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GordonJ August 17, 2019 11:15 AM

12 Days to a Super New Life.
Want a new life? Well, a better one? OK, ok, maybe one with more money and more free time in it, cause most of the SowPubbers are living their dreams.

But for a few of you, consider this:

What would a SUPER new life look like for YOU? Tell me, and I'll give it to you in 12 days.

TWELVE days, like the 12 days of Christmas. The 12 months. 12 apostles. 12 signs of the Zodiac. 12 donuts in a cop's breakfast basket.

What can you do in 12 days?

You can begin to develop NEW habits, to lay the foundation of a new way of doing things, to disrupt your current patterns, if you find they are not as productive as you need them to be.

12 days x 4 is the clue. Continue to DO things, daily routines, over and over with set times and procedures and in a bit more than one month, you will have NEW sustainable habits, routines and rituals which work for you automatically.

We've discussed this many times, and ALL of us, are spread thin...wanting NOT to give up anything we do, but wanting to do it all.

Plates are full, many balls in the air, whatever and however you want to think about it, this is the CHOICE most of us choose to make.

However, let it be noted, too much activity, too much diversity of time and energy = less than stellar results. And too often, frustration.

So it takes 12 days, of doing some activities, not much really, maybe an hour a day...and then you are on your way to that SUPER new life I wrote about in the title.

But only if you want one.

If not, continue on and be happy spinning the plates, but hurry, run down to the other end, that one is slowing down and could fall at any second.

Why is 12 such a powerful number?

Have you got 12 days to try some new ideas? If so, let me know via email.

gjabiz@yahoo be sure to put 12 DAYS in your subject header.


GordonJ August 17, 2019 12:56 PM

Day one.

About an hour a day, some days a bit more.

Optimal: 3 20 minute periods, Morn, Aft. Evening before bed.

A notebook, pen or pencil. All you need, timer if you want to stay on a time schedule.

DAY ONE. What is a SUPER NEW LIFE look like? In order to start defining it, you have to take pause and do an inventory, first 20 minute period.

And this is for you, don't share or tell anyone, you don't need ANY input in the early stages, even then, best to keep your SUPER NEW LIFE to yourself, until it starts to manifest.

Five areas. On page one of your new notebook (back to school specials everywhere, pick one up for a quarter or certainly less than a buck).

FINANCIAL. Start here. What was your income for last year? Right it down and brief description of the HOW.

Example: 60k a year salary; bookkeeper at WalThoms. 6 years on the job.

Then, SUPER NEW LIFE = 75k a year, after a year.

Now you have some idea of where you are at and where MAYBE you want to go.

RELATIONSHIPS. Write about your relationships.

Example: Married. Adult children having work and family issues. House getting full with relatives and kids moving back in. Too much drama, too much care for the house.

SUPER NEW LIFE= Maybe sell house, downsize, use profits to help kids get established, move to warm weather.

Now with RELATIONSHIPS, you'll find you probably have a lot of them, family, friends, work, church or worship, community, clubs, etc.

This is an overview exercise, it isn't time to delve deep into issues, you are creating a sort of a map of where you are NOW. TODAY.

HEALTH. What is yours, and what do you hope for in the future?

FUN. What do you do now, what hobbies would you do if you had more time and money to do them.

Write quickly, the above shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes, don't overthink the exercise.


Step two is where are you GOING. (DEFINE SUPER NEW LIFE)

Then in the second 20 minute session in the aft (preferably), focus on WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO.

Define what A SUPER NEW LIFE would look like. Using the above, in the example used, a guy wants to increase his income from 60k to 75k, which is a substantial jump. What will the Xtra 15 be used for, how does it fit in with the SUPER NEW LIFE.

Do it with RELATIONSHIPS, and hobbies, and whatever else you can think of. Again, just write things down.

Step three. THINK about what you've written. Spend about 20 minutes before you go to bed, and think about what you've written. In a different color ink, add additional thoughts to either of the above sessions. Edit, delete, add or just look at it. SEE your life start to take shape in front of you from an outside view.

This might help as part of the exercise.

Look at what you've written down. Then,

"I see a 56 year old man, with a decent job, a house, kids with problems, who likes to play golf, goes bowling, doesn't do much with his wife, she's doing some of her own things.

I see a guy who doesn't hate his job, but sure could use a boost in income. His life NOW, today, isn't terrible, doesn't stink, and is ok, but could be better, and the SUPER VERSION of this guy's life would be..."

And now spend a few minutes imagining whatever you want, in reality, there isn't any 56 year old guy who is going to play in the NBA, but is certainly capable of doubling his income in the next couple of years.

DAY ONE of a SUPER NEW LIFE is over, have a good night's sleep.

Any questions?


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