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Sandi Bowman July 25, 2009 01:38 PM

What women/men want
Ref: TW's post from the charisma thread wherein he states it's okay to make a movie about what women want but you don't want to make a movie about what men want.

My question is: why not?

Why is it okay to exploit women in this way but not men? Please explain.

Sandi Bowman

Dien Rice July 25, 2009 04:36 PM

Re: What women/men want

Originally Posted by Sandi Bowman (Post 25022)
Ref: TW's post from the charisma thread wherein he states it's okay to make a movie about what women want but you don't want to make a movie about what men want.

My question is: why not?

Why is it okay to exploit women in this way but not men? Please explain.

Hi Sandi,

I think TW was making a joke, along the lines about men having a "one-track mind"...

He's actually saying women's minds are more sophisticated than men!

TW, whose side are you on, anyway? ;)

Best wishes,


-TW July 25, 2009 11:39 PM

Re: What women/men want
Hi Sandi...

This is a taboo topic. It's a venus/mars thing. Men + women are DIFFERENT. Both sides are legitimate -- but many aspects are hard to UNDERSTAND.

You may or may not realize this: Many (most? all?) men are shouldering a heavy inner burden. There is no way they can discuss how their mind *really* works with many (most? all?) women.

In the words of Jack Nicholson, women could 'not handle the truth.'

The truth is, it goes way beyond the dismissive, "boys will be boys."

It is biological, and cave-man-esque. It's funny to joke about -- but it's a real serious topic, because it messes with the relationship between men + women. THAT'S why it would be impossible to make a movie called "what men want."

Women would not watch the movie, because they would find it impossible to believe. THAT'S why men have to keep it all secret, and cultivate a civilized, outer "boy scout."

Here's a BRAVE guy who's trying to bring this all out into the open, in an objective + intelligent way (though I have not listened to the cds, etc.)...

I applaud him -- and I question his sanity. Just as I believe men are not capable of really understanding how women's minds operate, I don't think women can fully appreciate or comprehend how a man's mind works -- ABOUT THIS TOPIC.

Like I said, it's funny to joke around about this topic -- but really there's nothing funny about it.

What does it have to do with marketing? I guess it could be about understanding one's intended audience -- and how, maybe, sometimes that is completely IMPOSSIBLE!


-- TW

Sandi Bowman July 26, 2009 12:37 AM

Re: What women/men want
TW, I think you need to study some psychology. While it's true no one (male or female) really understands the mind and motivations of another...even if they're shared voluntarily because most folks have no idea of their own motivations. They hide the truth because they don't have the guts to face their own frailties as mere human beings. This is not a gender is the way it is.

As for the 'horrible truth' that's hogwash. What woman can't accept the fact that any man lusts after anything attractive when he's in the mood. What civilized men do about it is what divides them from the mere reactive uncivilized types. What's so horrid about admitting we are the animals that God or nature intended us to be? Reality doesn't frees us to use our minds and bodies to higher purposes.

Sandi Bowman

-TW July 26, 2009 02:16 AM

Re: What women/men want

Originally Posted by Sandi Bowman (Post 25026)
As for the 'horrible truth' that's hogwash. What woman can't accept the fact that any man lusts after anything attractive when he's in the mood. What civilized men do about it is what divides them from the mere reactive uncivilized types. What's so horrid about admitting we are the animals that God or nature intended us to be? Reality doesn't frees us to use our minds and bodies to higher purposes.

I'm glad you feel that way. You may not (or maybe you do) realize how deep the 'problem' is (I put the word problem in quotes advisedly). I think the 'problem' is much deeper than most women realize. That's why I say the 'movie' could not be made -- the 'depths' would be revealed. When you say, "What civilized men do about it is what divides them from the mere reactive uncivilized types," I'm not sure you realize what a real (sometimes minute-by-minute) struggle it is. I think you think you know -- but I don't think you really do. But of course there's no way for me to know that, for sure! (whew)

Maybe the movie really SHOULD be made -- that way we men will know for sure the truth is out, and we can see what women's reactions to it are.

That link I included about the cds on this topic show that the discussion is needed, overall. It's hard for men (in some cases) to express the whole dynamics, because it's VERY UNlike the dynamics of 'what women want,' and it's very "base." (embarrassing, confusing, powerful, semi-uncontrollable, etc.) The description of that info-product puts it very well -- better than I can.

-- TW

Sandi Bowman July 26, 2009 09:51 AM

Re: What women/men want
Well, this is neither the time nor the place for this fascinating discussion.

I know that both men and women need to stop buying into the hype that the exploiters put forth. Women aren't Madonnas any more than men are beasts. Take away the cultural B.S. and you'd find that men and women aren't that far apart.

A study of some primitive societies where sexuality is as natural as breathing shows that both men and women share many of the instincts (drives?) that men in this society have usurped for themselves. It is also true that women have their share of the blame by going along with the Madonna hype instead of admitting the truth.

Movies about 'what women want' are entertaining to women because they're so far removed from reality they can laugh at themselves...and the stupid men who promote those fantasies. Maybe men could benefit by the same kind of movies about themselves. The movies would definitely point up the absurdities in our culture if well done.

Sandi Bowman

-TW July 26, 2009 10:54 AM

Re: What women/men want
Not that far apart?

Ummm, let's look at the **** industry (aka the supply/demand marketplace) + who 99.99999% of the customers are (male).

Why is that? I think it is BEGUN to be explained by that guy's info product.

I agree the madonna complex is not accurate. But the 'men are beasts' theory, pretty much IS (true).

So, when you say, 'not that far apart,' I think my theory of women not catching on to the true situation, is accurate! You think you know the 'depths,' but you really don't. I contend that, if you DID know the 'depths,' you wouldn't say things like, "not that far apart."

Again, I use as a BAROMETER/INDICATOR the fact that the # of women who "use" **** is statistically ZERO compared to the % of men who do. Men ARE different from women in this regard (raw, impulsive sexual LUST -- aka: the inner PERV). Heck, even Jimmy Carter copped to it, remember? It's a 'problem' men have to deal with on an almost second-to-second basis.

No, women are not pure angels, that's true. But to say men + women are 'pretty much the same' is inaccurate, imo.

-- TW

Bozo July 26, 2009 01:47 PM

No difference at all

Originally Posted by -TW (Post 25029)
I contend that, if you DID know the 'depths,' you wouldn't say things like, "not that far apart."
-- TW

You can't know the depths from the shallow end of the pool. You're only looking at one aspect of the human critter, being sex.

Set aside all the minor differences between the genders, and actually go to the 'depths', you'll find that men and women both want exactly the same things.

They want to be accepted, and they want to be needed.

Charismatics need the adoring crowds to feel accepted and needed.

The crowds need to feel accepted and needed by their leader.

Both sides of that combination get tons of what they want.

It's the same on the individual level. That's why you will see a fat ugly guy with a great looking lady, or the other way around. People will whisper "What can he/she possibly see in him/her?". The answer is that each one of them is supplying the other's need to be needed and accepted.

Sandi Bowman July 26, 2009 03:21 PM

Re: What women/men want
I wasn't going to post this, just keep it in my idea file but, based on your last post, TW, I changed my mind it is:

Well, TW, this isn't the place for the type of posts that could be made about this topic so I'll just state a couple of facts and let it go at that.

I'm sick and tired of hearing that men are so super-sexed and all that and that women don't have problems in that area. Super wrong! Sometimes the 'draw' that a woman feels for a member of the male gender is VERY strong and almost irresistible as you phrased it. Men don't have a lock on attraction. This erroneous belief is a manifestation of men's Madonna Complex more than reality.

As for Dennis, well, he's walking the fence, even so. More of an apologist than anything else. Like his stand on pornography, for example. If men are so aroused naturally by women, why would they need ****? I'll tell you why: because of their impotence and need to dominate and feel superior to women. **** fulfills their baser instincts toward women (look at how much **** is abusive and demeaning to women) that they're secretly deathly afraid they might act out...and end up in hell or jail (is there a difference?). Serial killer Bundy admitted that he used **** prior to committing his offenses so he could stop seeing women as people and just see them as objects. **** kills the best instincts of people.

Men need to stop buying into the hype and come down to earth and realize that they, too, use their emotions, albeit in different ways sometimes than women. Women need to stop buying into the Madonna myth and admit that they're human beings, too. Men and women aren't really that far apart sexually or emotionally. The major differences are cultural, not actual. A study of some primitive cultures where sexuality is as natural as breathing shows this to be true.

Sandi Bowman
P.S. Bozo is right on, as far as it goes, IMHO.

Dien Rice July 26, 2009 04:22 PM

Re: What women/men want

Originally Posted by -TW (Post 25029)
Not that far apart?

Ummm, let's look at the **** industry (aka the supply/demand marketplace) + who 99.99999% of the customers are (male).

At the risk of being controversial, and "fanning the fire"...

I've heard the opinion that "bodice-ripper"-style romance novels are the "equivalent" of what you're talking about for women... Having never read one, and not being an expert in these things, I have no idea whether there is some truth to this, or whether it is way off the mark!

- Dien

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