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Hugh March 25, 2009 01:49 AM

Y2K Deja Vu All Over Again?
Yes, I think we're in for a world of financial hurt.

The country is bankrupt, the government and financial institutions are corrupt, the politicians are printing and/or borrowing money by the warehousefull and giving it to those who caused the problem in the first place, and, I think, absolutely guaranteeing a worsening financial scene. But . . .

Are we making it out to be worse than it's going to be? Is this the END? Is this the new Y2K?

Just think of the thrust of humankind throughout history. There's been some pretty gruesome things that have happened, don't you agree? World wars, famines, plagues, depressions, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and yes, even Y2K. Remember?

Did we get through it?

Did we survive?

Were we better off for having gotten ourselves through it?

Sure, SOME may riot in tumultuous times. SOME may turn to thievery. But Man is a socially inclined species. Socially inclined people don't hole themselves up in a cave with ammo and guns to protect their stash of food from the "inevitible" maurading hords. One thing socially inclined people do in the face of castrophy is pull together. They work with each other to overcome it because they know that we're all in we're in this together, whatever happens, mess or no mess. But ESPECIALLY when there's a mess.

I've personally seen it in earthquakes. Fires. Floods. People don't scatter to the boonies with their personal stash and "to hell with everyone else" when faced with a crisis. People pull together, they share, they figure out what to do, they face it and they do what they gotta do to handle it. Hey, look at history. THAT'S WHAT US HUMANS DO! It might include a rebellion or two in the interim, or, who knows what. But we'll get through it. Then, when the work is done and order is restored, the scaredy-cat loners can come out of their caves and enjoy the fruits of the labors of the true heros: The people who face up to the challenge, who isolate and eliminate the corrupt and treasonous culprits, who run the enemies of productive people out of town on a rail, who organize and inspire and bring about REAL change. Change where we all wind up better off than before.

Sorry (NOT!), that's my rant for today. Just had to say it. I don't care how bad it gets or may get. I ain't runnin' for the hills. I ain't going to look at my neighbor as the enemy. I'll cast my lot with my fellows.

How about you?

---- Hugh

MichaelRoss March 25, 2009 04:39 AM

Re: Y2K Deja Vu All Over Again?

Thanks, seriously.

It reminds me of Kurt Saxon. Though he is about being prepared and surviving, he abhors those who would hunker down and await the rebuilding before emerging from their bunker to partake of the fruits of all the do-ers.

There is a story - U.S. seeks expanded power to seize firms... Goal is to limit risk to broader economy. And while it certainly reads like the usual Power Grab, the noose tightening, etc., with the feel-good Reason The idea that ALL of the USA can be curtailed and pigeonholed and controlled is actually not feasible.

If people stopped listening to and watching the MSM, their live's would be a lot calmer and worry free. Because there'd be no hobgoblin to be afraid of at every turn. So first step is, don't buy the damn newspaper. Switch off the TV news and current affairs shows and entertainment gossip shows. Become a news hermit. And watch your Spirits lift. Because the MSM is cancer to your mind.

Michael Ross

Sandi Bowman March 25, 2009 06:51 AM

Re: Y2K Deja Vu All Over Again?
You're right about that thing, Michael: listening/reading a constant stream of negatives does affect the outlook on life of the participants. Where I disagree is to totally eliminate the news. That's a sure way to end up with tyranny with no one minding the store except the miscreants.

The real secret is to be selective. Find a source you trust, read things that APPLY TO YOU and ignore the rest. Occasionally switch sources just for a different perspective but be selective.

All this hysteria about this celebrity or that one is just needless stress about something that you can't do anything about, for example. I ignore it. Anyone wants to discuss it, they don't do it with me. I don't need the negativity, thanks. Help, if you can...if not, leave it to those who can.

Sandi Bowman

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