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Millard Grubb November 17, 2021 07:26 AM

Supply Chain Thoughts
Every day we hear about the ships stuck out west with no one to unload them.

We hear about goods not being available.

Over at our local Walmart, we have most everything we could want. Sure, we have a few items that are missing, but for the most part, most goods are available.

We made a point last year, when things were dicey to stock up on soups and other canned goods and get a small freezer. We haven't had issues.

One thing I did think about recently was a post from a well known website suggesting two items to get as trade items, if needed.

Liquor and cigarettes.

Ha ! I neither smoke or drink, so it would be fun having someone see me pick up a few cartons of cigs or a few bottles of Jim Beam.

I do remember reading over the years that these two items are especially valuable in hard times since people always want to smoke or drink, even when times are tough. (Or because of tough times)

The last few times I went to the store I noticed plenty of booze and cigs. There seems to be NO shortage here.

Something to think about.

GordonJ November 18, 2021 10:30 AM

Bartering with red necks, hillbillies and survivalists...
Thanks Millard.

One good thing about selling Intellectual Property (Information) is, there is never a supply problem and when one focuses on DEMAND, it allows for quick and easy creation of supply for THAT demand.

I remember stocking up in 1999 (you'll find that adventure in our archives) for the impending Y2K disaster. HA.


Had to eat freeze dried soups for years. Yummy.

As for stocking up on barteriffic items...sure alcohol, tobacco and firearms will be in demand, although, I think the guy with the most ammo, even if he is a "Rittenhouser: (someone who doesn't understand what a gun does)...

the guy with the biggest gun and willingness to use it

will have all the t'baccy hooch and moonshine he wants.

The next civil war, due in 2024, won't hardly affect the Hatfields and McCoys of yesteryears, not to cast dispersions on their descendants...but plenty of folk in the holler won't even notice the blood in the city streets.

Even then, the right INFORMATION will have a lot of value and can be used to get the goods and services one needs.



Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 42457)
Every day we hear about the ships stuck out west with no one to unload them.

We hear about goods not being available.

Over at our local Walmart, we have most everything we could want. Sure, we have a few items that are missing, but for the most part, most goods are available.

We made a point last year, when things were dicey to stock up on soups and other canned goods and get a small freezer. We haven't had issues.

One thing I did think about recently was a post from a well known website suggesting two items to get as trade items, if needed.

Liquor and cigarettes.

Ha ! I neither smoke or drink, so it would be fun having someone see me pick up a few cartons of cigs or a few bottles of Jim Beam.

I do remember reading over the years that these two items are especially valuable in hard times since people always want to smoke or drink, even when times are tough. (Or because of tough times)

The last few times I went to the store I noticed plenty of booze and cigs. There seems to be NO shortage here.

Something to think about.

Millard Grubb November 18, 2021 12:19 PM

Survival Info

You make a good point. The right info beats the pants off trade goods in the long run. Years ago I read a book called Lucifer's Hammer. It was about a large comet heading towards earth and the aftermath once it hit.

In the book, an aging, but brilliant scientist, was able to use his knowledge of chemistry, history, mathematics... along with a rag-tag group of folks to fight off packs of roving gunmen that wished to take what they had.

Although this book was fiction, it showed what a little knowledge and common sense could do in a tough situation.

Kurt Saxon had a series of books that took old information from books years ago that could help people create forges, run mills, even learn reloading.

I realize that if a new civil war occurs, the ones with applied knowledge and some skills will make do and survive.

There is information about the skills our grandparents learned that is still out there... you just have to dig to find it. (Can you say old bookstores?)

GordonJ November 18, 2021 12:53 PM

The truth is out there...and the truth about information is...
Information on just about any and everything is within a few keystrokes today...

but as is with all information, from MY perspective

As someone who SELLS it is:

Getting and having the information is fine if one is a user, but to profit from it, you have to serve it up to those who want it, as in every niche.

Avid magicians might be interested in your tricks, but avid bird watchers (for example) could care less how great your magic skills are.

The Kurt Saxons and Gary Norths of the info world had their heyday with Y2K and are now very niched.

And that is one of the secrets of successful infopreneuring, give the niches the scratch for their itches.



Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 42459)

You make a good point. The right info beats the pants off trade goods in the long run. Years ago I read a book called Lucifer's Hammer. It was about a large comet heading towards earth and the aftermath once it hit.

In the book, an aging, but brilliant scientist, was able to use his knowledge of chemistry, history, mathematics... along with a rag-tag group of folks to fight off packs of roving gunmen that wished to take what they had.

Although this book was fiction, it showed what a little knowledge and common sense could do in a tough situation.

Kurt Saxon had a series of books that took old information from books years ago that could help people create forges, run mills, even learn reloading.

I realize that if a new civil war occurs, the ones with applied knowledge and some skills will make do and survive.

There is information about the skills our grandparents learned that is still out there... you just have to dig to find it. (Can you say old bookstores?)

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