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Sandi Bowman November 5, 2006 05:16 PM

Anything EXCITING happening yet? YAAWN!
I see a few brief attempts at starting something that MIGHT lead to an interesting, multiple response, various facets explored type of posts like the old forum had but nothing happens.

Wonder what's causing this? Is it this grey doom and gloom appearance that's perhaps dulling our senses and putting us to sleep at the keyboard? Are we all depressed at losing what was friendly and familiar? Where has all the LIFE gone in this forum? Gosh, I sure miss it and hope it returns soon!

Don't misunderstand me, this basic forum style is okay but it is kind of a snooze job whereas the other one was lively and stimulating. Ah, bet that's it! The other one had shades of yellow...a known stimulant to the intellect and general brain function whereas blues and greys are calming and sleep-inducing. Could it be, perhaps? Hmmm...

Sandi Bowman

Dien Rice November 5, 2006 05:55 PM

All forums have "slow" times...
...even the "old forum"! (I think, with hindsight, we tend to forget about those "slow times"...)

I must admit, my own interests right now are dominated with learning how to create a "system" - or "systemizing" a business...

This is an extremely important topic when growing a business (and as I've mentioned earlier, very little is written about it!). However, unfortunately, it's usually not as "exciting" to talk about this as all the other topics...!

It's very hard to write an exciting story about "systemizing" a business, in contrast to talking about that impossible-to-get sale, or turning a failing product into a success!

(Though James Anthony has done pretty well with sharing some of his stories regarding this!)

I'll try to write some more "exciting" stuff... :)

- Dien

Pete Egeler November 5, 2006 06:09 PM

Re: Anything EXCITING happening yet? YAAWN!
Actually, I know of something EXCITING about to happen! ;0

However, I'm not a liberty to discuss it at this time. :)

On the otherhand, I'm pleased to announce that after Tuesday, I should see a drastic reduction in the phone calls I get from Bob Corker and Harold Ford!


Stevie November 5, 2006 08:53 PM

Re: Anything EXCITING happening yet? YAAWN!
Why not start an interesting thread topic yourself? Be the solution.


Originally Posted by Sandi Bowman (Post 6547)
I see a few brief attempts at starting something that MIGHT lead to an interesting, multiple response, various facets explored type of posts like the old forum had but nothing happens.

Wonder what's causing this? Is it this grey doom and gloom appearance that's perhaps dulling our senses and putting us to sleep at the keyboard? Are we all depressed at losing what was friendly and familiar? Where has all the LIFE gone in this forum? Gosh, I sure miss it and hope it returns soon!

Don't misunderstand me, this basic forum style is okay but it is kind of a snooze job whereas the other one was lively and stimulating. Ah, bet that's it! The other one had shades of yellow...a known stimulant to the intellect and general brain function whereas blues and greys are calming and sleep-inducing. Could it be, perhaps? Hmmm...

Sandi Bowman

Sandi Bowman November 5, 2006 09:25 PM

Re: Anything EXCITING happening yet? YAAWN!
I tried, Stevie, with this one but no one has commented or picked up on the color theme yet.

Back atcha'...what do you have to toss out as a life preserver we can all scramble for? ;)

Dien, I am aware of the ebb and flow of forums. I was just hoping to start something a bit different, that's all.

Sandi Bowman

MichaelRoss November 6, 2006 03:08 AM

Re: Anything EXCITING happening yet? YAAWN!
How's this...

Here are two websites...


Both contain fruit-loops with no sense of logic. Some make valid points, sometimes. Some make Stoopid points. Non-Sequiturs, if you will.



HAY! I know why the forum is slow...

According to the liberals...

It's Bush's Fault!

Okay. Now your turn to Turn Up The heat. Nothing like some good old Controvery to get things going. Just ask 50 Cents (read the entry to see how Controversy has made him over $22 million - people have paid this Entertainer for CDs and Mixtapes that I wouldn't listen to if given for Free).

Michael Ross November 6, 2006 09:33 AM

Re: Anything EXCITING happening yet? YAAWN!
Greetings Sandi,

Originally Posted by Sandi Bowman (Post 6547)
Don't misunderstand me, this basic forum style is okay but it is kind of a snooze job whereas the other one was lively and stimulating. Ah, bet that's it! The other one had shades of yellow...a known stimulant to the intellect and general brain function whereas blues and greys are calming and sleep-inducing. Could it be, perhaps? Hmmm...

Sandi Bowman

Your post got me thinking about colors that attract business. I came across this article. Enjoy!


What Colors Make Your Services Most Attractive?

This information is based on the principles of Laws of Attraction, Law of Allowing and Law of Deliberate Creation. And the Universal Laws of Energy (like attract likes) proven by Quantum Physics.

What colors attract people to you?

Visual presentation and appeal, whether in your marketing materials or what you wear, can turn on or turn off what you people you attract. It does not matter if it’s on paper matter, the Internet, like a web site, or in a presentation.

If you do any time of speaking, writing, or design type of work, this article is for you.

I'm not just talking about visual color, I'm also talking to you about audio and writing or language color. Each affect our relationships -- friends, family, prospects, clients or customers.

It is a fact that companies with large budgets spend billions on color market research -- usually in product or packaging development.

Solopreneurs pockets aren't as deep, thus, they need to use the results of the research of the deep pocket-ers.

Colors tell someone if you are approachable. In the same way they will affect whether someone will continue clicking through your web site.

Colors will determine if someone will start reading your article in a magazine or posted on your web site. Color also helps to keep people involved on your web site (it’s not just about the content) and how long they stay.

Colors also influences how people will respond and behave. A black background on your web site now represents s*x-type of web sites. It is important that if that isn't your focus that you don't use a black background.

Let’s take a few minutes and play with this concept. The next time you go into a fast-food restaurant, look closely at the colors. Do they decorate with vivid reds and oranges because they encourage diners to eat and leave quickly like many of the fast food establishments. That is exactly the response they want.

Different cultures have different attitudes and preferences thus; they will have another color reaction. In China, "white" symbolizes death and in Brazil, it is the color purple. People from warm countries respond favorably to warm colors; people from colder climates prefer the cooler colors.

In America, green is associated with jealousy or money. Here are some color references for America.

Red......excitement, strength, sex, passion, speed, danger.

Blue.....(most popular) trust, reliability, belonging, coolness.

Yellow...warmth, sunshine, cheer, happiness.

Orange...playfulness, warmth, vibrant.

Green....nature, fresh, cool, growth, abundance.

Purple...royal, spirituality, dignity.

Pink.....soft, sweet, nurture, security.

White....pure, virginal, clean, youthful, mild.

Black....sophistication, elegant, seductive, mystery, sexual.

Gold.....prestige, expensive, elite.

Silver...prestige, cold, scientific.

This also means that color affect shopping habits. Red-orange, black and royal blue attracts impulse buyers. Pink, teal, light blue and navy attract smart budget Shopper. Pink, rose and sky blue attract conformists.

A great exercise to experience this -- visit large company web sites that have spent the funds on this type of research.

Try McDonalds ( -- bright red) or Wendy's ( -- brownish red). Jaguar ( -- black for sophistication, green cool, and silver for prestige). It matches perfectly with their market -- high income-ers with a view on sophisticated.

If you are a service professional, how might you put colors to use for you?

First, make sure you have the right target market. Young children materials contain large amounts of bright primary colors. These colors will attract the child yet the parents or grandparents open the wallet. This means that for the children you would use the primary colors and for the marketing material being read by the grand/parents you would use reds, blues, pinks and yellows for trust, reliability, security, and playful.

If you a web site and you choose the colors because they are your favorite, then you choose it could have chosen it for the wrong target market -- unless, of course, you are the only one or people just like you are the only ones you want buying. Pick your colors for your market. This is anything you want to attract in America.

(c) Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz

So let's discuss, colors that attract business.

From the Trouse
Woody Quiñones November 6, 2006 09:37 AM

Re: All forums have "slow" times...
Greetings Dien,


Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 6549)
I must admit, my own interests right now are dominated with learning how to create a "system" - or "systemizing" a business...

This is an extremely important topic when growing a business (and as I've mentioned earlier, very little is written about it!). However, unfortunately, it's usually not as "exciting" to talk about this as all the other topics...!

It's very hard to write an exciting story about "systemizing" a business, in contrast to talking about that impossible-to-get sale, or turning a failing product into a success!

I would be very interested in learning more about "systemizing" a business. It may not be pretty or exciting to read about, but learning more about it is necessary.

From the Trouse
Woody Quiñones

bobmcalister November 6, 2006 03:28 PM bout that < Repete ....
gotta let us know ...we are sitting on peedles and nins...

have a good one


Unregistered November 6, 2006 04:03 PM

Re: Anything EXCITING happening yet? YAAWN!

I am sure this will take off, but I see two items that may be effecting the number of posts.

1. The old format was easier to read, sorry! Your interest stayed longer because the threads were cleaner... sometimes less is more... this message board is good, but the screen seems busy.

2. It is much more fun when you can post with a link to your web site and especially your own image or banner. Especially when it can be different on each message. Hate to say it, but some people post to build their business.

3. Many people may not want to take the time to log in. It's not a lot of time, but it takes time, a thing some of us may lack.

4. The codes you have to enter to post are sometimes hard to read.... you're not always sure if you are supposed to capitalize or not.

I know these are all LITTLE things, but maybe they add up?

The people are the same... the content is still good, I think it should take off again, but I did like the old software better.

Just my 2 cents.

John Davin


Originally Posted by Sandi Bowman (Post 6547)
I see a few brief attempts at starting something that MIGHT lead to an interesting, multiple response, various facets explored type of posts like the old forum had but nothing happens.

Wonder what's causing this? Is it this grey doom and gloom appearance that's perhaps dulling our senses and putting us to sleep at the keyboard? Are we all depressed at losing what was friendly and familiar? Where has all the LIFE gone in this forum? Gosh, I sure miss it and hope it returns soon!

Don't misunderstand me, this basic forum style is okay but it is kind of a snooze job whereas the other one was lively and stimulating. Ah, bet that's it! The other one had shades of yellow...a known stimulant to the intellect and general brain function whereas blues and greys are calming and sleep-inducing. Could it be, perhaps? Hmmm...

Sandi Bowman

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