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GordonJ September 27, 2006 09:45 AM

Chatteling forum will open first week of OCTOBER
It could be the first or the seventh or someplace in between. We're hoping for the first.

The Chatteling Forum will be for those of you that have purchased either the COURSE or the GUIDE.

You will use the same log in as you do for this forum, so there won't be anything new to do. IF you are not a registered user of this forum, that is something you want to do if you want access to the CHATTELING forum.

This NEW feature of Seeds of Wisdom Publishing will take the place of MY emails to individuals, and open up the world of chatteling to those that are interested. We'll get into deeper discussions, HOW to use craigslist, and more of the what to do type stuff.

OF course, it is NOT for everyone.

A word about Chatteling. Some of you think it is going to garage sales and then selling stuff on craigslist or eBay...actually that is a very small part of it.

It is a way for you to build a business if you so desire, or to get cash, or to have some fun too.

IF you were to do the 12 Week Grow Plan that I wrote about in The Chattel Report: The Sprint to Freedom, you would have enough money to buy every good Internet marketing course out there with enough left over to attend your favorite guru's seminar.

Then you'd never want, need or have to Chattel again.

It also teaches you the very fundamentals of running a business without having to have a business and in MY OPINION tells you more about yourself and what you are willing to do or not to do and just may be the wake up call you've been waiting for.

Anyhow, the CHATTELING forum will be open the first week of October, and if you are a registered user of this forum who has purchased either the Course or the Guide, hopefully, you will have no problems accessing the new forum, your current user and password should work on it.

ONE WARNING: The information at the Chatteling Forum is confidential and restricted to those members with access. I won't even blink an eye to delete you and revoke your Chatteling Forum privileges if what we discuss goes beyond those boundaries and I find out. Fair enough?

IF this goes well, then PERHAPS in the following weeks we'll add additional FORUMS that cater to our "niches"....

HEY, maybe we'll even have a Saturday Night SMACKDOWN; steel cage death match; ANYTHING goes forum where the good fights take place...ON second thought, we probably wouldn't be able to afford the bandwidth on those events. Perhaps, Pay Per View? HA!

Anyhow IF you have any ideas for a NICHE Forum, let us know. The ones we are considering or tossing about include:

Chatteling (product support; DONE deal)
Persuasion and Influence
Jobs, Business or Dang Money (Product Support)

And whatever YOU may want. A NICHE forum allows only those interested in a subject to take place and get more detailed answers and also keeps the main forum available for a wider more diverse area of discussion.

Now back to your unregularly unscheduled forum. Thanks for your time and attention.

Gordon Jay Alexander

LindaC September 27, 2006 11:42 AM

Re: Chatteling forum will open first week of OCTOBER
Hi Gordon,

Great news. Looking forward to the Chatteling Forum.

Although we do a bit of Chatteling now...just made a ebay purchase.

My Best 2 U,

LindaC September 28, 2006 08:22 AM

Re: Chatteling forum will open first week of OCTOBER
Greetings Gordon,

This is great news and is well over due. I've been wanting to pull back your layers for some time. I will be there as much as possible and I hope to learn even more about this fascinating world.

I also hope to have my Chattel Within A Chattel © Report ready by then. It's a report that reveals how a $300 Chattel purchase turned into a recurring Chattel sales totaling an accumulated $3000. I show how I did it and how anyone can do it and continue to profit from one Chattel purchase.

From the Trouse
Woody Quiñones
PS. At the link below I have a Seeds of Wisdom New Forum discount sale going on. This page is coming down in about a week so check it out.

Bea November 2, 2006 01:00 AM

Re: Chatteling forum will open first week of OCTOBER
I was wondering where I could pick up a copy of this book or report:
The Chattel Report: The Sprint to Freedom?:)


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