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Samir August 31, 2011 11:10 AM

New Idea for making money!
Hi Everyone. Hope you're all doing well, especially the folks on the east coast who may still be recovering from Hurricane Irene.

I want to share an 'easily doable' idea that can potentially bring you an ongoing stream of income for years to come. It's not meant to replace your day job but it will help you earn more money than you would if you were to place $300,000 cash in an interest bearing bank account.

So the idea has to do with using RSS feeds to create a news portal. I know many of you will say Google News has already done that and Google Reader and many other RSS Readers are meant for this purpose. I agree with you, the technology is there but it's also true that millions of people still get their news by hopping from web site to web site, repeatedly checking each site to see if there is any new content. I am not just talking about headline news from sites like CNN, this applies equally to niche sites on all kinds of topics.

What if you could make it easier for people to scan through headlines of news that are of interest to them and earn some Ad money by doing so?

Here's an example of a news portal targeted towards the fashion minded crowd:

If the idea interests you, you can read more about it here:


Samir September 1, 2011 10:52 AM

Re: New Idea for making money!
Thanks Martin. I started my balloon distribution business again on 8/19. Then last Friday, I spent the entire day taping up windows of stores in my neighborhood in preparation for Irene. I made $480 doing that.

There are so many opportunities are everywhere. I've redesigned my website and will be posting the ones that I've tried and succeeded at.

One of my all time favorite quotes is: "Do not worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try"


Robert J. September 3, 2011 10:05 PM

Re: New Idea for making money!
Good stuff, Samir! Thanks ...

Phil September 4, 2011 07:30 AM

Re: New Idea for making money!
Hey Samir,

Welcome Home...

Good to see that you're Talking to us again... :)

[Awesome] news Healthwise that you're doing much better and Back into the Swing of Things! ...

Interesting Idea(s), Growing & Building... Never-ending Niches & Add-ons under the

Branding network with Specialized product(s) and misc. Consulting related Services etc...

A few Quick ''Twists'' on your [Published ideas]... That Can & Will make even more Greenies $$$'s...

Especially for Those Appling the methods by Taking Action...

Besides Google Adsense etc... Blend in and Pre-Sell... Specialized {Affiliate related products}...

And JV related Wheeling & Dealing based Overall on the Chosen/Specified RSS Niche News and Selected Topic(s)! ...

Also... Setup {Modulules} of related Passive [Ongoing] monthly Display Advertising to particular companies & businessses...

Especially by (Quietly & Privately) Communicating with Google Adwords related Advertisers within Reach of certain Niche RSS news appropriate Advertising Revenues...

Extra High (PPC) Pay Per Click [Niche] Treasures worth Digging Deep into Google's Right Handside Technology! ...

CPA (Focused) marketing... with Select well known Networks & Specialized offers into for some Additional Ongoing Revenues...

Also! ... Use the Exact Same ''Thinking'' as the [RSS] Mindset and business model... BUT instead of RSS...

Go the {Twistable} Video E-Commerce route... Again Specializing ''Especially'' in You Guessed it Niche Video's...

Quick Add-on regarding your Craigslist business model...

Few Entrepreneurial ''Opportunists'' and People... Except for maybe Gordon, Jim Straw and possibly a few other SowPubbers... Wheel N' Deal in Finder related business ideas & Models these days...

The Finding and Matching of Buyer's and Seller's... {Twistable} in All sorts of ways with Consumerism and with Endless businesses World-wide if you can Think-out-of the Box a little...

Quick Freebie... Just in case a few [Might] be interested in Earning a few HUNDRED $$$'s... All the way UP into the THOUSANDS of $$$$'s....

Think about EBAY and Craigslist for the Overall idea(s)...

If you End-up Using Ebay for some of your Buyer related Transactions... Make sure they're Going through your Ebay Affilliate Links...

People Looking to ''Buy'' and ''Sell'' the Exact same Boat, Kayak, Canoe, piece of particular Exercise equipment, Photo equipment, Electronics, Collectables and Never-ending other High-end stuff! ...

Focus ''Only'' on High-end Goods... Search for Sale and Specialized [niche] Wanted related stuff and Surprisingly you'll Find all Sort of Matches...

Get to Work! ... Contacting and Negotiating with Buyers and Sellers through Personalized email Communications without Giving away your [Expert] Knowledge regarding your Sources...

Set the rules and explain straight Up-Front that you're a Finding Consultant... Matching Buyers and Sellers...

Building up Relationships and Trust with respectful Communications is the Key...

Since you're Matching up Different people to Exchange Monies and Goods... Obviously it's important to Collect your Agreed-on [Fee] once the Deal is Completed from the Sellers... Collected through a PayPal payment for your Finding Consultant Services...

Do your very Best to Keep any Losses at a Minimum...

Unless you Decide to Use an Escrow related Service instead...

Grab this Share before ''Samir'' and a few Select SowPubbers Get [Wealthy] taking Action and Spinning Finding Hotsheets and Specialized related Products and ideas...
Finders fee business - SOWPub Small Business Forums

Hope some of the [Above] Gets a few Thinking... Nothing is Ever in Stone! ... Spinning ideas ... ;)

All the best...


Samir September 5, 2011 12:08 AM

Re: New Idea for making money!
Thanks Phil. Interesting twist about blending affiliate products, JV and Display ads for particular companies. I received a few emails from folks asking what's the best way to utilize the RSS based news portal page and I think you've answered that question very well here. Many people also asked which parsing tool I used to create the page. I used SimplePie and you can get it here:

Using this tool is not very intuitive so whoever is interested in pursuing this idea, if you would rather have me create the page for you for a small fee, let me know.

With the 2012 election beginning to pickup steam, you can create a portal or many portals with election related or specific candidate related news. We all know that candidates spare no expense when it comes to campaign ads.


Robert J. September 5, 2011 10:13 PM

Re: New Idea for making money!
Martin! You changed the site and I missed your promotion! Was gonna buy it for a friend in college. Well, if he's still interested in working it ... may still jump in. Thanks for all the great biz info ...

Paul Wilson August 29, 2012 05:50 PM

Re: New Idea for making money!
Hi Samir, would like to discuss adding this feature to my blog. I've got something similar already but it's ugly. Have tried emailing your easilydoable and balloon site but haven't heard from you.



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