable to a "commission only" job.

I would LOVE more than anything to be able to work out of my house, but I do not expect to find such a pleasant business.

Im considering photography (My father was a photographer & did well), I have a small web hosting business now but its not making hardly any money. One day the web hosting business will good money, but for now im looking for something to make immediate cash.

Unregistered August 17, 2007 07:28 PM

Re: Question: How to earn $7,500 / month (Full details inside)
"$375/day x 20 days/mo = $7,500"

The "real" question is;
"How do I make $375 a day?"

The following....HAVE BEEN DONE!;

1) Sell 5 a day,.... "Card" to homeowners & office workers for $75...which entitles the holder to "10 Free Oil Changes from 5 local Auto Repair Cos"!
$75 x 5 = $375/day x 20 = $7,500
OR...sell 10 A DAY FOR $750 A DAY for 2 weeks and take the rest of the month off!!!!!!!

2) Sell 15 a day....."Card" to homeowners & office workers for $25...which entitles the holder to "25 FREE Videos" (25 "twoferones" 1 get 1 free)
Again...$375/Day x 20 days = $7,500!

3) Get 50 local business owners and professionals to pay you $150/mo to send out their flyers or pamphlets to New Home Buyers!

3a) Get 100 people to pay you $75 a month for a List of New Home Buyers!

4) Get 25 Doctor or Dentist offices (or Chiropractors or Auto Repair or ANY business or profession that relies on prompt appointments) to pay you $15/Day...$75/wk...$300/mo to....make an "automatic call" (using a special, cheap, software program)....that REMINDS them of their upcoming appointment!

5) Get 25 restaurants or delis to pay you $15 a day....$75/wk...$300/Mo to FAX their "Daily Specials" to 100 local business offices!
$75/wk = $300/mo x 25 = $7,500

Goldblogger August 18, 2007 08:00 PM

AUDIO RANT: $1 Dollar A Day!
I rarely answer questions put forth by unregistered users -- especially ones that can't even sign their posts. But this pissed me off and forced me to bust out the microphone for an audio rant/podcast.

I didn't reply to help the person that wrote this... but to help those that are trying to make a full-time income online.

MP3 AUDIO RANT: $1 Dollar A Day


Jason Cain

Dien Rice August 18, 2007 10:11 PM

Fantastic "Rant"!

Originally Posted by Goldblogger (Post 16605)
I didn't reply to help the person that wrote this... but to help those that are trying to make a full-time income online.

MP3 AUDIO RANT: $1 Dollar A Day

Thanks Jason - one of the best "rants" I've ever heard!

It is great advice to know your own strengths. As you say, everybody has different strengths, and there are plenty of different ways to make money, and entrepreneurs have all kinds of personalities. Some like to be the brash "front-man" or "front-woman" and get attention that way. Others prefer to do deals in the "background", and make money that way.

Another thing is, every single entrepreneur "makes things happen". I've read that it's "making things happen" that motivates a lot of entrepreneurs (even more than money, though of course, that's important too).*

Great stuff on "investing in yourself" and having a "system" too! I saved your "rant" so I can listen to it again in future... :)

Thanks for sharing, Jason...

Best wishes,


* According to the book "Tactics: The Art and Science of Success", by Edward de Bono

SteveSki August 19, 2007 09:59 AM

Re: Another Rant and Answer To How You Really Can Earn $7500+ Per Month.
Everything you mentioned involved real ways to make money off line. Some like Goldblogger Jason make that much per week online.

You got to pick something you really want to do and commit to doing it as Jason advised to do in his podcast rant.

You said your father did well in photography.

Well... if you have a real interest in photography why don't you follow in your Dad's footsteps? I've made great money painting curbs, washing windows and selling on ebay along with marketing my own information products. But for me, photography is my real Ace in the hole.

Jason's rant gave some good advice for those looking to make money online. But I believe that for most people, operating a service type business will be far easier to start and succeed at.

With the portable photography studio set up we have in our living room my wife and I are able to charge $495 for a one hour family portrait session and it's not that difficult to get several sessions booked each day. And I think that success qualifies us to write and sell information products that teach others how to do the same.

Now I don't know what you have in the way of photographic lights, camera and props. If you already have those then invest about $200 of your working capital into marketing your portrait taking service. Borrow a camera from your father and start with one good strobe light.

The whole key is in knowing how to flood yourself with customers. You don’t need to be a sharp photographer to succeed. Hell, most of the professional photographers in my area are not very fond of me because I make a whole heck of a lot more than they do without my having a real studio and without me being what they would consider to be a real photographer.

Now.. if you don't want to learn from me... go to your Dad and work for him, pay attention to what he can teach you. After all you said he did pretty good with photography and so can you if you model his success.

Maybe your Dad has passed away... If so there are other mentors you can learn from. Here are a few recommendations other than myself...


If you want to learn how to make $500+ per day photographing pets you can contact me or go here to one of my fellow pet photographers and pay $1500 to attend his next 3 day pet photography seminar.

Of course you'd be better off to start with me because I can teach you a few things the others won't and I only charge a fraction of what they do except for the NoBSPhotoSuccess forum because it's only $59 to join and you can download information products there that normally sale for $300 to $500 each to nonmembers.

So invest in the tools of the trade and get a few mentors and start photographing and selling your way to a fortune. I still invest in information from other photographers because like Jason discovered... one extra bit of info or a new way at looking at something could be just what you were looking for.

But... you seem to want everything for free and have a problem with others who market ebooks. So like Jason I also have a little rant for you to ponder over....

The real danger with being ripped off or scammed by an ebook purchase is not from the seller but from the buyer.

If you don’t believe me just surf on over to ClickBanks marketplace and start checking out the refund statistics. Clikbank will refund your money with no questions asked and most products being sold there have high refund rates from dishonest buyers requesting refunds.

Or maybe most of the products being sold there are pure junk. I don’t know but I do know that I seldom ever had to ask for a refund on any of the information products I’ve purchased. I’ve almost always have been able to extract at least one or two good ideas from any info purchase that made the investment worth it for me. But your irk me as being just another freebie seeker who wants something for nothing. And since most authours offer a full money back refund what danger is there to you?

You can earn $7500 a month with just about any of the things you have already tried. Others here have done it. The question you must answer for yourself is why haven't you?

Think about it... Success is not in what you do. It's in you... so look inside yourself to find it. Then nurture that seed and go grow a real business one step at a time.

As for me I think I'm going to follow some of Gordon's advice and slack off on my internet use as Gordon is right when he says that one of the biggest opportunities the internet presents is the opportunity to waste your time.

He's right... I could have photographed a pet photo session during the time it took me to write this post and made $150+ so I'll see you around sometime but probably won't because you seem to Chicken to even attach your name to your own post and that tells me that you are scared to do what it takes to be successful. Tell me, Am I right or am I wrong?

Steve Shulenski

Goldblogger August 19, 2007 01:32 PM

Rip The TV From The Wall!
Aloha Dien,

Thanks, I am glad you liked it. I also like what you said about making things happen. That is so fundamentally important.

I learned years ago that my biggest weakness is TV. I did not have the willpower to turn the damn thing off.

My solution?

I gave away my TV. It was drastic but it worked. I found all sorts of "extra" time for working out, martial arts, my business and family functions.


I think we all need to card in our wallets with that written on it.



Unregistered August 19, 2007 02:44 PM

Re: Question: How to earn $7,500 / month (Full details inside)
You say you know how to do websites;

1) Put up a website called, (NameOfYourTown) (ex:

2) Make up a "Sample" website...and some Sample Newspaper Ads pormoting the site...and make up an "Audio Ad" using a tape recorder (to demonstrate a sample Radio Ad promoting your site)

2) Offer to give Car Dealers their own Page on this site with photos of their new arrivals. You will stop by once a week, take photos of their new arrivals on the lot, upload them to your "Community" website, and advertise the site locally on Radio, TV and Newspaper spots. Your fee will be $145/wk payable every 2 weeks ($290 every 2 wks)

3) Get 15 Car Dealers to participate. $145 x 15 = $2,175/wk x 4.33 (# of wks in a mo) = $9,417/mo
Spend $1,917/mo on promotion and Net $7,500 for your efforts.

Your "job" will be to visit 3 Car Dealers a day and take digital photos of their new arrivals and post them on your "Community" website.

Once you get going it shouldn't be too hard to upgrade to visiting 5 Car Dealers a day....25 a week....for a nice steady income of $145 x 25 = $3,625 weekly x 4.33 wks = $15,696 a month!

Now you can hire someone to take the photos for $150/day x 5 = $750/wk

SteveSki August 19, 2007 07:01 PM

Re: Rip The TV From The Wall! That's great advice!
Hi Jason, For most of my life I wasted my time watching TV.
But when I moved to Australia I left the TV behind and because
my wife is absolutely against having one I have now made more
progress in the last 3 years than I have in the past 30. Without her
I don't think I would have had the strength to kick that habit. We still
go out to the movies once a week but that's only 2 hours of time compared to
the 20+ I use to throw away each week. Like you I now have time to do more
important thing. But now I have to be careful of too much Internet surfing.


Dien Rice August 19, 2007 08:08 PM

Making Things Happen!

Originally Posted by Goldblogger (Post 16611)
Thanks, I am glad you liked it. I also like what you said about making things happen. That is so fundamentally important.

I learned years ago that my biggest weakness is TV. I did not have the willpower to turn the damn thing off.

My solution?

I gave away my TV. It was drastic but it worked. I found all sorts of "extra" time for working out, martial arts, my business and family functions.

I agree, TV can be a deadly force! I don't watch much TV. Though I do like the occasional comedy as a stress reliever. :)



I think we all need to card in our wallets with that written on it.
You're right! I'm gonna make a card with those words right away!

Here's the part on the motivations of successful people regarding "Making Things Happen" from Edward de Bono's book (with slight editing)...
Making Things Happen

If I had to choose the one motivating factor that seems to me to be operating in most successful people it is the wish to make things happen. ...

"I realized that money wasn't the be-all and end-all. I think everybody looks for money in the beginning," says Mark McCormack. "Their initial financial requirements - their concrete requirements - are those of a family, but I think after you reach a certain level that's no longer the intriguing factor. I think trying to accomplish something that's unique and, in my case, that had never ever been done before, was very challenging and very exciting."

Diane von Furstenberg: "It's the warmth that you get in the fruit of your work or in the fruit of your efforts. It fills you up with a warmth and you wink at yourself, you smile at yourself. you don't need to share it with anybody and it's not 'ha ha', it's just warmth."


Sir Clive Sinclair: "The main excitement is when you suddenly see a way of doing something that hasn't been done before. It's the moment of solution. What is also nice is the recognition that there is a solution; one has found the solution."

Nolan Bushnell: "I think the most important factor in my life is boredom. I just hate boredom; I hate redundancy. I hate repetition. I think that has been a heavy motivating force. I just can't let ideas be ideas. I have to sort of push them until I've found how to make them real - how do you make things happen?"
From "Tactics: The Art and Science of Success" by Edward de Bono, pp.68-69.

(The book was written in the mid-1980s, and mostly consists of interviews with various successful people, divided into topics. I just included the entrepreneurs' quotes above. The two quotes I left out were from a bank vice-president and a researcher/strategic thinker.)

Even though de Bono's "Tactics" book is over 20 years old, it's a good one!

Cheers :)


RickC August 19, 2007 08:28 PM

Re: Question: How to earn $7,500 / month (Full details inside)

That was one of the most honest and forthright responses I have heard in a very long time. I have read many, but it was really cool to hear the response.

You hit the nail on the head with some power. I know there are many people who buy all sorts of information in order to reach the rainbow, but there are many others (myself included) who buy and search for information in order to build our knowledge. You can learn so much by reading or hearing information from other people who are actually doing something and accomplishing things, and you can apply nuggets of their information to your own thing.

Joe Cossman was was the master in twisting information or techniques in different ways. We all know what happened for him.

Thanks again!


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