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bobmcalister July 31, 2007 04:44 PM


things change quickly ...and I am in a money crunch...

so thought I would ask you guys somethings

believe it or not, I have been painting curbs...which is good..

I dont have the volume to sub out the work and cannot get my knees to work correctly so

have to abandon that ...
and get onto something new...

was talking to a guy who sells advertising on trucks and then lets people use em free to move ..lilke the storage folks do ..

I was thinking that that would be a good idea for other folks tooo..

get a truck ...a van ...let a charity offer it for use to the community ...sell advertising on it ....

truck and insurance run about 880 a month ..

so ....

who buys the truck ? for the charity ...or does the charity have it themselves ?

I cant buy it ....I can sell the advertising...for how much .? need to have along term agreement with the advertisers ?

where is the potential to make the most mooolah on this....I am thinking it is the car dealer ....

any ideas would be appreciated....I am on the fast track with this


ps...anyone have the pics of the menu boards that one don alm did at one time...or the web site where he the pics.


Phil July 31, 2007 08:37 PM

Hi Bob,

Haven't seen you in awhile...

Figured you must have Won one of those Big Power Ball lotteries... :)

You might remember, I had posted a few ideas on the following awhile back...

The idea has Grown into Many Local markets including with the Competition as per Google...

But there are still Many Untapped markets and ways to give this one a Kick and a "twist"... ;)


GordonJ July 31, 2007 09:56 PM

Bob, pic of Menu Board
Go to

Scroll to the bottom and you'll see one of my menu boards, it is a lot like the Don used. I had mine custom made by a local carpenter.

I'll be back later with ideas on your "truckvertising" too.


PS. On a personal note, any pics of the HOBART? Or is it gone?

Pete Egeler July 31, 2007 10:29 PM

Speaking of Truck Advertising..
My wife & I were in Knoxville the other day picking out some carpet for the bedroom.

On our way to the store, I got behind a huge box truck with a full-size ad on the back door. Then, to my surprise, the add rolled to the left, only to be replaced by another. Approx. size.. 6'x8'. Total of 4 different ads that I saw before the truck turned off I-40 and headed toward the mall.

BUT WAIT! When he made the turn, I noticed that the SIDES had the same "rolling ad" setup. 'Cept these were 20'x8'.

Don't know what the guy charges to drive his truck around Knoxville, but I'll bet folks are paying a BUNDLE to advertise.

Gotta find out more about this set up. (Maybe a franchise?)


The King's Rubs..

Curtis Hoover July 31, 2007 11:12 PM

If you have been painting address on curbs and want to stop. Go to and down their manual. It is free to download. you can install the address sign without getting down on your knees. There is a need for the address to be posted on the curb or mailbox or on the address signs. Sell the signs and get back up on your feet. It is a lot better than painting on the curbs. Tell them I send you there if you start sell them. And if you need any help email me.


MichaelRoss August 1, 2007 05:13 AM

Here's the Menu Board you were asking about...

Thanks for ASKing.

I think This might be the Menu Board you were referring to

There was also one on a Stand... it had a Blackboard at the top and space below for six ads - see Gordon's Pic for an idea.


Michael Ross

KenD August 1, 2007 10:24 AM


Is this what you saw?

Pete Egeler August 1, 2007 12:01 PM

You nailed it, Ken.
That's very much like what I saw, with the exception that it was a larger truck, as the signage was much larger on the truck I saw.

Somebody's making a gazillion off of this one, but you can bet it costs more than what's in your spare change jar to get going!


M.Sturgis August 1, 2007 01:55 PM

Re: You nailed it, Ken. could just buy your own truck and get a slice of the pie :)

bobmcalister August 2, 2007 07:03 PM

Re: Speaking of Truck Advertising..
thanks for the help ...

we have a company ...they have a truck similar to the one you saw...

ads run 800 a WEEK...

so I amthinking to follow the guy around for a while...write down the advertisers...and contac them ...I have noticed that there are very few advertisers who continue to do this though maybe it isnt breaking even ...


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