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GordonJ May 2, 2019 11:23 AM

May is make an effort month.
Meant to post yesterday, got too busy (making efforts).

May is the start of energy. Spring celebrations. Nicer weather (hopefully).

More sunlight, fresh air, and being outside.

End of Winter. I call it make an effort month.

What you do in May will set up the rest of the year. The last 4 months have been shaking off the winter, the hibernation. Now it is time to wake up and get busy.

Time to overcome procrastination with MEANINGFUL action. Time to solve your problems in the direction of your goals. Time to get busy living.

One problem many face is...they try to make too much of an effort on too many fronts. Time to focus.

Dien and I both juggle a lot of balls, and we both like it that way. But my effort for May IS health centered. I want to make an effort toward a healthier Gordon. How so?

Well, I packed on about 8 pounds this winter from being indoors. So off with the weight, and also, too much sitting, not enough exercise. My effort will be on DOING daily exercises, a lot of stretching, yoga like things in the morning, less sitting, and more hours out doors. I've been invited to share in a garden, maybe I will help out there a couple of days a week.

Nothing beats weeding, and hoeing to get your muscles a good stretching.

Also, in conjunction with more outdoor time, I want to make an effort to a more FOCUSED conscious awareness of my thoughts during this outdoor time, because, I believe, gaining control of your consciousness is the fastest way to get through to your subconscious and quicken the results from your thinking.

Will you make an effort, or EXTRA effort on one thing this month?

Will you make an effort to call on a few more people a day? Will you make an effort with your health? With your finances? With your relationships?

I hope so.

Directed and controlled effort may be the fastest way to reach your goals, whatever they are.


PS. To reinforce my effort of more physical activity, I will have a high protein diet, low carb, low fat, for this next 10 days, just to jump start my better eating habits. And a lot of veggies too.

Dien Rice May 2, 2019 09:06 PM

Diet... seems to have helped my (type 2) diabetes...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39820)
PS. To reinforce my effort of more physical activity, I will have a high protein diet, low carb, low fat, for this next 10 days, just to jump start my better eating habits. And a lot of veggies too.

Hi Gordon,

Wow, a lot to "unpack" in that post! (Lots of juicy topics...)

I don't know what diet is best... I've tried low-carb high-fat, which apparently they like in Sweden for type 2 diabetics... (You can Google it...)

But one thing that seems to have helped me lately is eating whey, or drinking full-fat fresh milk (which still has whey in it)...

Some recent research has found that whey protein could be good for type 2 diabetics...

It's easy for the whey in milk to be destroyed. Apparently, UHT milk (which they heat to high temperature, so you don't need to refrigerate it until you open it) has the whey destroyed by the high temperature they use to treat it. And a lot of low-fat milk has the whey removed as part of the process.

You can buy whey directly as a protein supplement (wherever good bodybuilding products are sold)! Or, traditional ricotta cheese is made using whey too (though other forms of ricotta are not, so check the ingredients)...

I've found that regularly drinking whey-containing products seems to have boosted my energy, and my overall feeling of well-being. (I actually feel healthier now than I have in years, though that's on top of new medication I started in 2017, which also helped...)

Here's some info on whey and diabetes...

Everything you Should Know about Whey Protein and Diabetes

My research uncovered that milk has 2 types of protein - casein (about 80% of the protein) and whey (about 20%). I've found the better feeling only comes for me when I drink full-fat fresh milk. For years we pretty much only drank UHT milk or low-fat milk, but (as mentioned) the whey is generally destroyed or removed from those types of milk...

Just my personal experience...

Best wishes,


Dien Rice May 2, 2019 09:18 PM

Juggling lots of balls... and whittling them down...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39820)
One problem many face is...they try to make too much of an effort on too many fronts. Time to focus.

Dien and I both juggle a lot of balls, and we both like it that way.

I've had some free time lately, and it's been difficult to figure out what to focus on (i.e. which project) to fill it...

I recently made a huge "issue tree" of all the projects I could work on... Plus sub-branches of those projects. Let's just say, the final result was pretty huge.

Now to work on whittling it down...

One thing I've been working on lately has been to focus on better decision making. As a result, I've looked into new tools to use, like making issue trees, decision trees, and so on.

I used to figure that "success" (assuming you already have the motivation) was based on...

* Your knowledge
* Your skills
* Your resources (which includes your people networks)

So I worked on all of those. (I'd say I've done pretty well by doing that...)

But now I believe I've missed one...

* The ability to make the best decision

This is not always an easy thing! You can have knowledge, skills, and great resources, and still make awful decisions which cause you lots of pain.

Improving my decision-making skills (by improving my decision-making tool box) is something I'm working on now... :)

Best wishes!


GordonJ May 2, 2019 10:34 PM

A little trick I use, may help...or not.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 39823)
I've had some free time lately, and it's been difficult to figure out what to focus on (i.e. which project) to fill it...

I recently made a huge "issue tree" of all the projects I could work on... Plus sub-branches of those projects. Let's just say, the final result was pretty huge.

Now to work on whittling it down...

One thing I've been working on lately has been to focus on better decision making. As a result, I've looked into new tools to use, like making issue trees, decision trees, and so on.

I used to figure that "success" (assuming you already have the motivation) was based on...

* Your knowledge
* Your skills
* Your resources (which includes your people networks)

So I worked on all of those. (I'd say I've done pretty well by doing that...)

But now I believe I've missed one...

* The ability to make the best decision

This is not always an easy thing! You can have knowledge, skills, and great resources, and still make awful decisions which cause you lots of pain.

Improving my decision-making skills (by improving my decision-making tool box) is something I'm working on now... :)

Best wishes!


Yes, we all can relate.

Here is a trick. A technique, which is very powerful, and this is only a small part of it.

It comes from several sources, but 2 of the most known are THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill and his oft cited "weird" section on INVISIBLE guides. Using his imagination he created a round table of dead men to ask them for their wisdom. It is probably the least read or used chapter in his book.

The second source, is from Mike Marvel (aka Frank Rudolph Young) another very "weird" idea guy. FRY wrote several books on yoga, health and mind magic, etc. Anyhow, here is the gist of the method.

I have real people, alive, that I can confer with. I have others, like Harvey Brody, albeit still alive, I consult with the many hours of audio I have with him, and then there are people from my past who I can easily recall.

Say health. I had a friend in the Navy, Jack. He was the most fit, energetic guy I knew.

Today, as I'm focusing oh what goes into my mouth as part of my regimen toward good health, when I come to the decision I ask myself, out loud,

what would Jack do? What would his choice be to maintain his great health, fit and athletic body, high energy levels? What choice would he make?

What would Jack say to me, right now, about what I am about to decide?

Man O man, it is MAGIC. Or seems like it. I can almost hear him, very clearly see a pic of us, which I look at from time to time, with us both sitting on a bench at the beach in our swim suits. He looks like the California surfer, the sort of like Frank Kern only with good looks...and I am there all Lumpy AND Ohio flabby.

What would Jack do?

I have other go to MODELS, OR CONSULTANTS, on my decision making methods.

And one other tid bit secret, I flood myself with the emotion of being there with Jack (or whomever) and get to laughing, soaking up his energy and thanking him for his good advice. Which I can always ignore (but he does give me a disappointing look).

Weird? Well that's never bothered me.

But using invisible consultants, living or gone from this world, and choosing ones you respect and have a lot of good feelings about, comes in so handy.

Every once in a while, in a face to face situation, I ask, What would Elmer do? And gosh darn, both those dapper old salesmen of yesteryear come to my aid and give some pretty good advice. Often, I hear something about sizzle and commissions don't fall from heaven (or you don't get paid, laid or made doing nothing).

Who would you confer with re: a decision about investing? What would he/she do?

Try it, might be surprised.

Just be aware, both Napoleon Hill and myself lost our minds with the help of invisible friends, HA!


Dien Rice May 3, 2019 06:52 AM

Re: A little trick I use, may help...or not.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39824)
It comes from several sources, but 2 of the most known are THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill and his oft cited "weird" section on INVISIBLE guides. Using his imagination he created a round table of dead men to ask them for their wisdom. It is probably the least read or used chapter in his book.


What would Jack say to me, right now, about what I am about to decide?

Man O man, it is MAGIC. Or seems like it. I can almost hear him, very clearly see a pic of us, which I look at from time to time, with us both sitting on a bench at the beach in our swim suits. He looks like the California surfer, the sort of like Frank Kern only with good looks...and I am there all Lumpy AND Ohio flabby.

What would Jack do?
Hi Gordon,

I do remember that chapter of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"... and admittedly, I haven't used this approach all that much!

Though, Harvey did once tell me to imagine what he would do (in any situation I was in)...

I'll give this approach a try... :)

I have to say... One guy whose advice I miss is Jim Straw. Maybe I should try this out by imagining a conversation with him...

Best wishes,


GordonJ May 3, 2019 09:11 AM

Re: A little trick I use, may help...or not.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 39825)
Hi Gordon,

I do remember that chapter of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"... and admittedly, I haven't used this approach all that much!

Though, Harvey did once tell me to imagine what he would do (in any situation I was in)...

I'll give this approach a try... :)

I have to say... One guy whose advice I miss is Jim Straw. Maybe I should try this out by imagining a conversation with him...

Best wishes,


If you have his work, or a file, then it would be pretty easy to "talk to Jim".

And about Harvey, sometimes, I have to remember I am the iron filings on the top of the table, so to get the best result, I have to turn on the power of the magnet.

I can still "visualize" (use my imagination) and see us sitting on the veranda of the Sheraton, over the river, having lunch with the Net Guerrilla. Can you see that?

An aside, when I am feeling a little in danger, although I try to avoid it by being aware, but sometimes...if I see someone coming toward me, looking all ominous and stuff, I think What would Rusty Do?

Rusty Sheehan was my Judo and Martial arts instructor at the Y for several years, and he also worked with local law enforcement for their "street judo".

So I can see and hear Rusty saying to me: "be alert, observe, smile (to lower their defenses) PRESENT your formidable self (then getting all FRY, I use FDB and send a message from my eyes directly into theirs...

Only had two broken noses with this technique.


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