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Ankesh October 7, 2009 03:45 AM

My new Twitter based website
Hello Sowpubbers,

I just launched a new twitter based application:

Its a ReTweet exchange program. It gets other people to pass around your twitter message - if you do the same for them.

If you evaluate the idea, it is a toll position on twitter :)

And while I don't get paid in monies by anyone... I get paid in free advertising for my sites on twitter.

Here is my sowpub special:
If you use twitter, login to
And then send your twitter id to me or post it here.
And I'll reward 10,000 points to your account.

nilangikusi October 8, 2009 11:03 AM

I think you are doing great,


Glenn October 12, 2009 08:02 PM

Miley Cyrus and Twitter
Dear Ankesh,

Thanks for the post.

I've been watching Twitter.

But I haven't yet TWIT a word.

I don't think I can express a complete thought in 140 letters on Twitter.

How do you manage?

Plus the Stress Factor of having to come up with something to say - minute by minute would get to me.

I just heard via the BBC that Miley Cyrus quit Twitter - and left her 2 million viewers behind.

Did some kind of YouTube Rap about it being too invasive, no privacy.

I think she might simply be getting TIRED.


Ankesh October 13, 2009 01:27 AM

Re: Miley Cyrus and Twitter
Thanks Glenn.

Many people (mistakenly) think that Twitter is where you post updates about "what you are doing."

Its not. Its a place where you post updates about "what you're doing that will help others."

You don't have to update it minute by minute. Just once a day is ok too. And if you have a Miley Cyrus moment - just don't use Twitter for a few days. But why delete the a/c is beyond me. Thats like cutting your celphone service because someone cold called you...

I know people who hate cellphones. I know people who hate facebook. I know people who've never written an offline letter in 10 years.

All of these are communication tools. Twitter is nothing but a communication tool.

But to see the real benefit of using Twitter - you need to follow at least 50-60 people. Not 50-60 celebrities. But friends. Or people you look up to. People whose blogs and articles you like to read.

Because Twitter is only 140 characters, you can follow a lot of people without going crazy with overwhelm. Its the best tool for super fast spreading of messages.

Once you have over 50-60 folks following you back - ask a question when you have a problem. And see how quickly you get a solution back. Twitter is better than forums at problem solving many a times because it is so quick.

Anyways - I can go on and on about Twitter, but you won't see the advantages of it unless you follow at least 50-60 people. And give it a spin.

My Twitter a/c for those who are interested:

micropub October 13, 2009 03:54 PM

Re: Miley Cyrus and Twitter

Originally Posted by Ankesh (Post 25404)
Thanks Glenn.

Many people (mistakenly) think that Twitter is where you post updates about "what you are doing."

Its not. Its a place where you post updates about "what you're doing that will help others."

My Twitter a/c for those who are interested:

Exactly. Or what others are doing that can be of help. But either way, helping others. That is the main thing. In twitter and in life. Great post. It took me a while to figure out what twitter is.Still not sure how my tweets are going to play out but I am close and will start tweeting soon. But right now I am reaping huge benefits from the tweets of people I follow.

Been some time since I have been here, too. Glad to see you are on twitter
Ankesh, I miss reading your posts here. Looking forward to your tweets.

Dien Rice October 13, 2009 05:48 PM

Not good to be a Twitter quitter...

Originally Posted by Ankesh (Post 25404)
Thanks Glenn.

Many people (mistakenly) think that Twitter is where you post updates about "what you are doing."

Its not. Its a place where you post updates about "what you're doing that will help others."

You don't have to update it minute by minute. Just once a day is ok too. And if you have a Miley Cyrus moment - just don't use Twitter for a few days. But why delete the a/c is beyond me. Thats like cutting your celphone service because someone cold called you...

I know people who hate cellphones. I know people who hate facebook. I know people who've never written an offline letter in 10 years.

All of these are communication tools. Twitter is nothing but a communication tool.

But to see the real benefit of using Twitter - you need to follow at least 50-60 people. Not 50-60 celebrities. But friends. Or people you look up to. People whose blogs and articles you like to read.

Because Twitter is only 140 characters, you can follow a lot of people without going crazy with overwhelm. Its the best tool for super fast spreading of messages.

Once you have over 50-60 folks following you back - ask a question when you have a problem. And see how quickly you get a solution back. Twitter is better than forums at problem solving many a times because it is so quick.

Anyways - I can go on and on about Twitter, but you won't see the advantages of it unless you follow at least 50-60 people. And give it a spin.

My Twitter a/c for those who are interested:

Thanks Ankesh...

What a great explanation of how to make the best use of Twitter! I have to admit, I have also been among the ranks of the "clueless" when it comes to Twittering and Tweeting!

However, from your post now I can see the benefit of it. It sounds like a great tool for socializing, and keeping "up-to-date" even up-to-the-minute where you want to...

I also had my "eyes opened" by the way Karol Gajda is using it... He only updates his blog once a week, but in-between, you can also see his much shorter Twitter updates. A "hybrid" approach like that seems pretty cool too, so people don't have to wait so long for an "update". And the 140-character-limit means Twitter updates simply can't take up too much of your time (which can be a blessing)!

Prior to that, the best I could come up with was using Twitter for trying to post humorous "one-liners"! Of course, the problem with that is - I can't come up with funny one-liners! And while they're easier to come up with, boring one-liners didn't seem as appealing... :)

I did start an "experimental" Twitter account, though there's not much there... However, now that I understand it better (thanks to your post), I may fit it in to some of my future activities. :)

Best wishes!


Glenn October 15, 2009 01:24 PM

Thank You Ankesh For the Twitter Education
Dear Ankesh,


You are the only one who has explained to me a clear Benefit to using Twitter.

I get invitations twice a day.

No Benefit explained.

It always seemed the equivalent of texting in rush hour traffic. (Not a good idea)


Adman October 15, 2009 07:39 PM

"$2,500 A WEEK....with Twitter!"
Ok....I've been following this "Twitter" thingee and looking for ways to "Monetize" it.

Came across a guy who is charging Restaurants, $100 a Week to handle their "Twittering".

He now has over 25 restaurants paying him $100/wk. Here's what he does;
He sends Twitter Messages to "Twitterers" of each restaurant, announcing that, "Get 20% off any Meal, next Tuesday, at Smith's Italian Restaurant by saying the CODE WORD..."Twit-Twit"!"

He gets "Twiter followers" for each restaurant and Twits a special discount to them....where the "Twitter Folowers" can get special discounts with the "Code Word".

If the List of Twitter Followers for a restaurant is 200....and he Twits them a special Code to get a Special Discount on a certain day...and the restaurant DOES get LOTS of Diners on that day...saying the "Secret Code....guess who gets the credit?....righto...the Twitter guy.

So...look into this! It's HOT!

Don Alm

Phil October 16, 2009 02:02 AM

Re: "$2,500 A WEEK....with Twitter!" Potential for endless revenues...
Simply by operating in Multiple Hyperlocal, Specific marketplaces with additional service & product packages...


You, Got it... :) As we know, there are Tons of businesses in all shapes and sizes using Twitter...

Of course Everyone in Today's business world lacks the Time and interest Leaving a wide open Marketplace for All kinds of innovative Twitter Biz concepts... Consultants etc. Specializing in particular Services and Niche Expertise...

Pretty easy these days to Contact potential clients and have a nice little Chat with them about happily Taking their Money in exchange for Services!

If you Dig deep into the search engines you'll Find some Great full time business models offering misc. Consultant Services to businesses... One of the Easiest ways to make Money online...

A few Quick examples including some Golden nuggets that can be Re-worked into all kinds of Money making directions...

A Must listen to Full of Endless opportunities if you get the Big picture of Blending the Hyperlocal, Specific market into the Online world...

Definitely listen to Jack Humphrey's excellent Interview with Zach Brooks Hyperlocal Blog “Midtown Lunch”... Awesome stuff... ;)


Adman October 16, 2009 10:21 AM

Re: My new Twitter based website
"Actually...many, many years a far off distance place....."

I think it was in the early 80' of my advertising clients asked me if I knew of a way to bring him more diners on "Tuesdays".

I told him to send a large postcard to all the "Dentists" in the phone book, telling them you are offering a Special Discount to "Dentists" on Tuesday. All they have to do is say the Code Word, "Pilot"....and their waitperson would knock $10 off their dinner bill.

Now, granted, dinner for 2 in this place was over $50. A few drinks and it was closer to $75.

But...ten bucks is ten bucks and the Card brought the dentists in.

The next week he sent cards to Doctors...then plumbers...etc. the 90's...with another restaurant.... I did a "FishBowl" drawing for a Free Dinner. Diners dropped their business cards into the Fishbowl for the drawing.

On most of these business cards was their email address. We then sent emails to these people offering a Special Discount if their say the Code Word.

So...twittering potential diners is an extension of these methods.

"Twittering" though, is much easier and more "modern".

Don Alm

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