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Old August 5, 2008, 01:14 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Is the answer... toll positions?

Originally Posted by -TW View Post
The goal is to get to the point where the entrepreneur himself is completely factored OUT of the equation -- the $$$$ flows in AUTOMATICALLY.

That's the biggest difference (as I (+ Mr. Gerber) see it) between a REAL entrepreneur and a self-employed person. The latter is constantly trying to FILL his 'dance card,' whilst the former is constantly trying to figure out ways to EMPTY his dance card!
Hi TW,

It's been an interesting discussion so far!

I just wanted to comment on something from my earlier post...

There, I quoted from an article...

Much the most entertaining [millionaire] was 18-year-old Dominic McVey. He was the essence of Kevin. He responded to conversational gambits with grunts. He flopped in a corner looking filleted. One long, bleached strand of hair suggested the stuffing was coming out of his head. His mouth hung open. He has been a multimillionaire since he was 15, when America gave him the European distribution rights to that scooter that used to get under your feet everywhere. His headmaster noticed he was playing truant again when he saw him on TV in Tokyo, exploring the possibility of importing Japanese lavatories. "I don't think Dominic feels he needs a safety net," said this much-tried man. "He believed in himself to a degree that most people find quite irritating." Dominic agreed. "You have to be so confident in yourself it can make you cringe. But if you're not, you ain't gonna do it."
Apart from his attitude, another interesting thing is how Dominic McVey made his money...

Those who have been following Gordon's posts on this subject (following the wisdom of Harvey Brody) will recognize that McVey created a toll position!

That may be part of the answer to your question, TW... A "toll position" can enable the money to "flow"... even if you don't "work" it.

In Dominic McVey's case, if I understand correctly, he acquired the exclusive rights to distribute a particular type of scooter in the UK. Anyone in the UK who wants to buy that scooter, has to pay the "toll" - that is, the only legal way for them to get it is to get it through him.

Anyway, just thought I'd point that out. Gordon's various posts (based on Harvey Brody's teachings) on "toll positions" could help...

Best wishes,


P.S. Get Harvey Brody's document on toll positions here (free) or here (PDF)

And more info on toll positions here.... and here
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