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-   -   I got a lot of questions, over the next few days, I'll give my answers...but, if you (

GordonJ April 26, 2017 07:12 PM

Questions from a QOP, a question oriented person:
1.) Chattel or flipping in general. I was going to ask if you considered doing an updated course on chattel, but I just read your post about maybe not writing anymore reports. If you decide to, I think a new chattel course would be well received. No one else really writes about it.
2.) Importing and exporting. A lot of marketers and "gurus" are selling info about importing products(usually from China) and selling them at their online stores(e-commerce). Do you have any thoughts or recommendations on this topic? Or importing/exporting in general?
3.) Writing for profit, or even to make a living- travel writing, e-books, copy writing, self publishing, etc.
In the last ten years or so, I've noticed a lot of marketers selling courses, membership to sites, e-books, webinars about writing for profit. A lot of the promotion is about becoming a copywriter. I'm really not interested in becoming a freelance copywriter until I can write copy for my own products, and even then probably wouldn't have much interest. I believe Jim Straw addressed the issue of freelance copy writing by saying that before you charge others to write copy you should be able to write good copy for your own products. Plus, there's so many copywriters out there already-both wannabes & pros.
4.) Additional fly low type businesses or activities that you may not have mentioned very much on your forum.
5.) How to profit from liquidations, surplus, and closeouts.
6.) Investments- stocks, real estate, notes, ...
7.) Any other sites, forums, authors, courses that are similar to your fly low approach.
8.) Anyone like Jim Straw, Melvin Powers, Dean Duvall, etc that is still active that you recommend.
9.) Your favorite self improvement/motivational books/Cd's, sites, authors, etc.

unpinkpanther April 27, 2017 05:32 AM

Thanks for sharing

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38044)
have any input, feel free to share.

These from my email:

From a Question Oriented Person:

1.) Chattel or flipping in general. I was going to ask if you considered doing an updated course on chattel, but I just read your post about maybe not writing anymore reports. If you decide to, I think a new chattel course
would be well received. No one else really writes about it.

3.) Writing for profit, or even to make a living- travel writing, e-books, copy writing, self publishing, etc.

5.) How to profit from liquidations, surplus, and closeouts.

As said, I'll post up my responses, but if you have something to share, please do.


I'm assuming the QOP is planning to choose ONE from that list!

I recommend the QOP should first go through this GordonJ post to get a clear view of what positive end-result he needs.

That will help him reverse-engineer to what he needs to be doing today.

I highly recommend both The Chattel Report and HOTSHEETS to get a certain MINDSET about how the real business world works.

The mindset is more important than the methods; with the wrong mindset, someone can easily saw off his fingers even with the RIGHT tools.


GordonJ April 27, 2017 08:09 AM

I hardly ever assume.

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther (Post 38045)
I'm assuming the QOP is planning to choose ONE from that list!

I recommend the QOP should first go through this GordonJ post to get a clear view of what positive end-result he needs.

That will help him reverse-engineer to what he needs to be doing today.

I highly recommend both The Chattel Report and HOTSHEETS to get a certain MINDSET about how the real business world works.

The mindset is more important than the methods; with the wrong mindset, someone can easily saw off his fingers even with the RIGHT tools.


Yes, it could be interpreted as, "this guy is all over the place" or, he needs to focus. But, there could be other motives or reasons behind his questions.

Recently, you found the Chase Revel thread, and I pointed out he built Entrepreneur from his INSIDER REPORTS, where he "investigated" businesses and gave us the inside skinny (dope-simpler times) on how to profit from it.

Dien Rice wrote a really good book(s) from his investigative reports, the 57 book is one of the best examples of an indexed book you could find.

So, I'm not assuming anything. I'm going to try to answer his questions best I can. Until about 12 years ago, I was a Flitdabbler. I spent a lifetime flitting and dabbling, and I can either curse my ADHD or thank it, which I choose to do, for meeting so many interesting people and experiencing so many different types of work, business and lifestyles.

So thanks ADD/ADHD.

Harvey Brody was instrumental in pointing out "slop and mess", and it took me a long time to get his metaphors, and how to apply them, but once they had a chance to take root and grow, everything changed.

These questions all address parts of my past. Some were dabbles, some were a flit between dabbles. But all are ways and means to an end.

Every question asked has a corresponding success story, and probably several FAILS too.

It very well could be a young person who is uncertain of what they want to do, or an older guy trying to find his sweet spot, or a researcher or writer or hell, maybe even a documentary film maker. I don't know, or care what his motivations are...he bought my APV report, I told him to ask questions, he did...

And I'm going to give the best answers I can. If anyone has experience in any of these things, the group would benefit from your expertise.

So, before the first of May, he'll have my answers, then the Q. and A. will be few and far between, and as a reminder,

if you don't have the APV report, it goes off the market in 3 days.


unpinkpanther April 27, 2017 08:38 AM

I know THAT feeling...
...years of "Flitdabbling" brought me to THIS very site!

Which brings up a question: do we help people by showing them possible shortcuts to their stated goals?

Or should we just sit by and watch them flitdabble till they finally get tired of it and stumble on the answers themselves?

I try coaching and always find it interesting when people state a need for help and then REJECT anything that doesn't look like the "help" they WANT, even if you're offering what they really NEED.

C'est la vie...


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38047)
So, I'm not assuming anything. I'm going to try to answer his questions best I can. Until about 12 years ago, I was a Flitdabbler. I spent a lifetime flitting and dabbling, and I can either curse my ADHD or thank it, which I choose to do, for meeting so many interesting people and experiencing so many different types of work, business and lifestyles.

So thanks ADD/ADHD.


GordonJ April 27, 2017 08:41 AM

Chatteling or flipping. #1

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38044)
have any input, feel free to share.

1.) Chattel or flipping in general. I was going to ask if you considered doing an updated course on chattel, but I just read your post about maybe not writing anymore reports. If you decide to, I think a new chattel course
would be well received. No one else really writes about it.


I doubt it. Because my way, is too difficult for people to grasp. And it is the simplest of all flipping methods: Quickly get more than you Spent. End of course.

The WHAT doesn't matter. And this is where I've discovered is the biggest hang up of all, it is what prevents people from making any money.

I'm going to demonstrate my point through some links to articles about flipping and buying and selling, because, there is an abundance of information on how to buy and sell: 10 best things to buy and sell on craigslist. Selling TOYS A crossover, he talks about IMPORT HERE, and importing or exporting are, in my mind, just forms of chatteling. Dien has some recent experience EXPORTING overstocks/returns/surplus to an African country. So, maybe this will be part of my answer for that too. A young guy shares his chatteling experience. Some more HOW TO, HE says to specialize. I say, whatever. A good site, spend a few minutes looking it over, in addition to this article, some sound advice from work from home angle. More "advice"

See, you could spend all week finding articles, one guy says specialize, the other says that...and all well and good.

I say. FLIP QUICKLY for a profit, circulate your money.

I don't want a storage unit, a store, a basement, a garage, a shed full of junk, that is STORED VALUE.

I want to buy in the morning, sell by lunch, go fishing. So many of you want to get some fictitious value from stuff, you THINK; "it is worth more than that"...and hold onto it. Not me, I buy with the intent to sell the day I buy it, or as quickly as I can.

And of course, I have built up networks of buyers. The videos I made of these 10 years ago should have been all you needed, but today, you lament about not starting sooner. Oh well. Start now and next year you'll have buyers too.

What could I possibly add, at this point, to the plethora of buying and selling?

So, don't have much interest in writing or rewriting that work. At best, may be interested in investing in group buying. Maybe.


PS. I don't think I can improve on the psychology of it, or the Parade of Life, or even the 12 step grow as you go plan. Just not much to add. The doers are doing.

GordonJ April 27, 2017 09:15 AM

#2 Importing and exporting.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38044)

2.) Importing and exporting. A lot of marketers and "gurus" are selling info about importing products(usually from China) and selling them at their online stores(e-commerce). Do you have any thoughts or recommendations on this topic? Or importing/exporting in general?


As seen in answer #1:

For me: "slop and mess". However, I did make small fortunes importing Tiger Balm and Chinese Yo-Yo's. I had made a connection in Taiwan when I was there.

OF COURSE, big fortunes are made in this arena, but, again, for a simple minded guy who can't hold a thought for more than a second or two, this is an overwhelming business of red tape, paperwork, constant contact, and, well, just "slop and mess". Why import a 100 cans of Tiger Balm to make 500 bux, when I can flip a Hobart mixer in a day for the same amuont...sans headaches. ?????????

But you? Have at it. I suggest Dien Rice might be a good contact to start with, he has the connections, and may be willing to offer some consulting if you waved enough Benjamins under his nose.

MY best advice, do due diligence, and get a handle on what the business is all about before you dive in because some guy on the Internet claims he got rich and is going to show you how to do it too.

ALL links for education purposes only, I have no affiliation and offer NO endorsements of any of them.

OK, with all the above being said,

WE very soon may have opportunities for you in the Export/Import area. Both Dien and I are beta testers of an international business program, and when it clears beta, we may have a good deal for you. Stay tuned.

But, as far as ME actually doing this? Naw. Only if I can find a new product which needs marketing and I could secure an exclusive license on it, then, go ahead and contact me, I do have some marketers looking for products.


GordonJ April 27, 2017 09:26 AM

#3 Writing.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38044)

3) Writing for profit, or even to make a living- travel writing, e-books, copy writing, slf publishing, etc.
In the last ten years or so, I've noticed a lot of marketers selling courses, membership to sites, e-books, webinars about writing for profit.

A lot of the promotion is about becoming a copywriter. I'm really not interested in becoming a freelance copywriter until I can write copy for my own products, and even then probably wouldn't have much interest.

I believe Jim Straw addressed the issue of freelance copy writing by saying that before you charge others to write copy you should be able to write good copy for your own products. Plus, there's so many copywriters out there already-both wannabes & pros.

First, although I've done pretty well as a HACK writer, a lot of areas have become commodities. Copy writing being one of the most glutted of the areas.

Since I used plethora already, how about an OVERABUNDANCE of would be copy writers. Only good ones will make a living at it, or by estimate, less than 5 0f 100 who take a course from_____________ (anyone).

And with Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the scene, pursuing Copywriting may be an exercise in frustration.

Also, I'm not big on the whole FREELANCE gig thing. Always chasing after work, half of them end up in hot IRS soup because they didn't put back enough taxes, feast to famine...

I do like to write (or did) under contract. I'd say most of mine were renewable 90 day contracts, with specific goals and outcomes written into the agreement.

But writing is an EVERGREEN MARKET. If you can write, and want to, the write what pleases you and brings in the money you want.

My kid just inked a deal to have her new book published, but she worked very hard for a couple of years to get the right agent. Sure, we can always self publish our writing, but going through that experience of rejection, rejection, and more rejection to accptance, a contract and a book on the shelves via "old world" publishing is still considered an accomplishment. Of course, she can write.

It helps if you have a point of view, a voice, a style.

But to write for a profit is pretty much the bulk of my work the last couple of decades.

Here is what I've found out. I teach a simple process:

Then a four page White Paper.
A 10 page report.
Add graphics, resources, illustrations.

Rinse and repeat; Bundle and sell.

Certainly NOT rocket science. But you can't believe how many people I've talked with who want to profit from their writing and can't even create a simple one page HOTSHEET, and I never hear from them again.

Here is my best advice:

Writers Write.

If you do that and work with a Focus, foundation, and framework, you will profit from your writing.


GordonJ April 27, 2017 11:07 AM

#4 Fly Low and Collect the Dough.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38044)

4.) Additional fly low type businesses or activities that you may not have mentioned very much on your forum.

First, lets get on the same page. Flying under the radar has different connotations to people, for example:

Some might think in terms of an all cash, underground economy type thing. Like your babysitter, or like Rush Limbaugh's illegal housekeeper who got his opiods for him, those kind of things.

For others, they may infer illegal, or even illicit activity.

So, let me tell you how I came up with my version of fly low and collect the dough, OK?

There was a period of time when I was on TV, in magazines and local newspapers because of my OFFKEY SINGING TELEGRAM Biz. My wife and I went out to eat, and I was recognized. It was a creepy, uncomfortable feeling. As minor as my "celebrity" was, I wanted nothing to do with it. If I had any at all, I'd make Alec Baldwin look like an obedient Teen girl in a Donald Trump pageant.

So, I decided after that, I didn't want to be "recognized" by strangers. I prefer to fly low and collect the dough.

But, for full disclosure here, I was a Harry Browne and Howard Ruff student. And I knew who Colonel Cooper, Kurt Saxon, Bruce Clayton, et al. were. And there is a part of me that once embraced the survivalist thinking, or sorts. But, as a child, I thought, of course, of childish things.

Are we on the same page as far as what FLY LOW means to me? If so, here are links to other type of fly low activities:

For the would be Crime Boss

Under the table anyone?

If you must HIDE from the world:

And from the GJA weird archives.

For two years I was a simulated patient at a nearby medical school, presenting myself and symptoms to would be doctors to do their best HOUSE impression. Paid well. I don't know about plasma centers, other than they are popular with college kids.

Now these were some part time jobs, all paying above average:

A food sampler at grocery stores.
A courier.
A driving instructor.
Golf teacher.
Focus groups. The local mall had plenty of these little jobs, and I did every Suarez focus group I knew about.

The fly low concept is just about making money, not making a lot of noise about making a little money, you want that? Visit the Warrior Forum. Sirens of ez dough yelling at ya.


GordonJ April 27, 2017 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38044)

5.) How to profit from liquidations, surplus, and closeouts.

"Slop and Mess". Not for me, today. But I do belong to groups, if you are interested in this, this Facebook group is good, the leader and a few members know what they are doing:

I have 3 of these facilities within an our of me, one in Medina, only about 40 minutes away.

My smart azz answer is, profit by avoidance. But, yes, the Jim Straw way holds up. HAVE BUYERS FIRST. See? It is a form of chatteling.

And who buys? Start with sellers.

There was a time when Joe Karbo showed me the HOTSHEET he paid to get every week about all these things.

But, long before Big Lots, 99 Cent, Dollar Tree, Dollar Stores, Dollar General, and a million and one Internet Marketers getting into it.

I really can't add anything, my experience is I think, outdated. Although I still look through the Junk that SCI has to sell, only because I can get it dirt cheap and make a buck on the postage too.

It takes a lot of spreadsheet activity, a lot of phone and contact work, and with Amazon in the game...I can't see a reason why I would suggest someone look into this, unless they come from a background of it, or they have the contacts to move it in big lots.

I'm sure there are plenty of gurus to take your money and teach you the ez money tricks. Not me, and it is at this time, not for me.

Good luck if you get into it.


GordonJ April 27, 2017 11:34 AM

6.) Investments- stocks, real estate, notes, ...

I've never offered investment advice of any kind, no reason to start now.

Although, I like what Richard Buchholzer told me, don't invest in anything you can't control.

We have investment advisors in this group, if any of them want to pipe in, feel free.

I think the best investment is in personal developmet; first of self, and the of family, friends and others.

An investment in a good gun, ammo and CC license, gives you all the tools you need to take other people's investments at will (or become a Banker or Wall Street fund manager).

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