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Dien Rice December 29, 2007 08:11 PM

How To Make Your Own Luck!
"Are you feeling lucky?"

Okay, I borrowed the words from "Dirty Harry" (well, I left off the word "punk") - but it asks a good question. Are you lucky?

As I think I've mentioned before, I attended the talk of a real "luck expert" a few months ago... Here are some important things I learned...

(Before you "roll your eyes" - this is based on psychology research...)

Some people swear that they're just lucky. Other people swear that they're UNlucky! How is it that some people can be lucky, and others can be unlucky? Is it pure chance? Or is there something else at work here?

Many psychologists think that there's more to it than chance... Many people MAKE their own luck. They may or may not realize it, but that's what many people do...

Wouldn't it be great if you could make your own luck?

By "luck" here, I don't mean things of pure "chance", like winning the lottery. But I mean getting more opportunities, more business, more of whatever it is that you want and desire...

How can you do that? Why does this seem to "fall" into the lap of some people, and not of others?

Well, there are a few principles. One of the top researchers in this area is Prof. Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. I had the good luck (!) to hear him speak when he was in my city a few months ago. His talk on luck was fascinating! (Hey, and the talk was free too - how lucky was that?)

What do "lucky" people have in common? He identifies several characteristics... Among them are...
  • "Lucky" people are more open to new experiences - they don't mind "breaking" their old routines to try something new...
  • "Lucky" people expect good things to happen to them.
  • "Lucky" people are generally more relaxed, and less tense about things...
  • "Lucky" people pay attention to their "hunches"... (This is something a lot of successful entrepreneurs do too. They pay attention to their "gut feelings" on things.)
Well, that's all well and good. But how can YOU become lucky?

It turns out that Prof. Wiseman has a system. It's been tested - and it's found to work. I'll give it to you right now... It's amazingly simple. I urge you to try it out.

Here's what you do. (And before I continue, I'll let you know that I've been doing it myself for around 4 months now - with some great results!)

The basic idea is to keep a "luck diary" - or you could call it a "good things diary".

Get a journal. Then, at the end of every day, write down at least 3 good (or "lucky") things that happened to you that day.

Some examples of "lucky" things that can happen (paraphrased from my own "luck diary")...
  • When you run into a friend you haven't seen for a while. (A few days ago, by chance, I ran into a guy I hadn't seen for about 15 years, and who had moved from Melbourne, Australia - where I live - to San Francisco. It turns out he, his wife, and daughter were visiting his parents here in Melbourne for Christmas!)
  • When you find free money on the ground (no matter how little or much it is, it's still lucky!) I never find "free money" - but for the first time I can remember, 2 weeks ago, I found $2.20!
  • When you do a successful promotion, and make sales, or get new subscribers to your "opt-in" list...
  • When you find a great car parking spot!
  • When you learn new information that will help you in your life somehow (e.g. in your business, your relationship, your health, etc.) (By the way, I have noted it down in my "luck diary" when I learn great info here on this forum which I can use to profit from!)
  • Of course, this doesn't begin to exhaust all the possible "lucky" things that could happen to you from day to day...
The "good" things could also be when something "bad" doesn't happen... That is, look on the bright side.

For example, if you have a car accident, you can consider it "lucky" that it wasn't worse, and that you're still alive. (Earlier this year, on a wet and slippery road in the rain, I had a "near miss" with another car. I think that was before I started doing the "luck diary", but if I was doing it then, I could have counted that as a "lucky" miss...)

That's it.

DON'T write down the "bad" or "unlucky" things. ONLY write down the "good" or "lucky" things that happened to you...

Start doing it tonight. (Or do it now, starting with an entry for what happened yesterday.) It will only take a few minutes. And keep doing it daily.

I don't actually use a paper diary - I just use "Notepad" or "Wordpad" on my computer (that is, write it as a text file), since I'm on the computer so much. But do it however you like - on computer, or in an actual physical journal.

This will get you focused on the good things... And you'll start "expecting" them. Before too long, you may even find you're "making" these good things happen...

I could go into "why" I think it works... But it's better to just do it. Then you can see for yourself, and start "making" your own "luck"...

Good Luck! :)



Pete Egeler December 29, 2007 11:15 PM

Re: How To Make Your Own Luck!
Great post, Dien!

It's my belief that 99% of anyone's luck is never saying never!

Someone asked me the other day if I'd like to "broker some domains" for him. I told him I didn't have a back ground in it, but I sure had plenty of time to do it.

Not only am I working on his stuff, I'm starting to get all kinds of requests from others.

It wasn't luck, it was just the idea that I was willing to try and not stooping to blowing smoke up somebody's pant leg. :)


Phil December 30, 2007 12:31 AM

Re: How To Make Your Own Luck!
Thanks Dien,

Great info...

A few of Us Always need a little more info... :)

Luck and Knowledge goes hand in hand... And you can Never have Too much of one or the other...

And Pete...

Luck is Definitely for those who Choose to Do stuff... And for those who Constantly Keep a close Eye on things...

In case you're Not aware But I Bet you are... Only a few of you See the Potential & Possibilities of this interesting business idea/Model... ;)


Duane Adolph December 30, 2007 05:33 AM

and How To SPOT Your Own Opportunities!!
...We don't CREATE opportunity, instead we SPOT opportunity.
But what if you were BLIND to them??


Thanks for this reference. I had never heard of Prof. Wiseman's work until I read it in your newsletter and then on this board.

Phil Thanks for the Time Saving Links. I didn't have to hunt this information down.

Dien this "Luck Spotting process" is similar to certain "Success List" process of Mr. Lichtman :->

I will use this process more diligently going forward.

Along with Luck Wiseman brings his work into a business context when he discusses Opportunities.

Did anyone else SPOT this article on Wiseman's site???

I just read Wiseman's Forbes article on "Why some people SPOT opportunities and others don't"

You can also give YOURSELF a quick 3:09 minute demonstration of the principles Wiseman discusses by watching this Video now

The Color Changing card trick

After watching the Above, you will see PROOF that you may not be spotting anything at all :->

Dien Thanks again I really appreciate this post.

Let's Get Luckier and start Spotting More Opportunities in 2008



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 18154)
"Are you feeling lucky?"

Okay, I borrowed the words from "Dirty Harry" (well, I left off the word "punk") - but it asks a good question. Are you lucky?

As I think I've mentioned before, I attended the talk of a real "luck expert" a few months ago... Here are some important things I learned...

(Before you "roll your eyes" - this is based on psychology research...)

Some people swear that they're just lucky. Other people swear that they're UNlucky! How is it that some people can be lucky, and others can be unlucky? Is it pure chance? Or is there something else at work here?

Many psychologists think that there's more to it than chance... Many people MAKE their own luck. They may or may not realize it, but that's what many people do...

Wouldn't it be great if you could make your own luck?

By "luck" here, I don't mean things of pure "chance", like winning the lottery. But I mean getting more opportunities, more business, more of whatever it is that you want and desire...

How can you do that? Why does this seem to "fall" into the lap of some people, and not of others?

Well, there are a few principles. One of the top researchers in this area is Prof. Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. I had the good luck (!) to hear him speak when he was in my city a few months ago. His talk on luck was fascinating! (Hey, and the talk was free too - how lucky was that?)

What do "lucky" people have in common? He identifies several characteristics... Among them are...
  • "Lucky" people are more open to new experiences - they don't mind "breaking" their old routines to try something new...
  • "Lucky" people expect good things to happen to them.
  • "Lucky" people are generally more relaxed, and less tense about things...
  • "Lucky" people pay attention to their "hunches"... (This is something a lot of successful entrepreneurs do too. They pay attention to their "gut feelings" on things.)
Well, that's all well and good. But how can YOU become lucky?

It turns out that Prof. Wiseman has a system. It's been tested - and it's found to work. I'll give it to you right now... It's amazingly simple. I urge you to try it out.

Here's what you do. (And before I continue, I'll let you know that I've been doing it myself for around 4 months now - with some great results!)

The basic idea is to keep a "luck diary" - or you could call it a "good things diary".

Get a journal. Then, at the end of every day, write down at least 3 good (or "lucky") things that happened to you that day.

Some examples of "lucky" things that can happen (paraphrased from my own "luck diary")...
  • When you run into a friend you haven't seen for a while. (A few days ago, by chance, I ran into a guy I hadn't seen for about 15 years, and who had moved from Melbourne, Australia - where I live - to San Francisco. It turns out he, his wife, and daughter were visiting his parents here in Melbourne for Christmas!)
  • When you find free money on the ground (no matter how little or much it is, it's still lucky!) I never find "free money" - but for the first time I can remember, 2 weeks ago, I found $2.20!
  • When you do a successful promotion, and make sales, or get new subscribers to your "opt-in" list...
  • When you find a great car parking spot!
  • When you learn new information that will help you in your life somehow (e.g. in your business, your relationship, your health, etc.) (By the way, I have noted it down in my "luck diary" when I learn great info here on this forum which I can use to profit from!)
  • Of course, this doesn't begin to exhaust all the possible "lucky" things that could happen to you from day to day...
The "good" things could also be when something "bad" doesn't happen... That is, look on the bright side.

For example, if you have a car accident, you can consider it "lucky" that it wasn't worse, and that you're still alive. (Earlier this year, on a wet and slippery road in the rain, I had a "near miss" with another car. I think that was before I started doing the "luck diary", but if I was doing it then, I could have counted that as a "lucky" miss...)

That's it.

DON'T write down the "bad" or "unlucky" things. ONLY write down the "good" or "lucky" things that happened to you...

Start doing it tonight. (Or do it now, starting with an entry for what happened yesterday.) It will only take a few minutes. And keep doing it daily.

I don't actually use a paper diary - I just use "Notepad" or "Wordpad" on my computer (that is, write it as a text file), since I'm on the computer so much. But do it however you like - on computer, or in an actual physical journal.

This will get you focused on the good things... And you'll start "expecting" them. Before too long, you may even find you're "making" these good things happen...

I could go into "why" I think it works... But it's better to just do it. Then you can see for yourself, and start "making" your own "luck"...

Good Luck! :)



SteveSki December 30, 2007 09:00 AM

Re: How To Make Your Own Luck!
Hi Dien,

Increasing your “Luck Factor” is what proponents of “the Secret” advise in that they also suggest one to keep a luck or gratitude journal because what one focuses on and looks for is attracted to them.

At: it reads...

“Prof Richard Wiseman decided to search for the elusive luck factor by investigating the actual beliefs and experiences of lucky and unlucky people. From the results, Prof Wiseman was able to identify four main factors which explained living a lucky and unlucky life. He was then able to show a group of people that considered themselves unlucky, how to think and behave like lucky people. The results were astounding with almost all participants reporting significant life changes: including increased levels of luck, self-esteem, physical well-being, confidence, and success.”

Isn’t this putting the secret or the law of attraction to work? You tend to attract what you focus on and act on. Most everyone would agree if you called it the luck factor but it’s a different story when marketed as a secret or the law of attraction.

Another quote of Professor Wiseman I like is "Opportunities do not haphazardly fall into the laps of lucky people. Instead, those people are unconsciously doing all sorts of things to increase their chances of attracting good fortune. They are looking at the big picture, opening their minds to the unexpected, breaking routines and connecting with others. It is hard work and the hours are long, but the rewards make it all worthwhile. And what if all that hard work doesn't appeal? Is there a shortcut? Of course there is--just send me $5 and your bank details."

I really enjoyed watching his YouTube videos were he levitates a cork using mind power. Unfortunately he also reveals the secret to producing amazing effects like that. Better for some to believe fairy tales than to burst their bubble.

However it seems that there really are things one can do to attract luck just like some of the people featured in the secret claim. Some do it unconsciously while others practice consciously attracting what they want. So you tend to get more of what you focus on.

This can explain why some people can read the Science of Getting Rich and Think and Grow Rich several times and still not get the secret. They are so focused on their own little worlds that they are unable to see things from a much wider and more relaxed perspective. So caught up in proving their way of seeing things is the only right way that they unconsciously cut themselves off from much good fortune and luck. They are simply blinded to things right in front of them.

The inspiration to “The Secret’ movie came from “The Science of Getting Rich”.

Here’s a short summary of that book for those who haven’t read it

“There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

A person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

In order to do this, a person must pass from the competitive to the creative mind. Otherwise he cannot be in harmony with formless intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.

A person may come into full harmony with the formless substance by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him. Gratitude unifies the minds of individuals with the intelligence of substance, so that a person’s thoughts are received by the formless.

A person can remain upon the creative plane only by uniting himself with the formless intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude.

A person must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he wishes to have, to do, or to become, and he must hold this mental image in his thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the supreme that all his desires are granted to him. The person who wishes to get rich must spend his leisure hours in contemplating his vision, and in earnest thanksgiving that the reality is being given to him.

Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation of the mental image, coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude. This is the process by which the impression is given to the formless and the creative forces set in motion.

The creative energy works through the established channels of natural growth, and of the industrial and social order. All that is included in his mental picture will surely be brought to the person who follows the instructions given above, and whose faith does not waver. What he wants will come to him through the ways of established trade and commerce.

In order to receive his own when it is ready to come to him, a person must be in action in a way that causes him to more than fill his present place. He must keep in mind the purpose to get rich through realization of his mental image. And he must do, every day, all that can be done that day, taking care to do each act in a successful manner.

He must give to every person a use value in excess of the cash value he receives, so that each transaction makes for more life, and he must hold the advancing thought so that the impression of increase will be communicated to all with whom he comes into contact.

The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly get rich, and the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.”

Steve Shulenski

Dien Rice December 30, 2007 03:16 PM

Re: How To Make Your Own Luck!

Originally Posted by Pete Egeler (Post 18155)
Great post, Dien!

It's my belief that 99% of anyone's luck is never saying never!

Someone asked me the other day if I'd like to "broker some domains" for him. I told him I didn't have a back ground in it, but I sure had plenty of time to do it.

Not only am I working on his stuff, I'm starting to get all kinds of requests from others.

It wasn't luck, it was just the idea that I was willing to try and not stooping to blowing smoke up somebody's pant leg. :)


Hi Pete,

Thanks for sharing your "success story"... I agree, persistence is dang important. It's hard to succeed if you give up... :)

Though as you go along, you have to "adjust" for what you learn along the way...

Thanks again Pete! Your domain names story is a great one... :)



Dien Rice December 30, 2007 03:28 PM

Re: How To Make Your Own Luck!

Originally Posted by Phil (Post 18156)
Thanks Dien,

Great info...

A few of Us Always need a little more info... :)

Luck and Knowledge goes hand in hand... And you can Never have Too much of one or the other...

Thanks Phil for those links!

Richard Wiseman's stuff is great... His "luck" research isn't the only stuff he's done - he's also done psychology-based research on funny jokes, social networks, and the psychology of magic...

His latest research - which he's doing now - is on the psychology of New Year's Resolutions...

Would you like to participate? If so, go here...


And Pete...

Luck is Definitely for those who Choose to Do stuff... And for those who Constantly Keep a close Eye on things...

In case you're Not aware But I Bet you are... Only a few of you See the Potential & Possibilities of this interesting business idea/Model... ;)
There are some great entrepreneurial "potentialities" using that service! Thanks for linking to it... :)



Dien Rice December 30, 2007 03:39 PM

Re: and How To SPOT Your Own Opportunities!!
Hi Duane,


Originally Posted by Duane Adolph (Post 18157)
...We don't CREATE opportunity, instead we SPOT opportunity.
But what if you were BLIND to them??


Thanks for this reference. I had never heard of Prof. Wiseman's work until I read it in your newsletter and then on this board.

Phil Thanks for the Time Saving Links. I didn't have to hunt this information down.

Dien this "Luck Spotting process" is similar to certain "Success List" process of Mr. Lichtman :->

You're right - there are similarities! Thanks for pointing that out! :)

(The only difference I think is that Mr. Lichtman also talks about writing down "failures" - so you can try to avoid them - whereas Richard Wiseman specifically said in the talk I attended to NOT write down "bad things"...)

By the way, Lichtman has some great stuff... I gotta get back to doing it, since it's very powerful! :)


I will use this process more diligently going forward.

Along with Luck Wiseman brings his work into a business context when he discusses Opportunities.

Did anyone else SPOT this article on Wiseman's site???

I just read Wiseman's Forbes article on "Why some people SPOT opportunities and others don't"

You can also give YOURSELF a quick 3:09 minute demonstration of the principles Wiseman discusses by watching this Video now

The Color Changing card trick

After watching the Above, you will see PROOF that you may not be spotting anything at all :->
Thanks for those links too! He has some great stuff on video... :)

(Not all of it is about "luck" - since some of it is about his other research - but all of it is entertaining!)

Dien Thanks again I really appreciate this post.

Let's Get Luckier and start Spotting More Opportunities in 2008

I'm looking forward to a "luckier" 2008 too!

(Things are already heading that way, so I'm looking forward for the trend to continue!)

HAPPY NEW YEAR Duane and everyone! :)


Dien Rice December 30, 2007 03:57 PM

Re: How To Make Your Own Luck!

Originally Posted by SteveSki (Post 18158)
Hi Dien,

Increasing your “Luck Factor” is what proponents of “the Secret” advise in that they also suggest one to keep a luck or gratitude journal because what one focuses on and looks for is attracted to them.

At: it reads...

“Prof Richard Wiseman decided to search for the elusive luck factor by investigating the actual beliefs and experiences of lucky and unlucky people. From the results, Prof Wiseman was able to identify four main factors which explained living a lucky and unlucky life. He was then able to show a group of people that considered themselves unlucky, how to think and behave like lucky people. The results were astounding with almost all participants reporting significant life changes: including increased levels of luck, self-esteem, physical well-being, confidence, and success.”

Isn’t this putting the secret or the law of attraction to work? You tend to attract what you focus on and act on. Most everyone would agree if you called it the luck factor but it’s a different story when marketed as a secret or the law of attraction.

Thanks Steve! That's a fascinating connection...

I think the reason why it works is completely due to "psychological" reasons... I think that's why Richard Wiseman distinguishes between what he calls "luck" and "chance"... For him, "chance" are "pure chance" things, like winning the lottery, while "luck" are other "opportunities" that come your way... Where you CAN "make your own luck"...

One example I can remember from his book "The Luck Factor" (which I've also read), was he set up an experiment. I'm writing from memory, so I might get a few details wrong, but the gist should be right!

Anyway, first he selected people who were "extremely lucky" or "extremely unlucky" (based on questionnaires they had completed)...

Then, he set up a store. He told each of these people (at separate times) to go to this store, and spend 15 minutes or so there. Then, they were to come out, and he'd ask them what happened.

The "unlucky" people shuffled in. There were other people in the store, they hung around, and talked to nobody. Then, they came out. Nothing happened to them.

The "lucky" people had a different story. First, Prof. Wiseman had stuck some money to the ground outside the door of the store. The "unlucky" people completely missed it, while the "lucky" people spotted it, and picked it up, and thought - "Wow! Free money! This is great!"

Inside, the "lucky" people found that they could chat with a highly successful businessman (or other highly successful people, who, you never know, could help you with your career/business/etc.). The "unlucky" people went in, and didn't talk to anybody - so they had no experiences. While the "lucky" people had great experiences - because they opened up and talked to people! And they made some "lucky" social connections...

The important thing was that both the lucky and unlucky people had the exact same conditions and opportunities. Yet, their experiences (and what they got out of the situation) were so different!

How does the "luck diary" fit into this? Well, if you think you're going to "fail" anyway, then you won't do things - so why bother? But if you think you're predisposed to "success" already, you're usually willing to take a few more risks. Doing the "luck diary" - after a few days, and even more after a few weeks - starts to change your usual "mindset". In my opinion, that's how it works. Your behavior will then "naturally" change to doing things that will increase your "luck" (i.e. you'll behave in a way where you're more likely to find and take advantage of opportunities)... :)

By the way, here are a couple earlier posts (from last year) that I wrote about "The Luck Factor"...

Thanks Steve!



MichaelRoss December 30, 2007 07:44 PM

Here we go again...

Thanks for jumping in.

Time to butt heads again, eh?

You do not Attract anything to you. All that happens is... you Notice something that was already there. While simultaneously Ignoring those things that you see but which you Consider of no Value at that moment in time.

For example: How many times have you thought of someone and a few minutes later they call you on the phone?

Now ask... how many times have you thought of that same person and they did NOT call?

You remember the matches but forget the mismatches. Then attribute Mysticism to the matches. I am going to requote what you quoted and show a slightly different wording to More Accurately describe what's going on...

"Opportunities do not haphazardly fall into the laps of lucky people. Instead, those people are unconsciously doing all sorts of things to increase their chances of attracting good fortune. They are looking at the big picture, opening their minds to the unexpected, breaking routines and connecting with others."

Now my Edited version...

Opportunities do not haphazardly fall into the laps of lucky people. Instead, those people are unconsciously doing all sorts of things to increase their chances of noticing opportunities. They are looking at the big picture, opening their minds to the unexpected, breaking routines and connecting with others. And filling their head with information on how others have done things. So their brain can then pick bits from here and there and put them together.

If I study how Bob sells Apples and Stan sells Oranges and Gertrude sells Stockings all from sidewalk stalls. There is a good chance that if I read about being a Distributor for tasty bananas, I'll Instantly Think of ways I could sell them on the sidewalk. That I chose to read such magazines while Ne'er-do-wells would rather read the sports pages and girly magazines is not about Attracting anything. It's about making Productive Use of my time.


The Secret and all it's mysticism has it backwards - so does Hill et al. It doesn't work...

Imagine it over and over to
increase your desire to
inspire you to action.

Wanting a thing causes you to imagine it and take action. Imaging doesn't bring it about. It's your Action fueled by your wanting. And you cannot manufacture the wanting out of thin air. Repeating Mantras ad infinitum just wastes time. Reading and re-reading goals does nothing. If you WANT first, the rest is a RESULT of that.

It's a fine lime, timewise, but it is an important one to grasp.

Otherwise, there would be plenty of men who would become women because that is what they hold in their minds all day long.

If I want - truly want - I don't need to write down goals. Although, I might write it down just like a dreamy teenage girl writes how she LUVS justin Timberlake, or John, Paul, George or Ringo from decades past. All those girls dreaming and wishing and repeating and even taking actions, results in Nothing. If Timberlake does happen to get with One such girl, that doesn't mean it Worked. Because, as I mentioned earlier, it ignores all the failures.

Michael Ross

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