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GordonJ December 26, 2022 12:39 PM

Update on 2018 post, 2023 OPPORTUNITIES.
Here is the post from 2018

Recently, I gave a few people some incredible niches to pursue their copywriting goals in. I didn't get any follow-up, which is fine.
The niches? Where copy writers have been paid well for decades?
The arcane, occult, mystical, meta-physical and astrological/numerology. Along with numismatics and philatelic and ephemera markets.
The weird, strange, woo-woo and odd little niches like these sites:
And this just scratches the surface.
From conspiracy to aliens, to secret gov'ts, to forecasts, and all things HEALTHY. HA!, they all sell supplements.
I use the ones brought from the MotherShip and sold only to the illuminati (oops, forget that).
So many people get hung up on those big markets, and try to compete with the big dogs, when there is a feast awaiting those who are not afraid to venture where no man has gone before (yea, even those guys buy stuff).
ME? I'm into the Antarctica and the secret war between USA/Russia going on down there. It may be freezing cold, but it is about to get very HOT.
There is a little known company, pink sheets, which is set to do what Cryptocurrency did a few years ago...EXPLODE.


Today, day after Christmas 2022, I want to add a few sites for your examination, if so inclined. A mix and mish-mash of all sorts of things, with a heavy dose of crazy, and a LOOMPANICS (if you have to ask, may not be for you). Educate, Shock and it sez Ah, what a site. catherine yronwode (she spells it without capitals) has been blessing us for decades with her white woman take on HooDoo, nonetheless, some interesting and unusual topics. Great collection of GARDEN WAY BOOKS. Note the many HOTSHEETS on this page.

These barely scratch the surface, of the little known, unusual and off-beat publications out there.

This next year, 2023, I am going to focus on getting YOUR STORED VALUE out of your head and into the marketplace.

Information publishing, and SELLING, is one of the least sloppy and messy ways to do business. The thing in common almost all of the above publishers have is

they have little to no contact with people,

UNLESS they want it. People like catherine yronwode, who offers classes or workshops are the exception.

But, if you want to be people free, sell hotsheets, folios, short reports, books, audios, videos, anything where it is like a VENDING MACHINE.

Even if the vending machine breaks and your Snicker's Bar gets hung up, even if you call the toll free number, you rarely talk to a person. Unlucky you, lucky next guy who gets two for one, eh?

AUTOMATED as much as can be, is the goal, with people the world over dropping moolah of some sort into your Automatic Vending Machine, getting their INFORMATION product, and leaving you alone (unless otherwise specified).

Those original 3 from 2018 are still selling information as you read.


GordonJ December 26, 2022 03:07 PM

IMPORTANT for those contacting me with INFORMATION.
2023 I will be fighting YOUR two biggest enemies...or two OF...

Perfectionism and Procrastination.

I work fast. I want an offer up in 10 days. If you want me to help you, be prepared to work fast. NOT perfect, and NOT when you have time to get around to it.

10 days, from the time you contact me to having an offer of some sort in the marketplace.

Lets slay those pesky dragons, Perf and Proc, and make us some dragon suitcases or a nifty pair of shoes, shall we.

SPEED is the starting point, THEN we'll get into the planning.


GordonJ December 26, 2022 03:36 PM

I am a good juggler. But the process is the same.
The offer, within 10 days, will more than likely be hosted at, it is a free site with easy to use, albeit basic software.

I am starting almost everyone off with the same process...YOU write the PROMOTION for your first HOTSHEET on ____________.

Whatever it is. If we haven't had contact in the past, you may get a few more questions, not for me to pry, to try to locate that stored value we want to get at.

The start may be nowhere near where the next thing takes us, but as I have written to a couple of you, we are the first few days, throwing mud at the wall to see what sticks.

Gordon fast. Speed. quick. MOVEMENT over meditation.

The reason I use and want you to use is...

It is basic, as simple as it gets, of all the free sites, this one frees you up from hosting, merchant accounts, and simply lets you get started selling digital products.

There are several YouTube tutorials, most around 10 minutes, and below are two of my products, for example, so you can see what the basic set up is. Of course you can make it "prettier" and all...but this is GET STARTED basic stuff. Even if you are advanced and have a web site, or blog or anything else, I still want you to use GUMROAD, it is free, if you do sell anything they take a little cut. But what is important is the PROCESS, to write a promotion create the product introduce it to the market, and get some feedback.

trevord92 December 27, 2022 05:15 AM

Re: +1 for Gumroad
Gumroad is deceptively simple but (at the risk of distracting people) offers subscriptions (a puzzle generator for Amazon books for instance) and also the option to set a minimum price (zero upwards) for people to pay.

It handles everything and even has a built-in affiliate program.

Don't be like a friend of mine who spent several years "perfecting" his ebook on cold sores, all the while watching the regular price for an ebook go down from $47 when he started to $7 when he finally launched.

GordonJ December 27, 2022 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by trevord92 (Post 43492)
Gumroad is deceptively simple but (at the risk of distracting people) offers subscriptions (a puzzle generator for Amazon books for instance) and also the option to set a minimum price (zero upwards) for people to pay.

It handles everything and even has a built-in affiliate program.

Don't be like a friend of mine who spent several years "perfecting" his ebook on cold sores, all the while watching the regular price for an ebook go down from $47 when he started to $7 when he finally launched.

Thanks Trevor92,

I use it for consistency, and even though some of you have your own sites, and are more than capable of creating web pages, etc. Using a FREE standard platform also gives everyone the same GO square on their playing board.

Like all free things, there are upgrades and they may come in handy down the road.

For now, WORDS, and it is the INTERSECTION for learning something about the process.

Interesting thing, there are those who have never done anything with web sites and those with the decades old experiences...PLENTY OF ROOM for us all.

I chose Gumroad because of the all in one feature, and anyone can use it to get started.


Dien Rice December 27, 2022 02:50 PM

Thanks Gordon - very eye-opening!
Thanks Gordon,

These are awesome!

Definitely inspirational and eye-opening!

One thing I'm planning to do in 2023 is get involved with Etsy... Especially selling "digital downloadables"...

Interesting what can be done... :)

Best wishes,



Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 43488)
Here is the post from 2018

Recently, I gave a few people some incredible niches to pursue their copywriting goals in. I didn't get any follow-up, which is fine.
The niches? Where copy writers have been paid well for decades?
The arcane, occult, mystical, meta-physical and astrological/numerology. Along with numismatics and philatelic and ephemera markets.
The weird, strange, woo-woo and odd little niches like these sites:
And this just scratches the surface.
From conspiracy to aliens, to secret gov'ts, to forecasts, and all things HEALTHY. HA!, they all sell supplements.
I use the ones brought from the MotherShip and sold only to the illuminati (oops, forget that).
So many people get hung up on those big markets, and try to compete with the big dogs, when there is a feast awaiting those who are not afraid to venture where no man has gone before (yea, even those guys buy stuff).
ME? I'm into the Antarctica and the secret war between USA/Russia going on down there. It may be freezing cold, but it is about to get very HOT.
There is a little known company, pink sheets, which is set to do what Cryptocurrency did a few years ago...EXPLODE.


Today, day after Christmas 2022, I want to add a few sites for your examination, if so inclined. A mix and mish-mash of all sorts of things, with a heavy dose of crazy, and a LOOMPANICS (if you have to ask, may not be for you). Educate, Shock and it sez Ah, what a site. catherine yronwode (she spells it without capitals) has been blessing us for decades with her white woman take on HooDoo, nonetheless, some interesting and unusual topics. Great collection of GARDEN WAY BOOKS. Note the many HOTSHEETS on this page.

These barely scratch the surface, of the little known, unusual and off-beat publications out there.

This next year, 2023, I am going to focus on getting YOUR STORED VALUE out of your head and into the marketplace.

Information publishing, and SELLING, is one of the least sloppy and messy ways to do business. The thing in common almost all of the above publishers have is

they have little to no contact with people,

UNLESS they want it. People like catherine yronwode, who offers classes or workshops are the exception.

But, if you want to be people free, sell hotsheets, folios, short reports, books, audios, videos, anything where it is like a VENDING MACHINE.

Even if the vending machine breaks and your Snicker's Bar gets hung up, even if you call the toll free number, you rarely talk to a person. Unlucky you, lucky next guy who gets two for one, eh?

AUTOMATED as much as can be, is the goal, with people the world over dropping moolah of some sort into your Automatic Vending Machine, getting their INFORMATION product, and leaving you alone (unless otherwise specified).

Those original 3 from 2018 are still selling information as you read.


GordonJ December 28, 2022 01:02 PM

It was the best of times, and it was the better best of times...huh?
Thanks Dien.

I'm bi. Bi-line. Make moolah on-line, information. Make money OFF-line, transactions.

Online I like, in fact, only want DIGITAL products. And within this a relationship, as I have with the thousands of SowPubbers/Warriors/Others over the decades. I see and recognize names today, who bought a digital product from me 20 years ago.

Offline, it is TRANSACTIONAL. I don't need nor even want to know your name, if you are selling, here is my money. If I am selling, show me the money (in my best Jerry Maguire voice). Lets make a deal, a transaction.

Two very different models. I don't want a store. I don't want customers, clients or consumers. I want TRANSACTIONS, and there is so much stuff to do this with, not enough time in the thank goodness, I know how to find STORED VALUE and take it to the market and collect my share.

An exception might be, if I fired up the old ON DEMAND publishing idea...where I actually printed and mailed out the product. Although, it would have to be an absentee thing for me.

I'm not opposed to new ideas, it is hard to beat the tried, tested and proven ways.

DIGITAL online.

TRANSACTIONS offline. You got something better? Do tell.



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 43497)
Thanks Gordon,

These are awesome!

Definitely inspirational and eye-opening!

One thing I'm planning to do in 2023 is get involved with Etsy... Especially selling "digital downloadables"...

Interesting what can be done... :)

Best wishes,


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