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GordonJ March 7, 2008 08:42 AM

How the WIZARDS create their own TOLL Positions.
In the "Sticky" post above titled Get ready to send me 8 bux..., I encourage you to get a copy of Jimmy Krug's new work...The Secret Path: Becoming a How-To Guru/Wizard/Teacher in Your Niche

This brief 27 page report has some very good information and at 8 bux, it is a bargain.

In the report Jimmy mentions Charles Atlas. What boy of the last 75 years hasn't seen that "bully kicks sand in face" ad that has run virtually unchanged in comic books for decades?

Charles Atlas created a "TOLL POSITION" around his name...and used the tools we talk about in the Harvey Brody materials...for example, trademarks. "Dynamic Tension" is a registered TRADEMARK for Charles Atlas.

I want you to take a look at other "WIZARDS" as Jimmy Krug describes them, and see how they have created their own TOLL POSITION around Intellectual Property, and other products, OK?

Can you associate these names with products or products with names?

Chicken Soup for the ____ Soul. _________________

Wayne Dyer
Zig Ziglar
Think And Grow Rich
Marianne Williamson
Jenny Beyer
Project of the Week
Vernon Howard
Susan Powter
Billy Blanks
Barry Neil Kaufman
Brian Tracy
J.K. Rowling
Anthony Robbins
Michael Gerber

And a list about a mile long.

These people can be considered to be "Wizards" as Jimmy Krug describes them. And they offer IP in a variety of formats including audio, video, books, reports, newsletters, web sites.

They have a TOLL POSITION on their names, and/or their products...sometimes becoming synonymous with an entire Industry, as in the case of Charles Atlas or Dale Carnegie.

After reading Jimmy's new report, I was able to go down a list of "Wizards" (like so many of you, I'm not big on "gurus", but I do like teachers and Jimmy defines them...

and I went down a list and was able to clearly see which category they fell into, and how they exploited that image for their benefit.

I see the "mystical" Wizard is doing very well these days, but the other 3 types aren't lacking either.

Also, Principle Two, about right on for the times...and Jimmy has chosen and explains why, he has opted for the BLOG...and then gives some great ideas on how to use it.

Anyhow, I see a lot of TOLL POSITON potential in the Wizard area...and it may be suitable for many of you here.

It has been my "mantra" from day one...that is Create and/or Acquire.

Create your own TOLL position, or acquire one. After reading the special report, I can see very clearly how the creation doesn't have to be long and involved, it can be short and sweet and dove tail nicely with your acquistions.

If you want to read the report and get some personal feedback, just send me 8 bux via paypal to [email protected] and I'll send you the report.

YOU too can be a "Wizard" in the making.

Gordon J. Alexander

PS. I have also stated many times before, it is my belief that each of us has something to share...and when we do, things change.

Unregistered March 7, 2008 11:58 AM

How bout THIS for a "Toll Position"...
Niche Market...."Auto Dealers"!

These are businesses selling $25,000 products.

They place their "products" on a Lot where consumers can see them and be sold on them.

What if some of their "products" don't sell?

They usually take them to an auction house or sell them to a "Wholesaler" or to other dealers.

Or...what if a customer DEFINITELY wants a "Silver Caddy" and the dealer doesn't have it.

Well....what if there was ONE WEBSITE....for "Dealers Only" where they could upload the cars they want to wholesale....and other dealers (NOT the public) could see them and buy them?

Would THIS be worth something to participating Auto Dealers?

What if YOU had a website that offered this "service" to Auto Dealers.

Would THIS be a good "Toll Position"?....where Car Dealers would have to pay YOU to participate?

You betchum.

Don Alm

MichaelRoss March 7, 2008 01:40 PM

Yes, No, Maybe... a Tough Sell in my book.

Thanks for the idea.

Personally, I don't think it'd fly. Not down here in the land everyone forgets.

Down here dealers work like this...

1. They have a second yard where they sell their trade-ins. The yard might have their name associated with it, or it might not.

2. They have a small Group of Wholesalers who they deal with. You got a trade? They call the wholesaler right there and then to get the price the wholesaler will buy it for before giving you the drive-away price of the deal.

3. They have wholesalers who travel and visit to See what the dealer might want to offload.

4. They have select auctions reserved for Them. Which They buy/sell through. Sometimes the auction will act like wholesaler and buy the car from them. Other times they just list it there for the auction to sell. The other dealers go to those auctions.

5. They have a small group of other dealers they deal with and keep in touch with. They know if another dealer is after something or has something they need to offload.

None of them have time to search websites looking for cars when they have all the cars they want at their fingertips already. Which they can access via their cell phone and bluetooth headset while walking around the yard and talking with tire kickers. And they are so tight with money they won't give you a full tank of gas they ain't paying for something that Claims to do what they know they can already get done in minutes with their cell/bluetooth combo.

Of course, the USA might be different. But if it aint, then the above are the obstacles/objections you need to overcome to Make The Sale. I know a few dealers and have done a fair bit of business with them. And if it ai't selling - to the public or fleet selling - they don't care for it as they just see it as a Money Drain on a Promise, while they have verifiable systems already in place which work within minutes.

If You can offer them this Service for Free and make your money in other ways - either from the site, as a small added commission onto each car ($100 or so), via a transport service or transport service broker (though they do have their own transport services they deal with), or in some other capacity - then they might go for it. But YOU would need to visit the dealers and take the photos of their unwanted stock. But be warned...

A phone call to a wholesaler or dealer-auction is all it takes for them to offload a car in seconds. A phone call to a wholesaler or dealer-auction is all it takes to find a car in seconds. This is what you and your digital camera are competing with. Just so you know.

Michael Ross

Unregistered March 8, 2008 11:31 AM

....from your experience with car dealers "downunder"....however....THIS concept is already being done by 2 guys.

One guy started a "Dealer Only Wholesale Site" in Sept of 06 in the Dallas area. He now has over 50 dealers paying him a "nice" monthly fee.

Another guy in Southern Illinois has over 30 dealers paying him to upload their "Trades" to his site so other dealers can see what's available on ONE site.

Saves dealers TIME. And...some smaller dealers pay a monthly fee just to be able to see what's available. dealers are "cheap" and are a "hard sell"...but...I've been thru this before and....there are ways to "reach them" and get them to participate.

In doing "research" in my area...I already have good interest from 4 medium-sized used car lots.

The "car lot market" is huge. I've got one guy who's part of a group of 27 dealers who wants to "try it" when I get set up.

Granted....this is NOT for someone who's never sold anything before. But, for us "old direct sales pros"....this is something WE can sell. And...the reward for something like this....(providing a "Member" site which involves NO Time) is huge.

The only "effort" is getting dealers to participate. Once in, they don't leave.

There are 28,000 new and 74,000 used car dealers in the good ol' USofA. I only need a few to pay me a nice monthly I sail off into the sunset.

I did NOT post this note here to "sell" anything. The audience here are not "direct salespeople". My reason was to show...once again that.....there are STILL money-making ideas out there. has happened during most of my sales fact...."IT" happened with my very first business venture, Starting a Burglar ALarm Business in the suburbs of Chicago.

My friends, family, business contacts...everyone I told what I was intending to do...said,
"The market is already saturated with Alarm Cos"! ...or, "Homeowners won't buy your alarm system because....!" etc, etc...while i went ahead and made it work anyway.

Don Alm

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