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Old May 13, 2007, 02:59 PM
Sandi Bowman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Get by on 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night?

As I understood it, that polyphasic sleeping was only for very short term. The reason is that it takes (for most circumstances) a good couple hours of sleep before deep, or REM, sleep occurs. If one goes without REM sleep too long, it literally makes one crazy. This is partly the concept behind mind control and certain types of behavior modification. Without REM sleep, or adequate sleep, you're putty in the hands of the controller.

Most studies have concluded that to go much below a TOTAL of 6 hours sleep in 24 (including naps) is to risk one's health. I don't know about magnetic anything in this regards, however. Seems a bit of a stretch to me. Have to look into it.

BTW one doesn't have to take a regular nap to have one...the brain can (and does) just wink out for various short episodes if one is quite lacking in sleep. The theory is that this may account for at least some of the high accident toll during certain hours. If you've ever driven somewhere and arrived without recalling all the trip, you've probably experienced this phenomenon. Don't drive tired, folks!

Sandi Bowman
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