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Old April 9, 2007, 04:30 AM
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Ankesh Ankesh is offline
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Default Re: What would Branson do?

Thanks Duane for talking about the mindset.

We know what Aristotle Onassis would do with $100. Rent a suit and go where the rich hang out.

Thanks also for reminding about Dien's Game Show posts. They are some of the best posts of sowpub. I'd printed them out when I first read them.

I did have that thread in mind. In fact, if I just had $100 I would do what the winner of the Game Show did.

Organize a seminar. Barter with the speaker and give him proceeds of ticket sales. Promise to pay more for the place and food after the event. Joint venture with the speakers themselves to promote the event. And sell a few things at the end of the event.

This is a bit complex to pull off though.

Another quick idea I would chase is the pizza coupon idea discussed on sowpub some time back. Its I think one of the easiest ideas to pull off with very good returns - if you have almost no money.

Get the pizza places permission to print and sell their pizza coupons. Go door-to-door (or hire students) and sell the coupon sheets. $50 coupon sheets can sell for $10. Only cost is printing cost.


Chatteling is a good idea too. But I've never gotten deep into chatteling.

This is very interesting reading:

And so is Gordon's experiences in the chatteling forum.
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