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Old September 2, 2007, 02:11 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default How To Outsource The Local Tasks You Need Done!

Do you have a task that needs to be done locally?
  • Maybe you need someone to enter data from your paper files to a computer.
  • Or maybe you need someone to do door-to-door sales for you.
  • Or maybe you need someone to go through your customer list and do a phone survey.
  • Or it could just be an everyday local task, like lawn mowing, washing windows, or tidying up your house!
I recently found out about a website to help "coordinate" all this, called "DoMyStuff" ...

You can get tasks outsourced, or make some extra cash by bidding to do tasks that people have posted... Here's how it works to get something done.

You post the task you want done on the website. You can then limit the bidders by zip code and other criteria (so you can limit bidding just to locals).

People bid on your task. You choose a winning bidder. Then, you pay the money to pay them into an escrow account (run by the website).

When they do your task and complete it, then the website pays them.

I can see this as being of value to people on either side... What do you think?

If you have an excess of time, you can make some extra money by bidding on tasks. And if you have local stuff you need to get done, then post a task on the site and find someone to do it!

(By the way, eBay allows you to auction "services" nowadays too. So if you have a "service" you want to auction, you can post it on eBay! DoMyStuff seems different because it's coming from the other side - people post tasks they want done, rather than service-providers posting their services.)

Most of the tasks are for within the USA at the moment, but it seems that you can use the site internationally too...

Anyway, I thought some might find this interesting or useful!


Last edited by Dien Rice : September 2, 2007 at 02:42 PM. Reason: corrected some info
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