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Old November 29, 2008, 07:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default I *DARE* you to throw this refrigerator magnet away!...

I was at a friend's house and I happened to see this VERY clever promotional piece -- a refrigerator magnet... with a difference!

(I wish I had taken a picture of it for you guys to see)

It was for a heating oil company. Here's what made it different (+ IMPOSSIBLE to throw away)...

It had all the things you'd expect -- the name + phone number of the company, of course. But the main part of the magnet was A PHOTO OF THE HOUSE!

Yes, each magnet is custom made -- sort of.

It's a standard, generic magnet, pre-printed with all the co's info, etc. But the center of the magnet (approx 4/5 of the space) is taken up with the photo of the house, overlaid at the bottom with the company phone # (easy to do w/photoshop). That customized part (photo of house) was printed on a separate sheet of paper + GLUED onto the main magnet.

Sure, it takes a bit of work -- but the result is a promotional piece that CANNOT be thrown away! ------- Even if the house gets SOLD to someone else! --- I'm sure it would stay on the refrigerator, even then!

Anyhow, I thought it was pretty clever!


-- TW
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