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GordonJ March 28, 2009 12:32 AM

This is NOT a political forum.
Here's the deal. We allowed a high level of political discussion during the election...but now, we'd like to get back to business.

I'd like to remind you that this is a business oriented forum. If you have information on something political other than your OPINION, that is going to have an effect on business, or any regulations or such...we can discuss that.

But, lets all try to get back to sharing our business experiences, look for trends and opportunites, help those who have business questions and for a few, let's step down from our political soap boxes, OK?

Gordon Alexander

MichaelRoss March 28, 2009 07:48 AM

Re: This is NOT a political forum.

It was my OPINION that the Dems would take both houses and shortly thereafter the real estate bubble would end. My OPINION based on my own research and conclusions. Happened, didn't it?

OPINIONS on politics, religion, the lock ness monster are our respective ways of talking. Be it Opinions about riots, food shortages, roaming gangs and whatnot. Be it the best way to help disabled people. Whether socialism or capitalism is the way we should head. It's ALL opinion.

It is my Opinion the Oz Govt is heading down the Chinese road as far as Internet Censorship goes. Because I am able to Extrapolate. Sharing my Opinion on the matter simultaneously Alerts people that is it going on - because the MSM is keeping mom about it. It is my Opinion that govt has said something to the MSM Asking them to keep mom.

The reporting of Opinions is a small piece of a trend. If a few people think it, then you can rest assured many more do as well. Maybe there is an angle which can be used here.

Posting. And posting on certain topics comes in bursts and spurts. It always has. There is no need for any heavy handed tactics on one topic or another. They lose their flavor of the month appeal all by themselves.

If you don't like someone's postings, don't read them. Simple.

If Obama is passing some kind of law, that is Politics. That is life. You cannot separate them because you don't like what you might Hear/Read. They go hand in hand. What the Politicians do effects us all. And we all have Opinions about it. If you don't like someone's opinion, put forth your own. Discuss. Debate. Whatever. A thread or two later the topic moves on. That's what a Discussion Board is all about, afterall.

As soon as you start pinpointing topics to not talk about, you really start down a diminishing road. Next it's religion. Then race. Then, maybe, country. Why not football teams. Red and blue color preference. There is so much stuff we can not talk about else it upsets someone's sensibilities.

We are all adults here. How about letting us decide if want to talk politics or not. If noone wants to talk politics, then the topic will change all by its ownsome.

Just go with the flow. You'll find it all adjusts itself in the end anyway. And you stay calmer too.

Michael Ross

Sandi Bowman March 28, 2009 09:18 AM

Re: This is NOT a political forum.
Gordon, just answer this one question, please. How do you separate those who pass laws (or try to) from those who must live with the laws (people and businesses)?

All of life is about drawing in the buck stops here, as in 'go this far, and no further', as in 'the freedom to swing your fist stops at the end of my nose' and so on. So, where are we supposed to assume this forum, or you, are drawing the line? Life isn't square boxes (even tho' we live in them)'s a continuum. Where upon that continuum do you wish us to stop and say 'no more discussion'?

The Warrior forum tried stopping here, stopping there and so on...and ended up ruining a vibrant, productive, community. It is now a shadow of it's former glory. A sad spectacle of 'thou shalt nots' run amuck. Sad. I'd hate to see Sowpub go down the same disgusting road. So the question remains, where do you stop on the continuum?

Sandi Bowman

gkeehner March 28, 2009 10:41 AM

Re: This is NOT a political forum.
I agree that this should not be a political forum, but I also agree that it is hard to separate politics and business. So, when talking politics, why not talk about how the current or future legislation can be used to a business advantage? Or ideas as to how a business can be formed to reap the benefits of new legislation?

kpalmquist March 29, 2009 12:48 AM

The conversation already going on in their heads...
I think it was David Ogilvy who said that a key to marketing was "entering the conversation already going on in their heads". If it doesn't get too carried away, these non-business topics can be a good reflection of what people are currently thinking. Very useful in designing direct sales letters and other marketing.

Again, IF it doesn't get out of hand.

- Kevin

Randy March 31, 2009 02:15 AM

Re: This is NOT a political forum.
If I am reading correctly ... Gordon I think that your main interest with what you published here is that somehow there is not the flow of business ideas that at one time ran rampant throught these pages.

If that was what you are saying I agree with that.

I understand that politics may have some bearing on business but not as much for true entrepreneurs who don't just get pushed in any direction without them having a say-so. No matter which way the wind blows, they can always set the sail to go where they want to go.

I have always enjoyed this forum but noticed recently there is not as much creative business ideas flowing and seemed like it had a flavor of a retirement home with folks sitting around talking politics etc.

I'm not saying anything negative here but rather just an observation.

Look back at previous post recently as well as times past. Whatever happened to the time when minds were flowing with ideas? I know we are all getting older and some are slowing down or changing directions in life but when I came across a a bunch of people talking politics in the past on some porch somewhere, at a kitchen table or in a den ... I'd walk on knowing that when all was said and done ... there would be more said than done.

Just merely my observations.

Is there anyone here that has seen any new ideas, business plans or opportunities to make a real difference in peoples lives and businesses? If so, let's share some of these things and build upon ideas that can make a difference in a positive way.

Randy March 31, 2009 02:23 AM

Re: The conversation already going on in their heads...
Kevin I like how you found the positive in all of this.

GordonJ March 31, 2009 10:51 AM

Thanks Randy, you said it.

Originally Posted by Randy (Post 24277)
If I am reading correctly ... Gordon I think that your main interest with what you published here is that somehow there is not the flow of business ideas that at one time ran rampant throught these pages.

If that was what you are saying I agree with that.


Yes Randy, Thanks. The forum has lost its vitality. As for new ideas, we'll have to rely on Phil and a hand full of occassional contributors for anything new.


Skip Rosell April 5, 2009 01:47 PM

Re: This is NOT a political forum.

Originally Posted by Randy (Post 24277)
If I am reading correctly ... Gordon I think that your main interest with what you published here is that somehow there is not the flow of business ideas that at one time ran rampant throught these pages.

If that was what you are saying I agree with that.

I understand that politics may have some bearing on business but not as much for true entrepreneurs who don't just get pushed in any direction without them having a say-so. No matter which way the wind blows, they can always set the sail to go where they want to go.

I have always enjoyed this forum but noticed recently there is not as much creative business ideas flowing and seemed like it had a flavor of a retirement home with folks sitting around talking politics etc.

I'm not saying anything negative here but rather just an observation.

Look back at previous post recently as well as times past. Whatever happened to the time when minds were flowing with ideas? I know we are all getting older and some are slowing down or changing directions in life but when I came across a a bunch of people talking politics in the past on some porch somewhere, at a kitchen table or in a den ... I'd walk on knowing that when all was said and done ... there would be more said than done.

Just merely my observations.

Is there anyone here that has seen any new ideas, business plans or opportunities to make a real difference in peoples lives and businesses? If so, let's share some of these things and build upon ideas that can make a difference in a positive way.

Hi Randy,

I agree with the following: "Gordon I think that your main interest with what you published here is that somehow there is not the flow of business ideas that at one time ran rampant throught these pages.

I have not been around that much lately but due to family issues I have had to down size my online business for the near future. I have a ton of ideas that may spark other ideas with the members.

As time permits I will post some of these ideas and if the members like them I may be able to do more of them. Here is the first one:

Business Bankruptcy Profits

According to one statistical source, during the 2006 fiscal year, almost twenty thousand businesses in the United States filed for bankruptcy. In 2007 that number was up to 28 thousand and as of April of 2008, more than two thousand more businesses had already filed for bankruptcy. More than six thousand Canadian businesses filed for bankruptcy in 2007. The U.K. businesses are not faring much better. They reported almost twelve thousand bankruptcies during the year 2007. While these bankruptcies may be bad news for the business owners, they are good news for you!

In 2009 these numbers are only going to increase.

When a company files for bankruptcy, one of the first things that takes place is a liquidation of assets. This means that many resalable goods are available for purchase in large lots and at bargain basement prices. By keeping an eye out for these liquidations, you can buy large amounts of perfectly good items and resell them.

You should keep your eyes open for any news of businesses closing their doors. Many times an article or classified advertisement will run in your local newspaper announcing a liquidation of assets. Just running a simple web search with the words, "bankruptcy liquidation" will bring you many announcements like these. Some businesses hold auctions to liquidate. Other businesses sell their products to liquidation houses that specialize in selling off items in large lots to a reseller at greatly reduced prices. You can locate many of these liquidation sources by running a web search with the words, "inventory liquidation." Ideally, you should locate failed businesses and inventory liquidators in your local area. The less you spend to transport or ship these items to your location, the higher your profits can be.

One of the easiest ways to sell off these items is through the auction site, like eBay. You can create an eBay seller account, open a Paypal account to process the payments and receive your money. Next, you need photos of each item and then you can easily list each item for sale on the auction site. Either do this through normal auction functions or you can open your own eBay store and stock lots and lots of your items for sale. This enables your potential customers to easily browse through your stock and find the item in the size, color, or with the exact features that they are shopping for.

In some cases, you will want to specialize in selling just one type of item. For instance, some people prefer to specialize in just clothing and shoes. They buy these in large lots and then sell each pair of shoes or piece of clothing individually. Other people prefer to sell just car parts or just jewelry or just electronics or just stationary products or just books. You get the idea. By specializing in the selling of just one kind of item, you will attract many returning customers who know that they can go to you repeatedly as their source for just that kind of item.

You will find that reselling the stock of businesses that are no longer around to sell their products for themselves is a very profitable endeavor. In many cases, you will be able to double and triple your purchase price!


Best of success,

Skip Rosell

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