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GordonJ December 29, 2012 01:31 PM

How to commit a slow tasty and delicious suicide.
My annual end of the year rant.

I see from the headlines:

The one food almost guaranteed to shorten your life is red meat. Call the butcher and order some prime rib and steak and go out of this world with belly full of flavorful and delicious burnt offerings. My 94 year old grandfather, with a few shots of bourbon and several Cuban cigars a day, may have made it to 100 if he had taken better care of his self.

Other news; gun shops are being stormed. Ammunition is exploding off the shelves in anticipation of new gun laws. Get your reloading machine out of the box and start making some moolah from the mobs of new gun owners.

Fact: dispute this only at the risk of revealing your total ignorance...

the USA will never, ever, NEVER get a balanced budget and out of debt unless and until Congress takes action on the so-called ENTITLEMENTS, including Social Security, Medicare and all Welfare programs.

Never. And to address this problem in any meaningful way is considered by most politicians to be political suicide...maybe we should send them some Omaha Steaks to quicken this event.

The USA was NOT founded on some higher ideal and humanitarian platform (for you Glenn Beck fans who can't think for yourself)... fact is, the USA was founded by a bunch of successful and often rich old White Guys, many of whom owned slaves and even raped them...some of our most revered founders.

The Boston Tea party was about TAXES. Rich white guys, the ones with the monies, didn't want to pay their taxes, and resented sending their monies to King George. Taxation without representation.

Get ready for the automatic 2% tax increase...want a solution? Make an extra 12% income in CASH...BE sure to Fly Low and Collect Your Dough however.

The Media will continue to tout what it is spoon fed, like Fiscal Cliffs and when the next tragedy occurs, they will once again offer 24/7 coverage of affected families until every tear has been analyzed and speculation occurs as to the why...

Big Pharm will continue to OWN congress. If there are 5 people in our Congress who are not bought and paid for, I couldn't name them. Can you?

DATA will remain KING and we will continue to be the targets of the invasive and pervasive advertising which constantly assaults our experiment as a 17 year old pregnant girl...proves to me at least, that the machine known as the Internet has but one track you down like a dog and hound you until you buy.

I remember selling computer parts on bbs way long ago, and the uproar over the commercialization of the World Wide Web. HA!

There is no fiscal cliff. It is a made up media concept which simply means, we have idiots, a-holes and impotent people whom we must accept the responsibility for putting them in their elected positions.

Wall Street is not real, unless you have your monies invested there. Why do you? Don't you have any coffee cans?

Some Fly Low types like Jason and Boz will continue to bring in CASH with their automotive related businesses...not going away any time soon.

Much talk about Dairy prices soaring, some hope they do...those that would eliminate the size of our soda pops, for our own good mind you...

would love to have the red meat, cheeses and all dairy products disappear so we can live a quality life according to their beliefs...see note about Grandpa Ed.

Scams will continue to proliferate, especially MLM, and all things out of Utah.

Infopreneuring will always find success in the right niche.

For the future...

NO major changes, most will remain unprepared for the natural disasters generated every year by our changing weather patterns...tornados, hurricanes, super storms, wild fires as well as man created disasters.

Few will make plans and actually execute them. Some will embrace the Fly Low and Collect the Dough policy and remain out of the din of noise and nonsense surrounding us.

The Mid East will continue in turmoil with the threat of regional war and possible unleashing of nuclear weapons...and speaking of Korea North...more madness and keep an eye on Japan/China conflict...which puts US in touchy situations.

If you got something you want to do, what are you waiting for?

The right time?

2013 will bring incredible opportunity for those who act...and Kudos to those, like Richard Dennis for example, who continue to attempt to educate us about the evils of Big Pharm and their bought and sold politicians, who, despite their rhetoric, are NOT looking out for us but for their own pocket books and constituents.

There will be some deaths among us, and if I happen to be one of them YOU all have my permission to use this event as an opportunity to tout and sell your products and services, no sense any one person should have a monopoly on it...sell baby sell, just be sure to mention my name somewhere in the post, OK?

ENERGY will be a HOT topic in the coming year. There will be at least 3 dooms-days headed our way.

Media will continue to shrink into giant corporations and we come to realize there really isn't any real News sources left, only opinion and pundit pontificating.

Technology will come to the rescue of many of our current problems but it is unable to do anything about our human frailty like our greed and self interest.

Hate will go unabated.

The USA is positioned for a few armed conflicts within our city borders (get your AK47s before it is too late).

We can still help our fellow beings not only with good intentions but with our ability to see through the fog of bull sheet which has enveloped our world.

No advice this year, do as you please, what you want...enjoy your days or NOT, it's pretty much up to you and it is always up to you as to how you respond to any of it, fair enough?

Personally, in 2013, I'm going to fly even lower and collect the dough and the memories.

Along those lines, there are some great Fly Low opportunities and if you so choose, you are welcome to share any which you may do or come across which could benefit the readers of this forum.

A fly low project is almost always cash or barter, does not involve licensing, registration or even your neighbor knowing about it...unless he/she is a customer, a CASH customer.

Have a great 2013 if you choose to.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. Grandpa Ed was a reader of the bible every day religiously. Regarding taxes (keep in mind he was born in the 1880s) he told my dad...

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars. However, he never showed him how to go to the lake and catch a fish with gold coins in it's mouth.

Dear Dad, a member of TWO unions who worked two full times jobs most of his adult life...had his taxes taken out at
Goodyear and his union dues too...

But at the barbershop, he paid his expenses, kept 10% of every haircut and all his tips in a cigar box...and had a more modern view of our tax situation...

Dad might say, Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars...and that which Caesar KNOWS about.

sandalwood December 30, 2012 12:08 AM

Re: How to commit a slow tasty and delicious suicide.
Well sir, good to hear from you. Hope all is well. Let me grab one sentence:

the USA will never, ever, NEVER get a balanced budget and out of debt unless and until Congress takes action on the so-called ENTITLEMENTS, including Social Security, Medicare and all Welfare programs.

and make a comment. The USA isn't in debt because of entitlement programs. On the contrary, with real money we could support a dozen more entitlement programs. The USA is in debt because of how we issue our so called money (fiat currency).

Congress tells the federal reserve to tell the printing office to print $XXX. The fed tells the printing office to print $XXX and collects Uncle Sam's bond for that amount of money plus, I think it is 2% interest, for eternity.

We have a DEBT based currency. That makes it impossible to get out of debt or balance a budget. We always owe the little **** bastids at the fed reserve something.

I could go on w/details about how that can't lawfully be but we've been doing it for so long it is almost stare decisis. If you have nothing better to do, than google Modern Money Mechanics (a publication of the Chicago Fed Reserve) and you will learn exactly how all of us in the world have been screwed. They lay it all out.

Here is another reason we will never be out of debt. A change to the Monetary Control Act of 1980 allows the fed reserve to use the debt of foreign nations as collateral for the printing of fed reserve notes.

If anyone tries to tell you a fiscal cliff exists, you are free to laugh in their face or at them or both.

We have been sitting on a fiscal cliff since 1913. This has gone on too effing long so I'll shut 'er down.

Like I said, great to hear from you. Wow, 94. I'll be 68 in Feb so that leaves me only 26 years to ketchup...

Tom :o

Glenn December 30, 2012 12:16 AM

Thank You For The "Heads Up" on the Anastazi Beans
Dear Gordon,

Thanks for putting me onto the Colorado co that sells the ancient Indian Anazasi beans.

They cook in 30 minutes or so instead of 2 hours.

So I add them to most of my meals.


Over the Holidays the ladies who take the orders have so many phone
calls - they go out in the street - in their small town.

Lasso volunteers to Answer the phone.

VERY Cheap too - Compared to pinto bean prices in local stores. So I got
a 20 pound bag of beans this latest order.

Dunno about You.

But USA beef makes me feel bad. The Monsanto effect w/Genetically
Modified Grains, milk and beef ALONE is rough on the Immune System.

(I used to raise steers - so got to watch what they put in the feed. YUCK.)

Beans are a great replacement.

Happy New YEar!
Glenn Osborn

Anonymous December 30, 2012 02:03 PM

Re: How to commit a slow tasty and delicious suicide.
This reminds me, is the "fly low and collect the dough" report available anymore?

I can't seem to find it...

GordonJ December 31, 2012 10:08 AM

Dien owns Fly Low, contact him for availability...on the same note...

Originally Posted by Anonymous (Post 32312)
This reminds me, is the "fly low and collect the dough" report available anymore?

I can't seem to find it...

Since I wrote the original and the updates, a lot has changed. One thing to note is how many politicians are jumping on the tax everything, like garage sales and craigslist sales, it is becoming somewhat harder to fly low.

With today's economy in mind, I'm working with Dien on doing a special Fly Low report for 2013...since he and I both have uncovered some hidden opportunities which most don't know of.

But, if you want the old report, contact Dien here at the forum.


Bozo December 31, 2012 05:43 PM

Re: Dien owns Fly Low, contact him for availability...on the same note...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 32320)
Since I wrote the original and the updates, a lot has changed. One thing to note is how many politicians are jumping on the tax everything, like garage sales and craigslist sales, it is becoming somewhat harder to fly low.

With today's economy in mind, I'm working with Dien on doing a special Fly Low report for 2013...since he and I both have uncovered some hidden opportunities which most don't know of.

But, if you want the old report, contact Dien here at the forum.


Put me on your list for the new report. The old one was was good stuff, most of it still relevant in my opinion, and worth every penny.


Anonymous December 31, 2012 06:23 PM

Re: How to commit a slow tasty and delicious suicide.
Thanks for the response. I will wait for the new one, do I stay tuned here or where can I sign up for notification of release? Thanks!

Anonymous January 1, 2013 06:32 PM

Re: How to commit a slow tasty and delicious suicide.
Just to add: there is some good "fly low" info in Kurt Saxon's "Survivor" series of books....anyone else into Kurt?

Bozo January 1, 2013 11:16 PM

Re: How to commit a slow tasty and delicious suicide.

Originally Posted by Anonymous (Post 32328)
Just to add: there is some good "fly low" info in Kurt Saxon's "Survivor" series of books....anyone else into Kurt?

I've read some of his stuff. In particular, he did a pamphlet about 'Tire Gardens', that describes how to turn an old tire into a planter. Great detail about how to then make tire gardens into a little business.

Lots of work, but if you have a strong back and are willing to use it...


jdbradshaw January 12, 2013 09:26 PM

Re: How to commit a slow tasty and delicious suicide.

Your name drifted through my mind this afternoon. I came lookin' for you here.

Looks like you are in Florida now. Hope you are doing well. Your rant tells me you are still sharp as a tack, and standing tall. It's been awhile since I last read any of your stuff. I'm still in the woods east of Shepherdsville, KY.
May God bless you this year in a big way. Keep your powder dry...JDB

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