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Phil December 15, 2006 04:11 AM

Think about the Serious problem of Global warming... Education Hotsheets & Biz ideas?
Local and Global medias & newspapers are Finally starting to publish Global warming Tips and feature stories. Advertising and specialty product sponsorships are in the works. :)

A few Quick ideas...

Global warming Education Hotsheets, newsletters, ebooks, tip sheets, T-shirts and many other specialty products with a connection to Advertisers that support a very Serious problem!

There are all kinds of business ideas that can be "Twisted" out of this Big news topic. ;)

Hopefully, we'll all do our share to Help solve this very serious Problem before it's Too Late!


MichaelRoss December 15, 2006 06:24 AM

Serious problem of Global warming? HAHAHA!

Thanks for giving ideas.

Unfortunately, I feel this is one of those... Questionable... areas. And should NOT be pushed any more than the lefty, greeny, media groups already are.


This planet has been through Ice Ages and Warm Ages from time beginning. Lo-o-o-o-o-o-ong Before us humans walked around. So to now Claim... or Imply... the Climate has been Stable and Just Now us Humans have Messed it up and Made it Warmer... is, frankly, Conclusion Without Thought and a result of Questionable Science, even a result of Post Hoc Fallacy (e.g. Eating fruit causes car crashes, because people in car crashes ate fruit at some time in the week before the crash). And leads, ultimately, to More Taxes - as gumints try to Solve non-existant problems - and maybe even a world tax, and certainly more Restrictions.

AIDS is a result of HIV
SARS Epidemic
Global Warming caused by humans

Three peas in the same questionable dodgy-science pod.

Michael Ross

P.S. I bet those Vikings in Greenland had Wished for global warming a few hundred years ago when the polar ice cap came down several hundred miles and made it too cold to inhabit and farm, where once they had. Dam Global Cooling. (Same goes for the more recent Year Without Summer all across Europe and even in the US.)

P.P.S. Let's not forget Global Dimming. (Look it up - the savior to Fake Global Warming - Fake Global Dimming)

P.P.P.S. Of course, the REAL culprit is Global Rotation. It causes us to suffer through long periods of darkness, in which we need to use electricity to light our way... and heat to keep us warm. Plants have resticted growth, the sea level changes constantly, causing erosion, and so on. And when factored in with the abomination of Global Wobble, we have Disaster on our door stops. I say we need a Global Rotation Awareness day. And to do something about it NOW. Because in years to come, the Cost will amount to many many billions of dollars (sarcasm off).

Dien Rice December 15, 2006 08:10 PM

That's an interesting "outside the box" idea for a hotsheet!

Originally Posted by Phil (Post 7143)
Local and Global medias & newspapers are Finally starting to publish Global warming Tips and feature stories. Advertising and specialty product sponsorships are in the works. :)

A few Quick ideas...

Global warming Education Hotsheets, newsletters, ebooks, tip sheets, T-shirts and many other specialty products with a connection to Advertisers that support a very Serious problem!

Thanks Phil,

That's definitely a "thinking outside the box" - and interesting - idea!

Now, you're always going to have skeptics about various topics, including this one (see Michael's post). However, obviously, the skeptics are not going to be your target market.

I think the key point (from a business perspective) is whether this is a trend or not in society. While I don't have any "hard data", my impression is that awareness and concern about global warming is certainly a trend in society.

This can expand to the general topic of creating a business out of a cause. It certainly can be done (and has been done)! One example are those people who make political bumper stickers, T-shirts, write books, and so on - about various political causes. Another example is where a cause is "grafted on" to another business - "The Body Shop" is what springs to mind as an example of this, which joins some sort of global environmentalism I think with cosmetics and moisturisers, etc. And as far as I know, "The Body Shop" is an immensely successful business.

For the "global warming" skeptics, there are probably ways you can make money from other skeptics too (I'm not sure if a "hotsheet" would do it, but there are other ways, like T-shirts for example, or bumper stickers).

By the way, there seem to be eminent people (or at least well-known people!) on both sides of the debate. On the "global warming is happening" side, a recent prominent dude is Al Gore and his movie (which I've heard about in the news, but haven't seen myself). On the other side is the author and film maker/TV producer Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, ER, Westworld), who's criticized the concept of global warming through his fiction (the novel "State of Fear", which I haven't read either).

Getting completely off topic, I saw "Westworld" (a great movie made in the 1970s with Yul Brynner) just last weekend... I sometimes get together with some friends at one of our houses and watch old movies. It's still a great movie! (For those who don't know, "Westworld" is about a theme park, where you can live in the Wild West and shoot people - but the "people" you shoot are actually very realistic robots. As you can imagine - since it's a Michael Crichton book and film - everything goes terrifyingly wrong...)

Thanks Phil and everyone for your insights!

- Dien

MichaelRoss December 15, 2006 11:27 PM

Why am *I* the skeptic - as if that's a bad thing?

Thanks for adding ideas.

I need to Pull You Up on something and ask a question about it...


Now, you're always going to have skeptics about various topics, including this one (see Michael's post).

The above sentence Implies I am a Skeptic - as if being this Skeptic is also a bad thing as the thing I am Skeptical about it actually true. And Lends credence to Any Hair-Brained Anything.

For example...

Bob believes the Great Green Arklesneezure Sneezed the universe into existence. Those who do not believe this are called Skeptics.

WHY isn't Bob just a Nut job? Why is Bob's theory accepted and those who do not agree with it given a Label of Skeptic? (More on Bob later.)

Another example...

I do Not believe in Darwin's Theory (note, it is JUST a THEORY) of Evolution. As such, I am called a Skeptic. And yet, IF we were to Apply the TRUE Scientific Method... we would Not Accept this theory and Would look for flaws in it. And when we do, we find Heaps.

Forget about finding a Missing Link for man... Find a Missing Link for ANY animal? There aren't any! There was a time when there were No Giraffes, then suddenly, there are some.

Another example...

A meteor killed All the Dinosaurs?

Nope. They were virtually extinct when the Geological Records show a meteor hit.

Why were they dying out?

Climate Change... at a time when No Humans driving cars were around to cause this Change. Yet, those who do not accept the Common Version are called Skeptics

Back to Bob...

It's pretty clear Bob is a nut job. - BUT - How many people have to believe Bob's insanity before they are deemed Not to be insane and the non-believers are called Skeptics?

With regards "Global Warming Caused By Man"...

Years ago, back in the 1970, I knew a guy who owned a Telescope. Not a small tripod type. But one that was on hydraulics in it's own building on his property. It was Huge. The roof would open so he could use it.

He was a scientist - and - was concerned. He was concerned because, at the time, there was Ample evidence to suggest one of the poles was icing up more than the other. And he, as well as Many others, feared the Earth's wobble would go too far due to one side being heavier and the Momentum of the wobble. Such a move, even a flip, would be catastrophic.

Hey, back then the newspapers thought we were heading into another Ice-Age.

All non-believers were deemed to be Skeptics, as if that's a bad thing.

Today's global warming - some scientic drills a hole in a glacier and says something and millions believe it - specially with celebrity endorsement (Mmm... those same celebs seem to ignore the Very Recent record-cold-temp set in Canada.)

Another looks at a different glacier, draws a different conclusion - but - we don't hear about him from the mass media.

Man Made Gobal Warming... I just can't help but think of John Hurt's lines in V for Vandetta when he urges "Remind them why they need us."

Just your usual "Sky Is Falling, but the gumint will save the day" stuff. Of course, such Saving will require tax dollars.

Have you heard the latest?

1: An idea to Seed the atmoshphere with particles which will reflect light - and therefore heat - to help keep the globe cool. Can't even cure cancer, or the common cold, but they want to mess with the climate on a Global Scale. (That'll work without fail, right?)

2: Man Made Global Warming effects orbiting satellites. And the Space Station could fall down as a result.

What's next? Solar System Warming? Galaxy Warming?

FFS - insert the "aw jeez" guy here.

Michael (not a skeptic, but questioning everything and applying Reasoning to it) Ross.

Let's not fall victim to Blind Acceptance of things, or Post Hoc Fallacy.

Don Alm December 16, 2006 01:02 AM

Try this "scientific" experiment....
Fill a glass half full of water.

Drop in an icecube.

Mark the level of the water with a pen line on the outside of the glass.

Let the icecube melt.

Note the level of the water after the ice cube has melted.

Don Alm....another "skeptic" of "Global Warming Snow Job".

P.S. GOT to keep giving the "believers", those Gummit Grants so they don't have to "work" for a living.

Infinigeek December 16, 2006 01:39 AM

Re: Think about the Serious problem of Global warming... Education Hotsheets & Biz ideas?
LOL Michael has a good point on this one...:)

Dien Rice December 16, 2006 02:52 AM

Re: Why am *I* the skeptic - as if that's a bad thing?

Originally Posted by MichaelRoss (Post 7150)
I need to Pull You Up on something and ask a question about it...

Now, you're always going to have skeptics about various topics, including this one (see Michael's post).
The above sentence Implies I am a Skeptic - as if being this Skeptic is also a bad thing as the thing I am Skeptical about it actually true. And Lends credence to Any Hair-Brained Anything.

Hi Michael,

I was looking at it from the viewpoint of someone who may want to do this idea. In that case, a "skeptic" is not that person's target market, so they should not be too concerned about what a "skeptic" would have to say about the product - since they're not really aiming to sell to "skeptics" anyway...

The people who would matter - from the business perspective - is the person's target market. And the target market for this idea I presume would be the same people who are fans of Al Gore's new movie, or fans of other environmentalists...

From a "wider" perspective, I don't think it's bad to be a "skeptic" at all. We're all skeptics of something or other. To take an extreme example, remember the "Heaven's Gate" cult of the late 1990s - the ones who thought they were going to be taken up into their space ship, hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet? (Here's the Wikipedia entry for those who don't remember this.)

Well, I'm a skeptic of their claims! So I don't think being a "skeptic" is necessarily a "bad" thing... And a healthy dose of skepticism is a good thing.

My post was from a "business" perspective... I do believe there is a market for pro-environmental stuff - which means that there could be a viable business in it.

Of course - if you don't believe in it - then you shouldn't do the business, and stick to doing something you agree with....

I hope that clarifies!

As to my personal views, I'm no expert on the issue, and haven't looked into it beyond the standard media reports. If it's true, then I don't think it's a good thing - though I tend to look at it from a "selfish" perspective... I like to scuba dive, and if global warming does happen and kills a lot of the coral, it's not a good thing from the "scuba diving" point of view! But I don't claim any expertise in this topic - as I haven't delved into the topic to any real depth...

- Dien

Phil December 18, 2006 11:13 PM

Ironically, within minutes of this post... I was Blacked out & living in the Dark!
Gotta be very careful what you talk about as you just never know what the next moment in Life brings. :)

Things are slowly coming together and I know the US and other parts of the world have had it way more Severe than this, many times over!

And Thanks for all your comments on Global warming...

Weather :) you're a Skeptic or Not...

There are just Too many Odd weather Things happening all over the world...

Green Christmas's where they should be White and Crazy weather patterns in places that should be having Mild comfortable winters etc.

Just one example...

Serious Predictions are that many cities, towns close to our Oceans will be underwater one day if we don't make some necessary changes very soon!

Of course, it's probably not going to be in our Lifetime But it could Possibly be in one of your children's Lifetime or somewhere in that Never ending Future Family Tree. ;)


Don Alm December 19, 2006 03:47 PM

Re: Think about the Serious problem of Global warming... Education Hotsheets & Biz ideas?
You mention "changes being made".

WHAT do you propose WE (as humans) can do to prevent the problems of "Global Warming"?

Don Alm
Midas Report

mtran2000 December 19, 2006 06:55 PM

Re: Think about the Serious problem of Global warming... Education Hotsheets & Biz id
Global warming does have its benefits, it is the reason the cold war ended

Phil December 19, 2006 09:28 PM

Re: Think about the Serious problem of Global warming... Education Hotsheets & Biz ideas?

As with Everything in life, including Global warming, there are lots of different opinions and interesting debates. :)

For those interested...

A few more Quick links...

Because this is such a "Hot Topic" in the news and medias...

It's also an Excellent way to tie in "Smart" Niche business ideas!

And Yes! Advertising concepts can be one of those ideas. ;)

We can Do Lots of Things...


Don Alm December 20, 2006 12:13 PM

Re: Think about the Serious problem of Global warming... Education Hotsheets & Biz ideas?
The "libbies" old "cause celeb" was "OZONE".

We humans were destroying the "Ozone Layer". Then that subsided when Mt Pinatubo (in the Phillipines) blew it's top and put more "greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere in one day....than 100 million cows farting could in 100 years.

In MY opinion..."Global Warming" is an "Opinion Based upon questionable facts". It's the same argument as in Chris Columbo's day when people believed the earth was flat. Even when he answered that question there are STILL....people right now TODAY...who believe the earth is flat.

The main problem I have with an "Opinion" such as this is being spewed out as "Absolute, irrefutable...Fact". Al Gore's film is now being shown to 4th graders in our Gummit Schools. 10 year old kids are being "fed this pap" so that when they get into politics they can do what the libbies pushing this nowadays, want them to do....

Raise Taxes
Control Our Lives! (If your tires aren't inflated to the "right" pressure, you could be fined...etc. What poppycock!)

Gore has a pretty slick graphic showing Greenland sinking. Little "skulls full of mush" remember this and may tend to believe it if they get into political power.

Why don't the people pushing this "Opinion" go to Russia and China and other countries where air pollution and "greehouse gasses" are 100 times worse than in the good ol' US of A?

Actually...anyone who believes "humans" can do anything about changing nature....are following only one side of the issue.

And yes...there should be a GREAT MARKET for HotSheets with ads on them for "Dr Mongol's Greenhouse Gas Preventer Spray. Spray your house and cars each morning to turn the gases you produce into harmless green goo. Which can be rolled up and buried in your back yard."

Or..."Dr Farmall's Anti-Fart Pills for cows. Turns gassy farts into green gobs of goo which are expelled and can be buried."

Talk about "niche-markets"....THIS ONE could be the biggest in history.

Don Alm....frantically preparing HotSheets on Global Warming, Greenhouse Gases and ways to stop them.

P.S. We are witnessing the effects of a "One-Sided Media". A "Major Media" that has a "Far Left Agenda". And "these" people are supposed be be "smart".

Garth December 20, 2006 04:25 PM

Have You Been To The Global Warming Factory Today?
No matter if you read Rush Limbaugh Comic Books or go to Al Gore Whine N' Tease Events these facts are indisputable....

Global warming is a real event.

Majority of real smart people who spend tens of years studying in this area including tons of Nobel Prize winners think Man is at least 50% of the reason for the warming. A much smaller number of perhaps equally real smart people think Man is NOT a major(<50%) cause of the warming.

No matter what the cause our lives will change (at least noticeable perhaps and likely uncomfortable) at some point in time in the near generations

Now everyone should go to the factory when they want to manufacture an opinion. Although these are your sole tools you may use them in any way you see fit.

Unregistered December 20, 2006 04:36 PM

Re: Nobel Prize winners???

Originally Posted by Garth (Post 7194)
No matter if you read Rush Limbaugh Comic Books or go to Al Gore Whine N' Tease Events these facts are indisputable....

Majority of real smart people who spend tens of years studying in this area including tons of Nobel Prize winners think Man is at least 50% of the reason for the warming. A much smaller number of perhaps equally real smart people think Man is NOT a major(<50%) cause of the warming.

Do you really think Nobel Prize winners are intelligent?

Jimmy Carter, the Worst President Ever (unless Hillary somehow gets in), won a Nobel Prize. And he, along with President Clinton, virtually GAVE North Korea nuclear capabilities.

Jason December 20, 2006 05:12 PM

I do not believe in UFO's either............
However several people do, and many people make a profit from that market.

My point is that your political opinion is of nobodys interest.
if you don't believe in global warming then find a way to make a buck spreading That word via hot sheet.

Believe it or not, I do agree with you in this one Don!

I could be wrong but I don't think phil said this on some political agenda, but rather noticed a market that he saw, and believes in, and decided to share here at SowPub.
Why bring your politics into the mix?
What does it do other than turn off half of your potential market?


Originally Posted by Don Alm (Post 7190)
The "libbies" old "cause celeb" was "OZONE".

We humans were destroying the "Ozone Layer". Then that subsided when Mt Pinatubo (in the Phillipines) blew it's top and put more "greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere in one day....than 100 million cows farting could in 100 years.

In MY opinion..."Global Warming" is an "Opinion Based upon questionable facts". It's the same argument as in Chris Columbo's day when people believed the earth was flat. Even when he answered that question there are STILL....people right now TODAY...who believe the earth is flat.

The main problem I have with an "Opinion" such as this is being spewed out as "Absolute, irrefutable...Fact". Al Gore's film is now being shown to 4th graders in our Gummit Schools. 10 year old kids are being "fed this pap" so that when they get into politics they can do what the libbies pushing this nowadays, want them to do....

Raise Taxes
Control Our Lives! (If your tires aren't inflated to the "right" pressure, you could be fined...etc. What poppycock!)

Gore has a pretty slick graphic showing Greenland sinking. Little "skulls full of mush" remember this and may tend to believe it if they get into political power.

Why don't the people pushing this "Opinion" go to Russia and China and other countries where air pollution and "greehouse gasses" are 100 times worse than in the good ol' US of A?

Actually...anyone who believes "humans" can do anything about changing nature....are following only one side of the issue.

And yes...there should be a GREAT MARKET for HotSheets with ads on them for "Dr Mongol's Greenhouse Gas Preventer Spray. Spray your house and cars each morning to turn the gases you produce into harmless green goo. Which can be rolled up and buried in your back yard."

Or..."Dr Farmall's Anti-Fart Pills for cows. Turns gassy farts into green gobs of goo which are expelled and can be buried."

Talk about "niche-markets"....THIS ONE could be the biggest in history.

Don Alm....frantically preparing HotSheets on Global Warming, Greenhouse Gases and ways to stop them.

P.S. We are witnessing the effects of a "One-Sided Media". A "Major Media" that has a "Far Left Agenda". And "these" people are supposed be be "smart".

Phil December 20, 2006 06:59 PM

Re: I do not believe in UFO's either............
Thanks Jason,

You got it Exactly!

I don't do Politics, Death, Taxes or Religion unless there's a good business reason. :)

Learnt to stay far away from discussing those kind of subjects...

But if you could Creatively make Money in particular Hot Markets...

Then don't deprive the Buying public and those that want to give you some Money. ;)


mtran2000 December 20, 2006 09:01 PM

Re: Think about the Serious problem of Global warming... Education Hotsheets & Biz id
I believe global warming is happening, to what extent and will we in our lifetimes feel much of the effects is unknown. True we have had some weird weather patterns lately but that could be a natural cycle.

Some believe the RIGHTIES are responsible for global warming, could be.

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