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Old December 15, 2007, 10:31 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,493
Default ATTENTION 3 Stamp IS in the mail.

If you participated in the first test phase (you sent in stamps), then you should RECEIVE your package this week. Some of you already have.

IF you do not receive it by next FRIDAY, let me know, so I can make arrangements to insure you do get it.

NEXT week (scheduled anyhow) we go to PHASE TWO test.

Here is the chance for the rest of you to participate in a Major MARKETING test as done by a 100+ million dollar company.

We have set up a website, and when it is ready to go, I'll give you sowpubbers a day's head start before I start spreading the word around the net.

This PHASE 2 test will be for a short time period, probably til the end of the year.

Those of you that have ALREADY sent in stamps in the first test, do not need to sign up again.

For those wondering what the heck I'm talking about:

I am conducting a marketing test for a special project by a 100+ million dollar a year marketing company. We have to test certain systems and checkpoints before we do a major rollout of what I can only describe as

some of the most sensational money-making,
money keeping
and getting and staying happy

methods and strategies that I've ever seen (and I've been around)...

We've spent over 2 years working on this initial phase...there is NO information like this available anywhere in the is proprietary...

there is a combined 93 years of continuous success behind this special project.

It is not a fluke, you don't need any special powers, education, or secrets to understand and implement these strategies. There isn't an ounce of theory...

The special project is based upon the 93 combined years of success and evolvement. Basically, it is about Toll Postions and Remote Direct Marketing. We have well over a BILLION dollars in sales, have spent millions of dollars on promotions, advertising, direct response, full page ads, TV informercials and radio. It is an opportunity to find out what really works and more importantly, how to make it work for you too.

These are two of the simplest and easiest to understand money-making activities you'll ever come across.

I'll post here next week, one day before I post elsewhere, the link to the second phase of our Marketing Test.

Why should you participate? Well, we are a business/marketing forum, we'd hope you have some interest in what this forum is all about.

It is get a chance to actually get in on the ground floor of a TEST...most of what you see being marketed has already gone through this process.

By participating, you'll have an opportunity to see the whole thing unfold, and see how YOUR input and feedback effects the direction we go.

IF you have received the package with the reports, I can answer questions via email...but I ask that you wait to post them here because MOST readers won't know what we're talking about. Two weeks from now, everyone that wants to know...will have had the opportunity.

Thanks again for being the first "guinea pigs" so to speak.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. If you are outside of the USA, I'll have a "special condition" set up for you to participate too...the reports will be available for download...and we'll have a substitute for the USPS stamps...this way, everyone in the world who wants to, and who knows about it...can participate, fair enough (Phil)? {We'll gladly accept your funny Canadian money these days...HA!)

Last edited by GordonJ : December 15, 2007 at 04:02 PM.
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