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Old January 20, 2007, 03:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Default What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

I know this may sound ridiculous coming from someone who's been on the internet for many years and tried many ideas, but what is the best idea to make money on the net ? And, what is the best book on this subject ?

I'm guessing use Google Adwords, build a squeeze page and send people there, give away a free ebook or ecourse and send them a follow up series every couple of days for a long time via and promote your main product or affiliate products which would be on another sales page of your own or on the merchant's site ... of course you could try and get traffic to your main site if you have one via regular search engine traffic over a long period of time ... and create articles and submit them to article directories and build reciprocal links via linkmetro or your own set up ... and maybe add Adsense to your main content site (seperate from your sales page sites) ...

I have tried that and other things with no real success, which means ...

1. It takes years to succeed
2. I'm picking the wrong niches
3. I'm picking the wrong affiliate programs
4. Just not enough free traffic
5. Can't figure out how to make Google Adwords work ... why do they keep raising there click prices on keywords you bid on .. my guess is that Adwords is like trying to solve Rubik's Cube ...
6. Not optimizing pages properly, or
7. I need a vacation (working for the Canadian Government during the day is not that easy, believe me).

For those that are seeing success, any tips for the rest of us ? What is the best book on starting or building an online business ... that that actually works with enough hard work of course ? It's tough when you have a day job and can't devote that much time, but that's no excuse either.

Thank you very much.

Have a nice weekend !
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